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Totally Would.
I thought he looked cuter when he didn't have a beard and painted his nails
I actually agree but he looks more distinguished with a beard
Despite being a pedo hunter he looks like a pedophile with that gross beard and painted nails
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Okay finally somebody said it.
Here the pics of that time he took off his short on stream.

Sorry about size in advance
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He is so pasty
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Conclusion: would re-arrange his guts if I could.

And that's okay.
"Totally Would" what? Catch Syphilis, yeah that would check out.
Ummm based
why is he actually hot tho and why tf is does he have a nice body?
Hell na he's not good looking yet give it 5-10 years he will be hot af
Still breedable. Just gotta let that hair grow back
It's awesome that now you don't even need to have a handsome face to be lusted by the gays, you simply need to be a youtuber.
>mutt face
>no upper body development whatsoever
Yawn. Go outside and you will see hundreds of men equal or hotter than him.
Here's his latest stream where he took off his shirt
(vod stream: GEORGE RESPONDED and other drama) (he has ringworm)
second pic
Post the one where he flexes his arm
He doesn’t show his ass?
He doesn't show his ass yet.
How can we groom him like we did finnster
I too was sexually assaulted by Tom Turkey at Cuddlecon '23.
It's okay though it was consensual for me at least.
I believe in enthusiastic consent and he was very enthusiastic about wanting to live.
Told you it was gonna happen
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Aight maybe he not that bad
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The milky body is kinda ok
The combover tho I can't
I gotta agree sorta
I like his haircut better now It just grew on me ig
I always said "would" but now im left wondering "should" baka
choke-his-turkey tom
he will never be caught lacking with that spiderman suit :(
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im a chuby chaser, so i pick leafy
Divergent evolution.

Also wasn't there leaks of leafy flashing his asshole to the camera?
actually i think it was a dick pic
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He does look a bit breedable
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I would have consented
Is this really him? Sauce?
here it is.
Terribly average. Super small eyes. Meh
If you want a twink eceleb then Clint Stevens is right there
Is he really gay?
Genuenely wondering the same. I cant tell if he is joking or not when he mentions it
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He's not at all gay or bi. He has a lot of male gooners in his audience and like a lot of younger streamers these days he will joke with them or troll them. Obviously that can be taken the wrong way out of context by hopefuls.

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