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as a manga reader, one of the best things about the adaptation is getting more porn. Can't wait for izutsumi
someone please give me more
>Can't wait for izutsumi
Finally we'll know how many nippels she have
what if she got pregnant and had those fucked up cat boobs
bumping again, assholes
just cuz i already have a bunch doesnt mean you guys cant try and contribute
There should be some sort of bot to crosspost from xxx to paheal because both have good DunMeshi porno and they both have stuff the other is missing
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Laios x Marcille vid

I've been shipping these two ever since the moment in the manga where she was the only one left alive thanks to Laios' neck plate keeping her safe.
Whatever these two have going on needs to be studied in a lab.
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what do you think dwarves smell like?
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i respect farcille but people on leddit and other communities get mad when you don't prefer their favorite lesbos ship

I mean.. if we're talking in terms of reality, they probably stank. In the middle ages, most people bathed once, maybe twice a year. That's why brides would have a bouquet of flowers at their wedding, to cover their stank.

But in terms of this universe? I'd assume they have common sense enough to bathe. Soap exists, so it's bound to be a common practice.
Wish there was more hentai of Marcille and maybe Rin. It's mostly gay shit right now and it fucking sucks.
>getting more porn
it's increased a hundred fold, which means there are as many as two or three good pics per WEEK now, it's awesome

Gondor calls for aid, and I will answer that call!
nearing the last few images
Last one

I couldn't get it it bellow 5mb without completely butchering the whole gif, so I'll just share the link.

did you use a software to decensor it?
Damn that's a fucking lot, you made my day anon

glad to /b/ of service


I didnt. thats how i found it.
grumpy elves are best elves
thank you, brother
Can someone post the oni Girl
There's a 100% chance Falin kept the cock at the end of the series, right?
God I hate knowing that I will never know what it's like to snuggle a kittycatgirl. Even with prostitutes its an impossible dream. How do you go on living
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You know what I can't even believe? The orc girl has more porn than Izutsumi
She's been animated. The majority of porn always comes form anime-onlys. Izutsumi's time will come. But I am not looking forward to people misunderstanding how her fur works due to the simplified anime design
You gotta beat them to the punch, anon
Get as many pics you can of her hair working right and spam those on all social media, spam those on other people's posts, get the word going

A baby who does not cry does not get fed
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Marcille has two hands, I don't think Laios is the kind of guy to care too deeply about "societal customs", if both him and his sister are crushing on the same girl they are polite enough to share. Wouldn't be surprised if initially she was only infatuated with Falin but during the Rabbits she found herself liking Laios too as he's pretty much exactly like his sister with some other lovable bonus traits too, and a clear tenderness with her.

Lucky Marcille.
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Who'd be a good artist to commission more lewds of her?
Fuck, this is perfect.
this is literally the correct answer to farcille vs laicille but this would make any leddit normie's mind explode
sorry for the delay, pal, i will post a few for you
some more
and some more for you pal
and one more
furry pussy
this is literally the only way, touden sandwich
Why are all of these consensual? Anything with rape? The dungeon setup in this series seems perfect for rape scenarios.
nobody's dumb enough to solo the dungeon
It could be that the girls get separated from the party and are gangraped or something
I was looking for this pic after the artist deleted it from his Twitter! Thank you!
>In the middle ages, most people bathed once, maybe twice a year.
This is a myth.
This looks really similar to that one InCase pic of a dwarf girl leaning over an anvil just like that.
need a pic of the NEW Falin
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I wish I knew who drew this one, Its my favorite lately.
like shit, unironically
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>Can't wait for izutsumi
I really hope we get a surge of Izutsumi art after her episode.
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god I cannot wait for the izutsumi lewds we'll get
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We can only hope for at least one good doujin. Best we got so far is a page dedicated to her here and there but no complete books. I legit want a doujin with Laios counting her nipples.
countdown to kot
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Possibly the only Mayjack lewd in existence
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I love Falin so much, she's so cute and loveable.
I'm glad the series is getting male appealing hentai now, if only to shove it in the face of those "oh this series and fandom are so good because they don't sexualize the female characters" tumblr/twitter bitches
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maybe seraziel

birb very cute and underrated
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kbitty is live, I repeat, kbitty is live
Post lewds
>no doujin of Laios fucking girls of different races for research
>none of the girls want to admit they like it but are willing to continue in the future
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On it boss!
They must be shown, kitty is for lewding
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Agreed, it seems some Twitterfags are getting pissy about it
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This should've been canon.
Nothing in the world can convince me that it isn't.
good face
One of the problems I am having is sifting through terrible-looking normie porn and art.
I am sorry to inform you that bisexuals exist
Marcille washes herself several times in the anime
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these are slop
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but uhh, not bad
I understand. Sometimes I just see art where Marcille has this perfect elegance even while being sexed and I'm just like "that's not her"
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I need Toudencest like one needs air.
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Imagine not thinking Hien is hotter than Benichidori
Anybody got some thistle?
just sauceNao it anon...
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Couldn't find any straight stuff with Thistle, and I'm not interested in m/m or m/fu(I'm not really into f/f either, but that's an unpopular opinion around here apparently).
Ngl i hate the yuri shipping and more or less ruinned it for me.
Can't girls just be friends without people going "omg yuri"
100 percent aggred and the same goes for the yaoi but tb honest they are not as loud as the yurifags
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Remove the claws, ears and tail and she's the ideal furry.

Literally just a normal human with fur
You don't want a catgirl, you just want a girl with hypertrichosis.
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>Remove the claws, ears and tail
I disagree with your idea of ideal
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Bros, why is izutsumi so fucking cute, I haven't felt this way about an anime character in a good minute
she's just a kitty
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I was worried the anime design would make Izutsumi look too hairless but it actually made her fur look way too thick. Good way to spot an animeonly artist
Senshi wouldn't even have washed his hair if it wasn't for Marcille. Clearly they don't all have that good sense
holy FUCK
God I want nothing more than to devour sweaty musky female dwarf asshole
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Anyone got the sauce for this one?

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