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Porn that makes you lol/wtf/etc
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What happens after clown school.
im glad im not like this tee bee eich.
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my sides.
I don't understand this type of porn, is it a fetish or do you just want to laugh for a while?
seems like a bit of everything. op video looks like something related to food kink? but others are just accidental. i myself think this thread is amazing, this board is in need of some laughs.

In any case, I find the video exciting, I really like treating men like little whores.
Op here no kink just funny vids
me on the far right
amazing cock
Jesus the guy is so into himself and his dick, he's too busy watching himself in the mirror than the guy he's literally fucking.
Who is this guy!
where can we find the whole video?
As far as I'm aware, that was the whole video.
is that obxbottomboy?
faggots in a nutshell
wtf why is this so hot?
Nigga WHY
This will be branded into my memory forever
good thing I paused immediately as I saw something moving.
If I think it is what I think it is, then I'm glad I didn't watch till the end.
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lol fag down!
It’s a brazilian fag, that type of videos here is called “banheirão”
Nobody asked, people do that anywhere
Any MEN.com story line in which someones girlfriend/mother fails to notice the obviously gay boyfriend/son getting railed under a table, behind a lampost, or in one I saw recently in the trunk of a car they where buying while talking to the dealer.
>I really like treating men like little whores
wish I could find a top that totally degrades and uses me while he is pounding my ass, but no one is into it :'(
The first one is most likely wam fetish
oh god im dying, i cant fucking breath
I really need the sauce of this one or the actors involved
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Reminds me of this guy that was expelling eggs out of his hole
the pharaoh's curse
Dr3w Al3x@nd3r. A collection is up at GT. Mostly just flexing and a 5 second video of a blowjob from a roastie.
should always pick up the soap
those are ridiculously bizarre and leaning more towards comedy than porn honestly.
This is hot and funny. A very weird combination.
Love Brock Cooper, that moaning slut
if you laugh at any of these your just a disrespectful
they are hurtful and unsafe
Fine, I'll ask, source?
Gay men are completely mentally ill. And I'm a gay man.
stop trying to make this point. there is nothing special about gay men. straight men are just as strange and deviant and depraved
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yeah but what if the bottoms are into it though?
lmao the guy shopping is cute, probably curious too. need sauce of this
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Hehe I found out very recently that I can do that...
Does it not hurt...?
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Not at all... They hang enough. Ball stretcher and plug all in one
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when he says get me pregnant!
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>jonny jonny
>yes papa
>eating sugar?
>no papa
>telling lies?
>no papa
>open your mouth
*gag gag gag*

when the fuck can we have audio on this board
bump dis shit
I know that guy
is that darby from imho?
Why is one of his fingers that weird orange/brown color
It's covered in shit
what the hell is this i'm so done
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listen here you little slut, you better drop some links to your content right now
Okey but do u have the link to se the whole thing?
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I wish this would happen to one of my colleagues lol
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What is the name of the bottom pls
Not what they meant by "pound sand"
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is that will from hannibal
wtf that's so hot.
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I am pretty sure I have been in this store before wtf
don't want to sound like a slut but what's so weird about this?
esl homo
yeah it's not like i'm constantly attending orgies, but there's nothing "wtf" about that video
Is that real?

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The first one has a website on it, but looks like it's from the old tumblr days.

I have been collecting images for about 15 years, so no clue of the source
Source is Anima Ardens (2017), full movie here:
Source is Jan Fabre - Mount Olympus (24 hour performance).
i need a source on this
>24 hour performance
This is supposed to be a porn thread not a YLYL thread
>condom on the cock but not the balls

why even bother
>why even bother
i was going to call you out for being weird but then i saw the video. lol yeah.
weirdly hot
The cock has a hole in it. You don't get HIV on your ballsack
herpes, syphilis and hpv say hi.
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i've lost count on how many times i jerked off to this when it first came out
the fuck
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what did they name it?
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HOLE-Y FUCK. the human body is resilient
Hungerff is the guy's name. I'm not sure of exact video
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looks like it's from "Say Uncle" but which one?
no tranny, retard >>>/d/
they are silicone pants, here is the link if ur a dirty boy and want them https://www.smitizen.com/product/silicone-gradient-pink-cow-udders-pants-with-anal-hole

the guy in the vid is @spacepupsilver
those feet are so gross
Anyone still have the source? PH already nuked it
OMG, I have been taken over a line I never ever wanted to cross.

Plus, it's not allowed on this board.

/hm/ = handsome MEN

Actually it says "Porn that makes you lol/wtf/etc"
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middled aged white dude with an obvious BBL claps his cheeks
silicone valley
I know it's fake, but source?
His hips look so badly misshaped, good fucking LORD
Thanks for the sauce, Anon
I'm trying to fap not laugh
Nah, It’s Aaron Johnson from Kick Ass

And yeah it’s real.
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Source please?
have both a fap and a laugh, anon :)
do you just happen to have another 661 weird pictures saved or what?
laughter is the best medicine and a spoonful of cum help the medicine go down :)
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shooting kids? nah shooting out some kids, hell yeh
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All that cake, and there's one missing scale! lulz
haha it's killing my autistic brain
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do all latinos have such thick cocks? offft
no. just the ones with european genes
SAAAAUCE for this as well please, holy fuck
Pretty sure is Esteban Coach, I could recognize that ass everywhere
Daniel Montoya
Thank you, handsome Anon
perfectly normal to a pig whore
Give me the sauce PLEASE!!!
thaaaaanks omg
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I remember this thread! Was this the op who stole a skull from the catacombs?
And now I have a new fetish. Thanks, Anon
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enjoy anon
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Thank you, handsome Anon

Damn, Nintendo is really going all out for Pokémon Day
Mariah, a type of bitch to hang out at gay porrn sets.
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i always wondered how they crap after they keep prolapsing their hole
It was funny up until he prolapsed...
Probably very messily
at first i was like "ok, fisting isn't everyone's cup of tea, but i wouldn't call it wtf" then the prolapse happened.
surely that can't be enjoyable. surely that's gotta hurt. surely there's gonna be some medical issues in the near future because of this.
your insides aren't supposed to be outside, that's why they're called insides
whos the guy in the middle
an idiot
lol inside and out thru and thru
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The fuck even is this?
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I believe we are at the "WTF" part of this thread now
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When Thanos snapped his fingers and the top was still inside
i cant believe what they got adachi persona 4 doing now
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Extremely hot, but then again this is one of my fetishes.
Used to be very few visible content creators a few years back that could really go deep. First one i remember was lovetheass on xtube. He could stuff like 2 or 3 dildos in his ass depending on the sizes. And I mean deep - he's push out the one he put in last, but the one he'd put in first was wedged deep, would take minutes to push it out.

Then hungerff happened. Idk where the fuck he came from, iirc he was a heavily tatted pornstar who apparently shifted into becoming one of the most talented/gifted holes online.

There's also a Russian guy who films with brik7 rarely who honestly might put hungerff to shame.

This stuff doesn't faze me, I've seen much worse online than a portion of intestines outside of the body
>I've seen much worse online
such as?
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Can't stop fantasizing about getting gang raped by them
What's the story here?
probably the same as those wrestling dad and sons got baited by the same person
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big thick human sandworm plows Dunussy
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someone needs to explain gooning porn to me
wtf is that a fetus
What is this guy's name??
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it’s actually not that enjoyable
it’s more like sucking a cock than having your cock sucked, so it’s not that pleasurable unless you’re specifically into sucking
similar to how tickling yourself isn’t the same as being tickled by someone else
it’s also not comfortable, and you usually have to stretch and warm your body up to contort like that. and in my opinion it doesn’t look or feel very sexy
Fucking kek
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You are a godsend, anon.
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Sorry, wrong webm guys
Well, who is that?
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Yard sale hairpieces
sauce is pierce Paris btw
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bussy wine lol
So fucking hot. Came hard at the nipple clamp.
Nice legs but ugly face ruins it
What are you talking about freak he's quite good looking
i know right? never liked him because i always thought he was ugly as fuck
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Every one of us has fantasized about this sort of thing at least once :-P
>alcohol in ass
Isn't that like really dangerous?
Yes, but you know what else is dangerous? Coke in ass, and its the best feeling you will ever feel
When you say coke...
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My grandmother told me a story happened on her job when she was younger. She worked in hospital and once they had a patient - 50 y.o. alcoholic who drank vodka every day. His doctor of course forbade him. And what do you think he did then?

All hospital stuff were watching him drunk as fuck. The doctors came to him just to check if there was a smell of vodka from his mouth. And every time there wasn’t, so they couldn’t realize how he managed to get drunk without drinking.

And only after a while, one of the nurses found him flooding vodka via an enema directly in ass. (Anal had very good suction into blood).
is that a good way to get drunk? might try.
Guys, is anyone on the private channel tg The lockbox? There were hd, fhd videos from different porn sites bromo, evil angel... I lost the invitation link(
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Might burn like heck, but supposedly gets into your blood faster that way
wrong way round kik
>sticking a glass bottle up your ass
what could possibly go wrong
It can be very dangerous, as the alcohol goes directly into your blood stream, bypassing the stomach. You could easily get alcohol poisoning doing that.
You mean if you drink it ?
Yeah it tastes like shit
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oh man i fucking love this, would love to know what's going on
file was too big to send at full size ):
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Speak for yourself

its just a bunch of sand pouring out of his ass
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Is there a facial section?
I need a photo of a dude who's getting a facial.
That's so hot.
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You just watched this whole depraved bit of fuckedup and THAT is your takeaway?
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They are really handsome

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