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What is your opinion of Makoto Shinkai? Is he one of us?
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In b4 Italian
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Egyptian and Roman
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which character(s) you wish there would be more art of?
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The best possible profile is not given as an option.

The tips of the toes should define a perfect arc. The big toe and second toe should be approximately the same length.
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Cooking Mama
She has depressingly little art, let alone actually good art.
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A healthy appreciation for OL feet makes it seem so.
>repost is prohibited
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moje oblíbená věc co dělat v pátky je podívat se na týhle threads a chlastat pivo. Děkuji uchilové

Klasika, kolik krát sem tohle viděl
Those slight wrinkles on her foot from scrunching, sublime
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Glory hole
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Does Nobu actually think she can compete with Okitas feet?
They're always enclosed in boots so they must be soft and clean vs Okita's.
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Is lucky star worth watching?
watch it and find out
It'll make it more satisfying to cum to her feet
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If you enjoy CGDCT and have decent enough of knowledge of pre-Lucky Star anime to understand a good portion of the reference humor, yes.
It is heavily reliant on reference humor.
Also, don't get filtered by the first episode. The rest isn't like it.
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not like that
After the choco cornet scene it can only get better
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i need more of AOMR art with that big girl, only saw this one and the other more famous one measuring her sole
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Mao-chan best girl
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There's an icecake Pony LORA on Civitai now.
We need more size difference art
>only saw this one and the other more famous one measuring her sole
Post it
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Thought most people in this thread already know this one lol
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Someone needs to upload this artist's latest Makima set to sadpanda already FFS.
Never met a girl with feet that big, biggest I saw was my one ex with size 27cm
AOMR's OC is also awesome because her feet are not proportional, thus they look long which is so hot

Most art I see makes them big but proportional and that makes them look quite regular
Large feet are masculine. If you like large feet you're a fucking faggot... not that there's anything wrong with that. Fucking faggots.
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at least we're fucking faggots and not virgin faggots!
breaking open the folder
I wasn't sure if it was just weirdly drawn that these feet looks big or artist really make big on purpose but this one made it clear
I wish there was more, its rare to see stuff my big feet fetish
27cm probably should be proper size for that girl (who is 186cm tall)
30cm would be girl over 2m tall (there are some online)
How tall is your ex?
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Just a little correction, that character isn't an OC, it's Itsuri Suga from Alice Gear Aegis
And the artist's name is aomoro (あおもろ), they post stuff primarily on Pixiv and Twitter, and it's so fucking good, they are my favorite
Here's a version without the measuring tape
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Okitas willingness to reveal her feet often just proves shes the superior fate foot slut
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i need really long unproportional feet...
What if you are a big guy with a big dick like me? I need a girl with big feet to give my huge dick a foot job. You still can tell a big woman's foot from a small man's foot just by the shape of the big toe. Feet are one of the most sexually dimorphic parts of the body regardless of size.
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Like 170 cm so they were big for her height
imagine if she was shorter with like 150 and 30 for feet
This is how donating at a sperm bank should be done like
>foot based glory hole
a new fetish I didn't know I had
>The foot prints on the sandals

Is there anything hotter?
The Slavnigger piece of me immediately thought of what would be stealable
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No there isnt
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Texas is yours anon...
Anyone know what happened to KiboAoy? Seems like they blipped off the internet for some reason. Also in the same vein, any chance anyone has their pics of susie from the kirby series giving a footjob?
I’d clip her toenails and force her to watch ‘arty videos on that screen
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captcha: GGWP
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im ugly
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I want to hear her play The Bonnie Blue Flag on that banjo thing of hers
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This would be fantastic if only she looked older
Need feet glory holes to be a thing
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I want to cum on black girl feet.
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Big feet are super hot
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i love you too feet
Man that’s so hot. Seeing the inside of their shoe and the toe prints does it for me, is it just me?
I'm not used to it with shoes, but I really enjoy seeing it done with flip-flops.
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Smelly, dirty insoles are the best.
Also, this absolutely GOD-tier artist first posted in August 2021 and has only posted 7 works, the last in November. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
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im ugly
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proč mluvíš česky?

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