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god she's cute
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Fucking kek!
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Those are some broad manly shoulders
Is the dick still intact or is there a surgical wound resembling a vagina?
Fully equipped. On your knees and open up.
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why this looks like a dude?
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Take a guess.
they call her The Confuser
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dude's got wider shoulders than i do
Actor's "character diaries" get wierd as fuck.
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I'd kiss and hug Hunter so much. I'd make her my girlfriend and buy her dinner and hold her hands while we wait for our Uber.
that's cool i guess. I'd grind up against her prostate til she came handsfree; girlcock drooling and swinging between her shaking legs, high heels splattered with her own cum
just because you can be crude, it doesn't mean you should.
articulating my erotic thoughts is something I find liberating and arousing. I am sorry for upsetting your delicate sensibilities
apology accepted. no worries.
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every time I look at her I feel like I'm being hypnotised
what's this schizo leaflet?
something this tranny wrote and posted to instagram
get with the times grandpa
I want her to carry my baby inside her womb
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Hunter's soft peepee is slightly bigger, while Zendaya's tits are smaller than that
post her toes, lads
I bet that dick cant even get hard anymore. Just flops up and down and leaking precum everywhere during sex.
and that's a GOOD thing
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where giant bulge
>ywn kiss down her midriff
>stop sign shaped booba
what did he mean by this?
i posted that booba frog all over /tv/ but i like hunter lol
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what is president schafer commanding you to do?
He* And very obviously so. You really should find the nearest high bridge in your area to off yourself too, degenerate.
she looks so fertile!!
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>ywn watch Hunter impregnate your gf
>ywn be on your knees kissing Hunter's feet as your gf sloppily makes out with her
>getting cucked by a hung tranny
hnnggggg new fetish unlocked
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>Schafer has said she started expressing femininity as a toddler. In seventh grade, Schafer came out to her parents as a gay boy, but started experiencing gender dysphoria in eighth grade, and transitioned as a trans girl in ninth grade after being diagnosed with dysphoria.

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>ywn have Hunter as your babysitter
That is a dude.
What if I just continue jerking off and continue addressing her as 'her' and 'she'? This is much better in my opinion.
>Reasonable person asking: "What is a woman?"
>Hunter: Flashes stop signs
>Conversation ends.
it's a he, now don't call me faggotphobic and shit, I don't give a fuck, Hunter Schafer is very breedable and would make him a proper wifey wife.
she is a she but she is a man.
Odd lookin' duck
i want Hunter to step on my balls
literally perfect

"She's" built like a linebacker. Enjoy your faggotry OP.
One of the few pics where we can see her bulge *drool*
I need to suck her peepee dry
not the flex you think this is.
goddamn, this is heaven right here.
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kissing hunter
Is this gay?
i dunno... i think it's like... reverse straight... or something
YWNBAW. cope seethe mald and dilate
Hunter does it again
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that's a man baby
We don't deserve her
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Ayyy damn she looks hot
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bros I'm struggling to pick out favourite pics, she's too perfect. God I wish she was my gf so bad
any more of this set where you can see the heels?
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if i asked nicely do you think she' hold my hand
Who are you talking about? You mean Hunter? I doubt he would.
? the girl in the thread hunter
That's a ugly mutilated man
Just like you
Ywnbaw, go jump
I like the ones where her ass is in sight the most
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need this entire set so bad bros, there's bound to be a bunch of bulge shots
I don't care. Looks female enough.
holy shit, MGK looks like this now?

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