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The belly is the most erotic part of the female anatomy.
That's neither plump, chubby nor thicc. Take that obese shit back to >>>/d/10755838
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Welcome to the modern world.
The scale has shifted, and what once a was unambiguously "fat' is now "plus-sized".
And it is GLORIOUS!
<insert Pierce Brosnan grin here>
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choose your words carefully.
a correct response will get you laid.
a wrong response will get you a slap to the face or knee to the groin
Objectively speaking, puffy jackets literally make people look larger than they are.
Its hard to determine where skin end and jacket begins
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It’s literally so cute tho kek.
/d/fags love pushing the envelope with their spam on other boards until jannies just can't be bothered removing it
it's completely lost its purpose as a containment board
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The madmen actually animated belly jiggle on the game model, hope some day we will see something like this in a game that isn't a lottery
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She's getting some good fanart but most regular artists still draw her fairly slim, they've got a lot to learn

The girl in OP is nowhere near /d/, try to not get too mad when you see a girl you don't like
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>thread is still up
Jesus fucking Christ
>n-not /d/
The fuck it isn't faggot, that is literal obesity. God fatfaggots are subhuman.
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lighten up, bigot
a predilection for voluptuousness is not unlike any other
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Not that anon and I'm not kink-shaming you, but some of these pics here are not just "chubby" or "thicc".
Stuff like that belongs on /d/, while pics like
would actually fit the topic and this board. Not antagonizing you, just educating.
>>thread is still up
Almost like you're wrong or something.
Please post proof showing that those images are not allowed on /e/. Oh wait, there's none, because this is literally just your hunch, whoops.
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Someone's a bit too insecure about liking fat girls.
It's okay man you don't have to like all of them

Nice chart but there's not "chubby" nor "thick" on it, unlike medical terms those are completely arbitrary and subjective.
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volumptuous princess athena!
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inuyasha overfeed the kagome so she get all big and fat!
now she PIGome!
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Fuckin' nice.
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>le bmi meme
>le i'm afraid of fat women
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eat shit fatfag
or its almost like joons are retards and this board moves at a snail's pace so shit never happens
posting whores with literal fupas is /d/ shit no matter how you slice it
This should have at least been labeled a fat thread instead of just chubby.
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There's not going to be an agreement on where chubby ends and fat begins anyway, even if it was a "chubby only" thread some crabby retard is going to cry how a girl that's chubby to me is too fat for him like we should care
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>developing double belly
My favorite! There's so many ways for them to work, which roll takes the brunt of the weight, where their navel ends up, how it forms at their sides, and so on.
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what would you do with a girl like this
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Spoil and encourage her
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My God obesity is sexy
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I didn't realize Sento was so thick
She's beautiful
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I absolutely love Stocking but only when she is fat
She should look like this since she loves sweets so much
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Here's another Stocking by Moisture/Chichi
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I would feed her as much chocolate as she can eat
And if you have more pictures of her please post them
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That's definitely not 110kg, what the fuck
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Someone tried that on me, but i told her if I can touch her body. I said "no." and she let me.
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Kind of off topic but, has anybody else noticed the increase of fat girls recently? Do you think women are finally realizing that men prefer chubby/fat girls over skinny ones?
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It's a trend in the general population.
Obesity is normalized in America and increasingly so elsewhere.
What a time to be alive...
The way I've heard it is that, historically, preference skews towards fat women during hard times. And shit's fucked, ergo. Probably not true, but I'd like to believe the lie.
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Would you marry a fat girl
What things would you do with her
>Would you marry a fat girl
No, you marry a skinny girl and then fatten her with breeding and home cooking.
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Pamper and spoil.
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I would marry a thin girl and slowly increase her portion sizes
I also see women saying they want a big boyfriend so maybe people just want a soft body to hug
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What do fat girls get for Christmas
Last Origin or Nikke?
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Gotta be Last Origin
There have been studies done that claim men exposed to higher stress levels prefer women with higher BMI. Given that you might assume that worsening quality of life in the Western world might result in a shift in preference for fat chicks. Full disclosure I'm a coping fat fetish haver

The linked research doesn't claim that
who drew this it's hot
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I seriously need a FAT girlfriend...
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Marry a girl you like, make sure she’s happy and always has snacks available that she likes
That’s literally all you need to do, biology will do the architecting for you
My wife went from running marathons to being officially overweight as of her last check up, and she’s showing no signs of stopping
Taruco was probably too fat for Japan's tastes but I wonder if her small boobs kept her from getting popular.
I didn't like small boobs on chubby girls at first but it grew on me
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God I wish that were me
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As much of a titcow enjoyer as I am, pear shaped girls are perfectly good.
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I may agree and I love some fat bitches lke you, but
>using bigot unironically
Why don't you just start calling people who don't agree with you chuds too at that rate, damn
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He declared, unequivocally, "fatfaggots are subhuman". i.e. bigotry
Disagree with me again, and I'll call you a nag.
I will oppose you by default for using that word even if we have the same kink. Please stop typing like a twitter user. You're not "owning the chuds", you just look bad.
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I'm not "owning chuds", just telling a twat to fuck off with an applicable label.
I want to know why everyone here likes thick girls
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A lot of people like softness on a woman, usually this means big boobs and butt. I can only speak for myself but I like thick women because the extra belly just means more softness. It also means the breasts and butt are liable to get bigger which means more softness on top of that. There is also a pleasant jiggle when she walks or when thrusting into her which can invite someone to be a little rougher with her. The ripple of her soft flesh that travels up her body from where you thrusted is gross to some but hypnotizing to me because it can make you feel like you're really doing something to her, it's evidence of your impact, and so it matches nicely with her moans.
Like the breasts and butt, the belly is pleasant to hold and squeeze because of it's softness. It can be fun to do so during gentle sessions or to squeeze it tight during rough sessions. Put simply, a thick girl just has more of the soft appeal that breasts and butts have so they pull in people who like to indulge.
Supple adipose is an effeminate quality (body fat correlates with estrogen) and, aside from being pleasant to touch, reflects a degree of hedonic indulgence that I personally find very enticing.
Similarly, I'm aroused by female intoxication. A plush lush is doubly lush.
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I think this explains it succinctly enough
About time plump ladies were portrayed as smirking. Why are smirking plump ladies so rare in ecchi?
JUST everyone here? A soft body is as womanly an appearance trait as it gets. I suspect most guys are into it but don't want to admit it because taking it too far CAN be unhealthy and most guys want to keep their girlfriends alive even if they'd be sexier if plump.

It's the same reason guys like big boobs, and incidentally, are turned on by big boobs even on women who are otherwise plump. It's a womanly, sexy alternative to the cutesy "girlish" trait of a skinny body.
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Pochaco is so cute
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Has anyone scanned the 10th anniversary book of her that just came out?
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I’ve been looking for it but sadly haven’t found anything yet
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He'll yeah brother
Same here. As far as I can remember, I always preferred chubby or fat girls, but I've only dated thin ones so far.
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i will love you if you're proud of who you truly are.

which, in this case, is my chubby wife
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I rather like it when they're a bit bashful.
But smug fatties also entice me.
Frankly, I just appreciate fatties.
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a bit of chubbiness works well with a lot of personalities.
i feel like all of elphelt's traits, whether she's being bashful, bubbly, or dorky, works well with fat. it's why she's my #1 chubby wifey
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Pregnancy weight gain has been getting me stupid horny lately. Just a girl using her pregnancy as an excuse to go whole hog and me indulging her and encouraging her for the sake of the baby is so hot. She would look like a goddamn stuffed pig by the time she shows off her new body at the baby shower.
quit posting samples.
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Bellies are one of the most erotic parts of the female body, especially BIG ones.
Also the sheer complete soft smothering potential. That's why I love mini-giantess stuff. Just let me be smothered completely by a BIG (in many ways) girl and I'll be in heaven
mini-giant fatty girls double as water beds and wives
Is this good or is she not big enough
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Could be bigger
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>studies done that claim men exposed to higher stress levels prefer women with higher BMI
Interesting, is there a reason given for this? My guess would be men subconsciously associate bigger women as being 'lower effort' which avoids potential stress of a high-maintenance slim partner?
It's an evolutionary trait that long predates any semblance of modern courtship.
Ample women signify abundance, an attractive trait when resources are scarce.
life hard but belly soft
fat girls should only be allowed to wear bikinis
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I did, and it developed my tastes in women something fierce. So the things I already do would be:
>grab tummy
>massage tummy
>grope tummy
>kiss tummy
>fuck tummy
>get smothered by tummy
Genuinely can't help myself the instant it's exposed.
i cum to these threads exclusively to psyop meself into a ch7bby girl fetish and by god it is working. gf is a chubhy diabetic yomboy gamergirl and there's nothing better than grabbing her tummy as i fuck her cute butthole from behind. she's 100% female, i just like her butthole more than her pussy
excuse the shitty spelling I'm drunk as shit rn
I don't think it quite qualifies as a "psyop"
You just had a latent, unexplored appreciation for chubby bellies
>I'm psyopping myself into loving my girlfriend
Maybe spend less time on the internet
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Good fat girls get cookies
GREAT fat girls get stuck in chimneys trying to be Santa
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>nikke struggling to stay relevant against competitive gacha market
>makes this character
>artists tripping over themselves to draw her with a belly despite her being a literal nobody in the game, not some massive meta shifting or plot shaking character
>already has more art than 95% of the cast despite only being out 2 months, eternal advertising
Will other gacha games learn to embrace the belly from this…
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I think this Assuka might be too big
Nah, that's a really good size
I think that's more than I can handle
How did she get so BIG
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Sometimes I see a nice chubby girl picture and want to upload it here but hesitate because there isn't any nudity or lewdity or anything, but then seeing a cute fat girl in any context gets me horny as fuck so it's ecchi for me, damn it
Feel free, my dick is getting hard just thinking about it
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Around a week ago was my birthday, and being able to commission Synecdoche an OC (made by my fat wife) was the highlight. It's gonna take up to two months, but definitely worth it.
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Please share!
Your wife, of course.
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HELL no, get your own big wife. I'm sure every king here will eventually get their own, or make their own.
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Alright lads, what was YOUR sexual awakening to fat chicks? For me it was around 13 years ago with Filia from Skullgirls opening my mind a bit to it. Then I dated a fat chick who is now my fat wife and became obsessed ever since getting crushed underneath for the first time.
stuffing videos on youtube before i was even masturbating and i didn't realise i was into it for a few years until i started watching porn and went from big boobs and big ass to increasingly thick and then fat porn
i used to have fantasies about my school crush stuffing herself while i would work out
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Probably around 2012 when I saw this anime style comic of a girl gaining weight that was posted onto youtube. Wish I could find it again
This video
Don't post 3d, this is /e/, not /s/.
G-gomenasai, Jannie-sama!
I would watch anime weight gain videos as a kid on youtube along with looking up shit like “girls with potbellies.” Good times
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Been into it even before cooming. Something is wrong with my brain
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German teacher got pregnant and gained weight. Even after the prgancy was over her ass was perfect. Such nice proportions
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Chudjak is funny though
Used to go swimming a lot as a kid, that there were usually chubby older women in one piece swimsuits probably imprinted on my mind.
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Not sure if people still visit this heaven on earth
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My oshi
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Since this thread goes at a snail pase I will post one image per day starting from today on.l
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>think this must be old
kill Microsoft
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See you next day at 15:00 Eastern Europe time
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Chubby Kronii=More Kronii=more perfect
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Its kind of cute watching hot girls get chubby and insecure worrying about their weight
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Bonus work:
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Sometimes I feel bad for /e/ but I remember it's a lost cause.
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None of us are worthy of seeing the perfect wife, even in a downgraded outfit.
Downgrade? Yes
Still adorable? Also yes
If you have more Elphelt stuff I will really want to see
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Sure thing.
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I am going to try to repay your service
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Sad that anything that appears in strive is ruined by tourists
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I was always a traditional artist but I am thinking of starting drawing using a tablet, I may post some of my work
Forgot to mention pic is not mine
Neither is this one
Hell yeah, I'd love to see some big elphy from you.
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So my internet service stopped working for a day or so which means I had time to look through my gallery and found these

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