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Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
all the nasty things you said you'd never do

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
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all this pain you said I'd never feel

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
Damn this show is perfect to watch with your friends while drinking
things they don't want you to know baseball caps make you bald
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>>11490066 (dubs)
Return of the Dubs
I need the G-dd-mn hat because life is so fr-cking cold

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
god wouldn't give you free will and then complain about it

any god that would do that is forfeit and you're free to be atheist at that point

Your fortune: Godly Luck
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I believe in God in the sense that someone had to set variables and put this simulation in motion. I don't fully trust God however. Too me, he's just a bored sadist who gets off to watching us suffer and tear each other apart. I do still pray though, for peace of mind, sanity, confidence, and just that everyone else's lives around me go well because it makes my life go well. IT (kinda) WORKS!!

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
If god was real he would think youre cool
If god exists, then he would create a loving universe, Omnibenevolence would be his dictum. The creature you're describing would be a demiurge or some sort of false prophet.

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
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Existence is just a lie to pass the time. I do wonder how the concepts of time and space are perceived in the higher dimension. Did "God" create the universe entirely from scratch? Or did "he" use tools provided by other God-like entities? Kinda like building a city in SimCity.

Your fortune: Bad Luck
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Return of the Patch

Your fortune: Good Luck
The Demiurge would be responsible for creating existence, but a demiurge is not the ipso facto God. Just like the God of the Old Testament is not the same as the one from the New Testament.

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
Causation is not correlation or something
"Failed to query OpenAI." Ahh sounding
do you believe in God in the sense that when you're not doing that well in life and something disastrous is happening, you pray to Him and He actually helps you
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Hah! Loser. Kys! And I say that with a smug look on my face! If only you could see this asshole face of mine right now! You would want to punch my shit eating teeth in as I said the words "kill your self"! You know why? Because FUCK YOU. LOLE.

Eheh~ hi again ^w^
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I have an alchemists' view of philosophy and metaphysics. Alchemy is a precursor to the modern age's understanding of science, psychology, and spirituality. I recently got back into chemistry and nuclear physics. The discovery of radioactive decay helped physicists understand the structure of an atom and various subatomic particles. I enjoy researching both the history and science of particle physics because it explains the fabric of reality. It is all basically just the flow of energy through various cycles and layers of interaction. Ultimately, I believe that by believing in God or the Demiurge and trying to maintain a positive and uncorrupt worldview influences the flow of energy on a quantum level. It is a very abstract concept that relates to the collective unconscious and I can't really put it into words.

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
he died for are sins
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good image dude! oh by the way what you're outlining there reminded me of this: RECOMBINATION DUDE! you mention the flow of energy through various cycles and that sort of prodded me towards this notion of every structure on micro- and macro- levels having identical appearance
otherwise yeah I've read all of your points and I agree with you, but one question I have to ask is this: why'd you tell someone else on this board I was obsessed with you but that you didn't enjoy interacting with me do let me know friend-brother would you kindly :)
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“Rutherford, this is transmutation!”

“For Mike’s sake, Soddy, don’t call it transmutation. They’ll have our heads off as alchemists.”

The way objects orbit each other and form structures on various scales of magnitude in similar ways is something that has always innately fascinated me.
[s4s] is a place that provides me with free therapy. I like your presence here crude. I feel like we have a sense of middle ground in our lives. Sometimes I just overanalyze things and make remarks like that. We're human and have dynamic personalities. Don't let the thought process and emotions of bpd girls corrupt your own mentality. lole :3
Picrel is something I like showing off.

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
why are you so.. heckin..... CUTE~
say it faster to anyone
we do have a sense of middle ground – that's something I had felt for a while before the conversation were having tonight donpatchunko~ if only you could grab some tropically flavored red bull so that I'd have peace of mind knowing you're drinking that goodness
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dynamic personalities, you say.. well, donpatch, I would be remiss if my frumpy, high-strung self failed to remind you that neuroplasticity is a proclivity you certainly display. what deserves to be praised as a marvelous occurrence is you remaining an endearing, chartreuse Hesperus in the crush of the mist.
say, have you seen jim jarmusch's the limits of control?

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
lovely, lovely thread

Your fortune: Average Luck
thoughts on that dutch girls disappearance in aruba?
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hey donpatch did you know that your brain produces dmt during the early stage of your sleep when you're half-asleep half-awale

Your fortune: Good Luck
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Your fortune: Godly Luck
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stupid fucking newfag came back. go back to /twitter/ faggot

Your fortune: Godly Luck
what's that now? SCREW you

Your fortune: Good Luck
shut up you virgin loser
you shut up nigger bitch. ask ur mom if im a virgin you fucking cattle. you are inept to life. disappiuntment to ur parents you pass your entire fucking day on s4s boasting how much of a faggot you are with your inane posts. stupid fucking keyboard nigger you can just tap tap tap on your cumstained machine but if u werenhere ud stay silent like a little lamb after i beat its shit out until its pancreas explodes faggot and id eaten your turboretard nervous system for break retard. keep typing nigger braintumor and die not even your mom cares
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thats what she used to say to his brother before raping his ass with her giant futacock retard thats why he became a sissiy faggot for hero's cock dont fuckingl ecture me stupid tunacan monkey
lol nigger sounds like your nigger mother just got raped shut up nigger bitch. so I'm raping your nigger mother you fucking cattle. you are inept to life. disappiuntment to ur parents you pass your entire fucking day on niggers cocks boasting how much of a faggot you are with your inane posts. stupid fucking keyboard nigger you can just tap tap tap on your cumstained machine but if u werenhere ud stay silent like a little lamb after i beat its shit out until its pancreas explodes faggot and id eaten your turboretard nervous system for break retard. keep typing nigger braintumor and die not even your mom cares lol
that's what your nigger sister used to say after I had teared her anus up with blood coming out everywhere? yeah that's exactly the case nigger LOL just raped your nigger mother
loving your matrix. loving the fact you got blue red bull and tasted that yummy goodness. living to love you >.>
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yeah well good thread
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lol nigger sounds like your nigger mother just got raped shut up nigger bitch. so I'm raping your nigger mother you fucking cattle. you are inept to life. disappiuntment to ur parents you pass your entire fucking day on niggers cocks boasting how much of a faggot you are with your inane posts. stupid fucking keyboard nigger you can just tap tap tap on your cumstained machine but if u werenhere ud stay silent like a little lamb after i beat its shit out until its pancreas explodes faggot and id eaten your turboretard nervous system for break retard. keep typing nigger braintumor and die not even your mom cares lol
thats it your so unimaginative u can just add nigger to my creative genious you mongoloid spastic fart and i may be a nigger but u cant even track down your ancestry if not to my gigantic cock you literal headsmashed puppy ill make a chink fetish video of your omega male body getting stepped on by asian chicks retard and ill make ur mom come to it at your funeral lmao get fucked bitch retard ass monkey rape victim snowflake sissy bitch fucker idiot nigger shut up

Your fortune: Good Luck
lol nigger sounds like your nigger mother just got raped shut up nigger bitch. so I'm raping your nigger mother you fucking cattle. you are inept to life. disappiuntment to ur parents you pass your entire fucking day on niggers cocks boasting how much of a faggot you are with your inane posts. stupid fucking keyboard nigger you can just tap tap tap on your cumstained machine but if u werenhere ud stay silent like a little lamb after i beat its shit out until its pancreas explodes faggot and id eaten your turboretard nervous system for break retard. keep typing nigger braintumor and die not even your mom cares lol
thats it your so unimaginative u can just add nigger to my creative genious you mongoloid spastic fart and i may be a nigger but u cant even track down your ancestry if not to my gigantic cock you literal headsmashed puppy ill make a chink fetish video of your omega male body getting stepped on by asian chicks retard and ill make ur mom come to it at your funeral lmao get fucked bitch retard ass monkey rape victim snowflake sissy bitch fucker idiot nigger shut up I'm raping your nigger mother and shitting in her mouth LOL

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
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lol nigger sounds like your nigger mother just got raped shut up nigger bitch you are worthless, WORTHLESS nigger dumb nigger. so I'm raping your nigger mother DAILY you fucking cattle cretin whore. you are inept to life IMBECILE. disappiuntment to ur parents you pass your entire fucking day on niggers cocks boasting how much of a faggot you are with your inane posts. stupid fucking keyboard nigger you can just tap tap tap on your cumstained machine but if u were here ud stay silent like a little lamb after i beat its shit out until its pancreas explodes faggot and id eaten your turboretard nervous system for break retarded ape faggot nigger. keep typing nigger braintumor and die not even your mom cares lol LOL LOL XDXCDXDXDXDXDXDXDDSX DUMB FAGGOT NIGGER YOU EAT FECES ON A DIALY BASIS NIGGER NONE CARES DUMB FAGOO XDDXXDDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDX
thats it your so unimaginative u can just add nigger AND faggot to my creative genious NIGGER. you mongoloid spastic faggot!!! and i may be a genius but u cant even track down your ancestry if not to my gigantic cock you literal headsmashed puppy WHORE ill make a chink fetish video of your omega male body getting stepped on by asian chicks retard and ill make ur mom CUM and eat MY SHIT while she's cumming to it at your funeral lmao LMAO XDXXDXDXDXDXDXDX DUMB APE FAGGOT get fucked bitch retard ass monkey rape victim snowflake sissy bitch fucker idiot nigger shut up SHUIT UP AND STOP POSTING U FUCKING PEDOPHILE U FUCKING NIGGER KILL YOURSE kys faggot kys kys kys kys kys ur mother never loved u kys kys kys kys reddit faggot nigger lol fucking nigger pathetic imbecile i raped your stupid mother and she loved it, SHE. FUCKING. LOVED. IT. noe you can go cry and cope by brainrotting your sinlge neuron brain on tiktok retard special needs kid and get emotionally abused by your assigned special needs tutor subhuman until MY FACE appers in ur faggot safespace feed and reminds that you are WORTHLESS, simply put - worthless.

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
/pol/ thread
uhm Ukraine ? right ! is she pretty?

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
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get this fucking (You) to ruin your 4chanx red eye attention span moneky brain lmao

Your fortune: Godly Luck
you are so fucking delusional so fucking retarded you stupid nigger, you fucking delusional monogloidal faggot u fucking eat your own feces everyday LOL stupid fucking pathetic worthless faggot nigger omg holy fuck you are triggered, you are literally triggered u dumb nigger, u dumb fucking nigger LMAO u are so triggered your mather is laughing behind your back lmfao stupid fucking faggot nigger lol nigger sounds like your nigger mother just got raped shut up nigger bitch you are worthless, WORTHLESS nigger dumb nigger. LOL!!! fucking pathetic subhuman trash not deserved to get a (You) faggot you are fucking worthless LMAOOOO worthless nigger die out bitch
good thread donpatch I'm loving it
oh they can tell it all they want but you cannot agree
I don't like the taste of their morality
you'll find your bread and your butter where you fake it
and put your head in the gutter of a snake pit
a creature made of sunshine
merry Saturday to ya mate
nice dubs
into the light
tks 4 ya too
today is Sunday ...

Your fortune: Good Luck
oh yeah?
good thread donpatch
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what made mari-poster take his shit bile without cream or sugar for a week and want to tell everybody in this thread?

Your fortune: Godly Luck
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I like how crude bumps my threads for me when I'm too shy to keep them alive.
One thing I remember telling my mother and upsetting her when I was high school age is this, "I don't have real feelings for anybody. I only see their usefulness for my goals." True, but the fear of using and leaving bad impressions or being used myself keeps me from being close to anyone. Over time emotions and feelings developed. Being sheltered but also having young parents made me all too aware how the emotions of teen spirit could put you in a pit years down the road.

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
oh yeah? you're telling me you don't really care about any human being whatsoever?

Your fortune: Average Luck
In high school, people are young and impressionable, and willing to follow anything that strikes a chord in tune with their feelings. Kids don't know how to control those feelings and start rumors, get into fights, and break hearts. I had an innate awareness of the forces that influenced the drama and wanted no part in it. Over time, the solitude and loneliness got to me and I began to appreciate and try to care more about the people around me.

Your fortune: Godly Luck
uh yeah there's no need to sage your own thread >:)
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you really are clever and intelligent to avert the natural dramatic stage of maturing like that.. have you seen kill la kill????

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
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just welcoming a friend back
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Your fortune: Excellent Luck
adhd is killing me I'm sorry for acting like this
adhd is killing me help please
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>>11504733 (dubs)
You gotted a double!!

Trauma, addiction, mental illness...
There is no simple "cure" or "just getting better".
It takes understanding what behaviors and influences have led you to this point and are making you feel and act the way you do.
With that knowledge, it is important to ACT. Monitor your behaviors, and try to remove negative influences.
Some find the way and "move on". For others, it is a constant lifelong struggle filled with plenty of hard-knocks and "reminders" to PLEASE CHANGE.

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
ooooooo sir mister donpatch I'm going to compose an elaborate response to your post soon. also please don't disappear from this board for months like you've been doing for several years now :D
of course there's no immediate cure but there is TORMENT DEAR GOD IS THIS PAINFUL
say, have you ever been with a borderline personality disorder chick

Your fortune: Bad Luck
Bobobo seems like it should be the official anime of s4s
donpatch were going to pull through don't you worry
yeah well
what if you're sluggish to act? I don't mean to constantly yap about myself, but in case you're interested – personally I think I'm cognitively retarded because I used to be able to read books and actually consciously analyze them and gain knowledge from them as a kid, but these days my mind always wanders off and I can't concentrate on anything whatsoever. perhaps you have been through something identical in your life ^w^
I can have a dark side too
I can have a dark side if you want me to
I can develop my brooding potential
What some call AD[H]D, I call simply not giving a fug!

Your fortune: Average Luck
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yeah lol there's truth to that. so I'm guessing this girlfriend of yours also had borderline personality disorder judging by the description
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Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
he exgeavacet
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Yeah, although she has been seeing a therapist and psychiatrist since high school, it was only recently that she got the bpd diagnosis. I saw it in her personality for a few years beforehand.

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
wow haha you Sleuth !!!! you're getting close !!
one day you might have your own BI POLAR Girlfriend to have sex with !! :)
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jenny i want you to listen closely to what im abo- about to tell you c: youre wearing those tight shorts today again and the only thing I can ask you is.. are you pulling my leg here or something? what point are you trying to make with that attitude of yours? I'll have you know I'm a: a) perceptive b) clever c) polite person. women enjoy visiting with polite men because they always say "please" and "sorry I dared talk to you"
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wow. I bet whenever you talked, you couldn't help feeling all tense and pent up and constantly sensing an insidious wave of anguish overwhelming you, but couldn't pin down exactly what it was!! though then again with you being a mature and prudent individual, you wouldn't experience that because you knew what was going on. well yeah, you were able to determine she had the thing even before it was revealed

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
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good morning donpatchinko
come to daddy this psychiatrist think they got magical punch on the belly ,they like torture not natura

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
you're amusing
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did you know that youre brain produces dmt as you're about to fall asleep
Spikedog has an erection O.O
Every guy friend she would call sus. But she was the queen of sus.
Good whatevertimeofdayitis crude.

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
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>>11512599 (dubs)
dub cheque
I remember smelling something dmt-like in the hallways of a retirement home, way back, when I delivered pizza.

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
she had male friends????? in MY opinion! women! and men! can never be friends! we were made for love and romance!
guess is time to finally see what this thread is about
a brown velvet house
good day to you donpatchinko promise you won't just disappear for months please
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Drunk. Monday and Tuesday off of work. Gimmie some ideas sluts for slaves.
I'm a rolling stone baby.
Wherever I lay my head I call my home.
The most illogical of interactions.

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
an idea by a sluts for sale representative for donpatch: beat vampire the masquerade bloodlines while cosplaying as the guy from filth
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I looked those things up on Wikipedia, and I like the idea. It sounds too deep to just get into like that though.

Your fortune: Average Luck
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that's a salient point -- sometimes a certain media form is too vast to just get into it, so I guess I'll ask you instead, what do YOU have in mind??? what would you like to get up to (apart from posting cool images attached to your cool posts that I always save)

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
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If you were a chemical element on the periodic table, which one would you be? I'd probably be argon.

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
>>11518055 (dubds)
I'm poore GOLD bby 79

Your fortune: Godly Luck
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I say Argon because it is chemically stable, unreactive, fairly common in the atmosphere, and has a relatively low mass.

However, there are certain people that turn me into a Plutonium core waiting to be:
1. Deactivated
2. Detonated
3. Mishandled

Your fortune: Outlook good
lol adult humor is so FUNNEEEEE LOL

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
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It can be.

Your fortune: Average Luck
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teach me about the clever ways ob ADULT HUMOR

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
Idk. Was hoping that you would teach me.

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
huh? pills? where are your pills? WELL WHAT CAN I DO
(digits........ argon can cause posioning

Your fortune: Average Luck
From what I understand, you have to be sexual...

Your fortune: Average Luck
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After all of these heartaches and breakdowns, I definitely need to elevate my DADDY game Suburban Detroit is kinda slow and lame. Do you think I could survive in NYC seuss?

Your fortune: Bad Luck
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It's a pretty safe place. NYC was dangerous in the 80's but now, it's got some of the best police in the country.

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
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It's not the cops or the mobs that I'm afraid of. It is the individual self I fear. Risking meeting someone, getting close, then going all or nothing. It is a lifestyle that I have denied myself of all these years. I had this hopeless fixation on monogamous love and romanticism that broads these days can't get because of all of the gossip going on in the hen house.

Your fortune: Average Luck
This is too good of a poster to be true, something is fishy......

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
oh shit im choosing tantalum because ive never heard of it before
shut up girl i know youre 14
here is our bi polar girl she is neet shutin and underage which i guess unfortunately is as good as youre going to get

>fucking cattle.
>you fucking cattle
lost his virginity at 21 dubs
i dont remember replying to that post but its saturday
please don't swear the numbers
they never did anwser until they couldn't come out submission ...bacon?

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
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is a

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
don't break the cycle dude
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the cycle is breaking me

Your fortune: Godly Luck
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I'm bored.
Ask me a question.

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
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There are times when all the world's asleep
The questions run too deep
For such a simple man
Won't you please, please tell me what we've learned?
I know it sounds absurd
Please tell me who I am!

Your fortune: Godly Luck
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
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Every once and a while.

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
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manga for the sophisticated reader
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Catfish and I were at each other's necks when I first started posting regularly here.

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
do you like hugging and holding hands and kissing
crude humor if you just need a friend you are so lonely i can make an email to email you and we can share burner social media accounts and become buddies
what is the difference between a duck
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Yes. L... That girl was my hugbox.
It's not a goose you silly goose

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
love you love our posts one of m favorite posters perhaps am i one of our favvorite posters? :333333333
'Till I find the righteous one
Computer Blue

Your fortune: Godly Luck
mine is not a burner account. im popular and people like me, otherwise I wouldn't be able to flip to the [s4s] interface :)
I'm so sorry dude.. you could tell her that cognitive behavioral therapy at least partially helps
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It doesn't though. It's just a place to vent and try experimental meds. When my mind started really slipping for a moment, she was all like "Maybe you need therapy too, Mike." I just thought "Bitch please. After all it has done for you."

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
no yeah they can even if the girl is not ugly
cbt lol its a lie to employ women who have zero skills
well i am not going to ask you for your real social media because that is imposing and strange coming from an anonymous poster on a forum
so.. do you want to hang out with me and beat underage nerds up with bike chains
I can understand the digits but what you're saying is in foreign language to me :c
okay yeah all those politically correct, mellowed-down textbooks they publish sure as hell don't tell us the truth and only create an echo-chamber for horrible bpd demons to shift the blame onto others
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I was talking with a mutual friend of ours recently, and she said that she should be institutionalized.
The psychiatric community provides people with the knowledge and understanding of their mental ailments. It is up to the patient to use that insight to move on and better themselves. Can you imagine being a psychiatrist that actually cares, all the while knowing half your patients are either going to kts or just continue plummeting further down and fade away?

Your fortune: Average Luck
oyu are tthe underage nerd with the bike chain honey
i said it is possible, even the girl is not ugly.
lol it obviously does something
the're part of the big phamrma cartel and the NWO agenda
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nah men and women can't be friends were made to love each other and male-female friendship is not a thing
stunning digits once ag- again!!!! 0.0 and you're sweet cheeks they do provide you with the knowledge! alas the same couldn't be said about the peace of mind.
"can you imagine being a psychiatrist that actually cares, all the while knowing half your patients are either going to kts"
therapists themselves often explicitly state that therapy may bring insight, but not tranquility, calm and peace. if they're qualified and clever enough to be active in this racket, they're probably smart enough to be aware that helping people through sheer conversation – although I was going to mention the fact they combine therapeutic discussions with medication and that was going to be my main point and focus and how useful and effective that turns out to be in combination – isn't that likely because it is exactly as you say – people need to help themselves and they need to overcome the hardship in their lives through realizing everything there is to realise on their own. also you saying your mutual acquaintance says your ex needs to be institutionalized made me burst out laughing CUZ WHAT ELSE WAS SHE SUFFERING FROM TO END UP IN SUCH A STATE? I CAN TELL YOU PEOPLE WITH JUST BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER ARENT THAT MESSED UP WITH JUST THAT

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
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Contemplating an upcoming psychedelic experience. Metanoia is in the air.

Your fortune: Outlook good
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Let's make "IT" happen.

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
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Do you love your mother?

Your fortune: Average Luck
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Do you feel like your values and motives in life are constantly being challenged by the world's evil ways?

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
That one time I was acting up at the mall and my mom actually slapped my face.

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
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Has the mob ever turned you against your best friends?

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
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When you lurk, do you feel the threads?

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
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Little boy blue's a big girl now

Your fortune: Outlook good
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donpatch if there is one thing I could say it is I love you but also I'm going to come up with an elaborate yet boring and daunting to read post for every post of yours

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
metanoia is a pretty strong word. what drastic change in your mindset and your way of thinking do you personally qualify as worth calling that?

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
eahh it is a thing i'll prove it chekc ur email
ou're a dog in a virtual realit helmet its an experiment oyu and i and everbody else is going to be killed when its over
look if theres seomething ive learned its its do not trust them if the're friendly because the might want to steal ffrom you but if theyre shouting and anggry and want you to get out thats a good sign that you and your possessions are safe
acually i changed my mind we can beat them we can bea t them like they were my ywife

I am gong tomake lovee to yoaur mom and impregnae her withc yohr replacenent ^w^
t y
Thts so losalamos of yop my infrtile crimimal frend... i lsve you! ^w^
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From late childhood through my adult life I've felt like an outcast and trying to find my niche where I'm comfy and fit in has been really difficult. That recent episode of friendship gone bad inflicted psychosis witch in turn triggered dormant repressed psychosis from my past turning me into an emotional mess. Coming to terms and getting back to sanity was tough, but I've been feeling at it again. This witch doctor has many brain worms left to slay. These magic mushroom infused gummies and chocolates have been treating me well.
Is it okay if I shut off my computer? I don't want to kill my internet frens.

Your fortune: Godly Luck
well you sure are cool for being able to get a hold of fun-making substances. now I'm jealous. I have to respond to the rest of your post regarding your psychosis and unfortunate friendship, but I'm jealous because I haven't tried drugs in any form in my entire life >:(
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The craziest part is that you can buy these at smoke shops now! In March, the governor of my state banned the sale of nitrous oxide cannisters, whippets. I was a shut-in crack head hippie for many years and wish that the ban came ten years sooner. Psychedelics are what I wanted and had limited access to, but I settled with those bastardized dissociations. A decade sooner could have saved me.

Went for a nice bike ride today. Had to leave a trail early though because of all the insect swarms.

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
only this one was me
But i love incest swarms
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Happy Today Day essforest!

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
you should give me an outline of what an average man with a rough relationship with his mother looks like and how he behaves. I wonder because in my case this wasn't the case
well dude one things for sure -- you provide your imagination with any form of tepid turpentine in terms of scary and well..it will come up with a threnody so woeful you won't be able to shut an eye at night
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Anyone want to get a bite to eat at the mall food court before it closes down for good ? We can people watch and make side remarks about the tools, foreigners, and scrubs that walk by!

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
i do. I'm sure you do as well
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seriously though I hope you're not planning to suddenly disappear for months like you usually do. I'm not kidding don't you dare do it donpatch
dude that's horrible parents should never hit their kids
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It's not that bad. It only happened a couple of times and it was because frustration took over. My mom was the type to ground me. My dad would spank me when needed. My step-dad was the type that you'd have to brace for a bad response. Avoid.

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
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I've noticed you seem to never run out of images to post :o
stunning digits as always :-P but I'm incredibly sorry for what you had to endure as a kid D: say, do you personally believe in getting physical with your kids as a means of upbringing then or are you disgusted by that notion

Your fortune: Godly Luck
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My childhood wasn't that bad. I just wasn't close with anybody.

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
are you close with me now

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
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No. I close to nobody!

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
I doubt you would acknowledge that if it actually happened to you CUZ if you re :o if you're aware!!!!! of such a possibility then you won't be deceived

Your fortune: Outlook good
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I don't wanna to go to work.

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
drink a cup of water an hour and a half before leaving for work :)

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
Ok well how about 2 or maybe 3 cups of watre
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thats a horrible thing to say o.o
have you got a healthcare plan

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
good evening donpatch
and I know I'm dead before my time! I know it's coming down
Don't you have somewhere to be at 7:30?

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
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I'll meet that fujoshi someday.
And make the lil freak all mine.

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
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donpatch I do have to be somewhere and you know what I did I beat saya no uta today. what your thoughts on that do let me know please even though you don't wanna go to work
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Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning and the thunder

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
faraway from that my friends the enemies are @Terraza
by the way have you noticed Tony in the picture (it's not the orange )

Your fortune: Outlook good
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There's no earthly way of knowing
Which direction we are going
There's no knowing where we're rowing
Or which way the river's flowing
Is it raining, is it snowing?
Is a hurricane a-blowing? - uh!
Not a speck of light is showing
So the danger must be growing
Are the fires of Hell a-glowing?
Is the grisly reaper mowing?
Yes! The danger must be growing
For the rowers keep on rowing
And they're certainly not showing
Any signs that they are slowing!

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
What do you have against Tony?

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
salient poem by yeats butler accompanies by an okay image of alexs room from messed-up orange
ya like that game? what do you think of the plot and the concepts presented in the game? is it symbolic or literal? can you recommend other visual novels similar to this one?
Dubs! I didnt play the game, but i did read what that is about lol.... anyway sometimes i juat get nostalgic from my years of shitposting with shitposters
okay so why not try the game out for yourself
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Don Patch died for our tomfoolery
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have you had coffee yet
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im feeling these dubs
hey man wanna find out how the word tomfoolery originated
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no playing grabass in shop class

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
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hay is for horses bucko
if you don't stop horsing around I'm gonna have to strap this feed bag to your face and strike you with this riding crop
so cool it chap

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
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I'm your bucko >:0
dude you posted coffee that is so.. heckin CUDE!! you know what the shop class teacher usually says? shutting up and working? it works! bwahahahah!
clerks is a mediocre, retarded flick
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Life itself is pretty mediocre. Clerks deserves it's status as a cult film.
Now get this. There's this chick at work. We're friendly and she knew my girly friend from when she worked there. Anyway, I mentioned the bpdemon thread and how I used it to vent. She ends up telling me this story about how she hooked up with some cute little thing she waited on and had a nice little lesbian encounter. Mind you, she has a boyfriend that she lives with but is starting to feel unhappy about. Eventually she found out that the bpd chick lived with her boyfriend who was out of town. They both ghosted afterward. She might also be coming on to me. Idk man.

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
is this chick friend of yours a circus acrobat
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mkay I take my words back perhaps clerks isnt that bad.
now, as for your incredible story: truthfully donpatch it's an incredible tale at its finest and the only thing I wish the most for is for you to rail that retarded harlot that thinks that homosexuality is a thing so hard and proper that she forgets she ever believed such blasphemous notions >:] let a real man show her the ropes!

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
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By all means, HELL NO.
She fat and have trashy tattoos doe.

Your fortune: Bad Luck
what did edgy bakura mean by that
FYI. This is a different chick from the one that said that b-p-d-mon-fren should be institutionalized.

Your fortune: Godly Luck
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Your daily rituals are sacred, even if they are only a means to an end.
Be weary of your peers, especially if they are friends.
The Daily Double will only cause trouble if you plan to bet on it.
Don't date or find interest in double-crossers, because they won't give a sh*t.
You're aging and your body's trashed but 'cha still carry on.
Some of the friends that you held so high, they're now long gone

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
she's fat that's an instant turn-off GROSS
wishing you a glorious night donpatch

Your fortune: Good Luck
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I loved the not betting on the daily double bit. I wonder if this could be considered poetry

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
if i never said 'i would leave this place and never see anybody again' in my life ............
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>>11534388 (dubs)
Another day another dollar. Holla, holla for a dollah$$$
Maybe I can get one of those barely legal waitresses to "like" me.

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
sorry but i think i i can live without THAT
and i dont really need to see ANyBODY from your town or your country not one more person in my life
not in my life
dude have I offended you in some way
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>>11534800 (dubs)
>>11535566 (dubs)
I just got off of work. Stop being so sensitive. You leave bad impressions and people see you as weak. I wasn't mad or ignoring you, it just takes time to craft posts.

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
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>>11535566 )dubs)
Not trying to be harsh, but I learned a valuable lesson being friends with that menhera emo girl. When I saw her again last year, I was feeling very bold, confident, and outgoing. As things started to fall apart and I began to realize she was going back to her old whore ways, it really made me question everything and lose confidence. It brought me back to some of the loneliest and most hopeless times in my life. I've been feeling a lot better now but still lament from time to time. Now, whenever I am in a crabby or depressed mood, I think of her, cringe, and remember how much of a bitch people will think I am if I act like that. As a man, don't gaf about what people think or feel about you. The only exception is if they exploit or disrespect you.
I'm drinking and have the next two days off. It's hard to say how mentally ill I am, but one thing is certain: I am a total headcase. It's nice to talk with other headcases who get lost in their own thoughts. Take it easy, and have a goodnight crood.

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
Me left, crude middle, wish right.

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
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mkay I'm sorry. I can already imagine you getting off work and seeing the state of this thread :) but just to be clear I wasn't accusing you of ignoring me, I just thought your previous post came off a bit curt exactly because I had done something wrong c: I love you! I never said you were ignoring me :)
people don't tolerate weakness or kindness, they just stomp on you even if you're genuinely acting nice because you're consciousness won't forgive you for mistreating others. is this what you also believe????
if you were only friends, why would the extent of how much you're affected by her actions appear so substantial? for one, you already know I don't believe men and women can be friends >.> if both are good-looking, they inevitably need to have sex. if one of them is ugly, then that person is being exploited by the attractive one in this so-called friendship.
of course it makes you question things and lose confidence when a chick you're into acts like a whore, that's what I've been trying to discuss in these bpd threads I post in :o if I got what you're saying right – you get a dreadful, depressing sensation in your chest and you feel physically and mentally fatigued and you panic and just can't go back to normal again. it's painful and yeah you're right as a man you obviously need to hide those feelings somehow because people will tell you you're whining and no one will side with you claiming you're weak ;_; it's tough and it's painful but I guess you're right. easier said than done though dude -- I can't just shift my behavior in a snap of a finger using wishful thinking and I sort of think they reason you are able to contain yourself is because that's your personality and temper genetically and that's how life molded you. again, if you believe there are guaranteed ways to change, I'd love to hear them
and nothing makes me happier than learning that someone I care about has not just one but TWO DAYS OFF yummy! have fun friend-brother

Your fortune: Bad Luck
good thread honestly
street drinkers
>they inevitably need to have sex. if one of them is ugly, then that person is being exploited by the attractive one in this so-called friendship.
please don't approach me if you reall believe this, you had everbody with the shtick about raping and bi polar but if ou mean what ou're saing here you trying to post more like me the rest of the time is shocking its offensive i don't know who you think you are. if we're talking and you decide that you're more attractive than me, or i am more attractive than you and that is why we need to have sex or you need to leave....... . you said you have a good relationship with your parents.... you can not be this far inside your own asshole.....
i'm going to make a few more posts about how much i hate britain and how much i hate women and how psychology would never lie to me (sarcasm) or clearly be exploiting vulnerable people (true) and i'm still going to mean exactl ywhat i say but i'm not going to have sex with my father about it.
how conceited do you need to be to believe that the only reason another human being would talk to you is to have sex, now there is a ranking order of boys?? like if this first choice is too ugly to be friends with and she dumps his ass she now expects number two ...........................
no brother she is right to be this way. otherwise she knows she will cheat on him when she gets heavy flow on her period.
does she watch animated televisual programming about friends who live for the mission or not ?
she probably thinks the girl sucks everybody when theres a filler episode about her boyfriend
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this is an image board after all – post an image you runts ._.
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"If I have a pair of nuts on my chest, are they chestnuts?"
"If I have a pair of nuts on my chin, are they chinnuts?
"No bitch! You have a dick in your mouth!"

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
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I watched Falling down recently. It makes me want to be more of an asshole irl but without completely going over the edge.

Your fortune: Bad Luck
lol well it's funny you got that message from the film. you're body's testosterone count is high isn't it? I've heard a couple of interpretations of falling down where people claim that the entire story is a metaphor for something. like, the protagonist is supposed to represent the government refusing to let go of the old ways or something
I wonder what the true meaning of that film was
aside from it having an appearance in the gmod idiot box series :)
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Just checked my work schedule and I have tomorrow and Saturday off too! Four days off for the first time in a long time.
Last night was such a drunken stoned malaise. It felt nice and I didn't have a hangover waking up today, but wtf am I doing with my life? My priorities are all jacked up and all I want is a companion for life.

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
dude honestly you having such a wonderful time and getting four additional days off is ecstatic
Right you are crude!

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
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Someone slap me across my face like a mother and tell me to stop craving Lil Miss Moocher's attention!

Your fortune: Bad Luck
get off her dick she's poison you can see it
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Went out to a couple of bars that I haven't been to in years. At the second bar, some guy said that I look like Edward Scissor-Hands. lole

Your fortune: Good Luck
what did you drink and why
Beer and a few shots of whiskey. I'm just trying to break out of my normal rut and shell.

Your fortune: Bad Luck
did you know that if it was the other way around in that you would first drink whiskey and then beer, you would feel sick cuz you shouldn't lower the alcohol volume when drinking
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>>11540700 (dubs)
I drink so much that it doesn't matter. If my tolerance was lower things would be different. I drank the shots alongside the beers btw.

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
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If you're going to kys, please don't do it at work. Think about the profit loss of the company you work for, and all of your coworkers who will be traumatized by your mangled lifeless body.

Your fortune: Bad Luck
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donpatche wisdom of the day
Can't sleep
After I inevitably fall asleep and wake up again, it is very tempting to get hammered and eat every fucking pill I can find. Know that won't actually happen, but it is tempting. Being nice, acting "enlightened", interacting with other people, yadda, yadda, etc... It's all so tiresome and seems to go nowhere. I'm so fucking tired and can't fucking sleep. No image. Final Destination.

Your fortune: Outlook good
When I was a neet I could stay up and sleep as I pleased. Can't quit working or else family will disown me. Being committed doesn't sound so bad rn. If they didn't force feed you psychiatric meds, I'd be up for the stay. Also, don't let me out. I ain't got money for that sh*t.

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
I'm sick and tired of this thread. Please sage it and let it die for me.

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
what substances are you on
eyes are weeping
is is your period or the radio i can help, we can sync up our periods. i haeve ibuprofen but dont take it all i have to go all the way out of the continent to get affordable painkillers (if you need to know, the return flight is $40 and the painkillers here cost $15 for a pack)
i lied i get the painkillers and the lrica and the diazepam and the wine and whatever else for free its not more affordable. look, with margins this high you would be stupid not to dump that fat girl shit out of your sex colon and sit on my fat piece. honey i am a businessman.
mkay im on the radio now talk to me
i cant hear you aи кaн нoт "ep иy oн цe paдиo
coming in engaging hostile enemy inbound echo one alpha
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Managed to take a nap. I don't even know what is happening in this thread anymore. Yay! Let's all down ibuprofen and act like cranky bitches on their periods. Then we can talk about how much all men suck, and how we hate sluts, while exchanging advice on how to be better whores. We have no useful skills, but there is a man who will love me for who I am and buy me a new car and pay for my house. And the sucker won't even know that I have like five sugar daddies that I cheat on him with because I DESERVE ALL OF THE ATTENTION! YAY!

Your fortune: Average Luck
yeah I agree you should torture bpd whores as much as possible they deserve it I swear to God make them weep
the have a couple russian girls i dont know i dont think they're you but i'll play. (i hate this game i'm going out to kill somebody, back later xx).
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She was so sweet to me when there was a restraining order preventing her from seeing her ex. As soon as that was dropped, she turned into everything that I feared about her past. Last couple of times I heard her voice she sounded like such a snooty conceited brat. Like bitch, wtf are you even on?

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
>when there was a restraining order preventing her from seeing her ex. As soon as that was dropped, she turned into everything that I feared about her
loooooooooooool he couldnt see her or she couldnt see him>?
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He called cops on her after she broke his nose. He's a bitch for doing that and stealing her phone. Even though she couldn't contact him, that faggot ass-bitch would still try to fuck with her. I wonder if those scat and pegging stories she told me were true?

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
its probably a load of shit, unless America is that bad. anway tell her c- is on his way and judge whether she's scared for her life or if she's scared that you know she's lieing.
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Too late for that. I know for a fact that her and E---- did depraved acts together. All I can say, is that I hope to never have to listen to that whiny voice again.

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
dude what's the worst that I can say!
is you thinking that I don't know
did she sound like a cowbo or an inbrerer
hey donpatch, hey. reply to my previous posts.

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