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fuck off with the twitter shilling ugly mutt
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I remember this faggot had a massive sperg fest on his Twitter about his ex

Apparently they broke up for some dumb reason and he stopped posting nudes and became giga bitch who needed to air out their bad relationship on Twitter and kept getting hostile with anyone who asked him questions. He deleted a lot of his content and just became your average faggot Twitter user who only talks about drag racing and trans kids now. I e stfu post porn you queer
another garbage thread
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Cry less post more
What's his handle, I need to see this shit
ChubliciousAss but its locked for some reason his OF is fattestass but it has nothing on it
Thanks for your help, Anon! I'll try to see what I can find
Love me some fat boys
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My absolute favorite type of chub body. Hairy, squishy fat (not a big fan of firm ball bellies), probably some soi fag that I can own effortlessly with my fat dick.
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I'd let these gross fat hamplanets use and abuse my body so much it's unreal, what the fuck
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I do not understand how anyone could possible find this attractive. Some of these guys
barely look human
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Speaking only for myself, I don't find those kinds of guys attractive.

He's ugly, but I wouldn't consider him a hamplanet tbhonest
That's part of the appeal. Good for a quick fuck :3
this fat retard is so cringey, literally has the mind of a 9yo it's so bizarre
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wtf are you saying, speak like a normal person
Name please? I never knew fat gays attracted so much drama
Fat gay men are the real yasss qweens of faggotry
They’re the overly sassy fat black girl every shitty sitcom has but the gimic is they claim that everyone loves their fat ass and it drives men crazy but in reality it’s just feeders wanting to see them get more obese and their delusional behavior getting them in messy situations
What did you find
I never met a fat gay that found another fat gay attractive. They all want a chaser because they are too lazy to put the work in to improve their own disgusting selves.
Just this subpar 55-second clip
I'll have a double helping of that for breakfast!
you live in another planet brother, go to scruff, grindr, grommr, biggercity, twitter etc, and ALL fatties, even bears are just looking for similars bc they know that's the easiest they can get and bc fat brotherhood and shit, also narcissism
>they are too lazy to put the work in to improve their own disgusting selves.
this is true also
They all look like jabba the hutt lmao
Wow that sucked
I got video of him sitting on someone and showing off his ass but it’s on my old phone that doesn’t charge properly
I would've found more myself, but all his socials are locked and I really don't feel like paying however much for any OF account.
>on my old phone that doesn’t charge properly
Damn, sorry about that, Anon. What kind of phone was it?
Sometimes I can get it to charge but another issue is it doesn’t send data since there’s no SIM card. Which is weird because I still have wifi
That's weird, it shouldn't need a SIM card to send data. Have you tried connecting it to your PC to see if that helps?
I got a MacBook and I have a usb type c cable, maybe that’ll work but first I need it to charge, I also had a Samsung note 3 before that and it had a lot of porn I was able to download off of xhamster and xtube when it used to allow me to download videos

Do I make an account and post the vids here when I get them to work?
>Do I make an account and post the vids here when I get them to work?
Only if you want to. I'd recommend it, but I wouldn't obligate you. OTOH, you could always make a throwaway Google account and post the videos via Drive
Update the phone charged and I got it to turn on and found the video. I think I saw some more pics of his faggot ass too

Let’s see if I can get it to upload
fat faggots are unironically more mentally ill than women
it’s so cute how it looks like a heart
kek mod forgot to delete the last AI sloppa
Bumping for results
no bigger person wants to call themselves a hamplanet , I swear you all are bots
who cares
>t. hamplanet
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of course not, thats why we call them that
>ai fatass
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the name "Hamplanet" reminded me of "Hammet" from Golden Sun.
why do you fatties get so butthurt?
Nice tum dude
Not sure about this. I like being teased about gaining weight, being fat… ‘How big you’re getting!’ ‘Sexy piggy’… quite a turn-on.
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Not all of us are like that, I just want a nice dicking and also prefer other fatties, I don't complain about other guys not being attracted to me, as I am aware it is not for everyone. At least there is never shortage on fat gay lovers.
you're just proving that anon's point but ok
>there is never shortage on fat gay lovers.
i bet it is easy to say that when you have no standards.
Fucking hog, want him fatter and bigger. Make him drink 12 beers
How big are you you sexy pig?
goddamn im salivating just thinking about the possiblities
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Not as big as I’d like but working on it.
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Based psynergy enjoyer
I think that's the point
Bump. Love me the fat guys.
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Yum, keep ‘em coming!
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I’d love to suck that dick
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Absolutely perfect<3 tasty
You look like someone I know any chance u are Canadian?
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Not Canadian
So probably the wrong place to ask but are there any videos of Bearhemoth levels of fat tops demolishing skinny twinks?
if there’s none I volunteer to get demolished
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checkout lust_atfirstbite s old videos. I think he goes by Ryan Alexander on Justforfans
Despite the exact kind of body I like on a man and an attractive face, the panties ruin him.
those aren't panties anon, it's that jaded, is like those weird style of shirts that look slightly ragged
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nice! more pls, close up of that nice dick
never post again
holy shit just transition already you fag
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for God's sake learn how to crop pics before you post them
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I'm surprised this hippo could fit into an airplane bathroom
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>I remember this faggot had a massive sperg fest on his Twitter about his ex

"ex" implies somebody would ever date it to begin with?

Wretched, but nowhere near fat enough for this thread.
Post him in the "thugs" thread
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Yeah well I dont understand how anyone could NOT find these attractive.
i can already hear the cheeks clapping and when you slide it in goddamn
Recently got a big boy bf (325lbs) of my own and that's basically our situation. He's a total sub bottom and I keep him locked up and use the fuck out of his holes whenever we meet. He wants to be a house bitch who does all the chores and has to give me ass/head whenever I want it. Really hope it works out and we can actually move in together soon. He's by far the hottest dude I've ever been with.
lucky anon, grats. care to tell us how it happened?
I want to fuck him so bad
Legit perfect bottom
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I want to fondle his tits!
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God, I love fat boys so much.
Lol. Didn't expected a Golden Sun post here from all board. That said who are your favorite hams?
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ewwwww kys
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ew wtf
with an ass like that? I would be first in line
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one of my ex. god I miss his tight chubby ass so much
yall be fucking literally anything it's so
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why are you so fucking stupiud. Tyou will nvever find out what it is like to Experience Happiness. you fat fat fat... I do not like obesity. Number 1 killer of people in america. I live in the united states, in washington state. my nuts itch so fucking bad i can't keep mytself comPOSED WHENEVER i poop i can't help myself but toucvh it whene it falls into the toilet.
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waat a fucking retard!
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either post a picture or shut the fuck up you faggot losers
>proceeds to post a nigger to own them

10 quadrillion to 1 that this person uses "they/them" pronouns
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just took this a few minutes ago
platonic ideal of a chubby femboy
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Would suck
ok and
source. NOW.
bumping for source
thanks anon you're a blessing
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Got more? Chubby femboys are neat
love this
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What is that white stuff on his scrote?
zamn this has me diamonds, but the fat guy looks kinda retarded, is he?
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Thick bears
Fucking hot. Love fat sissy men who have short hair and are hairy. The contrast is sooooo sexy
Perfection. I’d worship that ass and follow him around on all fours like a dumb bitch with my face buried up his butt. I don’t care if he’s a bottom I love being a sub to bottoms all the time
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I raise you
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Yup, sounds like Twitter. Gay Twitter especially is a special kind of awful.
Jesus. Moar?
Anyone got links? Their just for fans is dead
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Sexy as fuck. Lay like that while I worship that ass for hours!!
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Show your clitty
Kik spacebnn
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kik rowaboi
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stop posting pls you're disgusting :/
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I'm a fat guy, surprised that zone people find this interesting. Kik yxball for uncensored pic...
did you seriously use an usb cable as a cockring................
Dont care about kik but would fuck.
yeah you fatties would fuck just about anyone or anything
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everything in this thread grossed me out but this... is it over bros?
Post more you're cute
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Im not seeing anything unique about that one versus the others.
Would would would would would
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< I'm pretty sure this is him

And this is someone attempting to eat him out

Shame there's not more of him :/
i'd hit and eat an ass like that ngl idc
Ik it's so nice and evenly shaped. Inviting, smooth, comfy.
Some guys are the opposite: just look uninviting even if they fit the fat bill (davyclink for example. Hot, fat, but unappealing when I think about it. Gonna link to a tweet with an image of his ass because i genuinely think itll be gross to some
https://twitter.com/davyclink/status/1758264510115160197 )
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What's a good out-of-the-box AI for making fatass porn pics? I refuse to pay for porn on principle.
That's a fine wine you got in your private collection, anon.
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just use coomer.party and kemono party
i'm waiting for stable diffusion 3 to drop. anyway things haven't progressed much since, there is better stuff out there but it isn't much different from what i've been making with sd1
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Pro tip: I always throw in "ogre" as a keyword lmao it really makes them way fatter and bulkier
lol it just made the proportions even more skewed with an unflattering look
>with an unflattering look
you can just say it gave negro features
not really, black people should have 0 weight on mythical european creatures. it is just pulling from data that will make the skin look disgusting, and that will make them bald or add patchy hair. men don't really need hair to look pretty but they end up looking more like gollum.
also the way it emphasizes features like hands, feet, etc make the gens look like an unreal tournament characters. it is ridiculous.
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My do-good bear hero!
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Wow :3
Need someone to treat me like that (320lbs here)
post pic
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I'll get roasted but okay
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different angle
This isn't the paranormal board wtf
such a fat faggot, I wish people would plow my ass
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so tired of that fuck ass bear face man, im starting to hate bears atp
i would
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Bears are outdated, smooth hairless femboy chubs are now in fashion
additionaldylan on twitter
god, what an absolute unit of a man
>smooth hairless femboy chubs are now in fashion
they were always better fucks anyways. beards just hide bad bone structures on butterface men

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