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Apologize right now /p

1.1 billion revenue, up 20% year on year, Fuji is absolutely killing it. They are making cameras that people want to buy, the proof is in.

The era of FUJI is upon us.

What a well written article, this quote specifically is very on the mark.

"Fujifilm’s success goes to show that it’s not that the camera industry is struggling — a common refrain from other manufacturers who have for years bemoaned the effects of the smartphone camera on their businesses — but more that other camera makers may not know what consumers want to buy. Not everyone gets it, but Fujifilm clearly does. "
Good for them. I don't know how a camera company's performance is supposed to impact my personal photography.

It means soon the other brands will all be copying Fuji. While all the other brands are losing sales Fuji's are going up. That means they have found what the market wants.

Plan your upcoming purchases accordingly...
>That means they have found what the market wants.

And what is that?

The Fuji X100 system has caught the attention of consumer cattle because of social media trends, not because it's particularly remarkable. I doubt manufacturers will be making their own versions.

The only manufacturer that's likely shitting themselves is Leica, and they've attempted similar, but still have too high of an entry barrier. I'd be surprised if they're still around within the next 5-10 years (I'm sure the company will exist, but only making shit like ordinance survey tools, microscopes and other industrial shit).
>I'd be surprised if they're still around within the next 5-10 years
They must feel pretty confident given that they're designing the S3 successor.
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Yea I mean marble movies make fucktons of money too but you're still bald.
Appeal to "people" is not a great idea because as a rule, 50% of people are below average IQ.

Average IQ is still dumb as fuck and you're really not smart enough to succeed in the economy or contribute to arts and culture until you're significantly above average IQ. Average IQ is where you're just "functional" and need to cope about made up things like "emotional intelligence", "rule following intelligence", "spear throwing intelligence", etc (adding -intelligence to personality traits and rote skills that took you a lifetime to learn). Even apparently retarded schizoids like Kanye West, people you might THINK are stupid are actually in the 115-130 IQ range. Any dumber, and the human capacity for creativity barely exists. Only 16% of humans on earth might even be worth caring about - the rest - us - we're just nice to have around.
Yeah if the masses matter to you buy an iphone and stop using a pc/laptop/tablet. Thats what they do. Also watch more TV and eat less fresh food and more fast food. Also its time for you to start smoking weed. No, not dabbing, not just heating it up, smoke it or buy one of those ecigs that cause bronchitis obliterans. Do you drink? Well you only drink piss beer now, and you now drink twice as much. Thats what normies do. No need to stop at an x100 adopt the whole normie package so you can understand how retarded they are and how retarded you have to be to buy this shit camera with slow noisy AF that precludes shooting video or action and its defective by design cfa that results in phonelike smeary sooc jpegs and problematic, low detail raws.

Also, give up any cushy job you may have and work in an unstable service industry or blue collar job that pays under $20 an hour. That’s what normies do. Go housepoor, $2k-$4k mortgage. Financially fuck yourself until a shitty $1700 toy looks like a mythical status symbol.
wow thanks i just threw my bachelors away and suddenly this camera seems amazing

getting rid of my sony gear now
>i just threw my bachelors away
I will apologize if they BRING THE FUCK BACK PRO 400H AND SUPERIA
>on the backs of Instax and the X100
>99% instax
Weird how the Fujiflugs in this thread are talking as if the x100 is the golden goose here.
Chinese scalpers bought their entire stock.
5 years ago people who talk on the internet all fucking day said Nikon was facing bankruptcy and would be put of business bc they missed the mirroless trend. They took their sweet ass time and have the #1 selling camera on the fucking market, the $4500 Z8 body, fir the 2d year in a row and cant keep up with demand. MF’s who talk on the internet are fucking windbags. Fuji makes cameras people like. They’ll be just fine.
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>Apologize right now /p
make me
>Appeal to "people" is not a great idea because as a rule, 50% of people are below average IQ.

Well I can guess which group you belong to, holy fuck. Its 1000x easier, cheaper, quickerand mire profitable to sell products to the below average half you numpty. And when they try to complain you just say “no returns due to xyz, it’s policy”. One of the oldest sayings predating the known history of our species is that a fool and his money are easily separated. Fuji cleaning up selling to those plebs on muh retro styling, they’ll do fine. The premium brands have to blow all their money innovating, depreciating that innovation from ea other, and fighting for every sale. And its every year, a far more precarious market position.
No one said fuji was bad for scamming vain idiots. More like you’re bad if you see them as anything but G mount cameras: the brand or think this makes the x100 good.

Holy shit the x100vi samples all look like iphone shots. The GFX is good though. FF killer.
so in about a decade I'll know who to blame for the shitty trends in what will be bargain bin gear
how about a printer that does what instax does, with choice of backgrounds, just plug in sd card and get out the pic you want at the fun size.
or just make a printer that easily takes 4x6 paper without the paper falling sideways and jamming and single sheets not being recognised and needing 5 attempts at being place in the top loader before going through.
just spitballing.
Selphy CP1500 w/ aftermarket batteries
>The GFX is good though
It even has 3D pop and micro-contrast.
>you’re bad if you see them as anything but G mount cameras:
Haha you’re as much of a moron as the morons you’re calling out. Fuji is the instax company now. That’s their big cash cow.
>but still have too high of an entry barrier. I'd be surprised if they're still around within the next 5-10 years
Look at Hasselblad, clung on for a good while, but ended up being bought by DJI.
I literally just realized your weird capitalization spells anon.
>t. mongoloid
Come to TAMPA and I'll make you
It's really sad, but how else can you sell medium format anything at a low price point?

One idea is create a sub-brand, like cars do, and sell whatever. I literally live down the road from the Hasselblad offices in Sweden. They used to run this town almost. Another Swedish company fallen to the sino scourge.
I love my x100v.

1. Editing: I do complicated work all day on my computer, I don't want to spend my free time tweaking white balance sliders. I prefer to choose an "edit" before I take pictures, and enjoy the consistency amongst the set. It I take a really exceptional picture that I want to take to the next level, I will edit the raw rarely.

2. The x100v is compact enough to allow you to take pictures anywhere. It's not out of place at a restaurant table without drawing attention. It's small enough to take anywhere I go, and for that reason I end up taking a ton of pictures with it.

3. The quality is good enough for me, that I won't need another camera ever again unless this malfunctions. I know most of you prefer more IQ, but it's good enough for me. No one that I share my pictures with even view them on a higher than 1080p screen.
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>Another Swedish company fallen to the sino scourge
Better than falling to the Sw*dish scourge.
I hate my x100vi
1: Editing. I want to live life and take pictures. Having the exposure triangle is bad enough! Am I supposed to fiddle with these ugly presets to try and find the one that looks the least shit while auto white balance fucks up? Am I supposed to do manual white balance too or have wrong colors from setting it to daylight while everyone else says "BUT MY PHONE DOESNT RADNOMLY TURN PEOPLE GREEN"? We all hated digital cameras in the 2000s when we could still get film for a reason, digital always fucks up its own colors. Film is like shooting raw and paying a wagie to edit them for you. My parents literally threw their digital away as soon as my dad could afford to feed a film SLR because the photos always came back color corrected so everything looked great, just grainier at the worst. So whaddyado? Shoot raw. But wait, if you thought fujifilm jpegs were blurry, adobe fujifilm jpegs are worse, using rawtherapee and darktable is a massive waste of time, and capture one is $$$ (and loads fuji raws slower than any other brand, ie nikon z5 raws)
2: The x100vi seems compact when you are admiring it but in practice it bounces around on a strap and doesn't fit in pockets any better than any other camera that isn't a DSLR. The appeal to most people seems to be "not being noticed" but these are shiny silver things that are easily noticed and to be frank with you that sounds like paranoid/insecure horseshit. Are you afraid of being interrogated because of a "pro camera"? Bro that never happens, camera is camera.
3: The quality is good enough for instagram but I got an iphone 15 pro max 2 weeks ago and the quality IS THE FUCKING SAME unless you use a highly autistic raw workflow for detail enhancement.

That's why I actually sold it 3 months ago and used the money to buy 15 5 packs of portra 400 and a minolta CLE+40mm rokkor.

>inb4 zf a7c cope
No more digital for me thanks!
I use a z7ii+26mm f2.8 and its as compact as the x100v in practice. I agree that this point about being noticed is pure neuroticism.

Also editing raws produces superior results with less bullshitting pre-capture. Just take the photo. Loosely framed, exposure dark or light, white balance wrong, doesnt matter. If its in focus you have a photo. Picking keepers and editing them takes 15 minutes at the end of the day. Peak convenience.
> It's not out of place at a restaurant table without drawing attention
It draws attention. Everyone notices. Either you know this and it's why you bought it, and you actually mean "it fits the aesthetic of what i imagine someone like me would do at a table" (dont forget the moleskine notebook and fountain pen) or you've been living a lie. It's weird how so many fuji fanboys have this line for literally anything silver. How can so many people be wrong about the exact same thing? The first cameras I notice are the larpy retro ones. They're bling. They're shiny. They're closer to the vibrantly colored point and shoots that used to be marketed to teens.

If you want to be invisible, stop shaving for 2 days and wear a high vis vest or just dress like shit and practice some superficially schizophrenic mannerisms. Any camera you carry will be invisible. Did you know garry winogrand's persistent photographic harassment went unnoticed because he was just really ugly and poorly dressed, so no one wanted to look at him or engage with someone that looked like a crazy hobo or a retirement home escapee?
The funniest thing is watching you people argue that your favorite camera brand is somehow in the top 50% of IQ points for not making a successful product. (And that's not even true considering the massively successful Nikon Z and Zfc are a direct acknowledgment of Fuji's market share)

Surprise, surprise, artistic people want fun cameras that don't require a backpack to haul around. If I was just doing photography as a hobby (like 90 fucking percent of you) Id get myself an xt5 and a pair of primes and be perfectly happy.
Heck I see people who use them doing the same jobs as me.
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>Surprise, surprise, artistic people want fun cameras that don't require a backpack to haul around
bro they're the same fucking size
actually the fuji is a larger body
you're not "artistic" you're the middle school "creative person" who isnt actually creative and just dyes their hair and stickerbombs shit

fuji as a brand markets to photography gear nerds. they are gearfag cameras. for people that like gear.
You know its fuji that copied nikons designs right

Nikon produced the fm3a long after the death of film and the Df and Zf were both baed off it. Fuji x cameras are based off nikon film camera designs.
The zf isnt a fuji copy its a Df replacement which is an fm3a replacement. Fuji is a nikon copy.

Also see: compare z7ii and xh2 design
Where in that comment do they talk about copying design? I think you misunderstood their point.

The article is about the x100v so nice try (and even then the pic f-stops are not equivalent.)

And otherwise your argument is literally 'those cameras aren't fun! And all your photography is shit' when sales data and general non-retard sentiment disagrees with you.
Also guess what, you get 0 points for being first. Fuji selling cameras right now, while Nikon (and everybody else) is playing catch up.

Cope harder. Total Fuji victory.
<5% market share.

These are shitty cameras for autists, women, and faggots. Fursuits sell SOME units too. Total fursuit victory? Get your fursona today?
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Sales trends are canon sony nikon fuji
Among good photographers and professionals the order is canon nikon sony fuji

So, lol. Congratulations on your favorite brand selling to scalpers. These cameras are trash and the whole world knows it just like the whole world knows nikons autofocus is dogshit and only usable for professionals that grew up on film and DSLRs. Xtranny shitcams are even worse. Lower IQ than a sony a6700 even with 40mp, worms, soft as shit glass, worse AF than nikon, shit ergos. Only good as fashion accessories. The photos are iphone tier and you can replace any foolji shitbox with an iphone and a modicum of skill.

Nuh uh, 5.8%

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> My only argument is to call my opponents homosexual and to complain that people who don't buy the right type of gear are actually gear fags.

People with a passion for photography rather than specs take better photos. Teenagers with Stone age film cameras, iPhones and x100's are taking amazing photos and having their first exhibitions.
Stay mad.
Having just had a look the only growing brands are Sony and Fuji (and maybe Leica) . Fuji is also making a good profit as the camera division is massively expanding in revenue.
Bodes well for the future.
In the real world it IS about the look of the camera. When a camera looks like a piece of serious professional equipment, that makes people "notice" it and they act more tense around it. If it looks like a retro film camera, people don't care as much. I know it's stupid, but that's just how it is.
Their photos are actual fucking shit. Profanity consciously intended. Show me these photogs - oh wait you cant, because they’re incompetent creepshotters on instagram.

REAL good work is still 90-100% film. See: alec soth. Film is simply the standard for art. Even hollywood knows it despite having access to the most advanced digital cameras on earth.

No, that’s your pedo-esque creepshot world. In the real world a professional shoots digital, usually canon, and an artist shoots film, usually kodak. Simple as. Digital is inferior for aesthetics - and fujifilm is the most inferior of soulless digital toys.
based and truthpilled

fuji is double garbage - the worst of digital
they act tense because you’re a prematurely balding chinless hipster and look dangerously like a pedophile with a 200mp camera to the normie eye
holy based
I sold all of my fuji gear pre-pandemic.

Something is not drawing me back, and I can't put my finger on it.

So far the GR has done a great job.
> Is told saying something is shit is not a compelling argument.
> Doubles down by saying it's really shit.

Like I respect the based non opinion. Does the brand of my tripod matter as well?
xtrans looks even more digital than bayer
dishonest design
low quality optics
ff size, m43 performance
sky high prices

fuji is for fashion victims not photographers - thats why they discontinued all their photography products (aka film)
Well that does it, I'm officially not going to buy a fuji camera in the next year
Take that, projected sales!
Leica will always be buoyed up by the far east.
It's clear and obvious why the X100VI is so successful and it's not just influencer. It fits the need to anyone who wants to enjoy photography yet not buying into a whole system with lenses, etc. It's a cam you can always bring with you, take snapshots in high quality, good EVF, quiet shutter noise, capture videos, no need to edit on a computer. It's pure fun. And the camera design, fuji in general, is damn perfection. Sony, Canon, etc. are all stuck in their weird 90s/00s industrial design and all their products just look shit lmao. Doesn't help if you deliver the better IQ if the user experience is that awful.

I have my EOS R with numerous great lenses but most of the time they collect dust. I bring them to important events where I really need the best quality. Other than that I just grab the fuji and enjoy photography. And I bought my first one (x100s) when there was no tiktok, etc.

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Now they only have to have workable RAW files, until that‘s not the case I am still not interested. I‘d rather get an MFT that produces files you can actually sharpen without getting weird artifacts than some retro looking camera that spits out JPGs and useless RAW files. Fuji APSCs are useless to me.
>Capture videos
>lens focus moves
>^an iphone would never make noise while fucking focusing
Yeah but, but, but, the canonikonsony doesnt compliment my beanie! It's industrial, and i'm going for the bohemian look! I can't be seen like that, my camera is my only redeeming quality it's the only thing that could possibly get me laid at this point! I take it everywhere taking shitty snapshots of hobos and random people so I can be le heckin art!

>Steps outside his studio with canon R3 and 24-105 f2.8 for a smoke
>"Ay gurl, i'm over 6ft and have a full head of hair"
>"Wow chad, your camera suddenly looks way cooler!"
>"Ay gurl i am and i shoot in a studio to make real art, i dont carry my camera everywhere because i'd rather spend time with the people who matter to me than fiddle with a computer"
>"Wooooow chaaaaad, let's go do a photoshoot"
>Gets laid

Ok but really, every time i see a real, non 4chan person who is in love with fuji, they are ugly.
This might just be a street/hobby photographer thing though, pentax users are the ugliest and the only attractive photographers are actually videographers
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Appearance-concerned electronics are for ugly people.

Take macs for example, I have seen some of the ugliest people using macs. Think pizza face, fat lips sticking out past chin, greasy dark receding hair, fat white guy ugly. Probably because it's how they cope. You know the /fa/ rule, chad can look good shopping at walmart, eugene has to hit up obscure japanese boutiques to appear like a.... savvier, wealthier uggo.

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Well if leica is LV
Then fuji is bathing ape
And canikon is carhartt

It takes a serious jawline to be seen wearing carhartt without just looking working class. Better to be ugly and rich than ugly and “sensible”. A nikon on your neck says “i know what cost-value-analysis means and know more about the history of austria hungary than i do about whats on netflix. taylor swift? i dont like hannah montana”. An x100vi around your neck says “i keep up with tv and social media and wont go “what” when you talk about the newest hulu original or the last star wars, and i have the new taylor swift album”

Maybe the ugly people have it right
Its a photography hobby thing
All the non ugly people are doing selfies and vlogs, which means sony is sponsoring them
I wouldn't really blame china for this. Nobody wants to buy a $13000 hand built camera and lens and actually take it anywhere. And even if you do save up for it and buy it it's just a Sony senor anyway. That's why they're all studio cameras. Fuji manages to sell their medium formats just fine. Same would have happened to Leica without the L mount alliance
Can someone tell me if these cameras are trannies or bayer?
They have too many models I'm unfamiliar with, and I assume anything not medium format for Fuji these days is their shitty xtrans.
they use the 40mp sensor, so I believe they are xtrans. But you should google it to double check
cruise control for wit

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