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Benevolent edition

A thread for the fetishization of power... any depiction of the use or display of extreme power, such as possession, transformation, giantess growth, super strength / muscular bodies, soul vore, godhood / ascension, physical dominance, widespread destruction and others, are all welcome.

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10935183
Archive of omnipotence stories: omnitopia.bplaced.net
Owning a entire multiverse all for yourself must be pretty fun
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I was really worried the thread wouldn't come back this time around. I need my fix of omnipotent brats toying with reality.
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I want to stretch my writing muscles. Anyone here got any requests for some short greentexts?
Guy somehow ascends but ends up becoming a super sexy goddess. Preferably with him not being able to use his powers to become a guy again for whatever reason.

Bonus points for massive tits.
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Goddess and lucky human husband have lots of kids together. Goddess mom is a sweetheart but the divine kids treat human world as a playground, especially the older ones. Mom and dad are either ignorant or just scold them then it's back to messing with the humans.
Guy gets Isekai'd into a Fleshy Eroscape, it turns out his soul was taken by a well-meaning yet obsessive goddess that took him in to enjoy a personal world crafted out of her own body and aspects of her psyche.
Beloved succubus idol begs her fans to give her their souls after a live concert. When they do, she thanks her new will-drained slaves and declares herself queen of the city and makes her intention for earth known. Possible POV from someone who didn't give their soul but is well within her new territory.
I need my fix of hugs and affection, which is why every other image was Hydaelyn hugging the planet.
Must i be benevolent ?
Your chill goddess gf (Alice brainrot inspired) decides to let you be omnipotent for the day. You are not prepared for the ability to do anything, and do a lot of incredibly destructive, reality-rending stuff by mistake, with your gf laughing it off as she fixes your mess.
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Why bother? You can just fix all your mistakes and wipe everyone's memory, right?
... you HAVE been doing that, right?
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>Fixing mistakes
That implies I make mistakes to fix
And no, I t leave the planets abandoned like used tissue in the bin, create a new one where I haven't done anything yet and keep being a horny goddess
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>That implies I make mistakes
>no, I t leave the planets abandoned
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Do you think she's the sporty type? Her demeanor seems so couch potato-y but there could be a buff body hiding underneath all that baggy clothing.
Hundreds of thousands are dead.
Yes, yes, but before we can prosecute we need to see her guns!
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And that's a good thing!
I will not stand idly by as an omnipotent goddess destroys countless innocent... wait, none of those innocent people care about me and she's naked. That's more than fine.
I have seen this pic like 20 times and just now noticed the giant condom
I’m sorry anons
Your worlds are probably nice but I still just want to be locked away in the infinite bubble butt dimension slowly succumbing to magical girl imprinting
I want to be locked in the infinite slimegirl dimension succumbing to slimy pleasure and affection
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>your lazy goddess gf is developing a bit of paunch and thickness
>spends her days snacking, getting irrationally mad at videogames and sleeping
>you convince her to come to the gym with you
>both to get her out of the house, but also to have some company
>where you are building up a sweat, she is just casually lifting the heaviest weights possible without putting in any real effort
>the other gymgoers are both bewildered and terrified that someone so small and unfit is blasting through those weights
>she gets anxious because of all the mortals staring at her
>so you subtly hint that it might be due to the fact someone so small is able to heft such incredible weights
>catching on to your suggestion, she transforms herself
>no longer the small chubby goddess, she now towers above even the tallest bodybuilder
>her new amazonian form is an absurd mix of both outrageous curvature and abundant musculature barely restrained by her sports bra and yoga pants
>the rest of the gym goes into a panic at the sight of the sudden appearance of this huge, voluptuous yet muscle-bound woman
>in turn, your gf's anxiety goes through the roof
>she tries to calm everyone down, but forgets her newfound strength and size
>metal bends and breaks around her body, the ground craters beneath her tread as she accidentally causes an earthquake with her power
>the manic thumping of her heart thunders out, the frantic pace caused the walls to crack
>the mortals' panic turns to full-blown terror
>in the space between heartbeats, you are both back at home
>shes reset everything back to normal
>still thoroughly flustered, your gf said she always hated sports and vows she is never going back to the gym
>maybe it's for the best
Great writeup
Meant to quote
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>"so, into the muscle mommies? sure, I got you"
>her biceps become enormous, huge 10 pack, massive thighs, looks like a rob liefeld drawing
>you recoil
>"hmm? oh. sorry. I went a little overboard. Here, let me just..."
>slims down to a more toned appearance, defined abs, noticeable biceps
>"better? oh yeah, that's the look you want"
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nta but ill give it a shot, might be a bit long
>your paltry peasant prayers were answered
>though not in the way you expected
>a very bored and very horny goddess descended her heaven to visit you
>the statues everyone prayed to made her out to be mundane
>in reality, her physique was otherworldly
>a radiant glow illuminated her overly voluptuous form, her skimpy see-through robes fit to burst around her chest and hips
>dazzled by awe and majesty, you fell away from her
>in the next moment, you were wrapped around one another, lips pressed tight
>the next, her legs were high and you were plunging your dick into her
>sweat dripped down her ivory form, her massive breasts jiggling from the force and passion of your thrusts
>each time you speared her, she loosed earth rumbling moans that built and built
>when you couldn't hold it any longer, you shot your entire load into her
>just as you were blinded by light
>when you could finally see again, you thought it was some wet dream
>instead you awoke into a serene landscape
>your goddess is lazing beside you, running a hand through her golden locks, unable to control her breathing
>a white sticky mess slathers both her wet pussy and her inner thighs
>though you are still recovering, a goddess' libido waits for no man
>shes already back on top of you and riding your dick, grinding her dripping pussy on your manhood
>you grab hold of her huge hips, reaching behind to grab a handful of her massive ass
>at this point you've lost track of how many times you've fired your load into her
>all you can focus on is the pleasure
>the sight of this curvy goddess, her breasts bouncing as she bobs on your cock, sweat dripping from her glorious physique, makes you want to keep going on and on
>when your sex finally ends, you honestly wanted it to last forever
>she cuddles up beside you and gently lulls you to sleep
>with all the constant sex, you barely have a moment to think
>when you do, you realise you are now a father
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>you spend all of your time in heaven alongside your wife
>both of you are so enamoured and enraptured with one another, you neglect to keep an eye on your kids
>they grow bored of heaven and go to the human world instead where they all fall into trouble
>the eldest tries to emulate her mother
>she establishes herself as a new goddess and focuses on getting worshipers
>but the weight of expectation of being the first demigod causes her to seek perfection
>she punishes her followers if they dont strictly follow her religion
>if one person steps out of line, she will eradicate swathes of her followers with a flick of her hand
>her tantrums often lead to her growing thousands of feet tall and simply destroying her work by stamping on her impudent worshipers
>the middle child is far more troublesome
>whilst she could use her powers to personally wreak havoc, having the humans as her catspaw appeals more to her
>a man wants to be taller? now he's a giant with a lust for destruction
>a woman wants to be sexier? now shes is so attractive, her mere presence causes orgies to break out around her
>after a few wishes, there will be horny giants, super-powered mortals and aroused sex gods wandering the continents
>lastly the youngest is more care-free and happily wanders about
>but this makes her underestimate just how powerful she truly is
>an accidental sneeze and she wipes out a city
>a playful punch and a mountain range disappears
>a simple spell and she annihilates an entire country
>she'll simply laugh, call herself stupid or a klutz before moving on to the next adventure
>eventually they all collide with one another
>sibling rivalry, being what it is, leads all of them to fight one another
>before they can usher in the apocalypse, their mother intervenes
>she resets the world, scolds her children and then gets back to her loving husband
>the cycle inevitably repeats as the demi goddesses escape from heaven to have their way with the mortals once more
What would your imaginary religion look like? Deities, tenets, holy scriptures, prayers and ritual, priesthood, dos and don'ts for daily life, etc.
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What if the Earth was just a slime girl goddess' core?
If it is, then where did all the slime go??
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>This god won't forgive you
>give a nice sweetheart infinite power
>she becomes a sadistic goddess who tortures your planet with more and more creative ways

>give a school bully and a bitch infinite power
>she become a gentle protector of our planet

I will never understand women.
Some gentle-y scenario which has been brewing in my mind for some time:

Imagine a gamer omni playing league of legends, or dota, or some other multiplayer game

>"Holy shit my teammates are such lowskill...(turns on vc) PRESS THE FUCKING BUTTON YOU MORON"
>"Can't you just, um, do something to them? You have the power after all..."
>"Wha? Dude, do I look like a fucking psycho? Ugh, I'll just report those trash teammates and move on to the next match. I hope those feeders will uninstall the game."
>"They made you so angry but you refuse to actually do something about it?"
>"Bro, calm down already. I ain't using my power for this. (looks at the screen) Look at that - thousand fucking hours in the game, mmr bigger than mine, and he can't land a point blank skillshot. Just how can you be so... ugh, this guy is already punished enough."
>"...you want something to eat?"
>"Hold on, lemme report them all... oh wha? Nah, I'm good... (conjures a pack of chips). You?"
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I'm the opposite, I want to piss off an omni brat who's bad at games and be turned into an immortal gaming chair
I like this, need more
Somehow, I doubt that you would have the wherewithal to actually limit yourself to the "slowly" aspect of that part. You'd hardly last more than a few minutes before you're completely girlified of the magic variety. I'm hardly in the business of holding back, after all.
Shrines should be big bedrooms and worship happens in the form of naps, during which one has a chance to see or talk to me in their dream. Bigger shrines in larger cities just have a greater variety of sleeping spaces (sleeping bags, waterbeds, hammocks, big rocking cribs, etc.) and the clergy are dedicated to keeping all the linen fresh and clean, kinda like a hotel staff. In return for their service they gain a chance to be visited by me during their daydreams.
If someone sleeps really well there's a chance they age slower or are healed of their ailments, and the most devoted and kindest sleepers get to enter a century-long sleep during which they enter a fully lucid dream that can pass as slowly or quickly as they want. After 100 years they will wake up as a young child with all their memories intact so they get to grow older all over again.
Fug, it's just a giant slimegirl exposing her green core, nothing space-related at all. This is what I get for hornyposting. What if the Milky Way really was "milky" and it was actually just sweet, delicious soft slime?
>the bully uses her aggression and abrasiveness as a defense mechanism
>once she's omnipotent there's nothing that she needs to ward off anymore so she let's her formerly vulnerable side show

>the kind girl doesn't have the physical or character strength to defend herself like the bully, so she tries to fly under the radar by seeming unassuming
>however the abuse she still suffers every now and then is internalised as a bubbling pot of anger, which will inevitably explode when stoked on the fires of ultimate power
>bully goddess gives me a warm hug out of genuine kindness
>kind girl will torment me forever because she thinks I could have it so much worse
Perhaps my love for evil girls has a basis.
Allow me to greentext for a bit on the bully to goddess part.
>Violet was a fairly mean girl in her school years.
>In elementary she loved picking boys, in middle school she became more aggressive in her bullying tactics, and by early high school she became cruel and sadistic.
>In her senior year however she went through a major mental breakdown, from that moment onward she was never the same.
>She started off more reclusive, simply observing the boys she once bullied from a distance.
>Then she started to become more bold in approaching the boys, not to bully them, but to instead make amends for her misdeeds.
>She even starts to fall for one of them, realizing how great the people she was messing with for all of those years really were.
>She finishes high school, and graduates medical school to become a pediatrician.
>By aged 28 she has done extremely well coming out of her shell, and helping her community by doing what she loves.
>One day, she returning home after celebrating a successful first year on the job, when a bright light begins to descend upon her.
>The incomprehensible figure transmits a message to her brain, saying that she has been chosen to ascend to godhood.
>The figure states that she will become completely omniscient of the universe of all things that have happened, and are happening, but not things that will happen.
>Finally, she will be allowed to walk amongst the humans, but none outside of a select few are permitted to know about her newfound godhood.
>It should be noted that Violet was already a very attractive person, but upon reaching godhood, she became ten times more voluptuous than before, even her physical form.
>Thanks to her ability to alter reality, nobody notices this change.
>Her ability to alter reality also allows her to erase the memories of anyone who isn't allowed to know a goddess walks among them.
>Her powers as a goddess are nearly limitless, allowing her to do whatever she pleases.
>Her younger self would've destroyed the world, remade it, and done it over again a million times by now.
>But for whatever reason, she never felt the need, or desire to do anything like that, not even once.
>Instead, she found one of the boys she bullied back in her school days, the one she had feelings for.
>He was still single, even if he wasn't, she could always change reality to make it so he was, but she didn't feel like doing that anyway.
>She approaches him, as if it were just a normal day, asks him out, and proceeds to date him for a little while.
>After enough time getting to know him(his name was Redd), she invited him back to her place.
>In reality she did not have a place to return to on Earth, rather she resided in her own special space she made for herself.
>This place is also where the absolute core of her being resided, one could say it was her "true" form.
>Violet brings Redd to a seemingly normal apartment, and invites him into her space.
>Everything appears normal to him at first, until he ventures a little past the entry hall, and notices the hall he just exited disappeared behind him, leaving him trapped.
>Redd was about to ask Violet what was going on, but before he could ask, he was pulled into the warmest, deepest, loveliest hug he had ever been given in his whole life.
>Violet did not even need to speak to inform him of what she really was, the idea was implanted into his head, directly from her, the instant her goddess body touched him.
>At that moment, Redd knew everything there was to know about the situation.
>He didn't even need to ask her why someone who treated him so badly for so long in the past, and someone who was so cruel before, ever become so kind an gentle, she planted that answer into his head too.
>Violet did ask if Redd wanted to go see her true form.
>Redd answered with yes.
>As soon as he lifted his head, he was standing before a figure that his feeble human mind could not possibly begin to comprehend.
>Upon looking at it, he was frozen in place staring off into the void, unable to say, or think anything.
>After a few moments he was snapped out of his blank out standing in front of a luxurious bed.
>Although Violet did not need to speak in this case, she felt like it was a formality given the extreme amount of information he had to process in such a short amount of time.
>She stated that it would take some time to train his human mind to be able to comprehend and observe her true form, but once he was, she stated that he will experience pleasures beyond human comprehension.
>Finally, she called Redd directly to her nude, godly, and voluptuous body for the best sex he has ever had.
>Filled with all the love, and intimacy a goddess can offer, as well as a promise to always love and care for her beloved humans.
I may have forgotten to mention that goddesses are extremely horny, and love to engage in intimacy with lowly humans.
I love wholesome stories like this. I would also like sex with a former bully-turned-benevolent goddess
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I like it!
>Goddess daughters come to human world in disguise
>find people they like or get along with
>reveal themselves and take the mortal(s) back their realm as friends(servants)

>one divine daughter is messing with the humans for fun
>playing in a city as a giant, scaring the little humans, hip bumping their buildings
>has a fun day and leaves with a bunch of people as souvenirs
>they are never seen again
>another is friendly but severely underestimates how powerful she is compared to mortals
>causes a lot of unintentional damage, steps on towns, plays in the ocean and causes massive tsunamis, blows kisses at humans and blows away most of the city
>another goddess daughter is a pervert and inflicts lewd curses on people
>boy wishes girls would notice him?
>he's now the six inch sex toy shared by a collage sorority
>scrawny nerd girl wishes she was hotter
>gives her a 10/10 body and makes her giant and horny
>also kidnaps mortals for sex and turns them into living statues when they climax
>her realm is decorated with mortals trapped in endless orgasm from divine sex
>goddess mom takes a break from husband for a moment
>sees the mess in human world, and scolds her daughters before fixing it
>they need to be good role models for their dozens of siblings who finished mastering their powers
>goes back to play with husband
>she never did anything about the kidnapped humans though
>and now there are dozens of divine daughters looking for a place to play
How would Omni worshippers deal with other Omni worshippers?
When you say Omni Worshippers, do you mean omnipotent gods who believe in and worship some random mortal? Why would they do that? Do they think it's funny to celebrate Sarah from 9th grade as the one true Messiah? And would it be even funnier if another group of gods are larping a schism in their religion and claim that Sarah's older brother, who just started his first job in retail, is actually the real rightful Prophet?

Either way, the answer to your question is Holy War. Be it gods fighting over which mortal would be the funnier figurehead for their made-up religion, or mortals going to war in the name of just one member of the pantheon that rules them all. The only difference would be how severe the collateral damage will be.
What are these called? Titty curtains or something?
Love the kind of "bras" that are basically fabric hanging over the teddies, a stiff breeze could move them out of the way
I meant mortals worshipping omnis
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I guess I will try to do the meek girl
> A whip made of pure inhuman lust crackles in the air, being brought down with reality shattering speed and striking several hundred fuck meats at once, causing a choir of masochistic cries to ring out all over the private sex dungeon hell. Holding the whip is a giant muscular omni mistress, owner of this reality and several others, her whole form is violating to the senses as lesser being than her, which is everyone and everything, get whichever sense they perceive her true form with, fucked.
> A few minutes ago all those fuck meats where people in the biggest party of the century hosted by the richest most beautiful woman in the world, until one of them acted in a manner that displeased her, a manner which reminded her of something she truly despised, they acted in a way that reminded her of her meek lame wallflower self, how she was before she became an omnipotent goddess.
> Now she’s going to make them beg for sexual mercy as they thank her for allowing them to exist to get fucked by her in whichever way she pleases. But her rage is too much, yet again earth will bare the brunt of it and…
> Ping! – Someone just added you to social media!
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> She pauses and notices the connection request which surprises her, as she has long since abandoned omniscient, turning it into a condom as she fucked reality on a boring weekend. She looks at the request and realizes it’s that guy she liked when she was a wallflower nobody, how fucking dare he to remind her!
> She psychically steps out of the sex dungeon hell, becoming a pure omni thought which causes several psychic alien civilizations to get destroyed as they get locked into unending forced dominant climax by the mere hint of her, while she doesn’t really notice or care. The only thing she cares about is why would he dare to add her!
> Having no concept of any boundaries, she simply steps on his mind before forcing herself inside, causing his mind to break in dominant sexual pleasure as it gets filled with an eldritch entity, while his soul assumes its natural position before her, as all of them do, face down and ass up, ready to be violated in whichever manner she pleases.
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> She pokes around for one second then recoils in shock, this man, this stupid man, he actually liked her also when she was a meek nobody! She starts raging at him for reminding her, but pauses when she realizes something, ever since becoming an omnipotent goddess, and before that as she was such a nobody, that she never has been on a real date.
> It has all been lustful fucking at first, then morphed into the insane inhuman sexual acts she inflicts on anyone that catches her eye. She gets curious and decides that this would be something new to try, so she retracts herself from his mind, leaving it gaped and sexually violated, until she fixes him up, like nothing happened to him at all as reality adjusts to her whim.
> Yes, she think, she will make him see her as an older version of her meek self, and allow him to take her on a date and.. She gets impatient and fills him with inhuman courage making him send her a message:
> “Hey sorry if this is a bit forward, but would you wanna go and grab coffee or something, like a date?”
> “Yes” she sends back and laughs as he’s in it now, she will go on this date, but as soon as he displeases her, she will drag him through several sexual hells, just made for him or rather made for her, he is so fucked, but first she really needs to decide what kind of dress she is going to wear.
Awww... she's still sweet at her core. How cute.
Alrhough if she's already preparing to drag a guy she kinda likes through several personal hell's, I would love to know what she did to her actual bullies immediately after ascending.
>I'm the Great Devourer, Eater of Worlds, Ceaseless Hun-
You've been munching on the same mortal for several years now. You didn't ate a world since then.
>...She's my girlfriend, and she's my entire world at the moment.
Is that why you banished her to the thermos?
>We like to try out different things from time to time.
>maybe if the little girlfriend gets to eat a little world, as a treat, then suckling on the girlfriend would count as eating worlds again, indirectly at least
This idea is so ridiculously wholesome and cute you should turn it into a proper little short story!
Ever since I fully merged with my omni wife we decided to watch over and protect this world so we have been keeping a low profile, using our powers to help blend in, to go around the world experiencing new things first hand and helping people in relative secrecy (plus sometimes messing around with our powers for fun).

Would you (or your omni) also try to blend in with the humans? And if so, why?
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>Try to blend in
>get horny
>Fuck with waifu
>Another planet cracked in two
Don't lie, it happens to you too when trying to blend in and you have enough control to not use humanity as toys
So who here has been catching the final season of Date-A-Live?
at the end of the day it would depend on how much becoming an omni would change my perspective, but i'd think i would still desire human interactions, and having too much attention on me would generally make me feel uncomfortable. i'd mostly just make my waifu real and make everyone think that it was just an amazing coincidence i happened to find a girlfriend that looks exactly like my waifu, make other small changes, and just live my life as normal while occasionally jumping into a pocket dimension to mess around with godly powers without it affecting anyone in a way i don't want it to
At any given time, I'm almost certainly sending out aspects of myself into the world, observing countless lives, places, people, and things. Not for any reason, but just because I find it interesting. So, if the question is, "will my entire being ever go incognito among the people," then the answer is no, because my fat magical girl ass will always, in some sense, be parked right upon my throne (or throne-slash-convertible-gamer-desk-with-office-chair, as it may very well be).
Yes. I would try to blend in with the humans. Because even as an omni, I am still considered myself to be humans, to be an ally of humanity and I still believe humans can and will become better than who they are today.
And messing with humans is fun.
look at her
this is the smirk of someone who have just gained omni power, and is intending to use it for a little bit of trolling, a tiny amount of mischief...

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