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More practical to work with one artist than to negotiate with 10.
Because someone provided the budget. You can tell what that person likes.
This. Although he's an idior regardlees
Yeah, with only the first 2 OVAs was more than enough, but no, here are 10 more of the same shitty setting!
Meanwhile, artists like:
>Nakamura Regura
>Tawara Hiryuu
>Nishida Megane
>Uo Denim
>Ao Banana
>Echigoya Takeru
Have never gotten a single miserable adaptation.

Hell, even Joy Ride and Aiue Oka have plenty of source material to work it and T-Rex hasn't made shit in years.
>last Aiue Oka OVA was 2 years ago
>last Joy Ride OVA was 3 years ago
That looks fucking boring.
I bet it's grizzled with mosiac shit.
There's many reasons why, but one no one ever tell you about is niceness. I work in a media-adjacent field (I work for a company that does work with TV and Radio, nothing fancy just the local stations) and I've gotten to talk with people here and there about the media industry, and the one thing I get all the time from them is that niceness counts for a lot.

In an industry where the disk jockey, radio host, local news anchor, etc. believe themselves to be holliwood-caliber stars who deserve to be catered to at each and every opportunity on their rise to becoming the next Howard Stern or Tom Brokaw, the rest of the staff, from producers to interns, would rather work with someone who is NOT that. So, if it comes to a choice between the guy or gal who is 80% cunt for every 100% of talent and finished product he brings to the table, they would very much rater prefer to work with someone who is only 40% cunt for every 100% of finished product, even if the 40% guy is not as talented as the 80% cunt.

Ever hear after a movie how they wanted to cast an actor for a role, and everyone goes "OMG! that would've been amazing!!! Better than the actor they got for it!" This is usually the reason why. There's too many actors and talent out there who are far too much of a cunt to work with, despite the fact they're very talented and would kill it in the role I.E. Christian Bale is infamous of this.

I'm guessing something like this is at work here, T-Rex must be just easier to work with than Aiue Oka for example, who for all your bitching of "plenty of source material" still hasn't managed to releave that fucking visual novel they're working with about his saimin counseling series. It's been stuck in dev hell for a bit, I'm guessing Oka must be much more of a cunt.

>R****t typing

Go back
It's not cuckold shit in a sea of it

Aiue Oka is indeed a horrible person. Pays for Fakku's copyright thinking it increases profits (never does) and has been doing this for years.
Is it really that simple?
"Hey here's some money make some big anime titties from this doujin I like."
That's why I pirate all their shit
Of course not
i know it sucks, art and plot are fucking boring but i will tell u something that u will like to hear(or not if u dont like ntr). Recently in takeda hiromitsu streams he showed some cover images for his ima ria work, that means they will announce soon or later ima ria adaptation. I hope they adapt all tank including kendo girl and milf work, i think with 6 ovas they can cover all the tank
Why not.
If a shitass doujin artist got his shit animated then why can't I finance and blast rope to a high quality animation of a doujin I like.
Well, you could do that with a couple million to hire staff, material, contracts for broadcasting, promoting, etc. But here's the catch: You'll more than likely have to do it here in the west, no glorious nippon animators would just go and draw smut for a whitu piggu such as yourself. Why? because japanese are all about image. Drawing smut as a profession, even for regular slant eyed fuckers is a shameful thing in japan, as in, shameful for the family. Could you imagine how much that is multiplied by drawing porn for a subhuman degenerate foreigner?

There's some talent that would probably do it for the money, but it would have to be life changing money, like "I'll pay you 5 times what you earn yearly to work on my porn." type of money at a minimum. It would just be cheaper to get a bunch of pixar/disney/cartoon network/nickeloleon rejects, desperate to break into the animation industry, and give them the job. Hell, they'll do it for minimum wage and a credit so they can have experience to slap on a resume.
I think it could work if you make a deal with the artist first then the hentai studio.
JUN has had 3 stories of his Kemonokko series animated so far by an amateur. And he said that all of them will be made (waiting for the bat girl).

Artists find great joy when their works are adapted, even if the result ends up bring shit, like made by Queen Bee or something low quality.
Imagine paying that much for it and it's still censored.
The authors get the original uncensored masters
Because that author's works are hot as fuck. Plus, if they're able to find finding for that many adaptations then said adaptations can't be selling badly.
So what if there are better artists? It's not like the artist themself is making the adaptation.

Sauce or you're making it up.
>Artists find great joy when their works are adapted
No, they find great joy when they are paid. If all the wanted was to get it adapted then all they have to do is keep quiet when the anime studio just yoinks their art and stories to animate them.

Does this mean there's no happiness or enjoyment from seeing your stuff on the big screen? No. But no one is out there just handing their stuff to be used and abused by some committee-led studio churning out shit for profit just for that enjoyment.
Because only generic hentai gets made anymore.
Not the worst, its fine.

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