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>Viewer: https://drive.google.com/open?id=19Kd2T9gVZtsoEHP9nIeDSIdLOnw4Xgt7
>Viewer Big Patch: https://mega.nz/file/glx0UQgC#QIeQmw5esGAH5Z2hpAME7HNb-rBHpRjt3eE9yovM31w
>Event Patches: https://mega.nz/folder/OuBwSajD#cRAyhgZtXTkBouEIREiz7Q
>Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snLByV1Jn4Y&list=PLWTepIlReBpnRRQcQMjQGxDo7whb4IxIe

>Game: http://pc-play.games.dmm.co.jp/play/taimanin_rpgx/
>Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k22dzpoUyYc3dgqOeiYWf5aKdzcMTM-22PPZ15ePyiw/
>Viewer: https://mega.nz/folder/9jN0RKrD#0sDHOUgClLaQH3MU7_eQgA
>Story TL: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1koBwcMlYnY5Z5gezuY9tbnBLWxQ9jByLbcO2A_ZGDwA/
>Translator Tool: https://mega.nz/file/dYN0WQLS#7nT4m6amxQvrasjvhQBxXs-3dPIXmwEnnC8wufL0UMY
>Translator Tutorial: https://files.catbox.moe/0toapd.mp4
>Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkX8aSzVqMg&list=PLWTepIlReBplP_mSvQ3_if7-A8In-45Nc

>Game: https://www.actiontaimanin.net/
>Bond Scenes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQeF7NBX7kc&list=PLWTepIlReBpnAQ-6Q4ptiCjCSwPCCxwUM
>OST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uU36_upTNP0&list=PLWTepIlReBpn1CNGkTSiYcGeQ_m7Cm-zS
>Other: https://rentry.org/atgExtraLinks
>Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDPxJMNdhu8&list=PLWTepIlReBpm7B4YZ_ETyKdlgmzCxYe1x
>Mods: https://mega.nz/folder/BrJGkJgC#7N9YZylOksCDTfHBRg6dXA

>Drama CDs: https://mega.nz/folder/lKRE3ZJB#gexG4fUbKgJNU7Apyel4ZQ ----- https://mega.nz/folder/jUoj1CTY#VN2ZH-QuInXG1jbJ7xMhsA
>Drama CD Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18s-5M3thLSF95tHCbMLuYtLXWreCRUI-F6jSgT9CBIY/
>TA3 + TABA + NUYE Artbooks: https://mega.nz/folder/0WMWBbDC#W51-m3HWu-EBV2p4WF5qVA
>Wallpapers: https://mega.nz/folder/ZxEB1CgC#wSHJmx6rvuzMAefaCUoX_A
>Lilith Art Collection: https://mega.nz/folder/c0N2WSzJ#hv2t5xRVyo2R_OLLUWc0Jw
>Lilith CG Collection: https://mega.nz/folder/HPp0TaDb#9uHUdeBUqJz72jBytgXUzg
Previous Thread: >>7992741

Recent Updates:

>Latest TABA scenes for the RPGX viewer: https://mega.nz/file/poQ0gZrZ#2KjPkBRPA6m-T8aQXBC-FOILy4z7Zx2UyszgtBNV7Tg
>Latest TABA scenes for the eTABA viewer: https://mega.nz/file/NwpjAJqB#8iohiCxJRLyFhwCP063KEKNDT2xG3-mCJXymfcGYZ2I

>Taimanin Animations: https://mega.nz/folder/ExxVmARa#XvlEEzcybEQyOlhEIPBz4A

>RPGX Extasy
>JP RPGX Gacha Schedule
What's Your Favorite Body Modification In Taimanin/Lilith Games?
>{Not Limited To Choices In Picture; Show Picture Example}
Mine: Kinda tough for me personally, its probably between Nipple and Breast expansion. Gun to my head, I'd probably go with breast expansion. Even tho I'm more of an ass guy, there's something really hot about a Taimanin getting their breast altered in this hot, but grotesque fashion. Pretty much taking their combat trained and disciplined body and making it fat for sexual gratification for random men. Potentially ending their careers as it'd be impossible to take on missions with utters that size. Call me a menace, but I kinda find aspect excretion strangely hot too. My favorite aspect excretion being personality based.
I'm a bit confused about the latest TABA Scenes for the RPGX viewer. I noticed some just have lone repeating files and translations, even though they are all translated without the .txt files. Is there any point for me to get these new files if it already works without them?
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Slave Seal/Body control mainly but what can be involved in many ways I suppose

I just love it when they are forced to be sluts and degraded against their will while still retaining their regular sane mind

Murasaki whoring herself out is one of my favorites
Hay guys i found a flower knight girl viewer but its in japanese can anyone like the english version or tell me how to download this and translate it to english.

That patch have two parts:
1) A script file (*.js) with the English translations of all the TABA scenes (the most important part of the patch).
2) The .txt files with the text of most English TABA scenes. This part of the patch is only needed in case you want to edit some scenes and patch it to the viewer (99% of us don't need this).

Do you have ALL the TABA scenes with English translations (from c1 to c1018)?
Yes -> You don't need the patch
No -> You need the patch
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Objectification. I know it's silly but that Kurenai petrification is neat too. Cube Murasaki is probably as close to limbless Asuka onahole as we got. Oh I guess we did get Pamela Jaeger
Thanks for this explanation. It appears that I am missing only one file. c28. Not sure if you (or anyone else who sees this) could help me out with getting c28?

Also, I have extracted the new official translations from RPGX for Chapter 15, Story Event 006, The 3 new gacha unit H scenes and Beach Shiranui H scenes. I patched it in my own viewer and verified that it all works.

I have them pre organized in the correct file layout so all anyone has to do is copy and paste it into their own folder and it should work. Just one question before I upload it to Mega. Do you know if I need to upload my data folder as well? And if there are any other things I need to upload other than the Story and scenes folder? Sorry if this is a dumbass question. I just never did it before and want to make sure I get it right the first time.
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HTML RPGX Viewer H Scene Patch
Added current event scenes

HTML RPGX Viewer Story Patch
Added current event

Next gosha is 2 units of the same attribute, one has their typical attribute the other doesn't.
One of the units has 9+8 CGs, the other has the usual 6 CGs.
From what I can tell they might be similar to some Asagi units.
A lot of people in the thread will probably be happy with at least one of these characters and a good chunk of those will probably be happy with both.

Let me know if I've fucked anything up.
Thanks anon
for me it's the full combination done to sigurd in valkyrie suvia.
>breast expansion
>clit expansion
>pussy and ass remodelling
>increased sensitivity
I liked the scene where she walks out in front of the crowd and is leaving a trail of milk and pussy juice behind her.

one thing I have to say though is that I wish piercings lasted more than a single scene. usually they are only temporary or only show up in the final scene of a game. I think kokau no ai was the only game where they stuck around.
it's great every time it happens
This time i literally have 0 clue who the goshas might be
c28 is just a color swap of one of the previos scenes, that's why the files aren't usually included.

From the data directory you need to include:
I'm not sure if you need to upload something else.
cute slut!!!
Nose hooks are so sexy. Old Sakura had to use them often, but I feel there havent be any scenes featuring them recently?
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My favorite might be a little odd compared to the others, but I’ve always liked the aphrodisiac lotion in Taimanin Yukikaze 1. There’s just something about them needing to spread this shiny lotion on them that made them extra horny that I found really sexy. It was like a “slut mode activate.” And when I really think about it, oils and shine isn’t something the series as a whole really use. So it’s pretty unique as well.
Wished they brought it back I wouldn’t mind seeing it applied to Asagi and Sakura.
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Petrification is low-key underrated. My favorite thing about bondage is the restriction the lady is under when tied up, and what is Petrificafion if not the ultimate form of restriction, tho its also definitely bordering on the edge of snuff which I can see turning others off
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I just noticed that all throughout the opening of Action, Sakura has her TA3 tan and ear studs.

Taken from the previous threads:
The RPG Viewer needs an updated English patch from Extasy and here's how to make one for those who got the time for it.

Press F12
Go to the Network tab
Start a scene
Right click open in new tab on the script file that downloads so that you can download it. It should have a name like "chr_{charID}_{sceneNo}_r18_{hash}" (sceneNo isn't included if it doesn't have 2 scenes).
Extract the script with something like Asset Studio
Place the script in "scenes/{id}/translations" and rename it to "{language} - Official.txt"
Run the patcher

Basically the same process for the Story
The files in the network tab will be
with a c, es, em or er at the beginning for chapters, story, maps and raids.

Or someone who wants to maintain it can figure out how the game gets the urls in the first place.
It's extremely easy (one of if not the easiest of all gacha games) to find, but there's also a bit of a trap. I figured it out for RPGX straight away but never realised I did and ended up crowd sourcing for nearly 2 years.

All you need is a bit of computer literacy and curiosity. Programming skills aren't required but would get rid of manually having to move the scripts to the right folder (especially annoying for the story).


Here's a folder of all the new Extasy scenes collected so far.

If you or someone else can create a new patch with these, I'll put it into the folder.

Missing Scenes:
0119 (x2) – [Earth Taimanin] Shinohara Mari (SSR)
0120 (x2) – Onisaki Kirara (SSR)
0121 – Wemour (SR)
0122 – Yuno (R)
0236 (x2) – [Beachside Married Woman] Mizuki Shiranui (SSR)
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This scene is just what the general needs, Fuumabros and Orcbros putting aside their differences and uniting to dick this girl down as a team
Awesome, thanks for answering. I'll be sure to help out whenever I can.
Gangbangs feel a lot gayer when your self-insert is involved.
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Amane is pretty obvious since we got this new image of her a little while back.
The other one is a Taimanin by Kagami that we havn't seen for over a year. Not to spoil too much.
I had saw that someone else had already uploaded some files and assumed that the ones that you said were still missing were in there.

Just in case though I have uploaded my own files. These files include the Official English translations for:
Chapter 15
Story Event 006
0119 (x2) – [Earth Taimanin] Shinohara Mari (SSR)
0120 (x2) – Onisaki Kirara (SSR)
0121 – Wemour (SR)
0122 – Yuno (R)
0236 (x2) – [Beachside Married Woman] Mizuki Shiranui (SSR)

Mega Link: https://mega.nz/file/CE0QkRpA#4k-V-geb1wUiIJjoR3JMCKafR-QlJZe5iEMhD8e35ww

Hope this helps.
>The other one is a Taimanin by Kagami that we havn't seen for over a year.
If you've checked the voice files (I cba downloading like 15GB) then you're either off on your ids and that character is going to be one of the June bride units, or one of the gosha scenes is a threesome including that character.
If you've just pulled this out of your arse to trick me into saying it's absolutely not a Kagami character then fuck you :^).
Yeah my bad I had a brainfart there. It's Aoi lol
Fuuma has ended Racism
Ah, well that makes it pretty obvious who it's gonna be lol
It's either
Yukikaze/future Yuki
Futurekaze, Future Rinko, Asuka, Future Asuka, Shizuru, Yuri and Karen all haven't had scenes in over a year, plus Azusa and Kirara are on the borderline.
Assuming it's Amane and going off of the art she's either green, red or purple.
If she's green then it could be any of the characters except Yuri.
If she's red then it could only be Kirara.
If she's purple then it could be Asuka, Future Asuka or Azusa.
Green and Red alrerady have OP parties and purple is currently under powered so a double purple gosha would help balance it out a bit.
So it's probably one of the Asukas.

That is if anon isn't trying to bait another non-artist out of the equation.
ShindoL has done some scenes with >6 CGs before so the 9 + 8 CG character could be his and it seems more likely that he'd do that for Amane. A 6 + 6 CG Asuka doesn't really seem right for Aoi, he's done it before with Azusa but it doesn't feel like he'd only do 12 CGs of Asuka after over 2 years without a scene for her.
huh.. yeah no, that's actually really weird.
She's clearly pre TA3 Sakura yet they gave her all of TA3 Sakura traits.
Its not high on my list, but what I like about petrification is the feeling that you're looking at something that was once "highly regarded" become either a embarrassing display or a open outlet for others. Its the same reason I really like the (Through Wall) fetish. I only really like the version of it that has a part still flesh so that they can be used casually.

But yeah, there is that weird component of it that's like.. is this having sex with essentially a corpse? It would be better if there was a version in which they were still somehow aware/alive despite being stone.
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Maybe it's related to the fact that Action Sakura was originally written to be ZERO Sakura who switched places with that world's version of her. There might've been a thing at some point about her trying to emulate her older self, hence the mix-mached design elements. That, or the studio that animated the intro was just sent a bunch of recycled model sheets. Like, they got told use the outfit from TA1-2 but to refer to the expression sheet from TA3 because it's newer and they just got mixed up on details and colors and no one cared enough to correct them.
Before the English version ends I am trying to extract the profiles of the units, but, unless I'm doing it wrong, the profile data is not stored as the images or the scene scripts and it's received as the response of the method called "detail".
The response of that method is a json that only have a "crypted_body" with a long string (which remind me of Base64 encoding but probably not).

Do you now how to translate that string into something that makes sense?
I guess in that response we have the profile text, the trust level, the character images...

I have tried to debug the request but I only managed to see that the response is stored in some heap/buffer/memory, but I can't find where that information is used to create the character profile screen.
Hello. Not the person you replied to, but I'm someone who would be interested in helping extract files from the game.

May I ask what from the profile you are trying to extract exactly? Like do you want only the images from the units or absolutely everything such as images, skills, stats, profile description, etc.?
If posible I would like to extract:
profile description
profile 2D images
profile audios
the texts that appear in the main screen if you have that unit as favorite
skill names
the newly acquired text
the title associated to the unit

I am not interested in the stats or other gameplay info.

I can extract the images and audios with the instructions from above. The problem are the texts (profile descriptions, texts from the main screen, the skill names...) because I don't know how to get those texts as I said in my previos post.

Worst case I would have to copy the texts manually, but in that case I would only be able to do it for the English texts (the ultimate goal was to extract the Japanese texts from their version at some point in the future) and I'm sure I would make typos if I had to copy the text manually.
>which remind me of Base64 encoding but probably not
It is.
Decoded it's probably encrypted with AES.
The key and iv to decrypt that are probably in the main webgl/app files somewhere also encoded to base64.
I wrote a script for that once, don't know where it is anymore, but all it did was search for sequences of a certain length that were valid base64 for the length of the encoded value. So if I'm remembering how base64 and AES works correctly to find a 256 bit value you would search for 43 non-padding base64 characters followed by a single =. For everything found you'd decode it, convert it to hex and then just try every combination as a key iv pair.
I feel like it determines how the petrification is implied to work, I personally feel that, especially when they're still "usable", that they're more so just encased in stone, rather than fully turned to stone. There's obviously some mental justification at play, especially if you look at one of the bad ends of TA0, but its enough for me personally to just barely skirt by considering it snuff
Thank you, I will try to find the key and the iv in the webgl

But if you find that script I would appreciate if you could post it.
what was the scenario for them gangbanging her? Didnt like the scene that much because she seemed to be enjoying the gangbang.
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lovey dovey sex with Rinko-nee!!!
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Fuuma had just completed some combat mission and was patrolling the area for anything suspicious, he runs into Ursula and they speak for a little bit before she invites Fuuma to a special kind of meeting. When he gets there into turns out to be an orgy/gangbang with himself, Ursula, an Orc Informant and a Cyborg Soldier from the UFS. She sorta goads the three of them into fucking her better by giving compliments to one so the others would motivated to fuck her better (basically trying to have control over all 3 of them for her own pleasure)
The 2nd Scene has Fuuma still having thoughts/feelings for Ursula after the gangbang and going to her house, Ursula suggests that they shouldn't pursue a romantic relationship and should just stay friends, Fuuma decides to take matters into his own hands and disrobes her, ties her up, mocking her and mentioning how now he's going to take control of her. Before he fucks her he points out to her that he's live streaming their sex session before he fucks her silly
I recently downloaded the rpgx viewer from 4chan, including all of the HScene and story patches. I extracted everything from the zip folders and brought over the TABA scenes. Everything is mostly working, but I am noticing that I am still missing some scenes, such as maid snake lady and recent event chapters, despite having their files already extracted. Would someone be able to help me with this?

For context, the most recent rpgx scene that is viewable to me is 0579.

Thanks in advance.
did you transfer the files in release order? you probably have a version of the index extracted that's from a few updates ago
I think so. But I am stupid.
Most recent version of the index I have is from the last patch, but I still can't see anything.
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Scenes you find yourself getting back to again and again?
Pic related for me. Best Orc gangbang in the entire series, really breaking Sakura in.
kinda curious where u get these messages...? got some buddy in lilith?
Totally agree! Never gets old this one, classic Sakura
Based Fuuma?
I think Eleonor is from RPGX.
I always love this one from Makai Kishi Ingrid. Dialogue be damned, I love how she begs not to be knocked up and the orc just tells her to shut up and take it.
Taimanin Murasaki is low-key one of the best H-VNs in the series despite it just being a side game. Murasaki being forced to service countless dudes was a really good scene.
How do you update on mobile I saw ppl doing it? My game broke after applying all patches.
90% of my scenes look like this.
So when are they giving us a hot genderbent Fuuma clone so he can go fuck himself?
The worst kind of censorship.
needs to happen, she also needs to stick around so she can take orc cock
When did TABA Fuuma planeswalk into RPGX?
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I want a witch gf....
Does anyone have a link to this scene? Would love to see Murasaki get petrified
Are they supposed to be different?
yes RPGX fuuma never awakened his evil eye even got nicknamed eyeless or something and was raised differently from TABA fuuma because of it. They are the same character but different personalities.
TABA Fuuma was a based chad who beat and captured the sluts himself, then let his orc goons rape them

RPGX Fuuma is weak and powerless but still win fights and affection because the writers say so
So is RPGX Fuuma basically Action Fuuma in a hentai game?
I want to say yeah thats about it. RPGX fuuma was the fuuma they had when they made Action so I assume they based characters off their most recent showings excluding some game lore.

I mean Action would be a very different game if we had TABA fuuma and the fuuma organization in action.
it's from TA Zero
Slightly better in a fight since Black's power rubbed off on him, but otherwise similar.
Me too
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sorry anon, she's already married
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Troll is so lucky.
TABA Fuuma was a highly inconsistent character. He behaves more like Rance in the main story. His personality shifts randomly depending on the sex scene. He can go from heartless rapist, to vanilla MC. RPGX Fuuma is your standard gacha protag personality.
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Anyone knows where's this from?
Mai RPGX scene
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I wish they played into Fuuma being a perv in RPGX, he was kinda a fuckin rapist towards the start, drugging chicks or coaxing them into sex
Didnt a recent Action event reveal Fuuma being a stalker creep?
>TABA Fuuma was a highly inconsistent character. He behaves more like Rance in the main story. His personality shifts randomly depending on the sex scene. He can go from heartless rapist, to vanilla MC.

Is that why Sakura's scenes with him vary from her getting coerced, to her being demanding?
Modified nipples are great. Especially if you hook them with piercing and rings.
That is the hottest scene from the OVAs, fuckin loved how the orcs unloaded their cum into her pussy despite how much she hated it. There should be more scenes in RPGX like that.
While I can't remember about Adult Sakura (for shame!), in Young Sakura's case that's just character development as their relationship progresses.
Nice! This also RPGX? Usually only Asahi draws the extreme boob stuff.
>Is that why Sakura's scenes with him vary from her getting coerced, to her being demanding?
It's precisely why. Fuuma will go from raping and enslavig girls like Asagi to join his team in one h-scene, to him treating them like lovers in another. The story version of him is more consistent, but not too consistent. The scenes version is all over the place. The initial launch scenes for RPGX were mostly based on TABA Fuuma, hence why he's an evil shitbag in some of them. I would go as far as saying they were originally intended for TABA but were reused for RPGX due to its EOS. Many ideas that were planned for TABA were reused for RPGX, such as Hebiko's entire character.
what's the meta for rpgx eng
havent played since it dropped, kinda feel like leveling my wives
never mind, i just looked up that they are killing rpgx global lmao. deserved for that gem debt bs.
Is TABA Fuuma's character consistent in the main story? I know that Sonoda Masaki is the main writer for TABA.
It doesn't stray too far from his revenge story at the beginning and then becoming more like Rance in harem farming. It's not the best, but it's not as bad as his TABA h-scenes counterpart.
TABA, and by Zol.
>The initial launch scenes for RPGX were mostly based on TABA Fuuma, hence why he's an evil shitbag in some of them. I would go as far as saying they were originally intended for TABA but were reused for RPGX due to its EOS. Many ideas that were planned for TABA were reused for RPGX, such as Hebiko's entire character.

I'm guessing this explains why RPGX Fuuma goes from torturing Rinko with a tentacle wall under the excuse of suspecting her to be a traitor in one scene, then comforts her after some old guy had his way with her in another.

Or were both of those scenes too late for either to be a reuse?
The wall scene is completely reusing art from TABA if I remember correct. The lovey dovey sex he has with Rinko is original RPGx content
Fun fact for you, in the game opening of AT, she's tanned, but if you look at the YouTube upload of AT, she's not.
They just have two versions of Sakura. Wish someone would rip both versions.
Breast, nipple and lactation.
>has to play from Japan on the app version now
It's over
>deserved for that gem debt bs
That's what killed the game but personally speaking, to me it was a minor issue. Eternal loading was worse.
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HTML RPGX Viewer Story Patch
Added Chapter 069

Let me know if I've fucked anything up.
>I'm guessing this explains why RPGX Fuuma goes from torturing Rinko with a tentacle wall under the excuse of suspecting her to be a traitor in one scene, then comforts her after some old guy had his way with her in another.
You're on the money. They didn't know what they wanted to do with it. Letting different writers freely decide how scenes went didn't help.
It's funny because it's the only scene of Fuuma and Rinko. I think they were deciding who would become one of his love interests and who will be the slut between Yuki and Rinko. As we know, they choose Yuki
I don't think this has been said enough. What a dumb move it was for Lilith to move to scenes. He made really great stories that he never fully developed, for example right now I can think of Prison Academia, Annerose, Ingrid, and Witch of steel.
Sure some of those were technically "finished" but they were in such an ancient format, some rennovating would have gone a long way. And no, the scenes are not good enough at all. They don't have enough story at all. They're just random bits of story, with crappier CG's, with no foreplay and no conclusion
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There's actually a few Fuuma/Rinko scenes in RPGx
>literally the first scene in the viewer
>the flesh wall one
>the 2nd half of that one scene after she was raped
>people speculate the one with her and the senior in the love hotel was originally going to be Fuuma
He's also the one who dicks her down in pretty much any crossover she's in
She's obviously not a Fuuma exclusive girl but I wouldn't put it past Lilith to pair them up again in the future
Are the crossover scenes in any viewer?
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The Otogi Frontier and Tokyo Necro ones should both be in the viewer, other ones like Mist Train Girls never got added
This could be somewhat alleviated if they just had more followup with certain scenes, it might get confusing assuming they would have multiple different timelines just for gacha sex but it would be an improvement
>And no, the scenes are not good enough at all. They don't have enough story at all. They're just random bits of story, with crappier CG's, with no foreplay and no conclusion

>it might get confusing assuming they would have multiple different timelines just for gacha sex but it would be an improvement

Do the scenes in both Arena and RPG tend to just be totally disconnected? I saw this one in TABA where Fuuma sneaks into the school and convinces Rinko to have sex by claiming he could kill Tatsurou (but internally claiming he can't). The viewer tells me it's associated with an event where Fuuma and Tokiko are at a beach, so it doesn't seem like it happens during that event. And of course, the second half where Rinko decides to raise Fuuma's babies doesn't get followed up on.

Do both games' scenes just have this sense of "no idea when this might have happened"?
Yeah they're mostly disjointed, the RPGx ones are all non-canon and only a few seem to be connected or followed up on (I think in RPGx they explicity mention Fuuma and Yukikaze having their first time together like 3 or 4 times now)
Some of the scenes in TABA are actually canon though
Not an option in the pictures but to me it would be pregnancy. It's just something about these "unbeatable godlike" women getting pregnant by the enemy they swore to defeat. Especially if she's still sane during it and not a mindbroken sex addicted bimbo. It's like the ultimate defeat, scenes that spring to my mind are TA2 Asagi, and Taima Seiko Alice as a whole concept. Bonus points for brown lactacting nipples
Oboro brother is a literal Trannymanin
The ones from Millennium War Aigis are also never added. I so desperately want them.
Kind of lame that the in-game H scenes are about as relevant as doujins.

Is there a way to see which event each RPGX scene is from? The TABA viewer had a button for that.

>Some of the scenes in TABA are actually canon though

Which ones?
Question was more aiming for unnatural modifications using demon technology of some sort. Not natural pregnancy, but ultimately agreed. Them getting knocked up is really top tier.
TABA Fuuma was a villain protagonist who led his own faction to conquer the other three and regularly uses rape, murder, torture, and kidnapping to get his way. I've never played RPGX and only have knowledge of the current Fuuma from Action Taimanin, but in that he's member of the Taimanin faction and no more edgy than Ryu Hayabusa. This is the first I've heard of him being a rapist.
>This is the first I've heard of him being a rapist.

Presumably it's from the reused material mentioned in other posts.
That was in reference to this >>8020186
I can't picture the Action Taimanin version of Fuuma doing this.
While we're on the subject: What's the point of the protagonists of TABA and RPGX having the same name if they're going to look and act completely different? Don't Taimanin Asagi and Taimanin Yukikaze have different male protagonists? It'd make more sense to just to keep making new protagonists with each new entry.
Gacha writing. For some unknowable reason bug people react insanely bad to "sharing" the Main Character women, even in series like Taimanin, so the Male Protagonist must be one and only, and everyone else (Rik, Tatsurou and the like) must be expunged. Female perspective like the old VNs is less prevalent, everything must be preferably from the MC perspective and everything must rotate around him because if it doesn't the self-inserters start getting uppity.
It's simply how gacha writing works: Fuuma doesn't need to have a personality because it's a self-insert.
Bar of course Lily from Tentacles and Witches that manages to keep her man because she's the best girl or something.
Murasaki got to keep hers, since Kiryu's just that cool. I never got far into RPGX's story, but doesn't she get him back to Gohsa by having Fuuma deliver him an envelope full of her nudes or something?
>doesn't she get him back to Gohsa by having Fuuma deliver him an envelope full of her nudes or something?
kek based kiryu
Its pretty much just Tatsurou that doesn't get to keep his, even Kosuke got to appear with Asuka at one point
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cute feet

the tightsuit is arguably hotter than her default design
Looks like a one off RPGX unit
based, that little dick cuck doesn't deserve a girl
Isn't that the outfit of the blind chick who's Rinko's rival in the future?
Asuka sex!
Not Mari, not interested.
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literally made for AVs
at least he got to fuck shizuru desu
Mom's busy right now honey.
Asuka scenes are too tame desu despite I don't mind vanilla
Sex with these two and impregnation!
Speaking of cuffs, when was the last good Bondage scene??
Gosha Scene Spoilers:
Asuka: Vanilla all the way through. Missionary + Doggy Style. Good, but nothing special

Amane: Brutal NTR start, but strangely vanilla ending. But when I say brutal, I mean brutal. It might be hard for even long time taimanin fans to stomach. Probably why the writers gave her a vanilla ending.
>Amane: Brutal NTR start, but strangely vanilla ending. But when I say brutal, I mean brutal. It might be hard for even long time taimanin fans to stomach. Probably why the writers gave her a vanilla ending.
You mean healing sex?
>Amane: Brutal NTR
That is Shindol at his prime, that is pretty normal.
cute feet!!!
lads why do some scenes in sceneviewer just give me black CGs?
seems i downloaded all latest files from mega.
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HTML RPGX Viewer H Scene Patch
Added gosha scenes

Let me know if I've fucked anything up.
Amane ending is cute, i hope they add her to AT at some point. Also at least 1st scene isnt poop like that Tokiko one...
>Yet another Asuka vanilla scene

trash, so disappointing what happened to this franchise
damn they both look off
If the scene numbers start with the letter c following some numbers, then those are TABA scenes. You will need to download the TABA viewer to get the scenes from there and then move them over to the correct folder in the RPGX viewer.
god like
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jesus christ you weren't kidding, I was assuming it would be something like that old Rinko scene where she gets to have happy rebound sex with Fuuma (I guess she kinda does) but this was waaay darker than that one
It feels like her and Rinko kinda swapped places, Asuka got a handful of scenes earlier on where she was getting fucked by other dudes before pretty much becoming a Fuuma girl, meanwhile Rinko seemed like she'd be one of his main squeezes but only really has scenes with him in crossovers now
I love that shocked yukikaze desu
>It feels like her and Rinko kinda swapped places, Asuka got a handful of scenes earlier on where she was getting fucked by other dudes before pretty much becoming a Fuuma girl, meanwhile Rinko seemed like she'd be one of his main squeezes but only really has scenes with him in crossovers now

Did they decide that Rinko was too plain for vanilla or something?
they know that rinko is made for little brother cock
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Emphasis on 'little'
Is that supposed to be regular Asuka? Her body looks thick, but her face looks like her younger future version.
limbless Asuka scene when...
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Tatsurou Strong! Strong I say!
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pic related
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Wait, is that motherfucking Mycenaean Linear B?
Maybe the Mycenae Empire does exist too in the Taimanin universe.
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Yuki saying hi to Tatsurou after her career ending pregnancy from another boy at their school
People actually play the gacha???
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>Asuka has a new taimanin suit
>scene is with her old pink suit
What was the point of this new suit?
Shindol is not alien to extremely weird references in his works (he has a cultural backlog somewhat different from the standard H-mangaka) but that's wild. Plus it's writing from a Palace Culture (so eminently administrative and ritual), they would not have used it as defacing for a whore.
Nonetheless, there's anything in the scene explaining it or it's simply Shindol doing the most esoteric reference he can think of?
I won't even ask how you got it, I mean, every man should study a bit of Akkadian but Linear B?
bringing the schizo wiki into this
are these from rpgx?
I thought rpgx was all about the wholesome scenes
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>he has a cultural backlog somewhat different from the standard H-mangaka
For just a tip of the iceberg glance for those who don't know, ShindoL wrote an entire doujin about Sharbat Gula. And another one about the dairy industry.
Dunno if it's true but I remember someone saying that he was born in the US and lived the several years there before going back to Japan.
That would explain why he know those things.
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The amount of bonkers shitposting in Shindol's works is indeed great, and if I remember right he's both fluent in English and lived in New York for a while.
That still doesn't explain why the hell we got Mycenaean administrative writing on ninja sluts. Michael Ventris would not approve.
From his patreon. https://www.patreon.com/shindol
>I moved from my hometown in Queens, NY to Tokyo to work in the adult manga industry.
ShindoL is also just his real name minus the arry.
anyone having issue with translation tool?
been trying to trnaslate the latest scenes
it paste the first few untranslated lines and translate them, then instead of moving onto the next untranslated lines, it paste the already translated english lines and tries to translate it back to japanese?
Does anyone else here know about this Viewer? It looks like the same one made for RPGX. From the same anon maybe?
Why does she always look bored/disappointed after sex with Fuuma? Was Kyosuke's cock just that good?
kousuke knocked up asagi so yes
Come ON fucknugget scene WHEN?
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Girls always want to experience new stuff with their partners to reach new types of pleasures, if you are boring and do the same exact shit, they will show it clearly that it was boring.
It's right here >>8032515
I want one from kamihime.
She just looks tired
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In my never ending quest to procure all physical merch of my hentai-fu I started going for the weird trading cards they released. Does anyone know if there are any other motives featuring Sakura?
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Which chapter of RPGX did Lilim's adult form first show up in?
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Exhausted after getting her shit packed in
Yes, he is fluent in English. He's literally on camera here in this interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl2aHWx5HFg
same, I also got that resume icon in every h-scene don't know how to remove that. I'm assuming you're also using joiplay
We need more scenes like this.
didn't they release some kinda Sakura branded salt bottle?
Where is this from?
So after last chapter I suppose chapter 70 will be asuka vs ares, so weird to end the chapter like that on a cliffhanger while making it unclear as to how these two are together at the moment, I suppose we’ll find out in June but I’d be VERY surprised if next one isn’t related at all.
I think it was a photo of tatsurou cucking yukikaze with shizuru
Thanks, managed to find it with that description. Very peak
Bumping off Ares, presumably. Assuming he doesn't asspull a way out of Resident Eviling himself at the last minute.
Can somebody tell me hwta happened in Amane's scenes. The first part is clear but what happens afterwards. Did she got saved by Kotaro or let go. But she is now sexaddicted but simultaneously sad because she is impregnated from an orc (I think) or what.
The fucker that runs that wiki must be insane levels of schizo.
it's pretty funny though
He is, but at some point you just gotta admire him for it.
He is why Lilith hates the western fans
IIRC there is like a 1 year timeskip between the first and second scene as the Fuuma Clan tried to find Amane, hence why her demeanour is so messed up
Shindol even made one of the Yotsubato
I guess his drung thing was influence from USA period
ShindoL is a mad lad
This was actually a good listen. Creators should do more stuff with hentai artist. I would love to hear whats going on with Kagami.
>Gurija made manga about reptiles
What is this?
I know about his fembois works.
first scene.
Amana get's captured, body modified, fucked by an orc quite brutally i might add, shindol doing shindol things.

second scene.
After a year Fuuma and friends can't find her. She escapes on her own, but now sex crazed animal. probably pregnant or was pregnant with a baby. Get's on Fuuma bed and fucks him while asleep. fuuma wakes up, they have sex. Fuuma cock heals Amane mind.
>Fuuma cock heals Amane mind
fucking why.... scene ruined
Lilith's director must fuck off for good.
He is just a huge virgin waifufag, it is embarrassing at this point.
>just a huge virgin waifufag
so like any japanese anime media consumer
Himitsu no Reptiles: https://myanimelist.net/manga/98702/Himitsu_no_Reptiles
BJC is built different
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Kosuke may be good, but can be compete with Aoi's latest Harem protagonist? (WARNING: His penis is a WHOPPING 20cm long)
Nah lilith's director is exceptional case.
Gender bent untanned Yukikaze
>almost 8 inches
Damn Future Yukikaze is pretty hung
Nope, can you explain the demographics of shit like SAO, KonoSuba and Re:Zero and why those get massively popular?
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Sorry orcbro, this is the face of the franchise now
How come there's art of RPGX Fuuma with a glowing red eye when he doesn't have magic eye powers?
>when he doesn't have magic eye powers?
read the story?
>this is the face of the franchise now
Only because lilith is working with a huge waifufag as their boss.
Those are atleast watchable and some are funny like KonoSuba, fuuma is like a forced parasite everywhere, otherwise the director might have a stroke.
bros... why is Fuuma kinda....
gay? I don't know.
because those arent hentai
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>like KonoSuba
I want Kazutrash to be the MC in RPGX instead of Fuuma. At least then it would be funny and sexy at the same time with a strong push for true gender equality.
I don't have the game, what exactly is the eve chip and how does it work??
It's a brain implant that slowly makes the girls want to serve and fuck the bad guys and causes pain whenever the girl thinks about going against the bad guys. Basically just mindcontrol but the girl believes it's her own choice, they're a thing in the 2 yukikaze VNs
It saves the writers hundreds of hours by hand waving a written descent into depravity by blaming everything on a tesla monkey brain mind control chip.
So a strong hypnotic suggestion? Strengthen by placebo due to them not knowing whats causing the thoughts?
Also I played TY1 I didn't see any eve chips in that game.
Too real
>Robot arm
>Hides Taimanin outfit under business suit

10/10 design. It's gonna suck that she's going to be relegated to this scene and maybe one more before getting binned for eternity. RPGX causes such pain at times.
I think if he were in a hentai premise he'd be just as unlikeable as Fuuma. He'd still be this generally obnoxious dork just now he'd be fucking and/or raping every girl he encounters while being like by the core group.
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Bros, I've waited for years for RPGX to get translated and now it will EoS after a few months. What level of Japanese do I need to reliably follow the story/events? Doesn't have to be perfect, but just to get the general gist.
Dunno, wasn't he into interracial? He's like any other anon ITT
the eve chips were retconned into TY1 because the writers are lazy hacks
You know Amane has been in RPGx for years, right?
>wasn't he into interracial?
Yeah, Asian Female/Jaundiced Male
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>WARNING: His penis is a WHOPPING 20cm long
Bruh, I'm packing 8 inches and even I am under no illusions that I'd rank in the Taimanin-verse.

No. Clearly this man suffers from a long-term lack of taste.
>I'm packing 8 inches
dick with timestamp or gtfo
Strange how this website inexplicably has so many well endowed men on it, the mind truly boggles
Not him, but masturbating all the time alone would help dick growth. Unless you have some weird condition or genes that start you smaller than most, you just need to be average and to beat off regularly. Given that this is 4ch, is that any surprise?
And they are all 6'3 too
bris need answers!!! i play rpgx since Day 1 on pc and when i got one fine smartfone migrate to play on it for years Last year when rpgx sextasy gets launched i got tempted to start here to so sudenly on the Last versión of the jp game i cant log in dmm stop leting acount out japan can access any game and Last mont the oficial anouncement of sextasy end of service on agoust so... no more taimanin rpgx to us gaijin fans???
Holy ESL
I doubt you'll be unable to log in forever. But perhaps someone more knowledgeable on here will know more..
>but masturbating all the time alone would help dick growth.
does that really have any effect? not to get into too much detail but I am a little above average in both areas these days and was very much a coomer in my adolescent years, I can buy that maybe it made my penis develop faster since a friend and I saw our penises one night and mine was maybe a third bigger. That and the one girl I fucked back then also said it was big (I imagine they would've just said that to everyone), it didn't really get much bigger later on though
just use a VPN.
yes no dumb gaijin allowed
When I use the rpgx viewer I get 58 pages of translated scenes. Is that right or did I fuck something up?
how old is he again?
Not in a place where I can take a timestamped pic, so you'll have to settle with this old one until I can. >>>/soc/33165049
Don't know about translated, but Im pretty sure it should be 63 pages total right now, with the last page only having 1 scene in it, counting the EX-, Necro- and Otogi scenes
Alright, so I did do something wrong. Is there a guide somewhere? I just noticed almost every scene past page 1 can't load anyway.
That's probably close to (if not a little bigger) than I would assume Tatsurou is given how he is described (kinda long but skinny penis with a large head). Kosuke, Fuuma and a few of the other lilith MCs would probably be a few inches bigger
Any updates from animator anon?
Not sure if you are strictly talking about RPGX scenes and excluding TABA. But for me I have 126 pages. If you aren't including TABA scenes then you can ignore my comment.
Here you go, anon.

Looks closer to 7 inches to me but based caption, you could probably cuck Tatsurou with that thing
The brain dmg from the gachas is real fellas.
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Event SR: Shisui
SR: Ingrid
HR: Coolidge
R: Chevalier

2x gems
>Ingrid and Chevalier
Finally a good fucking banner
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proof that Sakura fans are the biggest dicked chads in the community
He seems like a guy that goes on a vacation to Crete and brings back an obssession with linear b instead of tzatziki or olive oil
Or he might have read Cerams's "Gods, Graves and Scholars" and it stuck with him

>Plus it's writing from a Palace Culture (so eminently administrative and ritual), they would not have used it as defacing for a whore.
Clearly a man culture like him wouldn't use the common pleb lingo for than kek
I fully expect seeing a quote from Villon or Schiller on Asagi's ass at some point
Shisui, Chevalier AND Ingrid
Holy shit now this is a good lineup. Just gotta hope the actual scenes are good now.
>Coolidge and Ingrid
my dick believes in dark skin supermacy

Hopefully it's something hardcore again for Coolidge, her previous monster scene was good. I don't like scat but its better than vanilla trash
Doesn't seem that big i'm over 40cm. On a side note i still need to play Harem shangri la completely forgot it was released.
Finally time for some human negroid penisu.
Chevalier was crazy for that
>Doesn't seem that big i'm over 40cm.
hi Fuuma
will this continue the trend of ingrid's rpgx scenes all being inferior to her battle arena ones with the same theme?
will probably just be a knockoff of her TABA bride scene
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Love Rincow, her fat tits look especially great here. Beauties like Rinko were made for humiliation
Holy fuck chocolate queens in wedding dresses is just peak aesthetic.
Kagami never went beyond the pale like Shindol does. Doesn't help that he's far more reclusive, did he ever had any socials bar his ancient blog?
Well, at least they're all top picks this time. One can hope....
Don't know if we have seen her before. Who is she and what is happening to her bellybutton?

That's just an outie, anon, some weirdos' bellybuttons do that.
regardless of anon not knowing english im bumping this. i somehow just got the news that rpgx is EOS'ing and dmm is being retarded with my western ip so would like some guidance on how to play in the west. setting expressvpn to japan doesn't do shit.
FINALLY a banner where I like every girl!
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Meanwhile in AT land.
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ogrebros... It's time
>tfw you will never marry and impregnate a taimanin girl
why even live
Made for Big Tatsurou Cock!!!
That top brown chick was designed by Rio?
Anyway, that's a based banner.
Renovated for Huge Orc Cock.
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Whole lotta brown in here. I'm gonna need to see some papers or you border crossing* fucks are gonna get a double barrel discount of American* freedom.
*Demon World
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Meanwhile in...
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Surely with all the money they made from JP RPGX, AT, and the global RPGX gem debt we are getting TY2, TA4 or TA0-2? Or perhaps the fabled, the legendary, the rumored Ingrid/Oboro/Annerose focus nukige!?
Kirara NTR VN!
eh she's only ok
TY3 with Shizuru cucking ukikaze!!!
They will have a weddieg
Hi, in the RPGX viewer, how do I use the patcher?
Now she just needs an eypatch and a PMC.
It’s broken
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Thank god she's a slut
I always want to see more of her.

Can't wait for her to get another scene or manga
Mating press
Just started played AT and got 12k crystals but I can't decide who to get
I thought about Eleanor since she makes my dick happy but I don't like how she plays from my time in the training room, who is a good character to go with?

Murasaki is regarded as a pretty strong character tho..
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holy fucking preggers
based!! fuck that flat chested whore, Shizuru is miles hotter
My pants are never gunna be on after this.
That's gotta a Ogre baby.
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what a beautiful flesh toilet
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Can the anon who helped me before with the missing text in the sakara scene help again?

Thank you
The scene where she NTRs her student is pretty funny
I'm not the person who helped you before but I can try to.

Can you check the scene folder to see if the translations folder with an English official text file in it?
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Not before I get my Oops All Potion Girls VN.
these whores are boring as hell im sorry
>Murasaki's name means purple.
>She is also a massive obsessive fangirl over Asagi - whose suit is purple coloured.
>In a way, Mu-chan is such a massive Asagi-sexual that even her name revolves around Asagi-sama.
I thought that was cute detail.
Even if the gatcha games were making gangbusters we wouldn't get a new VN, they're just too unprofitable. As it stands it's highly doubtful we'll ever get another gatcha whales are keeping the company afloat.
ok the folder is the official one that i got from the mega form. the line Haah... You're hopeless... Fuma, listen... You can do it, but you should never, <i>ever</i> cum inside me, okay?

does not show
Okay, that was actually me who uploaded the official translation to this thread. It was my first time doing it so it is very possible I could have messed something up in some way.

I would suggest running the Patcher v3 if you are able to. If you can, you type N when it asks you to change the date. You type Y when it asks you if you want to patch H scenes. Press enter when it asks reason for patching and let it do its thing. After it is done, you type N for absolutely everything else until it tells you that patching is complete.
Sorry anon....no ogres or orcs in her scene.
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>it's kinda funny yukikaze had sex with mutiples orcs before but for rinko it was just one orc kek
there is no way in hell that's a Fuuma made belly

if it is, Taimanin is dead to me
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Not Fuuma, just some rando.

Three guys fuck and impregnate her in a church while she's groveling on the floor.
What about the others? I'm assuming Shisui and Chevalier are Fuuma scenes?
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Taimanin is not dead to me...
Here are the Official English Translations for:
Raid Event 006
[Phantom Bride] Mizuki Shiranui (2x)
[June Bride] Ange (2x)
[Bunny] Kamimura Maika (2x)
[Pure White & Black Wings] Minasaki
[Cupid Bride] Yubashiri Hayate

Mega Link: https://mega.nz/file/6YVRXSSS#UGgBzQ_H1drI9b8ohwa8G0R8kmmkLPn_6m69U-XsAuY

I personally did have an issue with the Shiranui and Maika Official text file though that I want to be transparent about. I could not get the Viewer to give me the option to select if I wanted to use the Official English file or the RattanMan translation. I tried to patch it many times and in many different ways but I could not get it to work. Every other unit translation works. It is only those two that do not allow you to select the official English file.

I tried to solve it my own way and discovered that while the patcher did update the RPGX_Extasy_H.js file (Located in data/scripts/data) with the official English text. It did not update the sceneData.js file (that is located in the same directory)

I believe that is what is causing the issue as another scene that allows you to pick the translation contains both texts in the sceneData.js.

I am very sorry about this long ass post. I am new to this and I don't know how to easily patch that sceneData.js folder without possibly breaking anything. Maybe someone else who does not have a smooth brain will come along and fix it. Just thought I would give these files just in case it helps someone.
Does anyone has Ingrids scene already. And if yes what happens in it.
I dont have patcher v3 but Patcher v240131 and Patcher v231130 i still have the same problem
I have the same problem when i use both sorry for the imcomplete post.
Yeah the patcher v2 version does not work for me unless I am using it for rpgx stoy/event scenes.

Here is a link to the patcher v3. Try to run that with the instructions I gave and see if that helps.

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my wife
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Yes, hello, I would like to have sex with Asuka in all of her holes please, thank you.
No its still not working the anon that helped me gave me something in the data file
Ah alright. Sorry I couldn't have been more help.
Can anyone translate the summer kemono event scene with fuuma aki?

Complain all you want about the whales, but if you still keep playing too, you are also a part of the problem, since you are giving a reason for the whales to play (to feel superior towards the f2p time wasters).
New Thread:
if you can can you play the scene in your viewer to see if you have it?
ok same guy you have been talking to but i figured out that i needed to update the data folder to the latest one used then rune patcher
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Guys, is there a place where I can see all the alternative R18 artworks of the RPGX characters?
I couldn't find them in the viewer archive.
I mean, artworks like this
I provided this in the previous thread already, but I'm going to post again, mostly because I'm really hoping someone can see the issue I had with two of the scenes and possibly teach me how to fix it.

Here are the Official English Translations for:
Raid Event 006
[Phantom Bride] Mizuki Shiranui (2x)
[June Bride] Ange (2x)
[Bunny] Kamimura Maika (2x)
[Pure White & Black Wings] Minasaki
[Cupid Bride] Yubashiri Hayate

Mega Link: https://mega.nz/file/6YVRXSSS#UGgBzQ_H1drI9b8ohwa8G0R8kmmkLPn_6m69U-XsAuY

I personally did have an issue with the Shiranui and Maika Official text file though that I want to be transparent about. I could not get the Viewer to give me the option to select if I wanted to use the Official English file or the RattanMan translation. I tried to patch it many times and in many different ways but I could not get it to work. Every other unit translation works. It is only those two that do not allow you to select the official English file.

I tried to solve it my own way and discovered that while the patcher did update the RPGX_Extasy_H.js file (Located in data/scripts/data) with the official English text. It did not update the sceneData.js file (that is located in the same directory)

I believe that is what is causing the issue as another scene that allows you to pick the translation contains both texts in the sceneData.js.

I am very sorry about this long ass post. I am new to this and I don't know how to easily patch that sceneData.js folder without possibly breaking anything. Maybe someone else who does not have a smooth brain will come along and fix it. Just thought I would give these files just in case it helps someone.
I'm a retard

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