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Something so hot to me about aged cock

60+ please
I love old grandpa's cocks so much. The idea of an old horny man wanting his dick serviced drives me crazyyy
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This guy use to post on Reddit. Str8 and in his 70's apparently.
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Not a single uncut cock :(
good, cut is better
child genital mutilation is probably the reason you are gay in the first place, it causes significant neurological damage.
what made you gay?
Imagine how many times a dick like this has cum in its life
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somebody wanted an uncut one...
good. now seethe and cope nigger lover
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I guess so people like gore so I understand your preferences.
i hate circumcision but this is wrong and dumb as hell. don't say that shit anymore, it's embarrassing
yes, there is this thing called preferences. are you gonna keep bitching and crying like a little baby about it?
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Better picture
dick pic advice: hands covering most of the penis are usually a detriment to the quality of the image. First one is much bettter quality, though a bad angle
For those who like it curved, those who want it, make their offers
nobody wants that thx, you can leave
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Me - 62 ..
I used to suck my grandpa's cock when I stayed at their house.
wtf is all that shit, your lil dick is about to fall off
Hahaha… Ok closetfag
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who else loves Silverdaddies dating site ?
Have this cute older guy 72, keeps sending me his dick pics, I make him cum online all the time.
Whats his user? I use it all the time anon.
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zoomer here, will unironically kms if i reach your guy's age
nasty, crusty, dirty, dusty fat pot-bellied boomers, ugly ugly ugly
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His name is Joey
he is widowed and I had the biggest crush on him, but he was trying to make me rush to much, i wanted him inside me so badly before
This is another daddy type from there, that is 77, he is so hard and that is the perfect age for me
Hmu on sc: griffmcgriff24

Save us all the annoyance & do it now, then you'll guarantee you'll never be "old"

Every boomer was once your age too, ya know. Every heard of the '60s? Woodstock? Stonewall?

Silverdaddies is a great place to get discreet hookups w married guys stepping out from their wives. Often they are quite goodlooking, just nervous about doing gay stuff. Usually they will get pretty wild because they are so hungry to roll around w a man, and can easily become friends-w-benefits relationships if you are discreet as well
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>Every heard of
you expect a zoomer to know anything about anything? kek. clueless mfs.
This thread really brought out the illiterate boomers out of the woods. Read the pinned thread, retards.
I love talking to them online and sometimes camming and making them cum. I've gotten some times 3 in a day to stroke and cum while I talk to them, wearing some pretty dress and sissy outfit.
I need to get a burner phone so I can phone with them, I don't know how to securly block my number if I wanted to call them
I love SD. I've hooked up with a lot of guys from there and two of my long-term fuckbuddies I met there.
That is a really hot cock...want to chat with him.....
ugly old fat boomers!!
crusty dusty modly mildewy, ugly!
why wait?
miserable tart
you’re going to experience twinkdeath at 28 you anime faggot
Love me a guy with three times as many years as me. Just means they've got three times as much experiences. Just a shame there aren't many older guys around where I live
great cock, sir!
>anime avatar
Have you considered HRT to keep your skin soft and smooth?
>doesn't know what avatarfagging is
lel stupid pedo boomer, lurk more before posting and embarassing yourself
also, have you considered jenny craig?
This guy has a beautiful cock. If he presented it to me I would suck it no questions.
>t.butthurt 40yr millennial
hit a nerve it seems!!! :3

And yet you clicked on this thread...
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>public forum
>acts surprised when someone says something negative
stupid boomer
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i need this man. All the men in Chicago are little jockey elves
why do all these old guys shave themselves? nothing I like better than burying my face in a thatch of gray pubes.
This one is such a beautiful cock.
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uncut old guy dicks look the same as younger cocks.

the reason anon likes these old guy dicks is the cut cocks get more and more leathery the longer the guy is alive. uncut guys dicks don't develop the leatheriness to protect themselves over time so they dont age like that
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such a beautiful penis
Old, dominant and well-hung is how I like it. I've taken so many nasty old big peckers in my hole since I was 18. Some were gentle, some were very rough, but all of them I'm sure appreciated the opportunity to cum in a tight young ass. Also older guys seem to cum more, my old sugar daddy used to absolutely flood my ass with his seed every other day.
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>pot-bellied boomers

Gays aren't the ones modifying children's bodies"--go to /lgbt/ for that, or should I say /tttt/ because that's what it is.

A real anthropologist would understand the difference between sexual orientation & transgenderism
I need to put my tongue there
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not your personal army retard
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Old guy here who would love a young master who keeps me naked all the time
I would suck him while everyone watches
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Is there a big difference between 60+, 40+ and 20+?
>engages in ethnocentric bitching
post porn or fuck off
based taste (picrel)
60+ (actually 50+) your going to see more ED and more belly fat (so cocks may look smaller.) Lots of gray hair.

40+ isn't too bad, but less likely to want to go multiple times.

20+ usually better shape and more stamina.
Source for these too
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Any tips about how to date a similar guy? 50+ dudes have always been a huge fetish but I never had the opportunity to meet one.
I've met a lot of guys on SilverDaddies. Wide range of types and interests.
Dating apps like Grindr and sites like Silver Daddies. Grandpas like these are pretty easy to find, to be honest. Most are straight but trapped in boring sexless marriages for so long they'll jump at the opportunity to finally get their dick sucked by someone who actually desires them. The last one I hooked up with was this 74 year old I met at the gym and I got to blow him not even a week after first chatting him up. On his wife's bed too, which was even hotter. I'm super average so it's not like I'm some irresistible Chad or anything. Just be genuine and chill.
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I think we can all assume he's in Grindr right now
Yeah I love Silver Daddies too I've been on it for years. There's an older guy that I've had sex with off and on for about 15 years but nothing recently as I've moved out of town. Guy had an amazing dick but he hasn't seen me for a while because he's embarrassed about having Facial Surgery due to jaw cancer. Not the largest cock I've ever had up my ass but certainly the widest damn that thing could really stretch me open. He's the only guy who's gone into me bear in the last 30 years
You don't necessarily have to be old to know those things. Just well educated.
Neat theorybro, where's the study that supports this bullshit that you pulled out of your ass?
58-year-old guy here. I have a bit of Ed now plus bent carrot. A bit of this is related though to diabetes for the last 12 years and my poor control of my blood sugar. But the Ed is resolving itself now that in the last year I've got better control on it.
I'm 70 and have a touch of ED due to prostate cancer. If I'm really horny I can get hard enough to penetrate. Always firm enough for a BJ.

I just like to set expectation levels before meeting up with another guy.
I told the guy that I was playing around with years ago about this Edie problems and he's going to send me some Cialis from his prescription for me to try out is it I find it pretty embarrassing
Where's the best place to meet perverted old horndogs like these?
Lol 30yo here and hooking up with a 49yo stays hard after cumming and always cums 4x in an hour every time we hook up. He is also not the anomaly in my experience, by a long shot.
nothing embarrassing about it
dude wants to fuck you
even if you don’t get hard it’s plenty just being able too press our bodies together
Taking a pill tonight to fuck wife.
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So far just got a weird tingling I feel stuffed up my back hurts a little bit and my face is flushed but that's going away
Favorite thing with this guy is to have him lie behind me grinding his cock against my ass while he breathes onto my neck and ears instant Goosebumps
I like sucking off old guys because it seems like they orgasm so hard. Downside is their cum usually taste fucking awful because of the meds they take.
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Haha. Not the place where you'd find grandpa cock.
I want a retired daddy with a huge cock to let me be his on call deepthroating cock taking obedient faggot
haha same
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2nd man is either dead or in his 80s. That picture is from 2004 or 6 if I remember correctly and he used to be on silverdaddies and graydaddies website.
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I took another on a trip out to the interior round is much more predictable this time waking up with erections being able to get the easily during the day
JFC what are you talking about?
This one makes me want to be imprisonned in this guy's basement and being fucked each day.
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Guys, I'm 22 and reasonably good looking and fit, I have no problem finding partners my age etc but these types of men drive me crazy horny. All I want is to hook up with men like that, preferably 60+ with the usual body that comes with that age. I just find them irresistible. I love bottoming for men like this. I love letting them have their way with me. What's wrong with me?
>What's wrong with me?
nothing. have fun.
shower photos anyone
you have no idea how easy it is at your age and with your physique. when i was 23 i had like 5 daddies hitting me up constantly
>lying this hard to strangers on the internet
what do you get out of it? does it make your smol pp hard? ive fucked with a lot of older guys and this shit is not a "norm." this guy is absolutely an outlier, most ive ever seen irl was an older guy cumming maybe 3 times max throughout a 24 hr period

Agreed. 4x an hour isn't possible for almost anybody, even 17-YOs

Sometimes that's great, but it IS nice to cum when you have sex, especially with a first-time hookup. can't cum if not hard for at least part of the time

Silverdaddies dot com
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lots of retards who love spreading misinfo hang on this site unfortunately. sometimes you just have to call them out

nta but ive tried out silverdaddies before and ive always been extremely disappointed by the user base. a lot of those guys don't even try to keep up with their appearance and/or are way too fucking old (70+) or at least look like it. when I was in my 20s my cut off was mid 50s, no exceptions. now if I had a clearly older guy that looked like THIS then oof I want him to destroy bussy so badly

that said I did meet this older guy from san Francisco, who clearly lied to me about his age, but was really social and charming. too bad he was douche though. never did let him smash cause of it lol
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>nta but ive tried out silverdaddies before and ive always been extremely disappointed by the user base. a lot of those guys don't even try to keep up with their appearance and/or are way too fucking old (70+) or at least look like it.
For someone like me (70) SD is the best I can do. I really don't care what they look like as long as they can perform.
wish daddies would flirt with guys in person
don’t wanna risk flirting with an angry old straight guy
I have to agree (67 here). I get together with someone I met on SD. He cannot get hard (even with viagara). However, two things work well.
1. He can give a fantastic blowjob and he loves to rim my asshole and finger my asshole while sucking.
2. I can suck his soft cock and he can shoot a nice load without getting hard.
You just have to adjust as you get older.
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saw a guy on DL looking to get blown. Said he was 65 and in good shape. Met him in the back seat of his car and sucked his cock (nice 6", hard as a rock). He was handsome and in good shape. After getting a load in my mouth we were talking and he admitted to being 73, but when he advertised his true age, he got no responses.
I have luck finding grandpas in the gyms. Usually go in the mornings when it isn't crowded and not many gym rats attend, mostly retired grandpas. I had luck two times in different gyms. One was a married grandpa attending the gym with his wife, flashed in the locker room, and let me touch his cock there. So everytime I got to the gym in the mornings I'm on the look out for grandpas.
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72 years old

Yep, the age deflation thing is true just like it is for 40 YOs who say they're 32. I picked up someone who said he was 63, was very handsome for even 63, but later I snooped him up in public records sources, and he was 71. Still a good-looking guy who loved to rim & get rimmed (his wife was at the beauty parlor while we were getting it on--they had just one car so she couldn't surprise us)
never ever post again and leave pls and thx
Maybe you two are spending too much time on 4c. Or you're str8. Get out more.
how many times can you cum in an hour then, anon?
not him, but the best I could do was twice in one hour, 8 times in 8 hours. to be 18 again.

Now it's once every 12 hours.
>Now it's once every 12 hours.
how old are you now?
my perfect grandpa
Here you go
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got one hard?
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shot in the dark but there was an image I lost forever ago that one of you may have on file. pic is from the floor with the grandpa's foot partly obscuring the camera like he's stepping over, he's naked and hard, he's white-haired (easily 70s+), generally slim build. would love it if someone has it and could post
Same here. The steam room is often a good place to meet one and strike up a conversation. Then you can decide whether to proceed.

I still meet up with a grandpa I met that way. His wife works a couple days a week at a charity, so we get together at his house. He's 64 but looks like he's 50. I'm 38.
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Here you go
you are actually super hot but this pic is horrible, post another image that isn't your close up asshole, feel free to crop your face out if you're uncomfortable. I have never seen a close up asshole shot that looks good on anyone
fuuucccckkkk i want grand daddy cock
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Id love to suck my grandpa's dick
cute asshole
yuck, OCs always have to ruin these nice threads baka we can't have shit

Could you, like draw a picture of what it looks like? Would give a little bit more context
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pedo alert
being totally honest i can bust 5 in an hour and then once or twice throughout the rest of the day but i am hyper sexual on account of being sexually abused as a kid. which isn't rare. also i am 52 and have always been this way. maybe i am in the minority or could just be my circles but in my experience with both older and younger this is not uncommon for what it's worth. have never gone above 67 though.
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Into all types of men but mature daddies are so fucking hot especially when they get hungry and rough
Dan K(can't remember the spelling) and Allen Silver did a great job in this scene. It was unfortunately before PreP, so they used rubber, but still a hot scene. Only scene Dan ever did sadly.
The most unusual place to pick up regular grandpas and married dads is at the church but here you need to be really careful and patient. You need to know well the congregation because some of them are very religious.
Several years ago I had a regular who could not get an erection. I would suck his dick and he would cum and shoot a nice big load. I would then milk every drop from his dick.
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My daddy, 72.
Nothing makes me happier than him making me sniff he ripe foreskin. Pure daddy musk
moar lucky bitch
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This thread really makes me miss my old neighbor, this pic in particular. He was a stud, blew him for the first time when I was 15 and fooled around for the better part of 10 years. So fucking hot.
I've been seeing a 55 year old divorced father of 2 adult men. He is bearded with bright blue eyes, and he used to have blonde hair with a blonde beard and red mustache. For some reason it naturally is like that, which I find hot. Now he is bald but has a gray beard and red never turns gray so he still has a red mustache, which makes him so handsome.
He also has a huge, thick dick. It's 8" and crazy thick and hairy. He takes viagra which makes him super hard and he trains me to take his dick until his huge balls slap my chin and this goes on for a couple hours every week. Then he puts me in mating position and shoots deep inside me. We cuddle and nap and then he mounts me doggy style to give me a second load and push the first one in deeper. He's been doing this for 2 years now. Usually in spring time (breeding season) he is extra horny and calls me over twice a week.
>I've been seeing a 55 year old divorced father

I need to get me one of those.
pics or fake
breeding season is spring, summer, autumn, winter

true but where i'm at, once the weather gets warmer, all the guys who have fucked me before blow up my phone to smash after ignoring me since october. happens every year. something about spring that makes guys hornier than usual.
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poor little cock is getting so constricted :(
free him
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I must sniff & lick that hole
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they’re literally decaying lol is this real are ppl into this like wtf
you will be one day too wondering the same thing while on your death bed lololol
I also have a friend who cannot get hard, and he shoots huge loads. He usually gives me five or six nice ropes of cum. I wish he could get hard so he could top me, but I have to be content with sucking him and let him reciprocate with a blowjob while he massages my prostate.
unironically this
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I see what I want for lunch
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I’ve found exercise classes are a good place. You can chat before and after class. Also the guys there are at least trying to stay active and in shape.

I have had sex with seven older men I met in various classes. There are still two who are regulars for me. Both are married so we have to work around that, but it’s worth the effort.
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how do you tell if they're interested? do you approach them or do they approach you?
Both have happened, although I usually approach them. Talk about the class, etc. After a couple of classes perhaps suggest getting a beer or something after a class. And then the conversation can turn towards more interesting things and I can gauge the interest.
Beautiful pictures. Who?
what do fat hairy old cocks look like they are flavored? Idk why they turn me on so much.
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>what do fat hairy old cocks look like they are flavored? Idk why they turn me on so much.
Cause they're delicious?
why did you bump it then faggot
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