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Why You Should Copy Anime:
Naoki Saito: https://youtu.be/8jsZGeaWkhE?si=6HZIvG9Bx3y9qoHs&t=12
AnimeShijuku: https://twitter.com/animesijyuku/status/1717415459778347358
Krenz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbKqIJcIUCw
**Strive for quantity AND quality.**

Anime Studying:
>Copy anime references exactly and draw them from memory. Use illustrations, screenshots, anime figures, 3D models, etc.
>Don’t copy recklessly. Use construction, color theory, and other fundamental concepts to rehearse a drawing process that you can later easily manipulate for original artwork.
>Post all of your anime studies. Post even when you’re told not to. Create an art community that actually draws and improves together instead of just talking about it.
>Number your attempts and link to your previous posts.
>Critiquers should lead by example by posting their studies.

General Anime Style Discussion:
>Questions about achieving certain styles/techniques/compositions etc.
>Drawing methods, study habits, resources, tutorials, tools, software, etc
>Be specific and try to post a sample of your study attempts before asking for help.

**Draw copies from good anime styled references to mindfully up our mileage, internalize appealing aesthetics, and learn from each other’s processes and knowledge.**

Recommended Resources:

/mmg/ - Manga Making General:

Previous Thread:
sexy kyouko
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trying to work on my proportions and this took around 2 hours to finish and I would say a majority was trying to make sure the proportions aligned well with the drawing. I avoided tracing and eyeballed the breakdown.

I'm having trouble with making the hair look detailed while not worrying if the details match the reference 100%. do I just spend more time studying hair if so how do I got about it? currently hair just looks very random to me although I know that isn't true.
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>around 2 hours to finish

>do I just spend more time

ngmi from the start, such many cases
>doesn't post work

typical nodraw fag
the top line of the light hitting the cheek slants up on the reference but down on yours
be mindful of angles and treat every line as equally important
my copies take a long time, my upsidedown igor was NOT one hour, but I think they're getting a tiny bit faster each time, the answer is always draw more
you're going to need to draw lines longer than a fingernail if you ever want to get good, and your sketch is just going through the motions of what you think construction looks like
for now i would just use pencil and paper, spend no more than 20 minutes sketching the head, then compare it, then do it again from scratch and try to fix at least one error you noticed, spending 2 hours polishing it when there are dozens of things off is not an effective way to learn, your ratio of sketch attempts vs polished/inked over sketches should be very high if you want to learn more efficiently
thanks for the tip anon

Thanks for the advice, anon. I've been doing trad sketches and comparing them, but I got tired of having half-done works, I'm trying to finish stuff so I can practice shading and coloring. I don't see a lot of things off with my study except for the hair, what else is off?
>what else is off?
it's subtle things, look at the shape of the eyes for instance, on the original they are not as rounded off, slightly too much space between lips and nose
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day 1 of trying to learn faces. It is going pretty badly as you can expect.
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what show was this from again..? man, anime can be very forgettable sometimes.
Literally everyone says to copy.
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Does anyone have an archive of anime hands/feet? I'm trying to grind those two since that's currently what I'm weakest at.
>Literally everyone
based newfag
Then how does one learn? Isnt copying from reference one step of learning?
Less talking, more drawing.
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Drew my OC as a magical girl
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Guys, whats wrong with Bridget's leg?
Btw, is this GMI?
I like it.
not any of them but pyw
> Btw, is this GMI?
Yeah, I see it now, thanks for pointing it out
Any good resources for complete and utter beginners with a focus on anime or other hyper-stylization specifically? Starting with fundamentals is super boring, and all (or most) stylized art tutorials imply having fundamentals down already.
that pic is AI btw
I'm not an expert but I think her right leg is off
I think you rotated her knee when knees aren't supposed to rotate like that
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>is this GMI?
Something wrong with AI as reference? Artist cant bitch about his work being stolen.
Why would you reference fake anime?
check how the left ear is close to the eye and then start focusing on why her left eye would be so far back, there are a lot of mistakes that the proompter can't pick up because he is retarded
btw the guy got a viral tweet with a similar pic of Aru from Blue Archive so he is shitting out similar pics with every character
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I only copy REAL anime handcrafted by JAPANESE
not synthetic SLOP made by mystery meat
>btw the guy got a viral tweet.

Source? So I can steal his shit for my burner account.
Hey friends, I'd really like to know if people here really are able to draw good circles freehand.
I'm read that it's a common exercise but I don' t know if there's a point in doing it past a certain point.
I fuckin hate AI shitheads. thanks anon!
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First ever drawing/copy. Guess it can’t get worse. 1st attempt going by Akihito yoshitomi’s video guides. I’ll start draw a box tomorrow. Then dive into Micheal Hamptons figure drawing this weekend
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never thought there would be a day where I had to study anatomy...
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Wait what i thought the Nips were against AI. It literally says AI in the profile bio. FML why do i even try
not my work but someone redline this?
Take the AI blackpill already. Learn to prompt. Everyone's already aboard the steam locomotive...and you somehow chose to stay on the horse carriage for...no reason?
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drew kani
It's alright to play around with AI on your free time, But uploading AI artwork as your art portfolio online is just fucking pathetic
, Am i suppose to be impressed by somebodies shitty prompting? That somebody chose to be a generic anime artist 101 that copies generic shitty mobile gacha game characters? They will forever be bottom of the barrel because they can't make anything of their own. If i met a prompter in real life i would kick the shit of of him until i let him unconscious on the floor twitching from a seizure. I hope that they cry every night knowing how pathetic they are.
Kys pedo
>Copy anime references exactly and draw them from memory
How to never learn the actual fundamentals of art 101
>Don’t copy recklessly. Use construction, color theory, and other fundamental concepts
"dont draw bad. draw good"
/lsg/ simply drew what they wanted lol and never once did any of them ever did this braindead 'just copy bro' retardation
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Uh don‘t worry shes actually 20 and just petite
live long pedo
Who tha fuck is kani?
かに - [ka-ni] - crab
Sorry I'm from Taiwan, i'm not Chineese.
Someone cute and funny
Crits and advice?
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i like it.
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I finished this a few days ago.
It's far from perfect, but I'm really happy with the results considered it's my first time making an original (not the character of course) anime drawing.
I tried matching the Konosuba style, but I also modified some stuff, like the line work or the details on the hands.
can someone redline/crit my attempt? ref is on the far left
how am i doing?
>how am I doing on this 10% done sketch
do the whole thing then post again, there isn't enough substance to show for anyone to give you a serious comment that will be helpful to you yet.
>average /lsg/ work quality is higher than the /asg/ one
are the lolifags the final solution for this shithole?
yeh, but lolifags don't make any money from their work, so their work isn't valuable.
you still can get some money from commissions, but it gets harder.
the niche is dying.
>are the lolifags the final solution for this shithole?

I think they will get banned here if they try to post. They have become a social pariah.
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Lil nigga head looks like cotton candy
I enjoy some fuckable loli on occasion, but i dislike how the anon's here draw them as square flat big headed aliens with no ass.
Huge anime tits are what arouses me, the closer to an actual cow the better.
>I enjoy some fuckable loli on occasion
40-50yo loli?
What should I do to git gud at drawing chibis?
Funny how you niggers never give a (you) to those who post their drawings but always jump on board and give hundreds of replies to the daily bait thread.
sweet drawing, I can tell this took a lot of time
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Fair point! Just got it finished. I know the eyes aren't good, but it isn't worse than I hoped!
That's because these anon's are just bot spam, That's why they're so autistic.
Oppai lolis are a thing, you know?
call me when she's 1000
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Is drawing based off of official vidya models:

And 3d anime models:

A good idea?

How about drawing poses from action movies, superhero movies, martial arts movies and so on?
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i don't see why not. Practice is practice right?
Loli is more popular then ever
marcille SPOTTED!!!
i swear an artist that good could have found a better 3d model to use... but still! thank you for sharing!
lolicon artists are getting banned instantly
there's no future
>lolicon artists are getting banned instantly
Any good video guides/courses on the YouTubes?
search how to draw anime and watch the first result
You have any handles/ socials I like your art a lot
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This time I drew midoriya from memory, it took me a lot of time even if it’s a simple drawing. It’s like every single part has to have a precise shape and angle to not look off it’s difficult to make it seem like the original. I have not studied how to draw hair yet
No nigger I want tried and true recommended shit
any models that I should use for brushes on krita ?
Yall negroes this general is dead
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Can I get crit
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theres lots of things that can be improved or added but here are some low hanging fruit, just add some filters and use the spray tool or even better the gradient tool on some parts like the skin, inside the hair to add depth on some parts as light or shade
love your style
the black rim of the eyelid is really fucked up and sloppy, it brings the whole thing down with it, mistakes at focal points of a picture count tenfold, it's a shame because otherwise the eyes aren't even that bad. If the hair has a different volume and shape you can't just try to copy the hair shadow from your reference like that you have to mold and morph the shadow to fit the hair volume you drew as well.
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Kek, the eyelid looks like a perfectly proportioned leg
can't unsee, lel
I swear you post in like every damn thread.
Post your /dad account or twitter so I can follow your progress off of this god forsaken website
LOL deku with the low taper fade?
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no context
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ig: omeowcomics
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More studies.
I had fun trying to paint hair, although I have to say, I don't know if I'm doing it properly.
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Based Lum drawer
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kill la kill studies, trying to understand the logic behind how to exaggerate and pose characters rather than copying, actually a lot harder than i thought
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Anyone have more anime loomis like this?
its just basic laws of drawing cartoons man
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>draw slightly sexy swimsuit pic
>generate traffic like crazy in the first 3 hours (for my standards)
>got around 10 comments and 3k likes
>top of the top tab of the series' tag
>Elon decided it's now sensitive and limits reach
>proceeds to get 300 impressions for the next 8 hours
thanks anon, thought the eyes were a bit strange but couldn't put my finger on it, thanks.
whats the change with the breasts though? everything else is clear but a bit confused on that
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Thanks. Yes it took longer than it should, since I tried to do as much as I could without looking up guides or asking here for advice, and just relying on referencing official art.

There is actually a subtle gradient on the hair, but I haven't thought of mixing cel shading with gradients. I'll try it out.
Thank you for the advice and the edit.
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This, loli is thriving in the real internet where the eternal anglo can't go.
kani + pulverized spine = based
If that were true(not checking that garbage), the only reason why because /asg/ is containment and where perma/beg/s go to die.
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Anyone know what medium/method Masamune Shirow used for his coloring in the early 2000s? Is it digital or maybe markers? Or something else?
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Today's studies.
Shirow used a mixture of traditional and digital quite often. He also took reference photos of textures he found interesting when he was out and about, which he spliced into things like leather, metal, etc.
iirc, he said he made a lot of sketches digitally, printed them out, inked them trad or painted them, and sometimes went on a weird loop from trad to digital to digital to trad. I think he even spliced in marker and paint textures he had painted on a spare sheets and photographed or scanned to achieve exactly the look he wanted.
Wow, that's crazy! I definitely have seen the textures in some of his works now that you mention it. Anywhere I can read about his process?
I don't know where you can get them online, but some of his artbooks have a lot of commentary.


This is the one I remember reading. I have a copy of it but I've not been through it in ages.
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Drawing hair will always be Hell
I wish my brain would work properly
you are just lazy to put the work in
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let's say i made it, im not perfect but drawings don't scream begness, what's next for me on /ic/? beg is too beg and the other generals are dead or just circlejerks and i can spot my own mistatkes and fixing them too so is there any point in sticking around here?
sounds's like you're /int/
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so what's next for an anime /int/ fag on /ic/? im too racist, redpilled and have a wicked sense of humor to go outside of 4 chins, but theres nothing on /ic/ for me to come for aside from the ocacional shitposting. other drawing dedicated threads outside of /ic/ are usually fll of begs and im seen like a tryhard when i post in. is this the end of the road? it was so nice when i was a /beg/ chasing the carrot.... *whezees*..... *dies*.
You can help out other begs, or think about your art goals.
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>helping begs
99.9% of begs don't need help with only one thing, you either dump a 10 pages info graphic or just give the ''fix'' to the biggest problem you see, which won't help at all. and most of the times they don't fix anything you have redlined or pointed out lmfao.
Well im back to different drawthreads posting scribbles to fit in with the iother begs for that sense of belonging.
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also love the irony that after years of grinding fundies now i try hard to not draw too good and make my drawings a lil shitty to fit in.
you sound like a twitter artist
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How do you guys do thin/very fine details? I can never get the proportions/shape of them right when doing a study. I notice that it's off immediately, but no matter how man times I try to put down a correct line I fail.
If I use AI to generate an interesting pose and then trace over it, will anyone be able to tell?
Yes, and I'll report you to the art police.
Japanese must do more to liberate 4chan.

The quality of media decreases when the quality of the internet decreases
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Shouldn’t the right ear reach higher up like the left one?
Actually never mind it’s because his head is slightly titled I hadn’t noticed that before
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Westfag here
I'm going to be honest, I regret not being into anime. I realized that westoid art is holding me back. All of my favorite artists on the internet are anime inspired but I was too dumb to notice it and try to emulate instead I was using western cartoons. In short, I want to become a weeb.
Now obviously, studying and copying anime is a start, which I'm doing. However, I want to change my entire identity. I want to stop being a western cartoon autist and become an anime one.
What are some good anime series and manga to get into as a complete adult novice?
Stop jerking off to yourself, anime is shit buddy, all of the old masters have already disowned it back in the eighties, The only benefit that anime has is that it's flexible and fun, Western media has always presented better stories, Anime is trash with shit like "rent a girlfriend" "FateGO" (insert other shows here) that appeals to somebodies shit fetish, While Mickey mouse and Star wars has always had a wider appeal.
Yea but modern western media has become absolutely unwatchable with the diversity/feminism bullshit that gets injected everywhere. I swear like 90% of modern movies are remakes starring idris elba as a white character
That's completely unrelated but ok. Get off the internet
adorable. I love Rin
if you think modern star wars is good, you're fucked in the head. Anime has it's issues but it's better than that
What does that have to do with drawing?
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Not sure if this is the right place to ask. This might seem a bit of a long post explaining but I've been having trouble improving and I know that it somewhat has to do with me being stubborn about my art style, because while i like my style i also have trouble with things such as studies in which i have to draw gestures or realistic things because i guess I've been drawing for too long that now muscle memory is against me in trying to learn. I also somewhat have trouble finding artists with similar art style that i can study from. I've been trying to maybe learn from the kawaiisensei book but then i realize how far away from my goal it seems which is once again part of my stubborn ness and i end up dropping it.

Do you guys have any advices or drawing exercises that are somewhat art style friendly (for the art style stubborn like me). I made a speed draw of a comparison between using kawaii sensei's face advice and my own style so that you can see the process to see if that somewhat helps.

sorry if post makes no sense my english is not perfect and i tab in and out a lot mid sentence.
Style is hard because there's no inherently right answer


This artist is very popular and uses a face stylization similar to yours. You can see the custom 3d model he uses. Personally it's too alien for me but the end results look good.


This artist is way more nsfw but also uses a head stylization where the head features are all very low, so to say.

I hope it helps. I'm just another 4chan beglet so I don't have the right answer to your question, but if you need someone to study that approaches anime art and proportions in the same way I think that's a good resource. I do not think there is a correct way to draw anime. As long as it's appealing and looks good it doesn't matters. You have to decide if you want your art to be a bit more towards the realistic side(like Dungeon Meshi, big noses, more realistic proportions) or to the stylized, more cartoony style.

Nice thistle btw
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Thank you! I liked how that second artist draws especially more im more fan of simple styles. Ill take my time to check their stuff a bit more indept.

The first one kinda inspired me to try and do those type of skeleton in different perspective to see how it goes (even tho i know their's is a 3d base and not a drawing)

since u mentioned dunmeshi, my goal is not kui's art style, i love her diversity in design but im mainly attracted to the way she draws elves specifically, and i sometimes take inspiration in the way she also draws halflings, especially her "__ but as a halfling" illustrations.

(Here's another drawing I did yesterday using the same practice)
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I know it's the same for a lot of people, but going from sketch to lineart always makes me end up feeling 10x worse.The way I colored the eyes is pretty bad, I just didn't have the motivation to keep working on it. The shading of the hair I'm sure seems amateurish, I just need to practice.

Otherwise the face feels 'off', but I can't pinpoint it. I'm sure that's not the only thing. I'd appreciate any pointers.
Man, after posting it, I realize just how badly I should have done (another) once over. I do the 'final' line art, then I realize how much I need to mess with still, but I just leave the shoddiness there. Need to plan better or stop taking shortcuts. My bad.
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Might as well post my Anya here too
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that torso ass perspective
nta but I see the breast shape begins closer to the armpit and both should have similar volume
the exaggerated curves in arms and legs also make it look cuter
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What do you think about zark muckerberg
I think it belongs on /alt/ not here.

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