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/lit/ - Literature

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Are there any?
How about you have a cup of harden the fuck up instead?
how about you grow the fuck up faggot?
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No mechs, but you'll take what you're given.
What the hell? What did I do to you?
In terms of what? The themes? I want a book that touches on the same themes as Eva but that also have that fantastical element. Also Eva is not a Christian anime, it just has Christian symbolism because it’s cool to the japs.
How about a book Evangelion was based on?
>Also Eva is not a Christian anime, it just has Christian symbolism because it’s cool to the japs.
>In terms of what? The themes?
Yes. If you just read the first chapter you'll see what I mean.
I'd have called you out until my most recent rewatch where it's clear that science and religion are tightly intertwined in NGE beyond the imagery.
You're actually right to call him out.
>Also Eva is not a Christian anime, it just has Christian symbolism because it’s cool to the japs.
This is true, but I reckon belief rates would surge if mankind witnessed actual gods appear, and they might even look for saviours.
But not Christianity
Care to explain your reasoning?
That escalated quickly feeling...

Bradbury or Julio Verne
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He used seance to divine it
this one's actually true, though gravity's rainbow is too unapologeticly american for me to enjoy fully with its shit eating, bbc gay nigga passages that were apparently integral to the plot
Stephen Crane omnibus from LOA
What books have a character like Asuka in them?
Nellie from Maggie: A Girl of The Streets
Based and true
Eva is just some kind of stupid Freudism. If you want to waste your time again go read Lacan.
You reek of Internet atheism anon, wash it off your mind and grow up
Eva is Nitezschean in nature.
Please, grow up
The book is a cornerstone of American mentality against Europe. It Horny, Gross, and sometimes, even Sexy.
Mein diary, baumkuchen
It's not Christian in the sense that the anime is telling you to love Jesus or whatever. In fact, many Christians might be offended by what it has to say (which wasn't a concern when making the show because they didn't know it would air outside Japan). However it does engage with Jewish and Christian philosophical ideas through the terms and symbols it uses. It is a mistake to dismiss the religious stuff in Eva as "it's just there to look cool."
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Der Ring des Nibelungen. This was decided long ago. Siegfried is Shinji, Wotan is Gendo, Fafner is an angel, Brunnhilde is Asuka, Gotterdammerung is EOE, etc.

>supernatural forces and battles
>family relationship troubles
>individuals having to face the end of the world or choose whether to save it
>psychoanalytical themes like incest and rebelling against the father
>dad runs an organisation that controls everything
>missing mother figure
>balances mythology with individual drama
>literally invented the phrase 'live, laugh, love'
>basic message is leave art and politics and enjoy life (Wagner originally wanted to perform the Ring for three weeks then burn the theatre and score so people could take the message into the real world, build a better society and not get lost in the work itself)
>similarly choreographs advanced visuals and movement to intoxicating music

One could go on forever.
Philip K Dick's Galactic Pot-Healer is very similar imo. I would say that The stream of consciousness sections of the latter episodes and End of Evangelion are also very reminiscent of Beckett's The Unnamable and to a lesser extent, Malone dies, another book by Beckett.
Childhood's End by Arthur C Clarke
Any book written about Latin America or within it.
Nothing Nietzschean about buying crying shinji funko pops. Anno never went beyond Schopenhauer.
Id even argue that a show like Gurren Lagann outperforms completely anything Eva tried to achieve.
You reek of christcuckoldry
Anon I never went to a mass, never prayed and I am not baptised. You're just a fucking asshole is what it is.
That's why you reek of reddit you dumb fucking American lardass.
Your pastor's not gonna fuck you bro
Finished this and had to listen to Komm Susser Tod after that ending
Clarke was a hack and an atheist.
LOOOOL, Gurren Lagann’s whole message is basically just “uhh yeah bruh, just follow your dreams even if they’re literally impossible in the physical reality”
Have you read the manga? It's amazingly good.
...it's not tho, it lacks most elements that made the anime good and replaced them with nothing. Although I like manga shinji as he has some balls but he being unlikeable was half the point of the story.
The ending of the manga actually makes sense.
I thought he was likeable.
the ending of the anime also does, plus making sense isn't necessarily a good thing
The real appeal of Eva is how well it goes from basically a cozy sitcom to existential/cosmic horror. It pulls off both these atmospheres really well. I've read/watched many works that are far better then it, but that descent it pulls off is still unique and its why I still considered it good .
I like the artist, Yoshiyuki Sadamoto. In my NGE edition he wrote small essays about his life between chapters and they're kinda funny.
A Scanner Darkly I think is very psychologically and tonally similar
No, it doesn’t and yes, it is.
yeah, quite tired of that midwit opinion
Evangelion was an anime first, manga second, OP.
How is it Christian?
The one I'm writing
So was Anno, what’s your point?
You made me want to read that book. I hope to not get disappointed anon.
The ending of the movie doesn't though.
>ends up Shinji wanting to live and be happy
>instantly cries and tries to kill Asuka, then Asuka tells him that he is disgusting
>ends up Shinji wanting to live and be happy
>humans resurrect with no memory of the last events
>Shinji meets Asuka again in other circumstances
I meant to answer this>>23391869
The end of the rebuild movies is the best
>ends up Shinji wanting to live and be happy
>he finds someone normal to spend the rest of his life with
Neon Genesis Evangelion is the worst anime out there. Half of the episodes are just mindless mecha battle. Then the other half are the main character being a cuck. But there are books about and for losers, just like NGE. Stoner, The Catcher in the Rye.
You're meant to listen to and read it at the same time.
Thanks, didn't know that.
Should I listen to this?
That's just a collection of the famous excerpts, whereas if you're reading the text you need the music to follow every word. You have a few different choices, I'll just give you a quick rundown:

Keilberth 52 (my favourite but it's old so audio quality is lower)
Keilberth 55 (would be perfect if they didn't rearrange the recording material without remembering to rearrange the brass section, so the brass is EXTREMELY LOUD for no good reason and that might spoil it)
Solti Decca (considered the best entry point for beginners, very loud, expressive, very good audio quality, has state of the art sound effects and creates an aural landscape so you can hear characters moving around, with top notch singers, but also sloppy and lacking in subtlety)
Bohm 66-67 (a fine recording, very fast as per Wagner's wishes, a good standard)
Karajan 67-70 (a perfectly good performance, but quite slow, it really just exists to get as much out of the orchestral texture as possible, so if you're only interested in the music this is a good choice)

There are obviously many more but these are some of my go-tos. The Solti playlist is here:

Has as much depth as EVA. Anime isn't really the place to find "deep messages" or whatever you're trying to convey. They vary to infantile garbage to pseudo-intellectual musings you would hear from a teenager.
You’re a pseud if you don’t think Eva is as deep as classical literature
NTA but you're literally 14 years old or mentally stunted.
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lol fag
God I love you, Wagner-fag.
And you’re a pseud.
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>being a cuck
A cuck implies that you willingly let a relationship get used by someone else. I've heard on /tv/ accusing Monk of being a cuck in regards to his wife's daughter, but he's not a cuck because his wife basically got raped before the story even started and he didn't raise the daughter; he didn't even know she existed until she was an adult. Shinji is just an autistic beta, the worse type of person to be.
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I'm surprised no one mentioned Fyodor Dostoevsky. Yes, on the surface level, some Science Fiction books, like Philip K. Dick books seem more like Neon Genesis Evangelion. But this doesn't account for anything for the emotions in the the show or how it makes you feel. When I first watched NGE, I didn't like it. But weeks later, I couldn't stop thinking about it, the dred. But also I laughed at it. This is the same feeling I had with Dostoevsky novels. I was peer pressured into reading his works by /lit/, and everyday, I read a chapter of one of his books. When I was reading it, it was painful, each chapter. But a week after reading one, I loved what I read. I also would joke about it ironically, just like I laugh about the dark stuff in NGE.

Same experience.
I love it how this is supposed to be a "gotcha" moment and it's only corroborating with what the other anon is saying; just pure pedophilic shit.
God, how do i miss being 16. How's school?
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Cope and seeth. /lit/s favorite author gives off the same vibes.

I wouldn't know, I'm 39, have multiple degrees. Been out for years. And I first watched Evangelion when I was a preteen when it came out on VHS in 1998 in America. I remember liking Ranma 1/2, Tenchi Muyo!, and Urusei Yatsura when my friend made me watch them from the specialty rental store. But when he made me watch NGE, I didn't like it at first. It took me weeks later to like it, after watching it, and thinking deeply about what was the meaning of the show.

/lit/ peer pressured me into reading Dostoevsky, and I finally made a ritual to get through him.

100% the same vibe and same effect.

/lit/ doesn't see it, because most of /lit/ is lying about reading him. Notes from the Underground is basically like one huge Shinji moment. Rei is ever pure prostitute in his novels. Asuka is every raving woman, like Katerina Ivanovna Marmeladov. It's all there. The Christian symbols and Kabbalah not being explained in NGE, the philosophy being a cover for Fyodor Eastern Orthodoxy and people misreading his philosophy.
You can always try Catcher in the Rye, that's for whiny incel bitches too.
>Robert Anton Wilson Illuminatus Trilogy
>Colin Wilson, Mind Parasites
>Phillip K Dick, Valis
>Man & Technics, Spengler
>Science Politics & Gnosticism, Voeglin
He Rapes His Sister Phoebe
Rebellion mogs your favorite book, btw
>Christian philosophical ideas
Such as...?
Madoka isn't prepubescent
You wouldn't get it because you aren't chad enough.
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But my favorite book IS Paradise Lost.
Uoh god Jesus she's too cute
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For your consideration.
I thought steppenwolf was Evangelion-esque
Hey, I almost want to agree with you but there are two massive differences between Dosto and Eva. 1 is that Fyodor is too pre-Freudian with his character analysis to ever conform to the negative spiritual depiction Eva has of its characters. 2 is that Eva is too materialist-Kabbalastic to ever say anything true to religious thought; religion is a framework hiding an underlying element of truth ready to be clutched and perverted by the whims of men.
They go on completely different ways. With Fyodor you end with a gross perversion of The Way of a Pilgrim, with Evangelion you get the missing link between Schopenhauer and Hegel through a work that understands neither.
Kafka On The Shore is essentially the same story and themes but without mechs
Which novel would you recommend to start with?
good answer
Childhood's End has certain beats in that vein. I explicitly read it due to the similar themes to NGE, and it didn’t lesve me disappointed.
Is Asuka the sister he rapes in his dream?
Idk but I want to make Asuka a single mom
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This is literally me lol
Looks like the previous reply hit the nail squarely on the head.
nta, but the Human Instrumentality Project is a sort of rapture, where all souls get brought into eternal and blissful oneness, very similar to early Christian conceptions of heaven. Unlike in Christianity, this is shown as an inhuman and horrible thing.
Having themes or concepts similar to Christian ones doesn’t mean it engages with Christian philosophy, retard.
If you think novels have deep messages you are at most a 110 IQ (lacking the mental horizon to understand just *why* they almost never are) and almost certainly a woman, who empirically are much more into reading, coding it as an effeminate pastime and interest.
Your favorite novel is Lolita. I don't care about the rest you are saying.
I've never understood why one would read novels for "meaning" or "message". The novel can just make shit up to support whatever conclusion the author wants. The novel is about expanding your imagination. People are insecure about the practical use of this, so they make up other reasons to read like "social responsibility" or "empathy".
I don't know, man... For me that sounds like
>there was no way for Shinji to be happy
>reset the timeline
>introduce random generic anime waifu
>make her marry Shinji
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The messiah (Shinji, who at the end, when being crucifixed, forgives all humanity)
The apocalipsis in general (The end of evangelion has a lot of similarities, like the rapture or the seas turning red)
Fallen angels (Genesis 6)
Eve and Adam (Adam was the first live being on earth, Eve is a clone of Adam)
Fruits of life and knowledge (The moons of Adam and Lilith)
Magi system (Which is formed by 3 computers, each with the name of each magi that, according to catholics, visited Jesus)
The lance of longinus (Longinus was the guy who pierced Jesus's dead body with his lance)
Tree of Sephiroth

Of course the universe of Evangelion is not a christian universe. It takes elements from christianity to mix them with science fiction and create an unique story.
Sure but the show goes out of its way to state that it's dealing with *fictionalized* apocrypha, not Christianity per exegesis
ohhhh, i didn't realize it was fiction. thanks for pointing that out
Literally Infinite Jest
And apocrypha
>What the hell? What did I do to you?
They are just soured and brittle old hags (or faggots, which is the same thing) who are jealous of bandaged Rei and spicy Asuka
Thank you anon
Read my last sentence.
>Of course the universe of Evangelion is not a christian universe. It takes elements from christianity to mix them with science fiction and create an unique story.
Ikr? I've only ever seen seething and perpetually disillusioned midwits faff this opinion about - Eva is most definitely a Christian anime, because in order to be Christian, you don't simply have to rely on imagery - it's the motifs as well. The story is distinctly theological at a level not even Anno realized.
I feel like I'm the only one on this board that has read Blood Music by Greg Bear. The last part is the most similar thing to the end of Eva i've ever seen
evangelion is just shrek 2 for mentally deranged weebs since the entire story solely hinges on miscommunication between the protagonists that causes them to drift apart.
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novels dont usually have pictures in them so, probably not
>burn it down and don’t worry about the story itself enduring
So am I letting Wagner down if I go read it then?
Gendo Ikari spotted.
No, he changed his mind just like Anno.
The thing is that after returning to oneness, individuation happens again.
You're not intelligent, so let go of your "analysis" and "insight"; you can barely understand what you're talking about. I wasn't the one advocating for insightful messages in my Chinese cartoon made for teenagers; the other anon did.
>Your favorite novel is Lolita
I wonder how you came up with this brilliant conclusion. You must be one of those idiots who thinks everyone posting here is the same person.
None of those are “philosophical ideas” you midwit, those are just aesthetic elements/symbols.
We know straight from the creators mouths that they just though the symbols looked exotic, they have zero idea about christianity.
bruh moment
Attack on titan is a better adaptation of evangelion but with a poor ending. Its a total upending of the mecha genre and a lesson on how to tell a good anime story while merging the most relevant themes of the modern age into a coherent narrative. Its a good example of how to write fantasy while being inspired by science fiction.
>mecha battle
This is bad because?
>Are there any?
Yes, and its called F*nn*g*ns W*ke
AoT shonenshit
Yes its shonen but it has some impressive execution into the ideas of fascism as opposed to evangelion which just talks about responsibility then towards the end fumbles about with rebirth and incarnation which is executed rather vaguely.
>it has some impressive execution

No, it doesn't.
>Also Eva is not a Christian anime, it just has Christian symbolism because it’s cool to the japs.
Doesn't mean you can't have a Christian interpretation of it.
The rebuild was good but I still didn’t like the part where anno just added a self insert of his wife into the story as a new character that never existed before in any of the million iterations of the cycle Shinji had to go through just so Shinji could be with her in the end. That was the stupidest part of the entire rebuild.
I'm glad that I have never, and will never, watch any of the Rebuild movies, and thus have no clue what you're talking about.
Eva is an I-novel so it actually makes perfect sense.
Which is also why the closest thing would be something like Shiga Naoya, Dazai or Toson Shimazaki.

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