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Thread of mothers and daughters falling in love and having a threesome/foursome sex with the same man.
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For me its
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I always found Oyakodon quite wholesome, even in a NTR like pic related.
Why is it so hard to find?
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hana's mom > hana
i've downloaded this. gimme a name and i'll get sauce, can't remember the name.
I fucking love this hentai and anime so much, checks many of my boxes. Shame they dont have more of them
I also really like the artist but unfortuantly they mostly do shota crap and i hate it. The theme park on was really great...until it got pedoy with shota shit and was gross.
shikiyoku infinite
Your welcome. you can also find the hentai if you jsut search for Shikiyoku on like any hentai repository.
>shikiyoku infinite

aaaand i knew i had downloaded that one some time
BBW Milf mom and Loli daughter oyakodon desu
Best hentai ever made
this one is a modern classic
this one was so good, with the mom teaching the daughter how to be a nasty cock slut.
Wish there was penetration for this.
It's no good unless there's also some mom daughter yuri going on.
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The scene that always gets me is when come morning her husband start asking her when is breakfast gonna be ready, and she tells him to go make his own breakfast like an adult. All the while he can hear his wife and daughter's moans through the door.
amazing work of art desu
I can't believe they gave this to Queen Bee. They're the MTL of hentai anime.
probably the best hentai genre right now
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my favorite
Anybody know why all of his works are gone from nhentai.net? There was 406 entries with all the different translations and colored version.
Are there other h animations that have yuri/futa md like himekishi Lilia, Catue, saimin jutsu and mahou shoujo Elena? Been looking for years and always come back to Lilia, seems to be the best one.
Nhentai did a big purge of not only Mizuryu Kei's works, but a number of several artists' works well. No official word on why, but it's been assumed the faggots over at Fakku/Irodori were throwing their weight around and got nhentai to take those works done.
sauce? yandex/saucenao give nothing
Umi To Teisou Zero Oyako. Fun read.
Who else got the boot?
Really. Do you know who else got removed?
nta, but I noticed that all of jingrock's stuff got removed.
whats the source of these?
Saimin Seishidou
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the whole thing would be better without the mind control, always a sort of deflating plot point, because its just not them.
I offer the Sakura-chan-chi no Oyakodon duology by Kokutou Nikke


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With pleasure, it's a great read

>Part 1
>Oyako Onsen Ryokou Choukyou Kiroku | Mother and Daughter Training Diary: A Trip to the Hot Springs

>Part 2
>Choukyou Juseizumi Oyako Netorare Kiroku | Mother and Daughter NTR Diary: Trained and Knocked Up
Agree, mind control always feels like the laziest and most contrived way of moving the plot foward (i.e. get the main character laid).

The fact this trope is usually combined with the Fat Bastard one (for obvious reasons) doesnt help one bit, kills my suspension of disbelief every time with this hentai's episode
being the exception to the rule, the music, setting and voice acting makes it quite enjoyable despite the MC.
I recognize Tachibana's artstyle. Bless this man he deliver Harem content as it should. I just wish he would do parodies besides original content
I may as well refer to one of my personal favourites
Small Restaurant SAI
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How come no oyaoyakodon? You guys disappoint me
I'm trying to remember one I read a while back.
Guy goes to an island I think for a business trip. Inn owner and daughter both end up fucking him. Turns out they basically fuck the whole island because of low population or something. He ends up quitting his job to stay there and knocks them both up.
I searched a bit and it's not Tokonatsujima no Yuuwaku. Anyone else know what it is?
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[Kansai Orange (Arai Kei)] Ritounohohoemi | The Island Smile [English] [JuliusWinnfield] [Digital]
YES THIS IS IT! Thank you!
thanks bro.
Will a sequel ever be made?
is there oyakodon that doesn't devolve into incest?
why is his dick so black when he has such pale skin?
jesus christ, my fucking sides. no porno deserves to be this funny.
They explain it in the manga
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forgot pic
it's not
holy fuck my sides
Well that's a turnoff
can someone post that manga about a man that lost his first love then years later, her daughter with another guy appears asking him to NTR her Mom from her dad.
now I have to see whole manga, post fucking link!
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Doubtful. The closest thing is Victorian Maid Maria, made by the same director with the same art style and no BGM, but it's maid-centric. No oyakodon.
Any good oyakodon where the man is the husband/father? I like the idea of a daughter (or multiple) who loves her parents so much she wants to join them in the bedroom.
post a link i need to see this
Lol wtf that's funny
Heavy case of mentally americanized
From Amasora Taichi's Special Service at a Roadside Hotel. Link below:

anyone know if this has a dedicated name? like holding dick while pissing?
My wife said the same thing to me when she first saw it. mine is several shades darker than the rest of me and when hard it gets dark red/purple.
I found it.

[rienia] OYAOYAKODON [Japanese]
It's drawn by a SEA monkey. That's just what they see every day.
What is this from?
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You know what I like? Oyakodon with the father and the couple are mages and the daughter is a brat who they punish by growing her a temporary futa cock and both fuck her and make her cum her brains out and if she wants more plowing mommy's pussy and pounding by daddy's dick she better behave and get better grades or whatever.
No balls, she produces no cum but her womb is connected to her dick's urethra and she can only ejactulate with the cum daddy sends into her womb then through her dick.
This doujin has never been made and I am sad.
Oyakodon is good because it's always happy sex with two girls and that is the best way to do it.
I just want to see them pregnant
>my favorite
It was also mine until the artist added NTR to the epilogue
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Oregairu doujin by Inanaki Shiki
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This is the funniest hentai page of all time, God I love this series.

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