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>red jannies had to archive prematurely to save face

Victory lap

Old thread:
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gay lmao
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You said it bro
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She'd deport her own parents if she could.
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Kristi Noem is one of Trump's potential VP's. In her memoir, she wrote about how she took her family's dog to a gravel pit and shot it because she couldn't put in the energy to raise it.

She also refused to sign a mandate for face masks during covid which contributed to a higher spread per capita of the disease in her state of North Dakota, where the response to it was ranked 44th out of 50. The states that were worse to respond are Alabama (8.79 per 100,000), Georgia (8.13), South Carolina (7.94), Florida (7.9), and Hawaii (7.2). You may notice they are all republican states except for Hawaii.

Governor Burgum on the other hand, went against his own party and appealed for residents to stop "shaming" others for wearing face masks in public, arguing that they were not a political issue, and that they may be doing so to help protect vulnerable family members. So I guess not all republicans are shortsighted and selfish.
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why is ad hominem all you have, jew?
Pretty sure he's referring to all Republicans. Ad hominems are directed at a specific person. Only a certain type of person would be low enough to attack someone personally instead of focusing on the issue.
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what will her uncle think of next?
two republicans in one picture, bonus points
Imagine thinking that the trump cult is conservative
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You don't have to imagine reality, brother
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>part of the "trump cult"
>clearly not and has never been conservative
>is definitely not trying to push motions to oust her own house speaker because she can't get her way instead half the entire planet's way
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>is definitely not part of the "trump cult"
>is definitely not conservative
>lied to an entire country with false claims and disinformation to try and make Trump look good
>openly admits it, says he even knew they were lies
>cost Fox a record $787 million
>fired by the same people who told him to lie
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>is definitely not part of the "trump cult"
>definitely not conservative
>lied on Trump's behalf to push false Georgia election ballot fraud claims
>could not produce any evidence of said claims
>fined $148 million verdict for defamation lies
>filed for bankruptcy
>is currently weighing settlement options for sexual assault and wage theft to former employee Noelle Dunphy
>probably flipping burgers with Alex Jones right now for desperately needed extra cash
You do know that American conservatives are some of the most pro-jewish "people" on the planet, right?
>Regularly attended RNC
>Was a republican political staffer for Washington state
None of these are conservative. They are anti-west agents.
David Brock is that you? Still asshurt over 2016?
How to pick good money to stick a microwave resonator on top of these guys heads while they're alive and bake their fucking brains out on live cam
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>the democrats are planting spies who willingly shame themselves and destroy their own careers to tank our party, also birds aren't real

Here's another example of two republicans in one picture, more bonus points
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>Michael "Sham-inberger" retweeting his own story where he credits himself as his own source
>had to create a photoshopped image to make it seem like they're in the same room together for extra propaganda points
>the getty images watermark even goes behind Clinton, meaning her cutout was pasted over it
Putin didn't mind trump or Clinton for the Whitehouse. They're both weak enough that he knew he could walk all over either one. Now Biden, there's somebody that Putin definitely does not want in the position.
Amoeba** If you're going to sling around playground insults at least don't spell like you're still at the playground

No hoax, they like each other
Donald likes Putin because he is envious of dictators and the kind of power they have
Putin like Donald because Don is easily manipulated through his ego
Why is everything that doesn't fit a red's rhetoric immediately classified as one conspiracy or another?
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>reds immediately resorting to threats and violence every time they get bested
the cycle continues
basedtard maskies are still out there pushing this bullshit? You know it was just the flu, right?
so, you're on what? Your 6th booster?
It's funny because nobody is peddling boosters anymore but if you acknowledged it that would mean your conspiracy falling apart, Cletus
>nobody is peddling boosters anymore
Why lie though?
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Your playground insults are weak.
So is your gaslighting.
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Influenza (flu) and COVID-19 are both contagious respiratory illnesses, but they are caused by different viruses. COVID-19 is caused by infection with a coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) first identified in 2019. Flu is caused by infection with an influenza virus.
-Centers for Disease Controls and Prevention (CDC for short)

But thanks for playing
Also, he told you why you lie. Because if you admit to facts it would tear your conspiracy from the foundation up. Not surprised you need to have things repeated to you.
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>>reds immediately resorting to threats and violence every time they get bested
It's like every republican is just trying to be that high school jock they got bullied by, fragile ego and all
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>reds immediately resorting to threats and violence every time they get bested
Well this one sounds like a Clint Eastwood wannabe fetish or something
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generic internet tough guy quotes are boring anon, umad
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I'm so scared
of the tough guy
on the internet
who is mad
and making empty threats
>republicans not funding their state education systems to the point of not even knowing English

I love that they're calling themselves chuds, short for cannibalistic humanoid underground dwellers. I agree with the repubs on their own opinion of themselves for once. Olive branch extended.

Your tip is only a .223? I doubt she'll even notice it, even if someone else has to carry it for you. I feel sorry for you bro.
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>I could easily ip your ass, swat you and ddos this server because I'm an elite hacker who totally knows how to do that, but haven't at all because I want you to know how scared you should be
What are you--12? Bet you play COD in your parent's basement.
>gaslighting means saying things I don't want to hear.
Repeating lies doesn't make them true.
This is true for literally all GOP higher-ups these days.
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Your point is... To be an internet tough guy and use playground insults to try and intimidate instead of having an actual argument? You reds continue to be a gleaming example of maturity and decorum...
Gaslighting means downplaying something somebody said to try and discredit it, but nice try with the double-down gaslight

Yes, repeating lies doesn't make them true. Look at ol' Trumpy for the best examples of that.
>Everyone we elected is a spy as soon as they do something that's against my own agenda! Yet we still continue to elect them!
(Repeating lies doesn't make them true.)
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>has made made a series of anti-black and antisemitic statements which resulted in the termination of his collaborations, sponsorships, and partnerships with J.P. Morgan Chase, Vogue, Universal Music Group, Balenciaga, Gap, Adidas and others
>lost about $1.6 billion of his net worth as a result, fell off the Forbes list
>has since appeared on Alex Jones's InfoWars, where he praised Adolf Hitler and denied the Holocaust
>has also appeared at dinners with Donald J. Trump who uses him for black vote points
>wears trash bags in public instead of clothing
How can Republicans be trusted to choose a leader of an entire nation? They can’t even agree on who their own House Speaker should be, and even engage in petty squabbles and vote-outs over it. They have no idea what they want.
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you're also posting all of this on an anonymous board instead of a normie place because you know you'd get arrested in no time
afraid of the cops, the though guy
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To be honest, no matter what platform you decide to post from, what internet service, what country or vpn, or even any activity you make on the internet at all, it can be recorded and reliably traced back to you if someone actually cares enough.

But I appreciate you calling him the tough guy. He's going to prove that by getting on the phone right now with his league of Bond villains to create a plan to annihilate us both with precision
(Most of those Bond villains have already been pictured in this thread)
Why did you tag the trump supporters but not the serial killers lmao
>(Repeating lies doesn't make them true.)
Then why does every prominent GOP member keep lying?
Yeah he was being sarcastic
Because the truth is not in their favor and they don't want We the People to learn it
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Damn, Republicans be shying away from a thread dedicated to them the same way Trump shies away from Republican debates

Seriously though, if he's too scared to face the political competition from his own party, how can he be trusted to face the very real competition from world leaders on a global stage? Reds I'll let you answer first.
>Yes, repeating lies doesn't make them true. Look at ol' Trumpy for the best examples of that.
Your posts in this thread are a non-whataboutism example.
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>Whataboutism or whataboutery (as in "what about…?") a pejorative for the strategy of responding to an accusation with a counter-accusation instead of a defense of the original accusation.
A counter-accusation, to an accusation? Following in Trumpy's footsteps? Following him off the cliff?
>three days later and reds still haven’t come up with an answer
Do they even have an answer at all? It’s almost as if they’re afraid to post in this thread…
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Why would I stoop to republican levels by resorting to violence? You've never heard a group of blues chanting "hang Kamela Harris" have you? Sounds like a teeny bit of projection going on. Also it's spelled schizo but you get a pass because the people you elect don't want to educate you.

>George H. W. Bush was the last Republican candidate for president to be voted for by the state of New Jersey, in 1988
Good luck with that

Anyone who resorts to an-hero bullying is just mad and immature, but my life has been getting better and better lately since you seem to care about me so much. Also Barron backed out of becoming a nominee for his dad because he doesn't want anything to do with it. Considering the fact that anyone Donald surrounds himself with ends up getting their career annihilated by simple association, it's the smart move to distance from ol' Trumpy.

Come back next time with more ammo, ladies!
Avoiding the question and instead calling names like a child. Yep, you’re definitely a republican.
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You would like for Trump to get assassinated wouldn't you. Such a burden on your kind, and a victim card to be played in future elections if he were. So much to gain for you if that actually happened. It won't.

Replying to the thread in general without tagging the person you're talking directly to is the same as having a conversation with them but being too scared to make eye contact. It infers your lack of dominance in the exchange. That doesn't have anything to do with this thread, but psychology is neat when you see it from an outside perspective.
I just didn’t care, it was a lame attempt. Nice of you to imitate me with the same kind of post though, the highest form of flattery
>still schoolyard name calling

You would want this thread to die because it exposes republican shortcomings in not being able to take the argument head on and instead attacking the messenger. Embarrassing.
>still gaslighting

You are a one trick pony and now also a samefag for replying to yourself. Even more embarrassing.
Do you even know what gaslighting is? And how ineffective it is as a tool of argument or propaganda? It sure is easier to tell someone to shut up because you're mad and can't respond instead of actually putting their point to rest through reason and logic.

Thank you for documenting your own failures by screenshotting them though, respect. I encourage you to share this with posterity.
This is going quite well!
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Why do Dems love cancel culture?
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Out out out
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Don't forget idiot Mark.
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Trash must go!
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Soooo true
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and.... this loser!
It went back in 2020, it’s up to us to keep it out
That’s an extreme far left thing.
Counter question, why do republicans love divisiveness? Everyone is welcome in this thread!
I hope he at least grabbed her by the pussy, and then illegally used business funds to pay her hush money before an election…
I think you need to look up what the word defend means anon… here’s what a defense really looks like: What evidence can you possibly procure to prove your outlandish claims? And remember, disinformation is very naughty.
Brandon has 17 honorary degrees from around the country. Dumpy had five, but three were revoked lmao.
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Tough question
>allegations against Trump
>90000 pages of legal documents
>allegations against Biden
>90000 blurry jpegs from facebook
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Post source or gtfo you childish name caller

The way you immediately try to discredit any or every woman with that statement is not helping you at all by the way

Oh no a truth social post is accusing Biden of having tons of bank accounts

More reliable source please? Oh wait here's one that shows him worth only $2.6 million. Between eight years as VP and four as POTUS that's about right.
By the way things like the secret service are an LLC, all the way down to things like the Cadillac limo that he rides in, the very landscaping crew that mows the lawn at the white house, the guy who vacuums the floor, the cook and the electrician, et cetera. It's how our taxes pay them and classify their tax exemptions. Wow! That's incredible that there would be so many of them! If only we could get this guy to live in a tent!
But if he WAS engaged in business endeavors, surely you would give him a pass for doing things like hush money payments using business income, lying about property values for tax purposes, stealing government documents by the tens of thousands, clogging his own toilet trying to flush those documents, trying to overthrow the government of an entire nation, and of course blaming his political opponent of doing exactly that once his coup plot failed horrendously.
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Just like it's not your state's job to educate you apparently
So no source, no evidence, no argument. Only bias and agenda. Got it
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Aaaaand a red is filibustering as a last resort to push this thread away! With images of Natalie Portman for some reason! Great thread, fukken gottem!

Look forward to seeing you all here for Volume 3!
>Natalie Portman is a supporter of the Democratic Party, and for the 2004 presidential election she campaigned for Senator John Kerry. Prior to the 2008 presidential election, she supported Senator Hillary Clinton of New York in the Democratic primaries.
You're in the wrong thread bro, this topic is for posting republican men and women. The both elegant and beautiful specimen you are posting is a democrat, and therefore off topic. Stop flooding because you got owned.
Imagine being this mad

I never have, I'm seriously interested in your perspectives

as a hershlag enjoyer this is a great thread
awwww shiit reds be upset
This is clearly flooding. It is a rule on 4chan to not flood a thread.
>he thinks /hr/ has mods
>admins not doing their job because their job goes against their agenda
sorry bros had to correct the grammar
don't worry this is on the rails as planned, along with the reds having to derail it by natalie portmaning it, to save face yet again
it hit 300 so no more hershlag i guess
don't worry I'll make them mad enough in the next thread to give you more
my bad, they're giving Karen Gillian instead
in round four I'll deliver to you I promise
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You mad?
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Trump Update
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Teamwork makes the Dream work!
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Good ol' Hilldawg!
I'm ecstatic, the reds' reaction to a thread about them is funny as hell
it's only ever about hoaxes and conspiracies with them
January sixth suggested otherwise lol
>constantly bumping your own threads compulsively hoping to antagonize people
blues are so pathetic

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