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Post only fatty asses
Karina Irby is a goddess, retarded, but that body is ridiculous.
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I'll help you out OP because this thread pertains to my interests
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thx annon, i couldn't post 3
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God i wish i could have woman sit on my face. Just once in my life.
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That's a rideable ass
man you could pay for this. thats easy
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finally my kinda thread
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last one i think>:
dont even know her name
I'm gunna go with harlotquinn by the watermark
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love this one
Hopefully someone here enjoys my wifes ass as much as i do
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damn. guess i got distracted
i do know cherie really well though
Does she do anal?
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It’s pretty great, ngl.
fucking based thread!!!
Who is this??
.oat chubby katie please!
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Whew, nice.
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I need more, boss.
Good thread

I like it when its smaller but saggy, just totally lacking muscle tone. Women are meant to be soft and mushy
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god you all have mental problems. these bodies are dishusting.
>Low T
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My fat ass girl
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Good lord
This is great reference for a walk-cycle I'm planning to animate. Thanks.
bare ass
would love to stand behind that fat ass, nice
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Does anyone have a picture of Amy Schumers cellulite ass?
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fuck this pic.

I'd report it, but I can't find a specific rule it violates. But you know you've done wrong.
I dont think the left picture there was the point, its just part of a pic from some feminist thing, the right side is the relevant part
What a nice thicc ass of a real woman! Well done! If you can post more, it will be highly appreciated!
Sadly no, ive ate her ass before but she doesnt like it
I get off on sniffing her panties, when i know theyve been wedged in deep in her ass
This thread is the best here, keep up the cellulite posting
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Moroccan Zina/Zina Hadid
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the big ass on this babe ive texted for a week
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one more for u degenerates
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Damn, is there any more of her?

Self reply after doing some digging. Karina Irby for anyone looking for her.
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no clue. but should be very easy to find out throught the archives.
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love the view of the pussy from the back
holy fuck
UP for more!
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not for me, im stupid. gonna try anyway though
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What? Women are meant to be soft and mushy yes, but said softness and mushiness is only attractive when it has a VOLUME of fat pushing tightly against skin, supported by a foundation of strong muscle and good posture. It's the interplay and tension between these two contrasting features that makes it so sexy.

The best about cellulite is when it isn't over the top, when it's just enough to indicate that the woman is carrying so much ASS that you begin to see the skin tighten against it, but still maintain form and structure.

A flabby formless woman is both unhealthy and disgusting. You may as well fuck a water bed.
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The reason she looks so good is because despite the size of her ass and the cellulite you can tell she has a good amount of muscle underneath, and on her shoulders and back...
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Bunch of sweaty fat land whale neckbeard basement dweller no lifers.
load em on trains and ship them off to fat camp.
her ass looks like a full fucking diaper, disgusting cunt
BBL's are horrendous...
surely you don't mean the women?
Get your low testosterone under control. Drop the fat.
No, u.
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Juicy! thanks! is she also in "Thongs on real women" thread? love to see that nude ass, wondering if you have under a shower. thanks pal
Stop projecting. These women are overweight. And so are you if you like them.
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Yes, the same one.

Hope this works for you pal!
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Agreed, soft saggy fat butts from girls who look like they've never done a squat in their life are great.
Is this the girl who fingers girls buttholes and then sniffs her fingers!?!?!? I love her!!!!!!!
Can you describe the smell?
>Yes, the same one.
I was almost sure, I made homeworks... I hope to see thongs pics again soon
>Hope this works for you pal!
You are a true philanthropist pal, works great! Congratulations to her and looking forward to seeing more
No, u.
Cardiovascular disease kills 1 person every 30 seconds in America.
Good thing I'm not in America, sounds like you're more at risk than I am. Checkmate.
Really nice but not really a fatty. Banging body and super hot ass tho. Pls post more
If only I would eat process sugar and stay on 4chan all day, then I would be at risk. Thankfully I'm not you ;)
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That entire response is just a >no, u, with more words to try and sound smarter. I browse 4chan while I'm bored at work, I'm being paid to sit here and annoy smoothbrained Americans. Next.
Seems like you're fat, lying, and have no life. Continue replying now.

@logan_3x3 on Twitter/X
Feel free to believe whatever it is that helps you sleep at night, my low T friend.
See a doctor about your poor health. It doesn't concern us here. Quit bragging about your low testosterone levels. Reply now...
No one cares
Imagine how many toilets she has clogged.
Keep repeating your previous replies, it's really making you look more intelligent. Keep attempting to get the last word, it's providing me with endless enjoyment.
Okay...keep showing us how you have no life. Continue, hypocrite...
Obesity is disgusting.
Jesus Christ I really need to stop arguing with the mentally handicapped, it's like a broken record, you have my permission to get the last word, enjoy.
Quitters never win.
Have a nice day :)
You better hide your food from this land whale.
Good boy
Oh jeez, another fat as fat ass anon.
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Would spread, sniff and lick both holes.

Go see a doctor about your low testosterone levels.
Samefags be samefaggin
Too big to fit in the picture ROFL! Disgusting.
Are their chicks out there that get off on old fat dudes the way we get off on old fat ladies?
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There's a fine line between an overly fat ass that keeps a good shape and one that gets distorted and lumpy.
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Obese women. Yes. Check out your local all you can eat buffets. You have to pay for their food and chemo therapy.
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Ewww. Too much food and no exercise. Just like the anons that adore them. Fat lazy land whales.
It sounds weird but on the beach I once saw a girl with a cast on one leg, and you could see the difference between the cheek which got excercise and the soft sagginess of the cheek with a useless leg

Its nice to see what happens to women without exercise
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Man the harpoons.
You may like her or not, but it's admirable the perseverance in sharing this good old fucktoy (in a positive sense). I ended up even recognizing her here on 4chan!
She's stretching in preparation for cooking for 5. But she'll be devouring all of the food by herself.
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Who is this? Anyone know?
If she would just drop 50 lbs. of fat, she'd look so much better.
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Tiffany Cappotelli
Thank you anonfriend but I meant the webm I was replying to, not the picture I posted.
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anybody has the sauce for this, also she isnt cellulite but WOOP DAAAAAM
Gracie Bonr
She's not too fat. But I had to look extra hard for this one.
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I wanna fuck Jolanda so bad
Fuckin ugly old whore
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i havent been outside at all this year
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Does anyone have pics of J@cki3 G@g3w@y from colonie ny?
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pawg of my dreams
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Figure I’d try asking here for help. I’m looking for a model but I forgot her name and have no images or videos of her. She had shoulder-length black hair, pear-shaped, probably a mom, and was pretty tall. Wide hips and thick thighs too. One video I’ve seen of her was where she was wearing black and white striped pants and pulled them down to reveal writing on her ass like a striptease. More generic, but there was another video of her taking a shower too. Another video had her in a dark blacklight(?) lit bedroom, bent over on a bed getting spanked. I think her OF name had the word “calgirl” in it but I can’t find any results for it. Help? :> I tried even searching through coomer.su but couldn't find her unless I'm just stupid.
lets hope thats just a bad angle and it doesnt always look like that
how do you get groceries

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