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File: Studio Session-2141.jpg (694 KB, 5472x3648)
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Hello, I want to start taking pictures but I only have +-200$.
Interested mostly in photography, but it would be nice if it could still shoot video not bad as an add-on

I've seen some videos on YouTube where the GH2 (hacked) showed pretty good quality, is it worth getting it or are there any better choices? What would you recommend for a beginner?

Thanks in advance

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS 70D
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 13.1 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/5.7
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:03:29 11:34:46
Exposure Time1/100 sec
Exposure ProgramManual
ISO Speed Rating800
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FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length55.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
are you underage? go get a job or pick up an extra shift

any camera you can buy at this price point will be essentially worthless, worse than a phone, without a shitload of light and manual focus lenses, especially for filming, which would probably require an external microphone and tripod or stabilizer to even do as well as a phone.

just make sure its an android phone, apple shit forces too much post processing, and the quality is 99% the same as micro four thirds

you need to spend closer to $1k to have a decent camera even buying older gen shit. a gh5 does not have usable autofocus for video (you must shoot manual focus) for example and once you buy a lens that isnt blurry and doesnt make whirring and creaking noises, shipping and tax will make your final expense close to $1k.

honestly dude here's your guide to hybrid shooting for poorfags circa 2024
step 1: work more hours, put the money aside. work now = reward later. didnt your parents teach you that?
step 2: buy a sony a7iii and a tamron 28-75 f2.8 for working and a samyang 35mm f2.8 for traveling light. you will spend about $1250 said and done.
step 3: enjoy your life and never look at camera gear again
This is true

I’ll take phone footage over a high iso focus hunting mess. Sorry dated camera fags. For still you can get away with more but only if its just a hobby and you’re never expected to take a good picture by someone else. If you are you actually do need a decent camera without “but this but that skill issue photography is the art of not pressing the button its a snapshit tldr no i cant take the photo” (knowing an iphone btfos ur m43 at isos above 400)
Bye! See you when you turn 18!
Get a real job kiddo

Work first then reward. In the meantime the best camera you can afford is the smartphone your parents gave you after buying a stolen one off a gypsy
Literally any camera from the past 10 years
You're such a nice person, Anon. Tell me, how often did your parents beat you as a kid?
These idiots are trying to bait you into spending a bunch of money you don't have. This is how commodified hobbies work, especially photography. They live in a world of stats and specs. It's completely divorced from taking photos. If you're interested in actually taking photos rather than endlessly purchasing camera equipment, then I recommend getting a camera you can afford. Having a camera is better than not having a camera, if you want to use a camera. A cellphone is not a camera - there's no tactility, there's no interchangeable lenses, there's no consideration for the mechanics of photography.

Perhaps in snapshit logic, the tool makes the man, so you need the best tool you can because it's the only way to increase the quality of your poor photos. You need 40MP photos of city buses and tree branches, which are objectively better than 16MP photos of city buses and tree branches. "Better" means you are a "better" photographer. The megapixels transmute money into the appearance of personal achievement. Pointing your Samsung in the general direction of a city bus and hitting the big white circle is "better" than any "poor person" camera, because of megapixels. Ignore that you didn't engage in any photography.

M43 is fine. There are some really cheap lenses. Like the Olympus 40-150mm F4.0-5.6 and various primes which can all be had for <$100. Quality be damned, you need low barrier to entry and access to variety once you figure out what you are trying to do. Because it's not "just" $1250, unless you are going to rawdog it with 1 battery, no tripod, no filters, no flashes and lighting, no straps, no bags, etc.
Photography is about the result

Phones and m43 have the same sooc result unless you overspend on giant birdwatching lenses (that are better and the same price on ff) and editing latitude isnt far off either

Just use a decent phone if you can not afford a decent camera. All these point and shoots are discontinued because they are genuinely worse than phones.
>1 battery, no tripod, no filters, no flashes and lighting, no straps, no bags, etc.
this is fine. you dont need any of that.

flash is only worthwhile if you have at least 3 strobes rated at least 200w each AND a proper studio or the ability to book exclusive access to locations otherwise it looks like gross mid 2000s photography and dadographer snapshits
m43 is bigger than one inch though and phone photos are all processed to shit and look like ass
Phones cannot change lenses, in practice your focal length is limited to just a few points, you cannot play with dof, and macro looks like shit. You cannot attach a powerful flash or a flash transmitter. No phone has a mft sensor or a decent selection of lenses. I'd even argue that ergonomics affect the end product. OP does need a real camera. It can even be an old crop DSLR and kit lens.
t. filtered by flash and never did strobist 101. It's really not that hard or expensive to get a natural look. Hell just using a bounce flash for an indoor shot looks perfectly natural.
Oh so now muh pixel peeper quality matters when the line isnt drawn at the junk you own

None of this shit matters. People richer and more famous than you only needed leica+28mm at f/11 to make a career. That is not a glowing review of leicas. They are shitty cameras.

A phone is enough, or not even m43 is enough. Pick one without being a birdwatcher tainted by budgets and skinny arm concerns.
Flash looks bad unless its a studio or a booked location with 3-5 strobes, sorry. Most flash photography is just cope for not being able to schedule sunset/sunrise.
My budget camera in college 8 years ago was a hacked GH2 with the 12-32mm f3.5-5.6 pancake lens. Great camera honestly, even by toady's standards.
Eventually upgraded to the GH5, but still have and use that 12-32mm frequently. Its an extremely sharp lens for what it is. And it fits great in my pocket for travel/street photography.
nigger I can tell it's processed to shit without zooming in. Trees look awful. You also can't use any dof on phone pics. Even f8 makes better pictures because you can remove viewer focus from the background
iPhone exclusive problems

Buy an android phone (also bokeh is a crutch)
I have a pixel. All of them are processed garbage
>(also bokeh is a crutch)
Post a photo
If you are broke, you can't afford weights so can't work out effectively. If you are broke, you can't afford the paints required to put on a canvas. Specs and stats are required to effectively do a hobby that is artistic or dealing with any facet of life that takes energy. A cellphone is a camera in what it does simply and simple photography lessons can teach someone how to make the most of a lower iphone image in editing or maximizing the correct use of the lens, no matter how mid. It's still not effective though, same as what you suggest unless you want to start maximizing the strength of the dollar and what a person can finesse into life with energy. I don't think many people needs 40 mp+, but someone that can't afford 1k for this hobby, which is more pricey upfront compared to other entrances, does not have the right mindset. Obsessive hoarding is another problem, but this is a community which can be best summed up as "buy once and cry once."
I'll probably get shat on for this, but if I got to start over I would probably have gone straight for an early gen full frame like the eos 2D, they go for very cheap sometimes, and get an m42 adapter and a bunch of dirt cheap manual focus lenses. Full frame specifically for that reason, because a crop sensor magnifies their flaws. That way I could have played with a lot of different focal lengths right from the start. It's probably hard mode, but would have been a ton of fun.
Be sure to get the appropriate focusing screen.
I would get a Canon EOS 7D and a Tamron 17-50mm 2.8. You should be able to get both for around that much from MPB or eBay, and it's good starter gear that you can add to later instead of replacing.
I know /p/, being the effeminate closeted basedboy transsexuals that they are, don’t like the 1d body style, but I’ve yet to hold another camera that feels “right” the way the 1ds do. Kino camera. Ave a 1, 1d, and 1ds mii, all fun to use.
Put an E-1 hand strap and a RRS L bracket on one and it's perfect.
>knowing an iphone btfos ur m43 at isos above 400
dumb nigger hands typed this post
I too love when the AI denoiser in my luxurious phone rapes every single pixel of every picture i take, because the moment there is not enough light the sensor just shits out noisy pictures (which would be better off without the denoiser)
>you can’t afford weights
>therefore you should be a lazy pos
Or you can do calisthenics you stupid fuck. I hate analogues so much its unreal.
*analogies, my apologues
my dad gave me his broken nikon d90 with a 50mm f/1.4 and that setup has given me amazing photos that you cant get with a phone or most cheaper zoom lenses. shooting with manual primes teaches you a lot about exposition and composition since you are working around its limitations. i recommend getting a used dslr and a bright 35mm prime because gearfags are getting rid of their dslrs and manual primes in 35 or 50mm tend to be very cheap. if you end up caring enough, you might upgrade to a mirrorless like i have done. dont be persuaded into spending lots of money for something you probably wont utilize to its fullest, if you dont end up enjoying the hobby, it wont be a huge loss
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Just learn good composition techniques and use literally any phone made within the past 5 years.
>m43 already looks like mushy steaming dogshit
>advocates for using an even smaller sensor
I've never seen a phone photo that didn't look awful.
Everyone jerks off over computational AI shit on phones and no one mentions how unbelievably superior the actual shooting experience with a proper camera is. Like holy shit just having dedicated buttons and dials beats the pants off dealing with a blown out slippery touch screen with half the settings hidden. All these comparisons do is encourage hours wanking over computer generated leaves of grass while pixel peeping instead of taking damn photos.

Any old budget or even medium level DSLR and a cheap kit zoom or prime (fixed) lens. Millions of people start with that and have fun and from there figure out if they actually like photography and what to invest into. An old like-new 7D and EF 50mm or EFS 24mm is like $300.
idk that iphoney looks mighty complex with all its features while a camera is pretty simple and straight forward

you kinda walked right into that one :A)
Get the canon 5d and a nifty fifty.
>"Just use a phone"
Dude give it up.
You're comparing a golf cart to a tank.
Idiots communicate with political cartoons and memes and geniuses communicate with things from peer reviewed research papers to entire books, so this doesnt check out

>An idiot admires complexity
>"Thomas and Jane met for lunch last Tuesday"
>A genius admires simplicity
>"t took dat bitch 2 da bar awready"
judging by the replies your image was both based and thebestcameraistheoneyouhaveonyou-pilled

*Edited: I just checked and it in fact was
Just use your phone
buy a real camera
its in the phone
there is no phone with a real camera
Judging by the replies he was wrong and got btfo hard.
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or what about real camera with phone? (even has built-in selfie camera)

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Kinda cool
That means I always have to carry my camera
>commodified hobbies
I think I've seen that in a Youtube video essay

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