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No /TRAD/ general? Aight, this will be the trad general. Post your recent trad artworks/WIPs in this thread.

I will begin. Will really appreciate critiques.
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Money design, page prop, made other common fivtional items such as lottery coupon, adverts, magazine etc.

A3, pen and pencil
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Bird from last night. Im getting better at avoiding cauliflowers and controlling the paint, every piece is more enjoyable
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Wrong pic
nice, you phoned it in with the cap though
My dude is packing.
drawing on the bird is kinda shitty but i love how you did the branches and the hue shift in the background
Thanks anon, its the first bird I done so Im sort of ok with it being shitty by any concrete advice for the next time?
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Don't really draw birds but it feels like the bird is just a blob with no structure. The head also seems big and the legs could read better.
>phoned it in with the cap
Oh yeah, absolutely but I feel like half-assing through details that non-artists don't even look at is much healthier than worrying over perfection

Being sloppy in a balanced way for me is being zen-pilled
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I really like the anti-couterfiet touches with the red and blue circles, and am little jealous of people who can draw engravings. The hat is really the only detractor like this >>7118757
anon said.

How did you do the branches? Mask them off and do the background or vice versa? It's a really nice effect. I think the bird is ok, but could use some delineator between the body and head though I know when its cold out they can look like puff balls.

Here's a work in progress, I posted it in the draw thread and got no feedback, so I figued I post it here. The inking isn't finished yet, but any glaring issues I could still fix while it's in progress? This is on watercolor paper as I want to do some washes once the inking is complete. Excuse the shitty photo quality, I need to scan it for sure
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Thanks, I really appreciate the pointers and gif, your version looks better

Sketched in the bird and some main branches, then the overall wash. Then masked off the bird and went to town with the branches. Then bird and finally foreground branches. I like your drawing. If you want you could fix that h bar, the cross section is really asymetric. I would have given one of the characters a face so the work has a subject, right now idk where to look
Thanks for the info on your process. You're right about the beam and flow for sure. I don't know if I can fix the asymmetric beam, but I could at least make it look damaged so it makes sense. The lack of faces (and bodies for that matter) is part of the narrative where all the living parts of the people have been converted to energy. Which I guess means they need to have some fingernails floating around too. However I'll keep the lack of focal point in mind as I finish up the inking and try to give it a little more coherent path for the eye to follow.
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the change gave the bird a neck where it has none. The original was fine. Nordic longtailed tits are kind of known for being a literal ball with legs on them, so I wouldn't sweat it.
OP artist is so damn good
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Been doing some more gouache nightscapes.
I love these so much! Could i ask how you got the shadows so black? Is this a gouache thing or did you use ink?
I keep wanting to vary my values but can never get enough pigment down with watercolours, always end up overworking the page.
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Still slogging though my online Course.
Some stuff is explained very vell, others not.
My major problems is on how to work with thick.
I hate on how the fence came out.
Any Feedback?
Do you do commissions
Top notch stuff anon, I'm a sucker for chiaroscuro.

Not currently, can't really knock out pieces in a timely manner.
I would be interested in a series of very basic character sketches, uncoloured - if that changes let me know
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So, I start these on black paper. But I still paint black overtop of it. By tinting my blacks the compliment of the colors around or just using the same color and deepening it, I can get sime very high contrast.

Also working in this one currently, and you can see how I make the black deeper as I carve out the subject.
Sooo, I think I might gain quite a bit by getting a printer/scanner. Are there good brands for relatively cheap?
ooh wow i see what you mean, great stuff!
What medium?

The fence looks bad because you smeared a bunch of the under layers with your stroke.

If this is oil then work thinner and understand that once you get to a certain point you can't layer anymore. Layering wet oil is hard. You really need to use Turp for the first layer for it to dry fast enough and be very deliberate with what you're painting. Also make sure you're using qn oil primed surface. If you can't you should just switch to acrylic or gouache.

If this is acrylic then wait 15 seconds for the layer below to dry and you won't have to lay it on so thick.
Yes I've used Oil. I've layed the groundwork with Burnt Umber. I went from thin paint to thick. Or I've tried.
But yeah the fence was smeared.
It's not just about thin layers, but also HOW you thin them. Did your initial blocking use paint thinner? It dries a bit faster that way.
Yes, I've used Gamsol as a thinner and in later stages I've used a bit of linseed oil to make the paint flow better.
Maybe I dragged to hard on the previous paint instead on putting the paint on top of the old one.
I think your bird is fantastic and others just don't get it.

Soul vs no soul
Then the other suggestion would be to not practice with alla prima techniques. Alla prma is kind of advanced and takes a lot of paint-handling experience to get right. Allow rest periods between major layers, until your paint handling improves.
wuf posting :D bump
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Fooling around with colored ballpoints, yellow one was blobbing like crazy for some reason
'tis a cloth fold, bruv 0_o
So I fucked up a sketch in oil. The first layer was burnt sienna and I sketched with raw umber. Should I overpaint the sketch with burnt sienna again? Obviously it will be darker than using burnt sienna over a white ground.
JFC, just move on, who cares.
Unless this is going to be the last ever painting you intend to do, just get on with it.
Any advice on fixative to protect my watercolors? Have a few larger canvases that I'd like to protect from wear/tear so that they aren't damaged in shipping or anything silly like that. Something that won't fuck with the color/texture or give it a weird shine, ideally
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I love the simplicity of this piece. Is this a place of personal importance to you?

Still working on painting waves and ripples. This one seems to have worked out better than the last but was tricky trying to express the different shadows on the water and sheen of wet sand at a slight angle.
>I love the simplicity of this piece.
>Is this a place of personal importance to you?
It's a random house I passed by in the middle of the night on a walk. Lol.
My greatest suggestion would be to invest in plastic sleeves. They can worry about the rest after they get it.
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What this guy said >>7122667 get some acid free a3 and a2 sleeves. I use them to press paintings flat too
I guess, though I can't seem to find sleeves for 36"x48" or 48"x48" canvases? That's the size I'm working and (fingers crossed) going to be shipping, hence my question about fixative. I've found a lot online about protecting and fixing paper based watercolor works, and acrylic/oil on canvas, but I can't find anything specific to watercolor paints on canvas. My partner works in the art field and has given me a lot of helpful advice when it comes to starting out selling works but she's not a painter and I've never considered the long term durability of anything I've ever done since it's always been for my own enjoyment or rarely as a gift. Also neither here nor there but >>7122744 really liking what I can see in this wish you took a better pic lol
>acid free a3 and a2 sleeves
They're made of plastic, aren't they acid-free by default?
(maybe this should go on the art supply thread, but those guys seem to only buy pens and pencils).
Could you guys help a fellow to introduce himself to oil materials?
I've watched some youtube videos to get into oil painting, but almost everything I've seen has to do with the actual process and not so much with the materials themselves.
I know you only need 4 to 5 pigment tubes to makes your palette, but come on, who actually does that? I for one think it's impractical, coming from a watercolor, waxed based colored pencils and digital painting background.
I also don't know any brands for anything, not the tubes, not the brushes, not the diluents. What do you guys recommend? I know I'm getting started with oil painting, but I already know my fundies. I don't need the beg setup, I need something more on the mid to advanced gear. I think this is the next step on my art journey, not just a one day trip.
Also, what's up with those paper blocks for oil painting? Are they any good for practicing? I don't know if it's a financially coherent decision to just throw money at canvases in the very first try. Granted, I'll buy some when I get to the art supply store (which is a long way from home may I add), but I'd like to test the waters on something cheaper.

Thanks in advance.
Linseed oil
Ivory black
Titanium white
Cadmium red
Alizarin crimson
Rose or carmine
Phthalo blue
Ultramarine blue
Cobalt blue
Naples yellow
Cadmium yellow medium
Lemon/transparent yellow
A few flats
A few rounds
A mop brush
A fan brush
Disposal container
A LOT of ventillation
Dish soap

That's a quick list of suggested supplies.
Also winsor newton is a good brand for all levels.
Thanks! What's the sandpaper for though?
Surface prep. Gessso, dry, sand, repeat. Until you have the level of smoothness you want.
I would add get a bottle of murphy's oil soap. Its a wood cleaner. It is the best thing for cleaning paint brushes that I've used.
Not them, but what grit sandpaper is needed to sand gesso? Do you need to do a few runs with a couple of different grits?
Nah that's not necessary. Fine grit is good.
Oh, ok, thank you very much!
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Its still not very flat. Ive heard you can iron watercolor paintings too, might try that

Idk, it always says acid free on archival grade stuff
The other anon gave you a material list for a working oil painter, it's not a starter kit. (no offense otheranon, it's an alright list, but it's too much to start efficiently).

Oil paper is great as a rather cheap (and durable) practice surface. Slightly thick drawing paper+two or three coats of gesso is an alternative. Canvas are overrated unless you work on huge formats.

Pick up a copy of Richard Schmid's Alla Prima or Harold Speed's book on painting; read carefully, and learn from actual painters and teachers instead of random 4chan anons.
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I did this little painting in oil.
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Mixed Media. This one was almost a disaster as the india ink and alcohol markers didn't want to play nice together. Fortunately I was able to switch to a more mixed media approach and pull it together. Still, a lesson has been learned.
It always feels good to pull something back from the brink of diaster. When you say india ink and alcohol markers werent playing well, what was happening? Was the alcohol in the marker dissolving the ink, or something else.
I blocked in the shadows with light alcohol markers before going over everything with ink wash, but wherever I had drawn with marker the ink soaked into the paper much more intensely and left dark patches and lines, making the whole thing a patchy mess, instead of smoothly gradiated. I think the markers changed the surface quality of the paper, making it more absorbent in spots.

Funny thing is, I'd done the same thing before with no problem, but that was on hot-press paper. This was cold-press, so the surface was maybe more permeable and affectable.

Lesson learned: if I'm going to mix ink and marker on cold press watercolor paper, put the ink down first, then go over it with marker. No problems doing it that way...
I tried to paint a cherry tree from life. Was fun but it's hard and I feel kind of bad about it, it all turns out so flat and blotchy. Like I try to indicate depth, but the branches and flowers all end up like a 2d plane, there's no sense of the tree being more than a flat sheet. How would you have done it? Any advice?
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Any soft pastels enjoyers here? What kind of paper do you recommend? Ive been painting on canvas, but its kinda pain in the ass. Wip of something I came up with after being on that Beksinski/Zawadzki pipeline
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Another one I made in december for a friend
very nice. I love the detail of the armor
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Here's a WIP of a pen-and-ink piece I'm working on. It's a redo of one of my first ink drawings I made when I started drawing again a few years back.
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I remade that goofy ass image into a painting on a spare canvas. It's not my best work but that picture always made me laugh and is iconic to me.
Loving the perspective, anon!
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Updated, I think keeping the body simple would be best, like a tight bodysuit or something
Very nice, would hang on my wall
This is a good list but insane overkill for someone starting out.

You need three primaries, white, and a dark earth.
I personally use Hansa Yellow Deep, Alizarin or Pyrole, Transparent Oxide Red (this is my favorite pigment PR101. Its way better than umbers and siennas. Use it and you'l understand why), and Ultramarine.
Alternatively, for an opaque palette yellow ochre or cad yellow, cad red, burnt umber, ultramarine.

For medium you should get linseed oil for painting and odorless mineral spirits for cleaning your brush. Turp is better for thinning paint because of its drying time but stinks. Naphtha dries even faster but doesn't stink which is bad because it sneak poisons you. The artist brand solvents are the same as the hardware store so save your money and buy it from ACE. When you get sick of smearing OMS and slimy slow drying oil everywhere read this: https://www.markboedges.com/materials

For brushes you need two types: Stiff and not stiff. Buy them from Rosemary Co. Michaels brushes are the same price and suck fat chode. You want (at minimum, buy more if you can) 3 long flat ultimate bristle, 3 long flat masters series, and 1 master series rigger. Long flat does almost everything. You can buy a filbert or two if you love portraits. Everything else is a specialty brush and a waste of money unless you know what you're doing.

For panels I personally use oil primed hardboard. If you cant cut your own panels just buy the acrylic primed ones at michaels and prime them with Zinsser Cover Stain oil primer. Acrylic primed canvases are trash and the weave on the store bought ones will make your paintings look like shit no matter what.

If you take any of this advice for the love of God let it be the brushes and surface. I wasted so much time painting with shitty brushes on shitty canvases wondering why my paintings suck. Don't be cheap and take care of your brushes, use a smooth oil primed surface, and you will save yourself a lot of misery.
Why not a set of 3 warm and 3 cool primaries?

There's been a lot of incredible art ITT. Nice job, guys.
Split primary doubles the amount of choices you have to make when mixing colors and doesn't really expand your palette at all. I organize my palette with warm colors (hansa, alizarin, Transparent oxide) on the left and cool colors (ultramarine and white) on the right. It's very rare that I need to add another primary to my palette. If I do it's usually cerulean blue just because Ultramarine is so dark.

Obviously as you paint more you find yourself repeating a lot of mixes That can be sped up by adding colors to your palette that are closer to your final mixes. For myself I find that more colors means more opportunity to break color harmony unless I have a very clear intention in adding it.

Fwiw, I paint almost exclusively landscapes. Portrait or still life painters will probably have a different set of pigments. I think the principle holds true regardless though. Master the primaries, then split them where you find a need. Starting with a masters palette doesn't help you solve beginner problems.
>This is a good list but insane overkill for someone starting out.
Yeah my bad. Kind if went full autist and just thoughtlessly threw down my supply list I keep in my head.
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I think part of the issue is there really are a just two layers. Adding in some more background and mid ground layers might help boost the depth. I struggle with trees myself but something I find helpful (from my perspective at least) is composing the scene with strong shadows and slightly into the sun seems to work best. This will give your tree deeper shadows to paint so I tend to see more depth on my trees that way. I tend to paint the leaves first and rather quickly with my highlight color. I want the leaves still wet when I drag shadow color through to make the branches and trunks. The colors look best when they bleed together. Bonus points for putting some shadows on just the dark side of the trunk and have those colors also bleed together. Finally I’d say maybe some roots for your tree. I find roots the most interesting part to paint with all the shadows here and any roots coming straight out add great depth.
One anatomy tip. Big ol' booty with a cheek crease when the leg stretches back, and a smoother transition from bun to underthigh when the leg extends in front.
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Neat style. Very charming design. I like it!
Layout sketch for a future project.
Thank you! There was something about her butt that seemed off but I couldn't put my finger on it. It seemed to be working so I didn't want to arbitrarily mess with it and make it worse. (It stands out more once all of the construction lines are gone too, so this is perfect timing)
There is a lot of really good art in this thread and I appreciate everyone's contributions. It warms my heart to see traditional still lives on in a digital and AI world.
If you just stand un a similar pose and feel your ass with your own hands you will know. Good luck, I dig pulp fantasy.
If anything, trad art is making a massive comeback in popularity, thanks in large-part to AI. People are so disgusted by the idea that even normies have gone full Return to Order.
Digitalfags are up shit's creek though. Lol
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Currently working on this ghost bride piece. Remaking an old painting I'd done.

The hard part I think is getting the flowing fabric of the veil to look sheer against the background, especially with acrylic. And yeah I know the hands look super rough, and the lower one is too big I think.
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Very nice, you really captured the light here. I like how you simplified the treeline on the right

Midsommar vibes

I did two small 10 by 15 cm paintings tonight, incorporating the cliché "watercolor house"
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And the other one
Appreciate the slightly off margins, it really gives it a nice look. Can you talk about how much underpaint you're doing? There's a richness in how thin and watery the backgrounds are but without a hint of working
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A quick head study I whipped up from a while ago. Been a bit since I sat down and drew something on paper.
Anyone have recommendations for an H-frame easel?
Thanks. I do the underpainting wet on dry with a large brush. Plenty of water and tilting the paper helps a bit but mostly its pigment selection. Some are smooth and creamy af while some will always granulate. For example: french ultramarine will not work for this but indigo is fine. Cad yellow and permanent rose are nice. Raw sienna and olive green too
Do it yourself, probably. If you need stability and fixed thing, consider relying on a wall (drill the frame to the wall for example).

More portable setups are convenient for plein-air and studio, albeit less sturdy.

There are good points, but those proportions anon, those proportions...
>Linseed oil
Does this have to be from an artstore?
I guess not? But the stuff you get in an art store will be clarified/refined properly. And you won't get the variety, like if you want quick dry oil, slow dry, thickened, etc.
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Slowly getting there with the blocking. But the shape of the body beneath the draping, and the lowered hand/arm need serious correcting.
It'd look sell well at Spirit Halloween
I once posted my aquarel landscapes here, asking if anyone can suggest where I could put them online to make some extra $ (I'm an art school graduate but I don't work as a painter).
I got mugged because I used word "analog art", that apparently didn't fit with some people in here, I don't know 4chan slang.
I'm never posting any of my work here ever again, this board is for trolls, not for artists.
What's the best brand of white-out?
Whilst I love trad, I always make dumb mistakes when inking lineart that I really shouldn't have.
Most white-outs I know of tend to show up really poorly on the paper and leave marks when you scan them. Additionally, a lot are hard to draw on after they dry and sometimes flake or smudge, making the drawing worse than it was before.
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I like your movement, but I think you lose a bit of that flow with the head and chest area. You're addressing the hands, so the only other thing that I'd mention is that it seems like switching to the more umber color for the shadows in the main body and head is a little jarring to me. It also seems to make it more solid and lose a the ethereal feeling that the veil has. maybe try switching to a warmer blue for those areas?

I've heard of gouache being used for this. I've never tried it myself, but it makes sense that you could mix up a color of gouache that matches the tone of the paper you're using.

Thanks for the advice, and I've attempted to fix the I beam as well as give it better visual flow. What I was intending is that the eye would start at either the top or the bottom, and move along the length of the image hitting each figure as it follows the hand/arm. I think I was successful but would like some confirmation since I've had my nose in this image for a bit. Next step is decidedly un-trad as I'm going to try some different color combos in CSP and Corel Paint before committing to physical watercolor. I got carried away one evening thought and added the yellow and blue areas with some watercolor pens, so they're there now for better or worse.
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have a clumsy frazetta study, first time using a gpen and brush.
This is insane. absolutely insane. I can not explain and I can not express how insane this watercolor image is.
Yeah youre good. Nice work and I think the kind of feedback I gave would have been enough to keep in mind for the next time, nothing that you absolutely had to address. Excited to see how it turns out

The goat, although I dont strive for realism personally. Imagine seeing this when photos were poorer quality, rare and b&w
The power of white gouache.

Also probably of photo references. (1886 is about 40 years after the first permanent colored photo).

(It's not that crazy if you've actually tried to paint water reflections; most of the water is very abstract and loose)
Do you guys sketch/draw in public? What do you draw? I'm not good at it so I don't want to draw people(because I don't want to accidentaly make a caricature and also because anxiety), but drawing tress and building is boring and animals are hard to find sometimes and they move.
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A copy of
Now that I got a scanner and as much A4 paper I want, I might try screwing around with pencils and pens. Monsters are quite cool stuff to draw, maybe over time I learn to monsterify the stuff I find outside, that would be interesting.
I might need some hard cardboard and binder clips if I were to draw outside, though.
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Watercolors and sumi ink.
See >>7130868
>tubes are dry and won't open
>pour boiling water so they open
>clean them up and put them away
>few months later
>about to paint
>tubes are sealed again
>won't open

no other medium makes me rage this hard
Happened to me with cheaper tubes, I think because of an excess of oils. A wrench was enough to open them.

Make a reminder to open and close once a month or so.
Everything the other anon said but also,
If you really want to work with oil and not have to wait days for it to dry so you can layer, try using a smaller brush. That means you won’t put as much oil on canvas and it will be a thin layer, although it will take more patience.
Get a good pair of needle nose pliers and use them to help turn the caps. That's what I do, works every time. Even if they've been sitting for months, untouched.
Could you run a thin strip of plumbing tape around the edge of each tube opening and then coat it in a thin layer of Vaseline to help with that happening?
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"The Shriek"

Ink and Paint.
I take it as a compliment!

We think alike! I realized it was too solid looking and I've started going back and cooling down the values of the cloth. I'd have another update, but haven't had as much time.
Decent contrapasto in the central figure. But the hip on which he is leaning needs to be more raised. You don't get the effect by shifting the upper body in the opposite direction. In a traditional contrapasto there should always be a line straight down from the head to the groin. little to or no angle.
Yeah I noticed the lower part of the body looms like its dislocated more to the right, a bit un-natural
Anyway what are sone resources you recommend for anatomy study, especially neoclassicist
what do you think of this new slab i finished?
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I tried to paint a cityscape of sorts. I don't know why but something about it bothers me. Also tried to paint a bit. But I feel like I should probably practice more on simpler shapes, I love doodling these sorts of buildings but they tend to get ruined during painting. Lots of detail lost. Still, it's a learning opportunity and I like parts of it
I think maybe I should try leaving details out of the sketch and add them while painting instead and be more aggressive with the surfaces. Like more big areas of paint I add details to, rather than details I have to paint around. If that makes sense. And also learn to omit detail and be more abstract.
Any feedback or advice?
Thanks for the feedback! I keep it in mind, and very nice painting.

Very nice feeling of shapes in the head and great rendering and keeping highlights, the feet are a bit stiff though, I think they could have been angled more away from eachother. The pose altogether is a bit still for a shrieking, But very nice work! How big is it?

I think it looks great! Love the creative designs.
Looks cool so post a print! Did you engrave on linoleum or another surface.
>How big is it?

9x12 inches. And yeah, I should have had him leaning back a bit and his feet splaying, but what're ya gonna do? At least I think it works overall.
Looks like he's getting a good nosh off, at least.
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Prob about 50-60% done with this one. Been a while since I've done any decent sized paintings and it's always satisfying. Bigger isn't always better but in art I think it is. Sucks that canvases are getting so expensive nowadays, 85 bucks a pop for a gallery framed 36x48 at my local store. We'll see if any from this batch sell, I guess.
the transparency in branches and stuff are so crazy,
clearly a lot of control going into it, very impressive, but the transparency itself might be what's throwing some people off. decide what you actually want in the piece maybe, but it's very cool looking.
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Here a quick drawing. Only a year into drawing regularly
>I know you only need 4 to 5 pigment tubes to makes your palette, but come on, who actually does that? I for one think it's impractical, coming from a watercolor, waxed based colored pencils and digital painting background.
good God you are arrogant man. Stfu if you've never done oil painting and listen to people who do. Much like watercolor, good painters only use up to 5 colors.
Here's what you need:
>Anders Zorn palette+ ultramarine blue
>two hog hair flat brush, size 18 and 12.(DaVinci is a good brand)
>odorless spirits
>cotton rag (old t-shirt)
>one palette knife
>cheap cardboard canvas or a canvas pad to practice on.

oh yeah, get a buttplug while you are at it

take all your rulers and thrown them out. Thank me later.
nice painting anon

>Prob about 50-60% done with this one
done with what?
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I painted a few things,threw them together in a pic to keep from spamming.

I think i got too eager, maybe too ambitious. Too many things in a single sitting, I don't know what happened. I couldn't make something I was happy with. I feel like I'm going crazy. The brush just wouldn't be straight, everything got messy. I couldn't render anything, the shapes just vanished under the paint.

I was trying to be less overt with details, trying to make shapes with light and dark and not lines. But it's difficult.

Trying to also experiment with rendering, the first one was the bot with the hoses, tried to imitate Ashley wood, how he renders with some dry brushing.

Any advice?
Nice bots, dude. A flare of some color might be cool.
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hell yeah
>take all your rulers and thrown them out. Thank me later.
What is the pitfall you are warning me against? Is it that relying too much on technical perspective is going to make my art too cold/mechanical? In this case, I was trying to work on reinforcing the more technical aspects of perspective so I may have gone too far in that direction and I can see how it feels a bit too rigid. Suggestions about how to think about different camera angles, etc., without rulers while not lapsing into something that looks too amateurish?
not him;learning to draw straight lines by hand is a good skill to develop
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I doodled a bit, added colour. Playing around with high and low detail areas.

Looks great!

Some feedback is that the pauldrons look a bit like wood, maybe add some weld lines or some texture on the areas in shadow.Perhaps some lines to indicate they're made from multiple pieces, or some impact marks that have exposed the grey metal underneath or perhaps some texture like that of his arm. Great work on that by the way!
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shouldn't have started an oil painting since I'm trying to put together some sort of portfolio...but now I have to finish it
What's the worst part about this so far. Still a wip of course.

not really, it just makes everything look stiff. Keep doing what you are doing with "technical" perspective, vanishing points are always there, just avoid rulers. Look at Nausicaa, he never used a ruler throughout the entire manga.

I like the trees there! do you know Ashley wood? I think you would benefit from studying his robots.
pay attention to the orientation of the brushstrokes, for instance, the ones on her pelvis compared to the one on her thigh. Since it's metal it might make sense to place them all vertically. Lastly, avoid using black, as it makes everything much more dull. Try a mix of burnt sienna and ultramarine blue instead.
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oils are still wet and shinny, sorry about that
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Value range is way too tight.
Not an issue IMO

Perspective of the hair circle thing is skewed. More details, textures on the hairs maybe
>done with what?
cleaning up the spilt paint
Hair a bit flat. I figure you planned to add a bit of depth to it. But of a uniboob as she looks pretty flat on the other side. I don’t really understand what that pinky is doing.
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just some random character I drew today. Notice how the waterproof ink repelled the water on the watercolor(specially on the pants). Pretty weird because it had never happened to me before(on other papers) but it does make sense, since the waterproof ink uses shellac as the binder.

I can see how it may seem that way on the photo (bad photo+ oils dull out when dry and unvarnished) but

>Perspective of the hair circle thing is skewed. More details, textures on the hairs maybe
thanks, I also detected that. I tried fixing the perspective today. Will see what I can do, but thanks for spotting it man
yes the hair needs more work. I'll be adding brighter highlights later on so maybe that does it. The uniboob did look wack, so thanks for pointing that out, I tried to work on it. pinky is supposed to be turning inward, might change it if it looks too weird later on.right now I have to wait for it to draw before I can paint over it baka
Maybe oil it out and then take another picture to compare (if it's dry enough to do so, which I assume it is since you're saying the values are like that because it sunk in).
Just a suggestion anyways, not pretending to be an expert.
Anons, anyone feel like painting a fantasy piece for a dungeon synth album cover based on 1 of the song titles? i can pay 60 dollars lol thats more i'll ever make from the album probably, so i guess it will be like a license or something?
>thanks, I also detected that. I tried fixing the perspective today. Will see what I can do, but thanks for spotting it man
Just in case, don't paint seated but standing, and make a habit of going back to look at your work. This should help spotting those earlier
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hey anon I'd absolutely love to. That's the type of gig I've been looking for. Been listening to a lot of dungeon synth and kings field ost, wich I think influenced my work(picrel). Since I'm trying to build up my portfolio I'm fine with that price.

you can Dm me on IG:
Very cool anon. It looks kinda flat because of the lack of contrast in foreground and background (the buildings on the right and the big dome building have very similar values). Also note there’s a bunch of tangents at the arch and at the edges of the dome building.
the image you've posted looks hella cool, i've sent you a message
unfinished leyendecker mastercopy for schoo
looks ni
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painted St.George while waiting for the oil painting to dry. Mainly focusing on getting a good composition that's also not too generic since all depictions of St.George are very much the same. Not too happy with his face, albeit I didn't plan that part at all and focused on everything else. I'm inhaling copium, but the the idea is that this would be some sort of card art illust so the face would be too small to read lol. At least it reads well as a thumbnail.
Heavily inspired by Arthur Rackam and Hitoshi Yoneda.

>Just in case, don't paint seated but standing, and make a habit of going back to look at your work. This should help spotting those earlier
yeah, found that out the hard way. thanks man.
btw, now I totally get why yoshitaka Amano paints watercolors while standing. You have to.
hey thanks anon

looks good dawg. I see a lot of Uni students doing leyendecker studies. Do they make you do that or is it your call?
thanks! he’s just great to study from since his strokes are easily legible and there’s a wealth of information on his process. they did hand out a sheet of recommended artists but he was one of hundreds listed. leyendecker and rockwell are common refs for people in studio programs leaning towards illustration since they have good drawing sense and popularity. this was for a figure painting class, my school likes avant garde expression so there were more Sara Ball/Salman Toor/Colleen Barry type pieces. i was surprised during critique nobody else in my class did a JCL or Rockwell, but there was one with a Sargent (portrait of madame x)
Yo that dragon flapping out his ass
This man is insane too.
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I know it's shitty but I spent my evening on this literally just fucking around, which was good for practicing loosening up a little bit.
>le zmog it looks like a photo! so insane!

grow up.
Insanely good
>having precision from a medium known for not being precise is lame
You grow up you dumb nigger.
how much drawing should you learn before you try to learn to paint?
would going through a couple /beg/ books be enough?
Do them at the same time. Drawing skills will massively benefit your painting but no reason not to start now and learn how to use the medium.
much thanks :)
Ingres is wrong though. Like, it takes more than one hour already to memorize 10/15 pigments and their properties as relevant say for oil paint.

He's being whimsical, poetic, not accurate.

Painting will make you better at drawing.
Drawing will make you better at painting.

("It depends")
if you can draw, you can paint
if you can paint, you can't draw
>if you can draw, you can paint
In the general case, no, because paint requires to know much more things that regular drawing skills.

>if you can paint, you can't draw
In the general case, no, because you can use a painterly approach to draw.
didn't read your post
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Oil painting from a reference picture.
> either an apology
> or a bitter comment
Welcome to the fourth dime-channel.
Some of the fruits look not bad but the sky and leaves look really lazy.
Thanks for the crit, anon
Lately, I've been realizing once again how bad it is to paint in oil on a cotton canvas that hasn't been primed with gesso first. I've also noticed that I tend to get much better results when painting with oils and thinner on regular sketching paper. So, I guess that means I do better on smooth surfaces. Are there any options available for me if I want to paint on an archival support, other than using a gessoed board (too smooth) or going through the gesso layers/sandpapering hurdle on a regular canvas?
Are supports of key importance when painting in oils?
>Are there any options available for me if I want to paint on an archival support, other than using a gessoed board (too smooth) or going through the gesso layers/sandpapering hurdle on a regular canvas?
Oil paper? (like Arches huile, but there are others).

>Are supports of key importance when painting in oils?
Every little element is important if you want a fine result, because those they require you to have a precise understanding of what you material can do, and what it's best suited for.
No problem, if you post the reference that may help with more specific feedback
im jealous you make it look so easy
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Thank you, but I'm still really early in the process of figuring this stuff out.
The postcard paintings are fun to do though. Very low stress.
but you have experience elsewhere right? like the strokes already look very deliberate

I know the five million photorealistic drawings of random celebrities has made you cynical, sheer virtuosity still has merit, you know.
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sargent study detail
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mancini study
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portrait of a friend
Oh yeah for sure, I did digital for several years. I just wasn't enjoying it anymore so I'm spending time on learning trad.
Crazy good work anon
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self portrait
I very much enjoy this
i think ima start a blog
Beautiful work

Hell yeah
you look like the sus guy
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Hello. Is this the correct thread to post this enviroment practice i did yesterday? I guess it is because this place has the objective of recieving art critiques anyway.
If so, I want to recieve feedback and critiques of what I made so I can improve it and have those advices in mind when i make more arts like that in the future.
And when I want to paint it, how i can do it? Because i use mainly colored pencils and I'm trying lately to figure out ways to make a better coloring than I have right now as an art skill, but I'd like to learn more tricks so I can figure out how to accoplate in my techniques.
Anyways, I hope this works and if I've explained well what I wanted to say.
>painterly approach to draw
holy kek
Since you're being disrespectful, I won't spoon feed you.
Linen is historically common for a reason. Alternatively you can prime your own panels and leave brush marks for texture.
An oil primed surface is extremely important for oil paint if you want a professional result. I'd recommend priming panels to find a method of preparation that gets the surface you want.
>An oil primed surface is extremely important for oil paint if you want a professional result
That's not true (think about it: what does "professional result" really means?). A key difference between an oil ground and an acrylic ground is absorbency, which will determine how easily you can move paint around.

Of course, if you try to use an acrylic ground as if it was a oil ground, you're going to have issues!
I've only ever used the stock gesso on a canvas before, or an acrylic underpainting.
What is an oil base? At first I thought maybe it would be wiping a layer of linseed oil over everything to get a wet on wet feel, but that can't be it since it would compromise far over lean.
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I got a local glass place to cut me two custom palettes and holy FUCK anons what a nice upgrade.
Was also a pretty decent price too. Surprisingly about as cheap as buying shitty picture frames and using the glass from that, but it's much stronger glass and cut to the size I wanted.
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Second larger one stays on the workbench. Love how much smoother it is to move the paint around like this.
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Ight here's my stuff I made a week or two ago
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Last one. I absolutely love doing this shit
Made this shirt too
>What is an oil base?
It's a coat of paint containing oil. Modern versions often rely on alkyds, but you still have some lead-based.

You can actually spread a thin layer of oil over the base or before starting any layer: that's called oiling out, and has benefits. It won't necessarily break the fat over lean rule.

Anon, if you want to do oil, start painting, don't worry too much. If you want to get technical details, experiment, and grab a book or two. It's a complex topic, you're bound to have many questions.
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Interesting, I didn't know you could oil out at the start, I'll have to mess around with that someday.
Appreciate the explanation anon. And yeah I'm not worrying about the rules too much (not like anything I paint is gonna be worth preserving) but it's nice to learn stuff.
Yes you can, it'll help the paint flow a little more, and help with the swiping. If you're painting alla prima, there's absolutely no worry. Otherwise, you just have to make sure the next layer has more oil / slower drying pigments.

bumping for updates
Can you name a painter that uses or recommends acrylic primed surfaces with oil? I don't see any advantages. >>7155610
As the other anon said, oil grounds are less absorbent than acrylic. Your initial washes will sink in much less on oil. If you're going to use oils a lot you should buy some oil primed panels or cover one you already have with oil primer just to see the difference. It's very noticable.
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Oh, I know your art. Pretty cool.

Posting a wip.
>painting thick on thick
There is such a thing as too much texture my friend.
Which books or videos should I read/watch for water colours?
I disagree.
All my paintings have had this look recently. It's mostly because I don't have much time to paint these days and this time between paintings makes forget what I did previously and mess up.

But I was going for thick textures on this one too.
>As the other anon said
I'm the other anon too

>Can you name a painter that uses or recommends acrylic primed surfaces with oil
Cesar Santos comes to mind. I'm sure there are plenty more because:

> I don't see any advantages
Oil grounds aren't as available as acrylic ones (in my West Europe country there's none in store). It's ready for use quickly after application. It seems to also be slightly cheaper (Jackson alkyd compared to acrylic gessos are 35€ and 29€ for 1L)

There are non-absorbent acrylic grounds, and ways to make even a regular acrylic ground much less absorbent, while maintaining adherence.

It's not so much about recommending acrylic grounds as it is about them being not mandatory, except when you're going for a peculiar technique which demands non absorbency, aka

> Just Paint.
I'm going to add the same amount to the right side of his jacket as I did in the left. I dunno how else to to give it a thick look.
I don't like flat paintings.
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Did some corrections to his proportions but it's going to rest for a week or so before I can work on that right side. Lots of fine details to add as well.
Very nice, did you print these by hand?
If so I could see this making a very decent amount of money. Godspeed anon
>Cesar Santos
Thanks, I didnt know that. I figured it would be less of a problem with traditionally layered styles. I live in a plein air alla prima bubble lol.
nta but I have friends that do this kind of stuff all the time and sell them in fairs. Shirts, keychains etc. Never asked her how much she makes there though.
She doesn't look rich so I assume it's just beer money.
Even with plein-air, I remember seing people who used paper, which is quite absorbent, but light and thin. I can't figure out what Tischler uses, but he's slapping some hand-made liquin-based tint to stain whatever pre-primed canvases he's using: that's an oil ground, basically.

I personally prefer oil grounds, but acrylic grounds remain usable, although less malleable by default.
Yes but I made them using cyanotype. And it has been pretty good so far. The tricky part RN is dealing with the extras in inventory. I only have so much space!
I wanna see em Anon. I like looking at people's set up!
What course?
What course dude?
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I painted little robot. Pretty happy with it, though a lot is kind of wonky. Any thoughts? I want to improve.
>'tis a cloth fold, bruv 0_o
a random saggy and bulging "cloth fold" right where his genitals are? are you stupid?
Anders zorn?
It's in the image name (also, you can image search from the post's blue arrow)
I like it! I like the rust or whatever that is underneath several parts and the colors.
I don't like the angles of the feet. They look awkward. I also think you should have continued the lighting up into the body. The legs have a well defined light source, but not the body.
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Update on >>7126199. Not as much progress as I had hoped. Work demands and then my kids needed me to make them posters for school. Final drawing transferred and some shadow mapping put down (trying to balance the silhouette effect of the fire against losing details of the warrior)
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Finally done the base colours. Now the real work can begin.
(Why do I keep doing big canvases. Where the fuck am I going to put this)
ur awesome
I certainly wouldn't go that far, but thank you anon
nah ur awesome if I wasnt poor I would offer to buy this when its done
You're being modest, which is appreciated a lot more than someone with their head up their own ass. Anon's right, though, you did a great job. Would also consider purchase, but I don't even want to imagine what the cost of shipping that would be.
Well thanks again anon, I do really appreciate the kind words.

Thanks as well! Man it would probably be insane to ship something like this (4ft tall), I don't want to think about it either lol.
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Pardon my /beg/ shit. I'm trying to do something way beyond my abilities. I've been fucking around with colored ballpoint pen. I've been busy. For reasons I decided to try to do this landscape in my journal. It's taking forever. It's kind of a "have to finish it for the sake of fishing it" thing.
I've done better looking shit with ballpoint, but simpler subjects on better paper. And for similar reasons I feel compelled to post this, even though I'm rushing it and it kinda sucks.
I've had too much to do and art is the thing I can afford to slack on, so I haven't done much in a couple months.
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The Superbrawl, Marker with Mixed Media

I must have rioting on the brain. Wonder why...
How do you get so many values of grey?
no shot this is a real question. Come on bro
I don't use markers. I have no idea how they work.

Patience, grasshopper. I've been at work.

I just have a full range of grey markers from 0 to 10 in opacity, as well as a blender marker. I also did the black shadows with a brush pen, and the linework with a pigment liner.

There's no special magic trick.
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here's an update.Been busy with other stuff , but now it's dry I was able to scan it. It's not varnished so the colors are faded (tried correcting it on PS)
hands are fucked so it needs a lot more work

nice anon, you are improving! The drawing a big wonky, I recommend you read the "Form" chapter of the "Famous artists course". Should be easy to find.

what a CHAD
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>Brush pen
I suspected
>Full range
See, that's what I was wondering. I thought markers were pretty binary, you make a mark or you don't. If that's the case your blending is pretty seamless.

I guess what really got my attention (besides the amazing detail) was the grey values because with the ballpoint crap in doing it's very hard to make a grey. I learned how to blend and shade ballpoint from a French guy in YouTube with orc tusk implants

But grey is really hard to do. As far as I can tell there are no grey ballpoint pens. I've messed around with water brush pens, but other than the odd black sharpie, I haven't used markers since grade school, and only low grade ones. I already have too many art supplies and not enough time and energy, so I think I'm not going to buy markers any time soon.
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Anyway, I like ballpoint because it allows me to work in oils, but I only have to carry a few pens with me. This is the best I've been able to do, but I'm out of practice and trying to get back into it.

If anyone is wondering, in western parlance a "ballpoint" is oil based, a "rollerball" is alcohol based, and gel pens are water/gel based, even though all three are technically ballpoints with roller balls.

But as I said, I haven't figured out a way to do gray. Mostly I cheat and use a white gel pen on black to blend a grey. (Not pictured here.)
>See, that's what I was wondering. I thought markers were pretty binary, you make a mark or you don't. If that's the case your blending is pretty seamless.

Alcohol markers. They actually blend pretty well. You can get really smooth blends by working different shades over each other. They allow a surprising amount of subtlety in making your marks, and the blender helps a lot too.
Well I really like the piece, not just from a technical perspective, but the theme and composition are very pleasing to the eye. After seeing so many shit but detailed AI drawings on the other boards, it's like an antidote. Reminds me of Al Jaffee' and Sergio Argonez of Mad magazine. Lots of delicious detail.

Thank you very much. I have a condition where it's very hard for me to make simple images. I always end up making things complicated.

Well, I might as well lean into it.
Does anyone have any favorite/recommended resources regarding oil pastels? My friend gifted me a nice set that I'd really like to get into but my main trad mediums have been watercolors and charcoal.
can someone redpill me on "quick drying oil painting"?
paint dries faster
Look for how people use regular pastel and oil paint, as it's somewhat in the middle. You can basically think of them as oil paint as a stick, and use solvent or oils to thin them when needed.

Some pigments are touch dry in a few hours when applied thinly. You can also increase the drying time with siccatives, which are probably contained in that "fast drying linseed oil", or are contained in other mediums, such as liquin.

This makes it easier to paint in layer, such as one layer per day.
>draw a picture and ink it 100% traditionally
>Scan and color it digitally
Does anyone else do this?

Only every comic book artist from 1996 to 2008, probably.

But yes lots of people still do that, because, in spite of all the advanced tech, drawing digitally, still sucks more than on paper.
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no because I'm not a tranny.
Just ink it with waterproof ink and paint it in watercolor, like an actual artist would.
Never used that stuff. I use a mix of galkyd and linseed stand oil diluted with OMS. Light layers tack up enough to paint over again within a half hour. Real nice for plein air. Definitely my favorite way to paint. You get a lot of the layering potential of acrylic or gouache but without it ever drying on your palette. Make sure keep an eye on your brushes though because it will gum them up if you don't wipe clean them well.
not even that guy but watercolor is the true medium of trannys
Bumping so unicorn oil painting wip poster who deleted their thread posts in here unless they already posted in another thread after said deletion
>watercolor is the true medium of trannys
how cum all twitter trannies do digital like you?
That's awsome
no digital here im the guy whos been arguing that nothing of value comes from digital art
This is pure City pop. So nostalgic. Love it.
>im the guy whos been arguing that nothing of value comes from digital art
then you are based, stop hating on watercolors bro
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What are your thoughts on the depiction of the vulva in art? I'm interested in painting a nude of a woman from a photographer from whom I've gotten permission to use their work in my art, but I'm a bit hesitant about a particular photograph that shows the vagina in detail. In 99% of nude paintings that I see online, the vagina is not visible. In the paintings where it is visible, it's the focal point of the painting with the rest of the body being cropped out like in pic related.
I don't actually have anything against watercolors I just enjoy arguing but yes fuck digital
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lol, literally us
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I can feel my perishable skills slowly coming back. It's looking slightly less shitty. I'm remembering how to patiently shade with pen, but it's still hard to keep it up when I just want to finish the damn thing and move on.

If this wasn't in my journal I would've quit and started something else very early on.

When is it better to finish a piece and when it's it better to toss it?
Good God this is beautiful
Vaginas are kinda ugly ngl.
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I need to move out of this squared paper notebook at some point. But I don't want to...
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need advice on what I need to do in my next artwork, I had a dream that entold a death of my creative side. Creativity is dying. imagination fading. Dreams Crumbling.
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Is it somewhat salvageable? Good color selection? Bad definition? Thanks
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For a military in my dnd campaign
Pietá - Pencil
Impressive rendering;aren't you the herakles guy?

I would guess that you've traced the drawing or used a grid, correct?
nops, made using academic measurement method. 3 mths
Looks good both up close and in thumbnail form, great job.
I don't know you, but I'm still gonna say this looks exactly like you, stellar work!
I work at a "glass place" and it's so nice to always have scraps available for palettes (do paint touch-ups in my job too)
Crazy nice rendering. Any close-up shots?
thoughts on K Charles portrait?
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>Looks good both up close and in thumbnail form, great job.

Thank you very much!

This is what I'm working on now.

I'm genuinely shocked they approved it. It seems so gruesome and evil. I love it.

A terrible portrait of a monarch, but a good painting.
Has anyone here used Winsor & Newton alcohol markers?
If so how do they stack up against other brands?
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I started making smaller oil-paintings as a warm-up routine.I'm including more knife and I really enjoy the more explorative start before getting more technical
I would not have gone with red but other than that it is honestly amazing.
Come to think of it as humans the most important things we notice are the hands and face.
so what if we just made everything with shading....

I also really like the butterfly.
Better than the Obama portrait at least.
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Twisted Tree.

Just an idea that came to me driving through the rocky hills north of Los Angeles. Ink and Paint.
>I want you to make it look like I'm burning in hell.
>Say no more.
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Did a quick watercolor painting today
Very good work, but may I ask what your goal is with this? If this just practice, then doing smaller pieces is much more productive.
That’s amazing anon. He looks bloody based
It's a commission for a Catholic church.
Even if it is for study, it is still good to make a large piece. In the pursuit of excellence.
Looking good!
THat lock of hair comming out of his sideburn instead of behind the ear is kinda weird but it's all pretty clean.
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too dark but still great
You're great with contrasts, everything really pops.
Looks great! I personally enjoy painting animals and little landscapes in watercolor (probably because one can be a bit more "sloppy"), but struggle with portraits.
I didn't catch the little girl on the path the first time I looked at it, and Im jealous of your contrast control. It is both technically good, and fun to look at as well.
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Did a bit of sketching outside at last.
I do find it difficult to be interested in environment, but I'm not gonna draw my autistic oc in public.
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Oil pastel self portrait
really great man, arent oil pastels fun?
Yes! Ive fallen in love with them, have kouta sasai to thank for this, check him out!
Just got a speedball handle and some nibs. What the actual fug is this garbagio.
you guys seem very soulful, is it wrong if i take up trad art for fame and riches because i ruined my life by not going to college and have no other way out, even though i have no deep love for art?

i will try to make it good and technical, with respect to the craft, but ofc it's like a simulacrum of an artist
Haven't painted in almost 30 years. Last time was when I was in the 3rd grade. I just finished painting about 20 minutes ago because this thread inspired me to give it another shot.

I can't paint worth a shit. But it was enjoyable. Thanks anons.
>is it wrong if i take up trad art for fame and riches
that kind of motivation will never really get you anywhere, regardless of what you want to do

> because i ruined my life by not going to college and have no other way out
dude, it's 2024 calling, they ask whether you know about something called the "INTERNET", because apparently you can get all books you could even dream of, and things like "MIT video courses" (????)

just pick a subject that can easily keep you awake at night, and dive through. pottery, woodworking, maths, biology, drawing, your call. the Internet isn't just for porn. spend 3h on this everyday, in 5 years or so you may be skilled enough to live from it.
Reposting my trad paintings here
Welcome to the club ass hole

Thanks guys. It's amazing what a little white paint, judiciously applies to an ink painting can do to make everything pop. And to think, young me was too much of a purist to use white paint on ink/watercolor.
Quick study
i'd wager most artists "fucked up their lives" and had prior art talent and decided to say fuck it and go with it. there's something about people good at art that also makes them fuck up their lives. maybe they aren't very good at following rules or conventions.
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>even though i have no deep love for art
not hating but you are ngmi.
I wake and go to sleep thinking about art, and only after like 10 years grinding I'm being able to make decent money in my yuropoor country.
Keita Morimoto talked about this and it's facts, you have to love it.

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