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Previous thread >>7768404
Older threads https://archiveofsins.com/h/thread/7631305

Guilty (Nightmare/Dash) Catalogs
https://vndb.org/p115 (https://vndb.org/p10006 / https://vndb.org/p12551)

DLC patches, Resources and FAQ (under construction): https://textbin.net/gamfrzax7k
Tiermaker: https://tiermaker.com/create/guilty---toriko-nightmare-heroines--626031

Recent releases:
Toriko no Chikai ~Nakama No Tame Ni Shintai O Kakeru Shojo No Jingi ~
DL: https://www.mikocon.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=71492
Shizuka Athlete DLC (just drop into Chikai folder): https://files.catbox.moe/qrjyi0.rar
MTL Shizuka (rename to PRio2.arc): https://files.catbox.moe/jlk5j2.arc

Toriko no Chigiri Re: ~Kazoku no Tame ni Karada o Sashidasu Ane to Imouto~
虜ノ契 Re: ~家族のために身体を捧げる姉と妹~
DL: https://www.mikocon.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=71493
MTL: https://files.catbox.moe/xde0dr.zip

Nightmare x Maverick ~Saiyaku no Revenant~
Nightmare × Maverick~災厄のレヴェナント~
DL: https://www.mikocon.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=73975

Beginners Queen
DL: https://www.mikocon.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=77122

NightmarexNobleBlood ~Uragiri no Abyss~ The Motion
Nightmare×NobleBlood~裏切りのアビス~ The Motion
DL: pending

Upcoming releases:
Toriko no Urara ~Otoko no Sono ni Magirekonda Ichirin no Akai Hana~
虜ノ麗 ~男の園に紛れこんだ一輪の紅い花~
28 June 2024

Nightmare×sisters Ω~終末のレクイエム~
ETA: 2024
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Too many new sus bot threads from looking at the bumps

Forgot to mention re-release of Wanna. ~SpartanSex Spermax!!!~, same date as Urara.
It is just a compatibility version for newer Windows and no new bonus, so shared same site as Urara unlike Chigiri.
Original decade old site for reference
Think the old Wanna store-exclusive tokuten won't be re-release unless Guilty announce something in the coming weeks
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So due to Urara's setting being an boarding all boy school what kind of scenes would you have in it?

Personally I hope for:

- all day long sex sessions or longer like in Chigiri were the girls were fucked without a rest for a whole weekend, if I remember correctly :)

- scenes were the girls are used as the boys 'virgin graduation' tools.

- scenes were multiple girls are used at the same time - probably near the end of the subroutes or MC bad ending when the girls start getting 'broken'.

- scenes were the girls are 'installed' as a 'reward' system for the passing students or an entire class of students

- scenes were the girl is woken up from sleep with some gangrape - based on the information we got this could only be possible for the MC and the other girls that 'live' in the school - so Tsubasa, Sawa, Kanna and probably Yui as well :)

- I would also like to see scenes were a girl watches another girl getting used.

- Scenes were the villains use the fact that the MC is disguised as a guy - for example forcing her to watch other guys masturbate or some other 'humiliating' experience..
Minimum would be the sports calvary, preferably it ain't DLC.
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Personally, I have zero expectations that the title scene is actually going to make it into the game.

Since it never happened in the case of previous Toriko titles.

Of course this is the first time we got a Toriko title screen that had guys included in it- even if they are only mob character's - so there is a chance that this time it might be an exception.
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Considering that we finally got a glasses wearing women (Meganekko) in the Toriko series...

What other fetishes, girl types would you like to see that in your opinion fit the Toriko series theme...
more yuri themes, rie/maika and yuno/ikumi added some great spice to their games. touko and shizuna were a huge missed opportunity.
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How could you forget Misaki x Hyouka??
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I could see some forced yuri action between Sawa and Tsubasa, either in Sawa's bad ending or Tsubasa's bad ending.

It really depends on how the game plot (especially the route choices) are going to look like.
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2 new cg scenes
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Posters have been updated as well
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already preordered the version with noeka's poster and I feel extra validated now
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Well...It's first time using condoms in Toriko series.
I want a play in which the semen in the used condoms is put into the vagina all at once.
I'm guessing she "willing" sell herself to be used in soapland, but on the condition of using protection
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I wouldn't say that she's completely willing judging from her expressions in the preview cg's.

Imo it's a similar type of 'game' as Touko's route in Chikai, although using a different approach due to the character differences.
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I wonder if this outfit, means that the MC will also have scenes with longer hair in the main game.

After all, it looks like something she would wear to bed, while still, more or less, keeping her 'male' disguise.

I hope more articles of her clothing get removed as the scene progresses.
I wish alternate hairstyles was used more. I was lukewarm on Sei because of her hairbangs (I'm petty like that) but my interest in Sei just shot up with this image. This is also why long hair >>>>> short hair. Versatility is king.
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Found the angle bit off-centered so attempted to photoshop.

This scene seems to get lot of attention cuz condoms ap
These two are what I'm most excited for. As the anon in the previous thread said: being looked at with disgust at first is nice ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Also nice to see them break.
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So what kind of scenes from Wanna or Wana 1, Wana 2 would you like Guilty to recreate in Urara.

Naturally from the women's POV.

Personally I would like a gender reversed recreation of this scene - this time with the protagonist (Tsubasa) watching her sister Sawa get used... .and the opposite.
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Finally got these 2 delivered. Keeping them in storage till I get a bigger pillow.

Might be anime only, but the ending had the tomboy betray the rest because she got corrupted so orgy end.
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Noeka or prototype Noeka?

Give me a combo of the prototype hair and eyes, and official outfit color palette.
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official art.
At first I thought it was unreleased Firefly design...
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I have to say, I still wonder what is going to be her actual situation in the game.

Based on what was revealed about the plot, so far imo, there is a chance that she will be the 'second Hyouka' - basically another teenage character, in the Toriko series (the third one if we take into consideration Yurara from Shirabe Refrain), who isn't a virgin anymore at the start of the story and we don't actually see her 'defloration' event
nice, I wish I could buy those too

I like the official art more, looks more vibrant (?)

Really looking forward to this game, especially Sei - that design + Mie as VA really makes me have high hopes. Noeka and Kanna are great too, Tsubasa is probalby interesting. Only Sawa is kinda meh for me.
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It's not. Nanami in Refrain gets raped for the first time with a condom. By the end though, he's had enough and fucks her raw.
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>there is a chance that she will be the 'second Hyouka' - basically another teenage character, in the Toriko series (the third one if we take into consideration Yurara from Shirabe Refrain), who isn't a virgin anymore at the start of the story and we don't actually see her 'defloration' event

*Google translates her story*


at least give a flash back in DLC or whatever if she starts off deflowered. I need the copium of being able to get to an ending with her purity in tact. Yeah I know you're asking why am I even here, I can't help myself from wanting virgin endings no matter the game or storyline.

>I like the official art more, looks more vibrant (?)

The red is a great improvement. The outfit is nice. If they could have brought over the hair and eye color from the prototype, we'd be in business.
Voice samples are released: https://www.guilty-soft.com/product/torikonourara/#chara
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Well based upon the released voice samples I'm speculating that:

-Yui is the villains main target and unfortunately got deflowered some time before the actual story started.

- Sawa got involved because she found out about Yui's existence and got confined by the villains as a result,

- Tsubasa, Kanna and Sei got involved in this situation due to Sawa's confinement

At least that's what the story plot picture I get from listening to the voice samples and based on that I predict the following purity status.

Yui - not virgin, deflowered before the start of the story (maybe we will see a flashback scene)

Sawa - most likely is going to lose her virginity during the prologue scenes.

Tsubasa, Sei, Kanna - virgin status, the MC probably going to lose hers, at the prologue's end, the other two - start of their routes and the second defloration scene is going to be in the final 'orgy gangrape scene with all 5 women in it that's going to occur somewhere around the point were the check point between the MC bad ending / good ending is going to be decided.
Wonder if Tsubasa will pretend to have a deeper manly voice when she is in disguise
Sometimes I envy male characters of Toriko universe. I mean, you get to rape virgins and non-virgins on daily basis, without any repercussions, and if any arise - the higher ups, who use those girls as leverage over their relatives, are quick enough to get you a "get out of jail for free" card. Plus, you never get any diseases from your captives, no matter if it was day 1 of her defloration, or day X, after half of area's population dipped their sticks into her ass and vagina. And also - 0 chances of impregnating your victim, no matter how many gallons of semen they receive on daily basis. At least that is the way this universe is portrayed by Guilty.
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Sorry bro, there's no way I can justify torturing cute girls. If anything in the Torikoverse, I'd want to be a bringer of justice and give those guys the comeuppance they deserve.

The gangbangs are really fuggin hot, I can't deny that.
*cute and innocent girls. The one girl I thought of that had me nearly thinking "anything fucking goes" is a certain character from the Danganronpa series. But then I thought against it because it'd be playing in to her hand.
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I'd like to argue about "cute and innocent" tho'. Here's an example:
Yurara from Toriko no Shirabe -Refrain- if.
She's treated harshly, I agree, looking all innocent and victimized. But, in the context of amounts of shit Refrain characters were put through in core game - you'd say bitch tasted her own medicine and hardly even choke.
If not for VN's, the OVA's do that kind of thing.
Toriko no Chigiri: mob boss getting choked to death by both RIo and Miyu

Wana: Hakudaku Mamire no Houkago: rapists are getting sliced up by Hiiragi Nozomi (at least poor bastards managed to dump their loads before getting Glasgow smiled)

Toriko no Kusari - villains get their drinks spiked by Shiori, who appears to be some sort of undercover employee of unknown organization (although she still lost her A and V card to those hoodlums).

Sadly, other adaptations get way bitter endings, be it Spartan Spermax, Last Waltz, or Helter Skelter. Not mentioning Toriko no Shizuku due to its fucked up animation style.
Nobleblood motion version has been leaked: https://www.anime-sharing.com/threads/240514-240426-guilty-nightmare-project-nightmare%C3%97nobleblood%E3%80%9C%E8%A3%8F%E5%88%87%E3%82%8A%E3%81%AE%E3%82%A2%E3%83%93%E3%82%B9%E3%80%9C-the-motion-h-game-crack-updated.1485226/
>who appears to be some sort of undercover employee of unknown organization
I think they just wanted to include demura to make it feel like a proper ending since it's basically the home route but with some slight modifications so that both villains appear and every girl gets some time.
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Wana: Hakudaku also sports some of my favorite scenes.

>But, in the context of amounts of shit Refrain characters were put through in core game - you'd say bitch tasted her own medicine and hardly even choke.

lol how does this help? This isn't the suffering olympics.
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Regarding the discussion about girl's suffering, I think that's one of the points of the Toriko's plot.

For a reason, the girls have pretty much no control over they lose their V and A cards and have to find a way to resolve their situation or fail.

Sure some of the villains get their comeuppance - after all if I remember correctly, the Kijima family from Shimai got killed off in the 'good' ending, but it doesn't come for free, which is quite realistic imo.

After all most of the Toriko villains are pretty well organized and definitely have quite a lot of connections, while their 'opponents' are mostly teenage girls who don't have a lot real life experience yet, so realistically speaking what they could do to stop the villains from using them, especially considering that the girls are also usually blackmailed with something important to them.
>This isn't the suffering olympics.
I'd watch that
Any Tsurumiku game. People bash it for weak plot, but the tortures are in place allright. In terms of OVA - Euphoria is what comes to mind in first place.
Admittedly I like the girls be mentally tortured as whether they will persevere their ordeals or fall into depravity.

Though not a fan of them being physically harmed (electrocution, asphyxiation, whipping etc.). Kind of like how their appearances are still the same even in bad end, but more or less permanently damaged on the inside.
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Well, I would say it's a fetish and the way Guilty is using it is pretty low (I have seen worse) since the girls don't have any visible physical damage immediately after the scenes end.

Not to mention it's usually a single girl who receives this kind of treatment in the Toriko series (at least from what I remember) so you can always skip her route, if you really don't like it.
In the additional CGs, the heroines have tears in their eyes.
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Well, I'm more interested about Yui's virginity status.

Tears in the eyes or not that special, we had them before, although it's good to know that Yui is still trying to resist.
Is there any way to buy the game/ support the devs? Guilty is the only one who makes good gangbang games with good art. I even created a few using AI
How fast can we download the game after the release? any idea?
you could buy your copies here




wait for sales though if you want to get them cheaper
also best if you get their "integrated versions"
where all released dlc are applied

I've already replaced some of my pirated copies
The OP above has links to their VNDB that have the game titles and official links with stores. You can buy a physical copy if the store allows shipping and your country customs does not mind import of adult goods. Otherwise proxy ship or just get them digitally.

Depends on whoever rips the game assets and share them online. The day after release if lucky or just wait.
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No one knows for sure, but I can provide the release dates of the leaks for the last few Toriko titles.

Toriko no Chikai - release day
Toriko no Tasubasa - 1 day after release day
Toriko no Shimai - 3 days after release day
Toriko no Kizuna - 2 days after release day

Of course that's just for the main game, since the DLC content usually takes longer to get leaked.
You can also use Japan Rabbit as proxy shipment service, AFAIK it ships to almost any country, including those that were "blacklisted" due to certain world events.
I've used it for my guilty dakimakuras and I'm using it for urara now that amazon.jp doesn't seem to want to ship adult goods, never had any issues
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Another new cg.
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Seems like Sawa is the only one with just a single CG sample while everyone else got at least 3
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Maybe guilty doesn't want to spoil too much of her route?

Because it contains events that are surprising, compared to the 'usual' Toriko formula ?
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Something similar to Eimi Saiki from Nobleblood, who, despite her cute facade turns out to be cult accomplice?
Someone posted the obvious character expy comparison between Urara and OG Wana. Adding on, think Sei's appearance seems inspired from Aki in Wanna Spartan Spermax https://vndb.org/c48573, while Noeka (Yui is actually her surname) could be from Ruri in Wana II https://vndb.org/c44223.

Strangely Sakuya from the OG Wana is missing https://vndb.org/c5345, though her design probably is too close to Rinne from NightmarexDeathscythe, and sister role is already fulfilled by Tsubasa.

Other news, Toriko no Chikai won a Moe Game Award (think 3rd in a non-vanilla category since it has Black), that was livestreamed on YT (with obvious censoring)
I know that it's not the right thread to ask but somebody else mentioned in the previous thread about angeltear translation coming up. From Kagura games. Does anyone know how long these translations usually take? When can it be expected to be finished?
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Possible or it might be just be the fact that the japanese buyer's prefer the teenage girls compared to young adult women.

After all looking back, Yuna from Toriko no Shimai and Miki from Toriko no Tsubasa also had less preview pictures compared to the younger girls.

It's just that this time we have two young adults in the cast so guilty could choose which one got the shorter stick.
Looking at the vndb release list - at least 6 months between the announcement and the release date, but Angel tear is a pretty large game text wise so it might take longer then that.

So at least around end of August - September is the first potential release date imo.
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I dunno, TBF I'd be one happy puppy if they re-released the Rin x Sen, or Ran Sem titles with modern platforms support, even though MC's there are also young adults.
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Hint image on what outfits and positions are going to be used in the motion dlc
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A few more cg's
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So Sawa CGs was just shop delayed reveal
Cheerleader Tsubasa new year patch. Admittedly the scenes though motion have been kinda boring, but I guess that's the trade-off from the 8 shop exclusives outrage from Refrain/Kizuna. Wished they had kept a crossover cosplay.
Thanks. I wasn't aware how long they usually take.
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Are there any positions you want to see specifically for the next title? And with which heroine?

For me, I want Noeka in a spit roast position. Preferably at an angle to see her boobs hanging and booty.

That has to be some of the most conservative censoring I've encountered on Youtube. Wow.
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I would like Sei to be the meat in the middle of a sandwich .

Lifted up in the air and penetrated in both her ass and pussy at the same time.

Bonus points if she also loses her virginity in both of those holes at that time.

Something similar to the attached Miu scene from Helter Skelter.
They could change positions in the same scene, feels weird that those 213 guys fucks the girl with the same position all day long lmao
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>change positions in the same scene
That's caused by the fact that the game has a visual novel format.

Meaning that each sex position requires a complete new cg - meaning that to apply changes in position Guilty would need to increase the number of cg's for each scene - either by increasing the game budget or by decreasing the overall number of scenes that the game has.

They did something like that in Helter Skelter near the end of Miu's route so it's certainly possible to achieve.
any news on the next nightmare game? not many good rape nukiges coming out in the near future like the nightmare series.
Nope, Guilty's full attention is on the upcoming Toriko game so I doubt we will get any new info about the next nightmare game, until at least the Toriko no Urara is released.
Sorry to bother everyone but does anyone have 「雨月梨那・夏の豪華客船で穢される女子大生モデルムービー」Toriko no Yugami DLC? I can't seem to find a working link to it.
They are just some video clips, so no game to run on

Planning to put some up on Mega since most links are dead (rip anonfiles)
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Considering that Urara's setting is an all boy's school.

How many males do you think should be present in the girls 'welcoming party' ?

Imo 6 at least, but I definitely would like it better if it reached double digits at least (for example 12) so that the girls would be left in a similar messed up state as the girls from the Wana series.
I'm actually wondering if there will be character that gonna be supportive of MC (taking Wana as example - there was a male student who was supportive of MC and in OVA animation he was the one to put an end to rape circle) and if that character also have some personal motives to aid MC. I mean, Urara is basically positioned as Wana 2.0 considering character similarities, so why not slightly alter original plot just to fit the new title?
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Also, I think sometimes digits are not most important part in Toriko games, you can instead have 1 or 2 "Mr Big Dicks" who can easily replace dozens of students in term of destroying girls holes, like it was in Kusari, or Shirabe Refrain.
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Well there is one additional 'introduced' male character (Mishiba Daiki) who unlike the other 3 male chanter's doesn't have his appearance shown.

In previous Toriko cases this was reserved for the good 'male character's' so it might be possible that it's going to be the same this time around.

It really depends on how the group of girls from Urara are actually going to be 'imprisoned'.

Is the stuff in textbin all the DLC or is there stuff still missing?
Is there any Guilty game that has pre-defloration blowjob scene? Seems like most girls get deflowered right off the bat.
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I think Chigiri has one for Rio.

Aaprt from that Aina Leminen from Toriko no Shirabe RE got used in the ass only for the first few times she got used by the villains, before she lost her front virginity.

Apart from that I don't remember any other cases were the girl didn't get deflowered by the villains.
Most of the ones that do not have torrents. Think some missing are Kusari motion videos bonus of Konomi https://www.guilty-soft.com/product/torikonokusari_TheMotion/ofiDL.html and perhaps one of the vanilla yobai harame DLC (can't exactly recall which one and the site that I got most of the missing DLCs is 404'd).
Chizuru and the pink hair loli from Shirabe both have one. Coincidentally, pink hair loli from Refrain also has one. Probably one or two others I'm forgetting. Occasionally they will have masturbation as a first scene too
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>got used in the ass only for the first few times she got used by the villains, before she lost her front virginity.
I'd love to see that kind of route again

The usual orgy DLC patch is about school orientation, guess it might be virgin graduation for boys to men.
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Time limited dlc information have been released.
I think that's Tsubasa cosplaying as a nun, maybe as Nightmare Setsuna?
Not necessarily Setsuna, Nami from Toriko no Yugami was also working as nun, besides, I don't recall Guilty repeating themselves on exclusive outfits, hence Setsuna was already cosplayed by Yuri in Kizuna DLC. It's the routine outfits (bloomers/Santa/bunny/swimsuits) that hold their spots throughout every Toriko title.
I hate all this DLC crap Guilty does.
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It has already been almost 9 years since Guilty introduced this strategy to convince their buyer's to buy their games as soon as possible ... if their buyer's didn't like it or haven't got used to it, Guilty would already change their strategy.

Like how Guilty changed from having store front restricted DLC into one that is available on all store fronts but for a higher price tag.
Which toriko game is this from?
Toriko no Shirabe Motion
DLC Scene.
Is anyone buying the game? Is there any way to get it outside of japan
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Speaking about the Motion versions is anyone else disappointed that, it's really unlikely, that any of the recent Toriko titles are going to be fully animated....

I'm aware that the quality of the animation that Guilty does is not great, but it still adds some more realism to the H scenes if the women and men are moving, compared to the static cg's we currently have.

After all don't say that there aren't any H scenes from the recent Toriko titles that you wouldn't want to see being animated...
I can buy translation for it like I did for other toriko games with SVN but I don't want to pay this scammer again. If you guys can link any other good translation studios that wont charge more than $50-100 per translation, I can pay.
If the scammer you are referring to is SVN, I think they just use Translator++ and sugoi to MTL. Frankly just using Textractor with DeepL or Sugoi is the same like soft/hard sub.

The big translation studios like MG need to talk with Guilty/Willplus first to get the approval and official license to TL, and then need to account for the cost and profit.

Other fan ones will take forever depending on interest and manpower. I've seen projects stalled forever or dropped because someone got busy or MIA.

You can try your luck with the vn thread at /jp/ for more advice (though they will likely just say to study JP yourself). I use Translator++ myself but only batch MTL with Google and some parts with DeepL. Could never get sugoi to run properly.

I've mostly just focused on doing bad ends and the DLC patches (like latest Chikai Shizuka gym dlc) since they have least lines to TL. Another anon here can do line adjustment since most English lines extend off screen.
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I was just thinking this myself. Really wish I could see Kizuna and Shizuku with motion versions. Even if the animation quality isn't perfect it still gets the job done for me. I find myself coming back to the older games much more than I otherwise would because of it, gives them more longevity imo. Worst case you just play the non motion version if you don't like it.
NGL, I'd really like to see OVA adaptation of Kizuna, or Yugami (fuck it, even Shizuku) but with proper studio treatment, a.k.a Mary Jane (CHigiri and Kusari adaptation), or Suzuki Mirano, who brought us both Helter Skelter and Wana Hakudaku Mmamire, not that "Taimanin" style with shaky camera and cum gurgling closeups that were used in Shizuka and Deatscythe.

Too bad this is highly unlikely to happen since 90% of modern adaptations are only NTR/UB blackmail trash.

>If the scammer you are referring to is SVN, I think they just use Translator++ and sugoi to MTL.

No it's not about the translation quality. I like the translation quality lol, deepL is good for me. Idk if you saw a few threads ago we had to fix all of his translations.

https://sugoivisualnovel3.up.railway.app/vns/17062 like he lists this as "This VN is untranslatable because there's no available tool to create the patch for it" yet he made me pay for it and the game is literally unplayable with his "translation". I paid him for like 5 Toriko games and had to find and ask people on vndb/f95 forums make a fix for them, and then here in guilty thread one cool anon applied their fix to the rest of Toriko games, so he got all of them working. All of sugoivn's toriko translations have an issue where half of the text is hidden due to the difference in english/japanese word count. We were able to fix all of them but the 1st shirabe.

>Frankly just using Textractor with DeepL or Sugoi is the same like soft/hard sub.

I'm using lunatranslator/textractor+DeepL too but I find it much more convenient when the ingame text just gets replaced.
>You can try your luck with the vn thread at /jp/ for more advice (though they will likely just say to study JP yourself). I use Translator++ myself but only batch MTL with Google and some parts with DeepL. Could never get sugoi to run properly.
>I've mostly just focused on doing bad ends and the DLC patches (like latest Chikai Shizuka gym dlc) since they have least lines to TL. Another anon here can do line adjustment since most English lines extend off screen.

Yeah, so basically I was hoping there should be other people who offer similar services that he does and that they do it properly. Cause it's basically replacing the japanese text with deepL text and then adjusting formatting. It's much less time consuming/less expensive than manually translating lines.
I'd be more accepting of the DLC if it wasn't time limited. At least they got rid of having diffeent DLC for different stores.
can you post fixed translations files for all games?
What files are they? I can upload them if you want.
It's weird for me because I found the series via Kusari OVA, which I liked a lot at the time... but nowadays I much prefer the VNs. Since the OVAs give screen time to so many characters and they show each one losing their virginity (my least favorite scenes) there is not much room left for anything else.

I like seeing the transformation of the characters over time and their struggle with denial vs acceptance of pleasure. And the way OVAs are usually formatted doesn't really lend itself to that. If they focused on one char for multiple episodes... then we're talking.
>not that "Taimanin" style with shaky camera and cum gurgling closeups that were used in Shizuka and Deatscythe.
I'm still fucking bitter about Deathscythe using that vertigo-inducing garbage. Unbelievable that some people are fans of that kind of animation.

>losing their virginity (my least favorite scenes)
What's so bad about Guilty's virginity loss scenes? Those are my favorite
There isn't anything wrong with them, just not my cup of tea in general. The bleeding/physical pain part isn't really what I'm here for, so I tend to speed through those scenes in any VN or anime I consume. I'm aware my brain is weird though and I'm probably in a small minority with these preferences
3 sets of Toriko no Shimai, Tsubasa, and Chikai will also be released on June 28th.
It looks good for collection.
usually it's Rio.arc, Rio1.arc etc. and also PRio.arc, PRio1.arc etc
>basically replacing the japanese text with deepL text and then adjusting formatting
I'm gonna post a sugoi mtl of the game as soon as I have it, and maybe an update with glaring error fixes if it mistranslates names as always. Maybe this might be good enough and you don't need to spend any money...

I did it for Maverick and Chigiri and it worked pretty well, basically textractor tier but in the box where it belongs

Is this sold as DL edition? I wish I could import box versions and merch, or that they would sell new games as DL right away...
It is sold as a box version at Melon Books and Amazon.

That would be amazing. I looked up previous threads but couldn't find Maverick translation. Is shizuku translation in the OP-post also yours? I don't have Prio2.arc in my folder for shizuku and just copypasting the file isn't replacing the text with english. I remember like 6 months ago when another anon from her eand I were doing it, we had to decompile the files, then change one of the files inside them, then compile again. Do I need to do the same with your translation file or can I just copypaste it without decompiling anything?


We should probably update textbin with all MTL files. I think all toriko games are translated now?
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Understandable ... personally I look at it as a journey.

The girl starts as a inexperienced innocent maiden that doesn't know about men and after a few weeks she ends up with double - triple digits of sex experience, alongside all the physical and mental developments, that go along with it.

That's why I would prefer if Guilty went back to the all virgin cast, even if it seems unlikely at the moment.

I wonder why Guilty releases this on the same day that Urara comes out ?

Maybe it means that Urara is going to do something different, compared to the previous Toriko series and that's why Guilty is re-releasing the previous versions alongside it - to increase the amount of income they get?

Of course, assuming that the 3 previous games pack is also going to contain all the timed DLC alongside the if motion patches, which I don't think has been clarified on the front cover.
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I like those defloration scenes only because I want them to be avoidable, depending on the route, so that I can have possible route where a (my favorite) heroine can escape the horrors of the storyline and remain a virgin. Can't do say she is a virgin unless she's explicitly stated as such or there's a virgin defloration scene in one of the routes.
Here you go, Chigiri Re + Shizuku: https://files.catbox.moe/geey94.zip
Shizuku *might* have been done by me, don't remember. It has huge problems with text wrapping though, and auto mode is slow as fuck. No need to unpack anything, I already modified the file for font size/line count. Just back up your original files as usual.

I haven't posted Maverick because I don't wanna cut into Mangagamer's (theoretical) profits in any way now that a company is actually professionally translating those games. I hope they make a good buck and continue translating our niche interest games for a long time.
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Thanks, it works now! I have a quick question. Do you know that you can wrap the text to make words not break between the lines? Like pic related. SVN used something he called wordrwap to fix this in all his translations. Do you know how to apply it?
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my bad, should be mostly fixed now, Chigiri should already be wrapped in the above file https://files.catbox.moe/2s0okj.zip
There's still some wrong wrapping, somewhere probably, but that would be a job for QC
Wrapping is fixed, thanks! Are you using Sugoi translator to translate? The same one SVN is using?
IMO, it would benefit MG to have some sort of reference material they can relate to during their translation, maybe even decrease their workload and give them a chance to release TL version ahead of schedule. After all they can always mention you in their "special thanks" part of credits.

Besides, Maverick is still miles away, they still got the Deathscythe and Noble Blood to TL, making it about 2 years at least.
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I wonder if Urara will have more cg scene's were the girl / women is fully naked.

It's not that I mind Guilty's partially undressed scenes, but I think that for a girl being fully exposed is definitely more embarrassing and might also be used as a sign that she is becoming more 'obedient'
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new urara cg
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Also Sawa

Looks like home invasion for the two, probably mob students over the day/night

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