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/hm/ - Handsome Men

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For me, it's Gabriel Cross. He has everything to be cute/hot, but isn't (IMO). His scenes do nothing for me, unless he bottoms AND the top is exceptionally hot. I don't even bother watching him as a top. He kind of reminds me of my brother, maybe that's why.
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Even though he ticks all the boxes (in theory) I don't find him attractive at all. For the longest time it seemed like he was in every single porn video, top featured on all the sites, etc. His personality and fucking techniques were also bland as hell. Never understood the hype about him. Glad he retired.
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words cannot describe how much this scrawny little creature repulses me. every time I see him in a recommended video (which is often considering how much the industry favors men who look like children) my boner does immediately. disgusting turtle faced bitch.
I like this guy
What fascinates me about him is how popular he got even though his meat is the normal size
Glad I'm not the only one
i used to like him when he started out, he was more of a twink, then he went and got really muscular and because he's so short, it made him look like a midget, total turn off
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Yeah I don't watch his new stuff but these two are always my go to videos
Saw him once in a shop in London. Even shorter and fugly irl.
What height is this guy anyway
Some sites claim he is 5' 6" or 5' 5" but he's more like 5' 1"
Kept looking around to see if anyone recognised him in an attention seeking way
the top pic is when i first saw him. his body looked perfect there. idk why tf he decided to go all hypermuscle. looks awful
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i cannot into zeb
or marcus
my brain recognizes they're objectively hot and i understand they're popular, and i'm sure they're nice people, i just can't get it up for these two
He as all the features of a dwarf but normal height.
Hate this little bastard. I know someone can't help the way they look but deliberately making videos that are framed as simulated CP and having no problem with it is fucking gross
Zeb is huge to the point of almost looking like a cartoon, you're not crazy for not being into that
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It's the blonde hair and blue eyes... probably
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I like muscular guys, but not Adam Killian and Alex Mecum.
Side note: Chris Evans was hot before. But his beard makes his face look emaciated.
very bad plastic surgery
and struggle to get his dick hard these days... very sad
I don't know many porn stars by name but I can't stand any of the ones from Sean Cody, they all look like Ken dolls. I remember there was one everyone gushed over in particular.
dude's like 5'4''. he ain't normal height
if you're referring to "kris evans" it's because of the steroids he's taking now
he fell for the muscle growth meme
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Malik Delghaty

I just don't feel it from him. Like yeah I guess he's hot but ehh. I have never been tempted to watch any of his scene. I don't even know the current lineup of stars nowadays either. I always find myself going back to the stars of the 2010
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Nothing says "Creepy Pedophile Uncle" quite like Greg Mckeon. I have no idea why he keeps getting work.
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Billy Santoro

I like muscular men but this one is unattractive for at all. But he has high pornstar rating.
His muscles seem for me too much unnatural because of steroids. His red skin says he got too much steroids. I don’t like his face. And I don’t like how he behaves in porn - even if he’s a top, I don’t see a masculine hunk in him. I still see a bottom bitch. I think he should always take only bottom role.
He said he’s straight and porn is just a job for him. I’m a bit surprised, I can’t imagine me fucking a girl as a job. I don’t think I can even get horny looking on girl’s body.
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Van Darkholme. The memes ruined him for me.

I don't get this. I'd get it if they're ugly and they're just supposedly 'straight'. But they're hot.

He had a son in late 2000s and a “girlfriend “ (we all know the story) and subsequently retired.
I hope his teen son finds his old videos and jerks off to it
I agree. His brand is supposed to be “very young looking” but he’s really not.
He look late 20s and not a youthful thin, but a adult man that is naturally skinny.

There’s about a dozen bel Ami guys that could easily fill that role of young better that this 28 year old meth head
You can just take viagra. It's all mostly fake anyway.
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I Will only watch if he’s doing interracial scenes.
Because I too was never really into him. Most short stack guys got those sexy thick thighs and bubble butt cake - but he really no ass.
>I hope his teen son finds his old videos and jerks off to it
That could lead to some awkward and/or insanely hot situations.
I’m sure Marcus mojo would understand when he catches his son. And just watch from across the hall silently to make his son is okay.
I think Van is super hot but I can't fap to his porn because it comes off as a bit cringy to me

Billy Santoro was a nono for me too, but he grew on me. He is actually a nice guy and that makes him hot.
>He is actually a nice guy
that's not what I've heard
Yeah didn't people find some racist shit or something?
Oh no, that's terrible.
Yes but what happens when his son gets tired of videos and wants to try the real thing? Just think of what horrible scenarios could happen!
I guess Marcus would have to take responsibility for what he's done, then
There's a guy on YouTube who knows him and claims and Malik is actively grossed out by topping dudes but puts up with it for the money

That's such an off-putting attitude
I just like big muscular bottoms desu. In my opinion he's a pretty good bottom too especially when he rides. As far as the unnatural muscles go i actually dig it

Not much of a fan of him topping though.
Who's this with? Don't think I've ever seen this one

Its funny because the only thing he's done that I actually sorta liked was his OF vid with Jason Vario but thats mostly because Vario js hot meanwhile Cross kinda ruins it by being way too loud
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Francois Sagat. I've watched a few of his vids and get off on them. But the moment I see his scalp tattoo, it's an immediate turn off for me. Like my dick flops faster than wet paper when I see it.
Jaxton Wheeler.

Similar to my issue with Sagat, but it's Wheeler's face. There just something off with his face that does nothing for me. His body is exactly my type.

Plus there's also the 'cyanide pill' thing which idk how the fuck he thought that was a good stand in for "eat a bag of dicks"
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Danny Gonzales lookin ass
he’s an artist
Such a stupid looking scalp

Billy was abusive to his ex, Seth (who I somewhat know personally)
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I guess, all of you guys agree with me that gay studio porn is absolutely shitty. I envy straight guys because they have more choice. Gay porn is ok only if it’s home video. Studio porn seems “plastic”, it doesn’t make you horny immediately.
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He is one of my favourite stars. What a pity there are not so many videos with him. The only thing I don’t like is his long haircut. I don’t like long haircuts at all.
> That's such an off-putting attitude
Totally agree, anon.
I was surprised when Pornhub published the statistics where category “Straight” was the most viewed. When I see a porn actor and find out he’s straight, it’s a turn off for me. Watching porn is kind of self-deception - you’re cheating your body that you have sex. And to get horny I need to imagine a sex with a guy in a porn-vieeo I’m watching. If he is straight, that sex with him is impossible. He is straight - he will never take pleasure from having a sex with a man. And this fact puts my boner down.
>I guess, all of you guys agree with me that gay studio porn is absolutely shitty
fuck no you frog posting retard
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>He said he’s straight
>Malik is actively grossed out by topping dudes but puts up with it for the money
>He is straight

Don't let the straight act fool you. There's legit a lot of faggots into straight-acting, and Malik fits the bill. It's a big fetish and studios know that and sell Malik as such. You have to be really gullible to think Malik is straight. A straight guy is a guy who doesn't ever think about other guys in any sexual way whatsoever. Malik is kissing, sucking, rimming and fucking/getting fucked by other dudes on and off camera. Straight my ass.
>I was surprised when Pornhub published the statistics where category “Straight” was the most viewed
Yeah what gay guy would ever be interested in seducing and fucking a straight guy
>Watching porn is kind of self-deception - you’re cheating your body that you have sex. And to get horny I need to imagine a sex with a guy in a porn-vieeo I’m watching. If he is straight, that sex with him is impossible. He is straight - he will never take pleasure from having a sex with a man.
You're an idiot
There's nothing more cringe than when you desperate fags with a straight guy fetish try to convince yourselves that the obvious hetero isn't just gay for pay. Stop giving your money and attention to these queer baiters. All their scenes are boring and passionless anyway, can't understand how anyone could get off to it.
>There's nothing more cringe than when you desperate fags with a straight guy fetish try to convince yourselves that the obvious hetero isn't just gay for pay.
An obvious hetero guy doesn't fuck other guys, not for fun, not for money, not for anything. Being as good looking as Malik is, he would do just as well, if not better, in straight porn. He has the potential to become a legend like Johnny Sins, yet he is fucking and getting fucking in the butt by dudes because, apparently, he absolutely hates it and is straight.
You're delusional jesus christ LOL
Stop samefagging. No one else agrees with your dumbshitness.
>he would do just as well, if not better, in straight porn

You're fucking retarded. The pay is much better in gay porn for masculine, hetero presenting men than it is in straight porn, because you desperate faggots just eat that shit up. There's a reason you only ever see the same dozen or so men in straight studio porn, because it is a hard industry for males to reliably break into.
Gabriels face is weirdly off-putting, if it wasn't for that he'd be hot.
It is impossible to seduce a straight guy. If some gay did it, that guy wasn’t actually straight. You’re an idiot if you think it is possible.
Funnily enough, he is one of the few guys who looked decent with long hair imo.
Sorry no one wants a lisping limp-wristed sissy mary like you faggot.
lol, Malik is bisexual retard, he said so in interviews multiple times and admits liking certain types of guys. The fact that there's nearly zero straight porn of him, and every fuck scene of his with a woman is a threesome with another guy and 99% of his scenes are him fucking or getting fucked by guys is all you need to know. Looks like you really bought into the g4p scam.
Hey now, there are probably some people who really are g4p... jsut not ones I can think of.

I'm pretty sure Johnny Rapid said he was at one point but I mean come on
Doesn't he have a wife and kids?
So did Elton John and Marcus Mojo
>desperate fags with a straight guy fetish
>try to convince yourselves that the obvious hetero isn't just gay for pay
I need you to read this again and realize how retarded you're being
he's also been convicted of sexually assaulting underage girls
That's Cutler X.
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>but not Adam Killian
The tattoos are a turn off for me, cringe thug stuff
He is hot, but the boner is instantly killed the moment he tries to top a guy way bigger tham him. It just looks ridiculous
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I've used to think Jack Wolf was hot for a short while, now he just creeps me out. There's something off putting about him.
creepy but i would still let him fuck me senseless nonetheless
First time seeing him. I think he's hot. Maybe it's the Michael Boston effect. I used to think he's hot but he puts out too many videos. It's like eating too much cake and you got sick of it.
For me the gayforpay issue is very simple

If they kiss a lot like horny faggots, they are gay. If they only top and never kiss, they are straight men doing it for the money.
Look at female hookers. They will fuck anybody who pays them, but they don't kiss their clients.
I also dislike most of the men posted in this thread, which makes me think not finding them attractive is a pretty standard opinion.
>Look at female hookers. They will fuck anybody who pays them, but they don't kiss their clients.
I think for women it's easier to fake it because they just have to spread their legs and provide a hole. Men can't get easily hard if not aroused, unless they take ED drugs.
>Men can't get easily hard if not aroused
This is the kind of retarded bullshit that makes people claim men can't get raped unless it's by other men.
Into him at the beginning but got bored pretty quickly. His scenes are all same same. Doesn't help he rarely cums or fake cum and sometimes struggles to stay hard. Steroids I guess...
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>Malik is actively grossed out by topping dudes but puts up with it for the money
So then why does he bottom?
>puts up with it for the money
What part of it are you not getting? JFC
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Rafael Alencar and Johnny Rapid but this porn is perfect to watch
Calendar is such an unappealing top

Terrible angles and he always pulls all the way put with each thrust. It's like they make the guy who bottoms for him loosen up extreme excessively that he's basically running it through a open hole
Men don't get rapped unless they bottom.
There's no such thing as rape. They all lying, especially the women.
why do you say that, anon?
>ted talk by "sex scientist" about men "getting away" of rape because the woman came
>ted talk of a woman with her "rapist" on stage
>women letting men go of rape allegations because he's black
>50 Shades of Grey outearned Shrek
>cinemas kept finding cucumbers when it was screened
>multiple published books by women to fake sexual assault allegations
>no call for action on women getting pregnant in prisons because of trans women
>gay sex is normal in prison
>gay sex is a deterrent to keep people out of prison
>people still commit crime
I'm sure there are more reasons. That's just at the top of my head.
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Yes! Gabriel Cross has such a punchable face. Mentioned already but I agree with Killian, Santoro, Lucas, Zeb, Delgaty and this asshole from Jason Sparks Live. Dillon Anderson.
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Dante Martin also grosses me out.
well I mean look at that face. speaking of ugly faces. I don't care how big Spikey Dee's cock is that face will always be a turn off.
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For me it's Alex Mecum, can't watch his videos, and there are loads to he's obviously popular.

It's that weird combination of a very masculine body with a slightly effeminate eyes and mouth.
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I guess we all have our types but I'm all about this dude. Unfortunately for us he seems to have settles to the married life so he isn't as active on his OF as he used to be
William Seed for me. Idk he just looks so fucking artificial it's repulsive. I also associate him with those mind numbingly retarded men. com adds. He's not popular now but he used to be fucking everywhere in late 10s
Also these
The face looks too feminine for me. Kinda ruined all those Griffin Barrows vids as if the brospeak wasn't enough
Everything involving this guy is creepy af
Another one i dislike is John Thomas.
I know it sounds weird but he's too submissive. You can literally punch his hole shoulder deep and he'll be like yeah daddy. One step away from being a sex doll. Also i'm convinced this man is physically unable to cum
It has nothing to do with seduction, retard. They do it for the money.
He's too stretched its gross. Cute guy otherwise, must've been really hot before becoming a fuckdoll
>>women letting men go of rape allegations because he's black

Sounds like you've confused the Fox News outrage over a Law and Order episode with reality.

This is not a porn star, this is a Home Depot skeleton wrapped in wax paper.
He always looks like he's had work done on his face
Because he has
Sometimes they can be hot and sometimes ugly
This is semi related but I don't know where else to bitch
Why are porn sites trying to force FtM tranny shit as "gay", no one wants to see that
It's part of the whole "transwomen are women thing" if men are fucking transmen then it must be gay porn
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A lot of people hate this fuck. He had such a turtle face.
I think he's super attractive and only has gotten better with age.
They're going off the basis of the masculine face being the draw here

I guess some gays don't care about thw roast beef as long as the person looks masculine enough in the face

What's scary is how well some pass. Some tranny shit showed up in the recommendations for me and I thought jt was a dude
me too, and then i saw the bizarre testosterone clit and went nnnnope
Honestly I never saw what people saw in Dante. He's this basic muscle bitch and some how climbed to the top of gay porn and then just quits it all for basic straight shit. Now he's just another dick in a field that's only interest in the tits.
I don't really watch his stuff anymore because I've seen it all a million times, but he's one of my life-long favourites. I don't mind the tattoo. I think it's kind of iconic.
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I think he's visually nice looking in a conventional way, but not particularly attractive. Always thought he looked too much like a plastic doll, and his hair is stupid. His moans are also kind of grating. His videos just don't do it for me.
I hate his studio porn, but I still jerk off to him sometimes because he looks like someone from our hometown (and we had steamy moment together as friends, no sex though, just jacking off
Same here. And most of his videos also lacked good angles and the image quality was just bad.
Liam Riley
Instant boner killer
This thread is perfect. I agree with every single guy mentioned here.
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>Instant boner killer
Oh come on he's not THAT bad
I was actually super disappointed when I found out he was gay 4 pay

The only scene I watch from him now is that Realtor fantasy with Will Braun
It will never happen, but I wish he would get into making celebrity deepfake videos, or that someone would edit them and re-upload themselves. That face is an instant turnoff, but I like his body and the way his videos are filmed.

He's alright looking but i really REALLY hate how he moans like a pig in a slaughter house

I literally have to mute a video if he's in it because the idiotic moaning is a massive turn off
Johnny Rapid is a freak of nature. Even if he doesn't do anal outside of porn he's still been fucked and double penetrated by hundreds of some of the biggest dicks on earth but you couldn't tell looking at his asshole. This was his second scene he ever did in porn and he was already getting dicked down like a pro.
lol yuk I'm turning lesbian
Alex Mecum.
But why not discuss guys who aren't your usual type who inexplicably get you going? Y'know. Something positive.
For me, that Petr Zuska. I usually like short, hairy, big assed musclebears who are still cute (like David Amaral) but something about Petr Zuska gets me diamonds.
>it made him look like a midget
That's my thing. I'm >>2608323
I don't like actual midgets but short muscle guys REALLY turn me on, especially if they're hairy.
I'm old do I used to date him when he was a bartender at a place I used to go before he started doing porn. Ghosted him because I'm not into coke and that's all he ever wanted to do. Cocaine, exercise and fuck. We had little in common.
>he's more like 5' 1"
He's 5'3 iinm.
damn I think he's hot. Major DSL's and great body
every bitch has his price
different strokes for different folks
there's another thread for literally this
is that him now?
he was everywhere in ads for a few years
it was annoying
dumb jock who managed not to be also hot kinda vibe
i hate hair dye
it's sexier when you rock your natural color with confidence
statistically unlikely, most people are straight
and i thought marcus mojo retired because he got aids
and his gf still had his kid
Don't associate me with those simps
>"oh no the criminals are getting pregnant! They killed people and shit but they're getting 'raped'. We should do something now' even though it happens more often in male prisons"

He looks like the Blue's Clues diversity hire human
>i thought marcus mojo retired because he got aids
Thought that was Rod Daily
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Daniel Hauser's an ugly bastard
Thank you!! I don't find him one bit attractive. Throw Jonah Wheeler in there too. I just don't get the Pixar dad look.
honestly I think it's money, but also I've just noticed that with people who do professional porn on the major sites, they all eventually have to bottom. I think some of it is the mystique of a guy who's a total top bottoming is hot to some people, but also the money part, the studio knows they can make a ton of money off of it being "his first time" and whatnot, and the star can ask for more money because they aren't really a bottom.
I agree, he doesn't do it for me at all.
He just seems to continuously get uglier and uglier. I didn't think he was that ugly in the first video I ever saw of him, but that hair needs to be tamed and he's really annoying in porn videos. Not at all turning me on.
>if putin were a twink
I LOVE this thread topic!

I agree with one hundred percent of the examples here. (Let's remember it's not exclusively about being repulsed, it's about not being turned on at all, come what may.)

Shit like this is why homemade videos with regular people trump studio garbage. Problem with those, though, is the horrible quality and camera angles.
He looks like an average french man
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forgot image lol
>rat torturing bastard

I think people are mostly just looking at his cock

It’s really long and his head is big, shiny and has a really sharply defined edge on it

He is trying to be something he isn't.
For me, the problem is that he bottoms. Like. At all. He's so beautiful and his dick is so perfect, it's just blasphemy that he would ever not top. I can't handle it.
I've seen him top recently.

faggots fap to this??
I feel like its more your kind thats into that shit
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i like him but it's a shame he didn't stick to gay porn
Gay studio porn is horrible. Gay onlyfans creators are the only thing I watch when their vids get posted on Twitter or leaked on sites.
His childish looks are so repulsive. To have a boner on him you have to be a fucking pedo to fap on him.
what is he? what is he doing ? does anyone find him hot? is anyone jerking off to him? he looks like a confused person and the sex industry just jerks him all over the place because they think somebody finds him sexually appealing . be ugly elsewhere dude
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Reno Gold

conventionally hot but so heavy curated its off putting. His OF does n0thing for me.
He's incredibly hot, but his personality reads like he's on a script 100% of the time. Also it's so obvious he's a bottom so any of his "dom" videos come off super fake. Shame because his body is pretty fucking amazing.
His only selling point is his dick and even that isn't enough to make him interesting. The only reason he was so popular was he priced himself low so studios would hire him.
whoever's in charge of casting for FunSizeBoys and affiliated sites needs to be fired and sent to solitary confinement. and LeGrand Wolf is on THIN fucking ice.
>LeGrand Wolf is on THIN fucking ice.
Is he a pedo? QRD pls.
that and he looks like putin
but i support ukraine
slava ukraini
It's not that it's just that since he does lots of work for FSB and thier casting is always weirdly childish looking dude then it's not a stretch to assume he might be himself at least a little bit of a pedo

I saw a scene with Wolf where he was actually with an adult dude but the word gimmick of the vidoe was they were ultrasounding his dick inside the dude

I swear this whole company is creepy af

They wither pay Wolf extremely handsomely or he a part of it
I've grown to like the single angle amateur content more desu.

It's why I was super disappointed with Romeo Davis who mimics professional quality in his videos
Love this guy.
it's the stache
he didnt always have it
his legs are especially nice
but yes hr ceased to arouse me after he grew out the uncle stache
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Jesse Starr
Ew, what the fuck is that?
>where he was actually with an adult dude but the word gimmick of the vidoe was they were ultrasounding his dick inside the dude
Oh yeah, I saw that. I swear it gave me flashbacks to the Species 2 movie. Truly revolting
Oh he is well able to cum, while his dick is locked and he has a fist up his ass.
man justin brody is fucking beautiful
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Diego's eyes are too close together. I can't.
this is nostalgic to me now, the first porn I ever watched and came to
For me there is just something off about his his face.
In the early days of OF he posted hundreds of generic minium-effort videos. 80% were the same single fixed camera and just doggy. He doesn't suck dick and of course he is more interested in his own nipples than the guy he's fucking. After seeing one or two it's just boring and mechanical.
I cringe so hard every time he starts to pinch those nipples lmfao
He has 2 videos I'm aware of of him blowing a dude(one of which he swallows) and currently on his OF he shoots all his videos with multiple angles and even uses smart glasses to get a PoV. But the reason he doesn't bottom or give bjs is because it's not his niche. People like seeing him be a total top

But yeah his stuff does still kinda come off mechanic when it's in a bed or his couch. The fun ones are elsewhere like his kitchen coutertop of the stairwell of his place
The guys in Beefcakehunter videos are far too hot to be getting head from this fat old queen...
that's part of the kink for me
He ruines it for me because he's so hideous, but most of the guys are pretty average
The stuff where he just gives head is fine, but I can't watch anything where this fat, old boomer gets fucked, he's too ugly. Just shut up and suck dick.
Same, I don't find him attractive, but not sure why
He did a lot of femdom porn after his gay porn career.
He's undeniably a pedo.
If his 18 yo twink obsession wasn't the proof then his dwarf vid surely is
Same. Personally I think its mainly the hair for me: he would look far better with it short (though I generally dislike long hair on guys).
But there's also something else that puts me off him.
I don't watch much of his videos but I think he's cute. Has a very average looking face which contrasts nicely with his body.

For me, Legrand Wolf is absolutely undeniably a pedo. He's also gross to look at despite him looking like he should be attractive - hes hung, has an attractive body, sorta daddy; ticks all my boxes. But he doesnt do anything fot me (picrel, I think there's a weird perspective issue/fisheye lens sorta thing going on but you get the idea).
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I think he's handsome, but him wearing cock rings all the time, cumming too fast and often overall lack of passion (almost no kissing) make him a boring to watch performer.
It's just marketing. He knows his biggest money maker videos are the size difference with twinks

Funnily enough he hasn't really had that many young looking twinks in a while last I checked his OF

I think the same applies to Legrand. Him working for a studio js why he always has a supply on youngin to bang
Alternatively: they don't seem to enjoy fucking those guys (since the sex scenes are so mechanic). What if they're just greedy bastards selling the fantasy?
What do you guys think?
Ehhhhh imo they are still perpetuating a trend of worryingly young looking men getting railed by mature guys.
Having the scenes story introduce the young guys as actual adults helps alleviate this, but most of the time those parts are cut out or just non-existent (like amateur content - JFF, OF, etc.).
Having said that, I've noticed some of Legrand's scenes still set up the guy as worryingly young. There's one where I think the story is its the bottoms first time visiting a doctor as an adult (since he "came of age"), Legrand (his doctor) invites him to his house for some reason, then sits him on his bed and compares his size to the size of a giant stuffed teddy bear he just has in his (Legrand) bedroom. Fucking what?
I agree with what you said but my point is that maybe they aren't exactly pedos themselves but rather the public consuming it. Of course that doesn't make them any less reprehensible.
I'm just sure that they're aren't even gay. Like someone said, Wolf doesn't even like to kiss. This is a straight man addicted to pink money and attention
Yeah, the whole funsized studio is sketchy like they will have that one rat faced guy wearing a onesie lying on the floor lmao
Bro the Teddy Bear one is creepy AF. That's 100% some pedoshit
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Teddy bear ones are always creepy
What. The actual fuck.
The one I'm thinking of pales in comparison to that.
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LOL. As expected, all the most popular porn-stars were listed in this thread.
So I’m duplicating my post one more time —- >>2607384
Yeah you're right. I'm so over studio work now.

The only studio I kinda like now is NextDoor because on occasion they try to make scenes a little more grounded

Men went off the deep end with the memes
Gets even better. It's a familydick video.
Supposedly Austin goes to foreign countries where age of consent it lower so he can bang underaged guys

Apparently he had some 21yo twink here in the US roleplay as barely 18 in one of his videos
I certainly agree. There seems to be a massive disconnect in the direction of studio porn and what the average consumer ACTUALLY wants. Typical jew shit.
While we're at it, the fat pig in charge of BoysHalfwayHouse needs to get tested for cardiovascular disease. Once I noticed his clubbed fingernails I couldn't focus on anything else...
Twinks r his fan base, His main revenue is onlyfans, 99% sure the younger creators are constantly reaching out to him uncontrollably, and that supposed "rumor" is most likely someone in the same industry as him despising him or some petty shit like that. or just you creating stupid narratives or fantasies on the internet. People saying Austin is a pedo are just egotistical/ thinking of themselves and are mad he's not reading/ignoring there thirsty dms.
Most of it is shitty, not all of it. The enshitification started when MindGeek bought every studio they could, and ruined some previous good sites like Sean Cody. But they also did exactly the same thing in straight porn. In fact the awful style of MEN.com is copied straight from Brazzers (which occupies the same niche). Straight porn has more content, it doesn't mean it is better. There are still some decent sites out there, but people have different tastes.
And amateur stuff has also taken a dive because of OF. Previously sites like xtube being filled genuine gay guys enjoying what they do and showing off, now every tube site has been flooded by generic OF "creators" trying to make money. Not only is it just as uninspired as most studio porn but it's also 99% filmed badly on a phone. So no, I do not think it's better. It's the same as studio porn, mountain of shit with a few gold nuggets buried in it. There used to be a good back catalog of amateur stuff out there, but post PornHub purge (and xtube...) it's mostly gone.

>all the most popular porn-stars
Suze difference has been a staple for the longest time. Dunno when it become pedo alluding when its always been about dominantion

Less Pedo more Rapey
Oh my god I always find that guy so disgusting. Like, the content itself has a lot of potential but he's a hideous monster that ruins everything
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Capitalism ruins everything it touches. Even porn.
I don't think the problem is them selling their videos per se, but rather how plastic, mechanic, fake they look
Austin also once tweeted out that he prefers guys under 20. had to delete it when everyone pointed out how fucking creepy that was
Cross developed a very conceited attitude as he became more popular which makes him much less attractive.
I guess the money must be getting to his head because being a beady eyed manlet prostitute isn't exactly an amazing achievement lol
I'm in the minority when I say I prefer gay OF creators over studio porn. Studio porn has horrible camera angles and can barely get me hard. Whenever I see OF creators post previews on Twitter I'm almost tempted to sub.
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Trent Olsen is a child molester and he's ugly too.
That's increasingly not a minority opinion
This guy msged me multiple times on grindr, maybe it was a catfish but it was in NY and later I checked his twitter and he was in NY at the time

Anyways I ghosted him cause I like guys my own age and don't have daddy issues
all the belami models, there's just something so asexual about them
they look like plastic Ken dolls and don't have Chad faces like the Western stars do. I find it odd seeing that eastern European men are Chad as fuck but for some reason, the models look like dolls.
Its the boring sex with fake moans and close to zero body contact
and these types too
straight men doing gay porn is an immediate turn off
Definitely below average. He got popular because he's very handsome, ripped, blue-eyed and has a nice muscle ass.
I want to say his off-putting but my dick got instantly hard looking at that picture.
I honestly can't stand this guy, he's decent looking but I've lost interest since he's aiming to be a crossover performer and trolling everyone about being gay while fucking pussy. It sounds weird to say, but it's kind of like he's trying to gentrify gay porn.
yeah that's not what gentrify means you stupid faggot
This is a whole new level of gross. No wonder alt right has so much fuel
That pales in comparison to straight porn though, which they most likely consume
I vehemently agree. There’s a major disconnect with porn studio execs/directors and their actual consumer base. I want REAL men and relatable situations. I would choose an unconventionally attractive dork getting railed in a messy apartment over a plastic surgeried 28 year old twink on a sterile TV set any day. I guess it’s just getting harder and harder for me to see past the façade.
Especially when pedoslop like this keeps getting shit out. You’re not a child bitch you’re literally in stage 2 twinkdeath.
Looks like Ellen DeGeneres
lol I watched this but I didn't imagine him as a kid, I imagined him as a low functioning autist
Shut up, don't ruin it for me.
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I can when he's hairy. Would furiously rim his hairy ass hole
that guy has 100% had sex with actual minors before. it's really a matter of time before we see the mugshot
My only problem with Zeb is that he's too big. Apart from that's he's a solid 9/10
Still would do him in a heartbeat if I could
Is he active or retired?
Because I feel like I hardly see him anymore.
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Because he has the psycho douche bag Buttigieg look.
assuming this is about austin young.
am i right or am i right?
> I want REAL men and relatable situations.
Mate, the problem is REAL men would never star in porn. REAL men are smart enough to earn a living without getting cocks in their asses on camera.
Mostly likely meant Gabriel Cross in the OP.

I remember I kinda liked Pete during his run in 2020.when he was actually a reasonable person for a bit. It's a real shame he embraced the madness of his party
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He's conventionally hot, but his face irks me. He goes overboard with his facial expressions. I don't like his scenes.
Yeah his face is kinda uncanny valley for me but fuck his loose cunt is amazing
Amanda Kijera got """raped""" by Haitian men and blamed her whiteness
Nice body
I think he's hot but there's a weird amount of "daddy fat" or saggy skin on the front of his torso which becomes apparent when he's getting railed on his back. Like, i like a jiggle but there's a LOT of jiggle which doesn't match the muscularity - but again, he IS old so it's to be expected.
Yes thank god finally someone says it. He is not hot.
A pretty sus attempt to cater to the crowd interested in 'barely legal'.
Wait, what?

Not to mention, when the fuck is he going to actually do penetration? He's hot, but his OF content is so boring and he's just doing the same thing, teasing he's gonna fuck/get fucked and then just mutual masturbating.
Throw military classified in here too. What is that sideways anal thing and the weird handjobs.
Yeah no it's so weird. The Boy Scouts, the Mormon missionaries, the sleepovers and teddy bears, etc. is all so creepy to me.
As long as it's not just porn studio tropes recycled. I've seen some OF content where they are still doing lame story lines and that god awful "porn" moaning. It's just not attractive!
maybe his older vids were not that bad, but nowadays he seems to be on drugs and steroids
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DeAngelo Jackson is the worst. He has a really uninteresting dick for a black man.
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Let's be honest here; its entirely because he's a rare redhead in porn.

Hideous af tattoo, not a good top, he makes the dumbest expressions when he bottoms, and he's incredibly stupid

Made the mistake of going to his Twitter and that unironically throwing his support behind Palestine. The guy whose entire Twitter account is full of his own gay porn is siding with the anti-gay Islamist
>he's incredibly stupid
Isn't he like...an astrophysicist or something? Pretty sure the dude is smart in some regard. Also
>listening to a porn star's opinion on foreign affairs
Just consume the porn and move on. Not as if their opinion on that shit matters
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I see your Beefcake and Military Classified and raise you AAB's cast of freaks.

Ft. Gollum, Dirty Dave, Jonboi, the beast men, and their investors of equal creepiness.
Can you blame him? Once he was in the system, his eyes were opened to the reality of our...

... racist highways...?
A majority of Men At Play's current actors, compared to the masculine and rugged ones they used to have.
Ya for real, the grotesque goblins they have just ruin it. Despite how hot their boys are.
Is that Ken Jeong?

Books Smart =/= Actual Intelligence just look at all those Harvard Grads who can't even define woman

Regardless it's easy to ignore but kinda cringe when you're checking out his feed and then some dumbass poster for some pro-islam protest shows up
For me it's Cade Maddox. His face looks so punchable and unattractive but I can't pinpoint why. I think it's his eyes
His ex was a literal pedo so checks out
Oh please, just look at the way he titles his videos, stuff like "barely legal twink", "the neighbours kid" etc.

Plus, not a pedo thing, but the way he uploaded that video with the flight attendant with zero permission from him shows he's a total sleazebag
just threw up in my mouth a little. crikey...
He was dating Daniel Hauser, who found a video of Olsen fucking his (Olsen's) 9 year old brother.

Hauser eventually called the police (though for some reason he had to tell his friend first?), and then recorded the arrest of Olsen and posted it on IG.
have you seen those grotesque videos of him fucking midgets? the only thing stopping him from fucking a child is the law.
>Made the mistake of going to his Twitter and that unironically throwing his support behind Palestine. The guy whose entire Twitter account is full of his own gay porn is siding with the anti-gay Islamist
On the same issue, Blake Mason/Lane Rogers. He literally liked a tweet promoting Sharia law recently.

Also, never found him hot, and the sudden switch where he became bi was bullshit. His obsession with pregnant women and breeding is creepy as fuck, as his obsession with young looking twinks.
I, of course, meant Blake Mitchell, lol
Vid link?
So you think midgets shouldn't be allowed to have a sex life?
You know that dwarfs are not children, right?
>midgets should be celibate and just never have sex for their entire lives
I mean I get hating someone but let's not be a nasty little bitch.
It's not the midget that's the issue, it's the pedo fucking him
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For me it's Drake Von. He always looks so bored and uninterested in all his videos which is a huge turn off for me. Having a massive cock means nothing if there's no passion behind it. Might as well use a dildo at that point.
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For me it's Marilyn Cockson and his cohorts. He would be so fucking hot if he could keep his mouth shut. He sounds like he's missing a few chromosomes.
Would be better if they were legit. 100% gaybaiting, no actual play between them all
I was actually going to bring up the gaybaiting when I originally posted this. Glad other people notice this too.
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Timothy Champagne... I feel like he SHOULD get me off. All of the boxes are marked. But I just can't help but see the façade in all of his porn. Especially after reading his LPSG thread. It feels like he was made in a lab to market to gays and I can't get over it.
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Drew Dixon. One of the ugliest men I have ever seen, yet he seems to be EVERYWHERE. And the fuckin haircut, my god
His face looks too small
Didn’t he got plastic surgery?
Perma duck face makes him look like a clown
He sucks, yeah. I think he's had a lot of meltdowns on twitter too
He looks something I'd make in Mii maker while blackout drunk.
fugly woodchuck mouth is a huge turn off he has mouth like that governor Hochul cunt
His name is Alam Wernick. He's from Brazil.

He comes off as being dumber than a sandbag, but actually he has interests outside of porn, he has a plan, and it seems he just doing porn to raise capital for his other projects.
I though he was gay...no idea he was bi/straight leaning. I assume most 'gay' pornstars are bishits these days but some surprise me. Like Cedric Dreamer the big dicked French guy has done gay porn for like 20 year and then went all ftm fucking and in the comments of one of the threads calling him out for doing str8 sex he was like 'Im bi actually' - despite never fucking a woman on screen for 20 years, but now pussy in in vogue he is? I call bullshit
Most of them once you realise they are all BPD, narcissistic and histrionic sociopaths. Literally all liars and unstable personalities that will say and do, and then say and do the opposite when useful.

I have learnt to not take anything from them at face value, they all have issues and need attention, hence why they are doing porn as a career. There is a difference from being a bit of an exhibitionist and posting some nudes on twitter, and literally having to have sex, create online content and engagement for a JOB. Even ones who start off as twitter alts, if they get bigger they all turn insane.

Take him as an example; he was just a slutty fag who used to post on Xtube back in the day for free, mostly just him sucking the biggest cocks, no anal and none of him toppin - he was a cock obsessed sucker. Then he turns pro and is now fucking pussy and trying to get anyone who points out how thats not gay kicked off twitter. I have seen him be nasty and imply gay men are 'broken' for not 'trying' the 'incredible' pussy. He is a sack of shit
All the pornies are pro Israel apart from the the Jewish ones. They are all trying to cancel Alex Grant atm. Its not surprising, they all live in this weird hyper lefty bubble 'sex work is work, 'trans men are me - here see them eating out this dudes PUSSY, isnt it so GAY' etc

They are both stupid, and very hive minded and go full force with whatever 'progressive' thing is of the moment. And as most arent gay, they dont actually care about homosexuals. Gay leaning BIs are often some of the most homophobic men. Because they largely live very 'gay' lives they think they know and can talk from that place, but they still fuck women so will never know what it is to be actually gay
Another ex gay pussy fucker
Shut up miserable man bitch, post porn.
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Timothy Champagne has a girlfriend
A) this thread is litterally about bitching about gay pornstars and B) No, you butthurt bishit.

Yeah, as I say, I know he is bi but I didnt know that until recently. I mean you have 'gay' guys with husbands do str8/bi porn, but I had only seen him do gay stuff whenever I flicked through his twitter so just assumed he was gay otherwise he would be fucking women like even the fem gays do
stfu cock mangler
You are litterally proving my point that bishits are the worst
this gay-to-str8 trend in porn needs to stop
who the fuck came up with this; was it roastoids?
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Alejo Ospina is hot, but the Ariana Grande tattoo is distracting
lol cringe

Can't believe this thread maxed. Not bad.

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