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/h/ - Hentai

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idk what to call it, but it's mind control/hypnosis but the girl is the one doing the controlling.
Not OP. Why is this a taboo on the /h/ board? Like who cares? As long as its filled with hentai as a result I don't see any problem with people asking for a specific topic. Such as this one, sounds hot, let's just fucking go.
not so much taboo but everyone who cares about it is on /d/, so you'll get a lot there and next to nothing here, the only reason to insist on staying for it here is if you're too chicken to visit a ""scary"" place like /d/, but what are you twelve
maybe he doesn't want to see dicks on women and /d/ is a guarantee it will happen. /d/ is not the alternative board it is the futa board and has been for a long time.
most of it stays in the respective threads which can be filtered, and in any case it makes up less than 10% of the board, it's no valid reason to stay away from the board with the most content of what OP is looking for

I don't like looking at NTR or huge boobs and /h/ is full of those too. But I can manage because I'm not a fucking baby that needs to coddled and shielded from the least bit of objectionable material.
every single thread gets at least 5 futa pics despite there being al least 10 dedicated futa threads
ok if you're gonna be a baby about it I'm done talking to you
Wow you are all faggots
Might as well use this thread to request the hentai anime where there's a hotel where the butler is involved in making the guests into slaves and there's one young girl who is like the inheritor of the mansion who the butler worships
Love reverse mindcontrol/hypnosis, its so much hotter
Because it's fetish shit
and the 4th raceplay thread isnt
just search male hypnosis -yaoi
Well shit. I find this extremely hot and here I was hoping to get some of it, but of course any thread that isn't NTR or blacked has to get shitted up.
see >>7961315
go there and you will find what you're looking for
I couldn't agree more, however it's about as clear why those threads are allowed to stay as it is why this one will end up getting removed
>this one will end up getting removed
if it wasn't removed after two weeks why do you think it will
Just put >No Futa into the op. And if some illiterate retards still posts it, you can just report them for being off-topic.
Also most male hypno I've seen involves feminization. You might want to exclude that too depending on your taste.
cant remember if it was hypnosis or not but does anyone know a doujin where some girl finds an app on her phone that gives her points when she has sex and she goes deeper and deeper into depravity? cant remember if the app hypnotized her or what.
You should ask on /r/ it probably helps more
>nooo only my fetish is normal, all the others are disgusting noo
kill yourself you low-testosterone shitskin NTRcuck
>Because it's fetish shit
So are the several ntr threads and the qos threads.
finally found it
no Hou ga Zutto Mae kara Suki datta noni
unfappable "art"style but great plot
Ntr cuckolds have destroyed this board. I hope hiro moot deletes it
/h/ moderators are literal trannies who are forcing this shit down our throats. Blame Hiromoot for being a subhuman shitstain who brought them in
Maybe you should go back, faggots
quality thread, much content so wow

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