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Hello there smooth skin
6 pics to start a thread, shitdick.
It's 3 tard face
it's 6, newfag. it's always been 6. get the fuck off this board if you can't follow the rules.
I didn't make the thread dumbshit, I'll stay right here with my cock in your moms ass and wait for more pics of Jenna to get posted, eat my shit faggot
STFU, jannie
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Maybe you can contribute and post more pictures instead of bitching and being a wannabe jannie, faggot!
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Jenna "Portable Pump Pixie" Ortega.
such a smug brat
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>locally owned and operated
must've smelled a white boy
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A smug brat in need of a thorough spanking.
paddling her firm petite fanny…
not my job to help OP. if I were a jannie I'd permanently ban every single one of you retards.
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hotdaughter jenna
she's so cute I just want her to be happy and have all her dreams come true.

of course I mean her dream of being owner and manager of Whiteboy Farms™ where she can spend all day bouncing on bwc, getting filthy in the mud, and milking buckets of delicious cum for her and her friends to share.
>Jenna asking you to fill her cum catcher shoe to wear it all soiled during the premiere gala
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you read my mind. her big shoes make me so horny, would love to fill them up and watch her strut around in them.
hnnngggg just imagine getting to watch your own daughter get fucked by multiple men!!
every thread ruined by faggots.
go back to your board shitdick. >>>/lgbt/
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most beautiful hotdaughter
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grow up. just grow the fuck up
yesssss. would love to watch my daughter get loads of cum on her cute feet. maybe with a pouty bratty face she’d ask daddy to clean her cum covered feet..
you're asking a faggot not to take it up the ass with that request. impossible.
Judging by the stains on those heels somebody had our same idea irl
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She's 15 here.

And 16 here.

I hope none of you lost your man yoghurt over these.
>I hope none of you lost your man yoghurt over these.
I didn't until I read your claryfing post
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I prefer not to speak
was she groomed or something?
her hair looks groomed yes
her birthday is september 27 2002, the pics are from 2019.
oh shit... wait
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i come here to coom not to do math
Words to live by
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hand holding
How did you depict the delicate brap with such smol font anon?
>inb4 newfag
I can't into formatting
Same font, different characters. Search for "superscript generator".
hand holding while she gets fucked by a sexy muscular Black king
It's 6. But only applies to /s/. There is no such rule here on /hr/. What an epic self-own.
I can almost visualize a bunch of ropes crossing her face from her hair to her stained shirt and all over her closed eye, with her hands dripping goo. Where are fakers when they're needed? Oh right, doing the 1000000th blacked Emma Watson slop
Her feet are so insanely hot.
holy dandruff
>implying it isn't dried up cum instead
Btw, imagine scratching her scalp with a fine comb while she rests her cute head on your lap... oddly satisfying
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> Putting your beautiful hotdaughter in a tight outfit so the guys can all objectify her and easily grope her.
> Putting your beautiful hotdaughter in a tight outfit so you can objectify her and easily grope her.
>say you're a newfag without saying you're a newfag
kek. gtfotb.
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would spoon this qt3.14 until she needs a smoke then wait patiently for her to come back and then I can fall asleep in her hair with my elote pressed against her bean pipe.
>against her bean pipe
Imagine the tremors
>when the professor puts his tweed jacket on his lap and Jenna hides under the desk to work hard on her studies, right after the feminist rally
If I were her father I would rape her daily
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It's what any good dad would do
ON THIS DAYS PAPI LESSONS, Jenna learns Sexkitten programming protocol #136!
>4 hours later
*Wipes sweat from forehead* She is a quick study, ... aceing every field.
>*cum covered Jenna gives thumps up*
Idk why, but this picture makes me want to sniff and lick her pits, asshole, and feets
I want to go gay for Jenna
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>Idk why
Well, I know why, this pic is pure sex. Not only because it's showing a lot of her soft bare skin. It's more about the vulnerable pose that enhances her petite figure, with the arms in a defensive position, her hands trying to cover her feet and clevage. At the same time her sexual gaze and the ass completely offered to the viewer are basically asking "puond me hard right here". The contrast between her bold sexual urge and prude shyness causes a neuron activation monke style that makes me wild, I'd lick her clean from head to toes too, just to shower her in cum after I finished.
Basically, if looking at this picture your mind doesn't automatically start a vivid simulation about your dick thrusting between these velvety thighs, you might have a serious case of homosexuality.

This double effect of innocent/naughty is consistent with her and it's what makes her so appealing to me, another example in this webm >>4856360: you see how she acts all cutesy but deep down she's horny as fuck
Valid points
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>POV: you're my dick
damn girl I need to get in them slacks
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Now this is interesting
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Were you born in 1884 by any chance you old perv
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Why we don't have Emma Myers threads? I couldn't find any decent one.
theres not enough content plus she's not slutty enough. she is cute but i want to see her dressed like a toy. still, it's nice to imagine them both kissing
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Jenna should really corrupt her and turn her turn into a proper toy
there's plenty of snood content. jannies delete her thread instantly for some reason.
>young Rosario Dawson looks just like Jenna
discuss. personally I'm not in favor.
Yeah, completely indistinguishable, if you ignore the skin color, nose, mouth, and lack of freckles. Beside the fact that they both have Puerto Rican ancestry there's really not much there.

That said if Jenna also wants to show us her vagene to allow a closer comparison I'm all in favor.
Snood mogs this bitch
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I think what would be more interesting is Emma taking charge of Jenna and disciplining her by spanking her and locking her in a chastity belt, with Emma holding the key. That would keep bratty little Jenna in her place.
not really, she looks like young Rosie Perez
based jannies
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>it's nice to imagine them both kissing
i know she kisses maddie ziegler and some other girl on film. she is probably bi at the very least
>on film
So yeah that means jack squat. Having two women kiss means it's a day ending in y. If she actually considered herself bi she'd probably have no qualms about mentioning it, all the cool kids are doing it.
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Feet smell?
salt & vinegar, but only a little bit
salty milk and coins
That's when she masturbates using her soft round heels
Does salt have a smell at all btw?

p_3_d_0 meat.
u all know its tru annnnnnnnnd so does hollyweird

nope, she smelled jew hollywood money.
sorry white boi you lose again.

dis nigga nd his dreams.

best feet. best jenna

ohhh another cunny_sore here, well done

a hebe's dream doll. thank you ;)

a hebe's doll part 2

would make passionate luv to her body in her trailer.

not yet, anon. NOT yet. lol

I lost a entire Yoplait stock pile of yoghurt ova there. thank you kind sir'

bbc all nite. all day. till the ortega pussy falls asleep. lol

i know anon
its a sad sad world here /hr/

yes anon. the beauty of life

exhibit A . sir why did u rape her. ummm. well......

if i was her brother i'd rape her beautifully, then tell her to go get that oscar award !

yes, a gud father would give Jenna "lessons" its his responsibility

puerto rican ?
wrong - she's mexican. stupid fuck boi
INB4: all dem ppl look like they cum from......
She's 1/4 Puerto Rican from her mom's side. So both Mexican and Puerto Rican are correct.
You don't know what that means, shut up retard
I said Puerto Rican *ancestry*, iliteritard, as that's the only thing she has in common with Rosario Dawson. In terms of nationality, both are American, but that doesn't mean anything to Americans.
I've been here since last summer of 2008
>Christina Ricci to E!Online: "I like the way my own feet smell. I love to smell my sneakers when I take them off. I think my feet smell like stale popcorn."
It's a Wednesday thing
I misremembered this quote with the one about her McDonalds addiction and thought she said her feet smelled like the food. when I wore tennis shoes they would smell like Doritos. which is weird because I've never been much for snack chips.
That's the smell of fermenting yeast, btw
Imagine the smell of Christina and Jenna's fermenting pheromones...
looks like plastic lol
nice jawline lol It's funny how ethnic girls fail to present as White more and more as they age
She's a hollywood celeb so yeah
>Victoria Justice: exists
>(you): btfo
complete gibberish
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astrid deetz nuts
not her dummy
How old is she ? 40 ? 50 ?
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hope these two go away to a strict boarding school together in the new season and share a room and walk around in just their bra & panties
>strict boarding school
With a lesbian headmaster please
Well Jenna did call Gwendolyn her wife, so... probably not too far away from "mommy".
I'd pay her $500 to record herself sneezing, but it has to be genuine.
Only if she's sneezing my cumshot out of her pharynx
what am i? a medical scientist? the fuck is a pharynx
It's where your sister was itchy before she used my bell end to scratch herself
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>hand on the lower right fingering her asshole
That's why she's gripping that backrest
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I know some people don't like fakes, but I gave it my best shot for this one. Bonus for those who like big lips
I fuckin hate fakes.
I don't mind fakes if it done right. You, my friend is very well done.
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gross pussy
I intentionally made my pussy less casual.

I can do all the type you want. Big, tight, outie, innie
literally no one likes outies
guitar solo
I'd take thight, innie, with a small landing strip please
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Probably not that far from the real thing. Pic very related
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I don't know about the real aspect of her pussy, but in general I work my nudes as close as possible to the true proportions of the bodies to be nudified. Anatomical work needs to be done beforehand
It looks like you know what you're doing, godspeed anon. I'd like to see more temed fakes tho. Seeing a naughty scene somehow in relation with either the real actress or fictional character is much more exciting imho. Even better if the sexual act or pose isn't too plain and if there are NO BBCs involved
Hairy pussy CONFIRMED.
It doesn't look very hairy tho, just the right amount
snood mogs
Is the tulip more beautiful than the violet?
>Is the tulip more beautiful than the violet?
I can't tell if I haven't smelt their scent first. I need to take a deep whiff of their aromas to decide

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