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All kinds of weird and humiliating TFs welcome. The sillier and more humiliating the better.
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Ok, here's the "new" concept I came up with:
>person gets put in the machine that scans their identity and turns them into a fleshy blob as a result
>personality gets uploaded into an obedient sex bot while the blob is repurposed into its ass/tits/udder/etc
>in publoc, the bot behaves like it is the original while only ever addressing the blob as its body part, but when left alone begins to tease and slap it
If anyone's interested in this you're free to make greentexts or add captions or whatever. This is something I'm doing solely for this thread so I don't mind if someone else takes over.
I like it. Cute designs too.
Interesting and unique idea. Shame that we didn't see breasts example.
>How much resulting blob can communicate or it is completely helpless?
>How does it work for males? Are they put into male or female sex bots?
>How attached are those blobs, are they more like part of sex bot body or underwear that casually can be taken off but is indecent in public?
>Are normal people aware of blobs still having sentience and what is the attitude to sex bot(the same person or copy)?
>Part 1
I missed one rent payment in this city and you know what my landlord did? Sent me straight to this strange center where they shoved me into some kind of pod that stuck diodes to my head. I felt the electrical currents pulse throughout my body as the machine photocopied my memories and personality. The stinging, alien sensation of my limbs receding into my body, and my torso receding into my head as it was transformed into a lump of flesh, a squishy blob of fat around a spongy skull. The pod kicked me out onto the cold linoleum floor, a floppy globe of meat, dizzy and disoriented. My senses returning, I tried to protest, but my mouth mangled my speech into incomprehensible gobbledygook, like a filter was placed between my brain and my tongue. I was helpless, alone, stripped of my personhood, left only my sentience if only as a sort of torture.
>Part 2
Someone picked me off the ground and wheeled me away to another room. In vain I tried to ask what was going on, by my mouth refused to say any intelligible language. The guy wheeling me told me I shouldn't bother trying to talk for the first few hours. I was brought before a strange, humanoid robot, flatscreen tv for a face on top of a doublewide hipped runway model body. There was a hole in the robot's butt, like it was missing, and it dawned on me what was going to get shoved inside. I fearfully garbled broken noises, trying to wobble away from my fate, but I was shoved right into the robot's legs, eyes and mouth facing outwards. I felt it squeeze me into shape, a thonglike strap around the middle of my face, my eyes forced onto either ass cheek. My mouth was forced through a hole in the strap, locked into an open puckered hole. The robot powered onto life, and I could hear its voice... *my* voice... through its speakers. The audio quality was a bit compressed and artifact-y, but there was no doubt about it. this robot stole my voice! This robot stole my life, and made me into its butt!
>Part 3
About a day later, the robot was out on the street, looking for people to have sex with. Of course, the one getting fucked is me. Forced against my will to suck on nasty dicks while the robot syphons money out of their credit cards. It certainly doesn't help that my mouth is as sensitive as a pussy, and whenever I orgasm now I salivate buckets. Whenever I get exhausted, the robot knows to inject my with all manner of compounds to get me ready for the next customer. By now my mouth is listening to my brain again, but it's kind of hard to talk with my lips in a permanent pucker, and way harder still when it's stuffed full of mega penis. I can never get used to the pleasure... the eye watering, lip gushing, skin tingling pleasure.
Sometimes the robot takes a break and ducks into a bathroom for some alone time with me. The things it says to me as it wiggles my face in the mirror for me to see what I've become. Reminding me that I'm its ass, smacking my cheeks and teasing my mouth hole with its fingers. It can feel all the sexual pleasure I can feel, after all.
>Part 4
The robot ran into one of my old friends. The robot acted perfectly like me, but a me who was happy to be a robot prostitute. I could tell my friend was upset about me being made into this thing's ass, and tried to look at me. I told her that the robot wasn't me, and she assured me that she was aware. The robot acted like it was weird my friend wanted to talk to its butt, but bless my friend she actually tried to defend me. She dragged the robot and me with her back to the facility where I was transformed, planning to demand that I get turned back to normal.
>Part 5
My friend wound up getting turned into a blob herself, fashioned into a pair of boobs for another sex bot. Both of them patrol the city streets, looking for fucks for the right price. This was our lives now, forced to be the body parts of these infernal contraptions, forced to suck on nasty cocks and cum out of our puckered mouths. Every time I felt like I was going to cry, the robot injected me with drugs to stop the tears, denying me the power to grieve and accept my new existence. I could feel my mind slipping into a dark dark corner, days blurred together as the robot met with man after man, a trance taking hold of my psyche... protecting me from what thoughts would overtake my higher functions soon enough.
>Part 6
Penis penis penis mmm suck suck suck suck penis penis- Aww! No more penis suck?! Please master robot please find another penis for me to suck I wanna slurp up more yummy cum and drool more love juice on another penis! Please please please pleasure me master! Massage my cheeks and slap my wobbly jiggly face! I wanna feel so good for you, master! Master make me a good butt! Master found me another penis! Yaaaay! Penis penis suck suck suck penis yummy salty penis penis penis yummy yummy yummy...
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I love these tfs so much, wish there was more of them
>How much resulting blob can communicate or it is completely helpless?
I guess it can emote with its eyes and produce futile acts of struggle, though any sound it makes will most likely be ignored since the robot's AI shares the same voice
>How does it work for males? Are they put into male or female sex bots?
I've got a couple ideas for a male variant, if you'd like to provide character suggestions
>How attached are those blobs, are they more like part of sex bot body or underwear that casually can be taken off but is indecent in public?
They are attached to the bots using plastic and metal harnesses that hold them in place and can be removed at any time, although those do leave imprints over time resulting in a new permanent shape
>Are normal people aware of blobs still having sentience and what is the attitude to sex bot(the same person or copy)?
Could vary. Some people just don't care, some see the eyes as just a weird tattoo thing. The bot itself will claim to be the original who had simply undergone a "cybernetic enhancement" procedure by own volition.
Nice idea with permanent deformation after long enough in the harness.

For male "volunteers" I can think off some suggestions choose whoever you like.(it is probably more than you need)

Shinji Ikari - Neon Genesis Evangelion

Pit - Kid Icarus

Naruto Uzumaki – Naruto (I was proposing Hinata earlier so it make sense to reunite couple. Also he have sex jutsu so he may fit for more effeminate idea)

All Might - Hero Academia

Yugi Muto - Yu-Gi-Oh!

Prime Minister Honest - Akame ga Kill!
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came up with 3 different variants:
>"bubbles" - ass version with the penis pulled in through a hole in the front and made into a null bulge
>"hunk" - shaped into a large penis using bands
>"teapot" - blob used as a torso with the penis left hanging (AI usually modified with a belly dancer skill)
also a "decommissioned" blob whos AI has lost popularity among the customers, resulting in it being reshaped and painted into a regular sex toy

(btw you can edit and caption any of my drawings here if you want, I'm just not that good at writing dialogue and stuff)
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>"Oh, these? That's just a minor boobjob, honey. I didn't even think you'd notice!"
I really like how you draw the butt ones with vertical puckered lips and scrunched up faces
I'd love to see the decommissioned one after years of wear tear and neglect, and by neglect I mean being fucked regularly but rarely if ever cleaned.
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more stuff
hope it doesnt get deleted cause im only able to produce messy sketches
First of all you draw this really fast, impressive.
Very nice ideas. Out of sex bots hunk is my favorite.
Do teapot blob is formed in such a way to have breasts or flat chest?
Decommissioned is great even more to my taste than bots but I can't recognize person. Is this only shape for decommission bloob or are there other variants? Is it someone specific?

Shinji and Naruto "sex" looks great. Little shame that he is not doing it with Hinata. She may be formed into udders but she still have hole where pussy should be.
Very nice to see how breast version look. Really good. Creative idea with eyes serving as nipples.
Once again is it someone specific?
Nice examples of tormenting bloobs.
Don't worry about quality it is more than adequate to showcase idea. It may not be high art but it is clear with what it depicts. Like always I would love to know identity of characters.
Nice concept. It kinda reminds me of those onahole-piloted robots/automatons from fate that one anon draws.

If i can offer one piece of criticism the robots could reflect who they are based a bit better. Its hard to figure what character they are made out of in some cases.
>Do teapot blob is formed in such a way to have breasts or flat chest?
it's emphasis on the belly so probably flat if not a little puffy
the last 3 characters aren't anyone specific, I just didnt wanna wait for more suggestions
thank you
the issue could easily be fixed with coloring but i kinda do not do that so it is what it is
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This is so ideally dumb and humiliating.
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I wish there's more of these 80's era B-movie type of dumb yet horrifying and grounded transformation. I only know one of artist who draw something like that
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Can I show a idea that I sketched out too about this?


What B-movie tf are out there for example?
Not him but from watching redlettermedia, Faust(2001) has a woman turned into a puddle of tits and ass. I THINK one of the Leprechaun movies may have had a wild transformation but its been a while since ive seen it.
That's phenomenal! Love the poledancing especially. That gives me an idea:
>already difficult enough to be heard over the bot in the first place
>but as an ass, all the bot has to do is shift their weight to clap your mouth shut
>literally impossible for friends or family to hear you over the clap of your cheeks
>even if you persevere and speak loud enough, the bot will still play it off as "just the wind"
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Incredibly hot stuff, would you take requests for it to be done to more girls? I'd love to see this done with Pyra and Mythra, Rika Furude and Satoko Hojo, and/or Rin Tohsaka and Sakura Matou. Tried to think of some good pairs of girls so they could be reduced to ass/breast mass and be shown off side by side.
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Ryuko and Satsuki would make a good pair.
Something like this https://youtu.be/BvZIElIiPdI
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>What B-movie tf are out there for example?
Or something like this https://youtu.be/GMnuZrUc63o?t=1h15m11s. Just anything that didn't break too much of immersion like object transformation for example and focused more on body horror aspect
No feedback on my little contribution? What's anyone's thoughts on this, please?
It was pretty good, though now I kinda want a full story about it. I sometimes like characters becoming mindless sluts, but applying it to this didn't really fit my taste. I'm curious about a blob's old friends trying to work things out without getting turned into blobs themselves, and how far the robot would take insisting the blob is it's butt.
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Sauce please? Reverse search does nothing
Looks like a change of looks that you didn't plan on!
I can't find it either. I found them on someone's f-list account. There were a few others that were pretty similar that I can post too though.
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Whose f-list? I'm kinda curious now
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Whatever happened to the CTF thread? I feel like I haven't seen it in ages. Did it just get mixed into this thread?
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Ah, Faust. Loved that scene, kinda wished there'd be more TFs like that in movies.
And yes, Leprechaun has a scene of a woman's lips and tits and ass getting expanded to grotesque proportions...

...until she pops like a balloon filled with meat.
And the Leprechaun cheerily swings an umbrella up as she splatters while making some bad limericks. Rhyming verse. Er.

Again, damn we need more lewd TFs in movies.
I'd spend a ton of time engrossed in an anime series that's just purely women turning into sentient boobs, food, onaholes, dicks, (fuck)plants, queen's stallions - the whole works!
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Anon who makes those Coloratura TF sketches:
Glad ya brought me up, anon!
I'm still working on some for an idea I got somewhere down the line, mostly involving Buntoria turned into a walking slot machine. (Or is it a "slut machine?" Heh.)

I also got a lot of TFs drawn up lately, including a fuckplanted Snuffy!
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Here it is!
Honestly, this all was inspired some time back when she was watching that video of pumpkin fertilization and joked about how hot it was.

...I should probably draw more pumpkin-themed TFs for her down the line then.
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Love those golems. Onaholes as power source are very neat idea.
And very nice fuckplants, i've been getting into fuckplants myself lately as well.
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I liked your fuckplants (last?) thread when you were taking suggestions. Colorful.
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Thanks, i mostly focus on onaholes/sexdolls but its nice to mix it up a bit from time to time.
First Queen's Stallions, then those cock rings that trap your soul, and now these DQ dullahan armors with shields...

...nikujiruc is the best at what he does, damn!

(And now I wish someone would draw Mashu turned into one of these)
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Here is Pyra and Mythra as two boob blobs
The screen face rotates around to mimic either of the personalities (3 personalities = triangle head, 4 personalities = square head, etc)
Very hot. A few questions tho:
1. When a person gets turned into a blob, can they only be attached to the bot with a copy of their personality, or can they be attached to any bot with any personality installed?
2. How long does a blob physically last? How long mentally?
3. Is the process reversible or permanent?
OR here, I love it! It's such a creative and humiliating concept to put characters through. I hope you keep making more for this thread!
Which characters were these supposed to be? I can't tell.
>When a person gets turned into a blob, can they only be attached to the bot with a copy of their personality, or can they be attached to any bot with any personality installed?
In theory, any bot will do, but it's ideal to attach the blob to its mental copy so that it doesn't dissociate completely, but thinks of itself as an extension of their real self
>How long does a blob physically last? How long mentally?
Physically they can last for decades, though usually they're decommissioned way before expiration. Then they are painted and rubberized which locks them in their current shape, makign them last indefinitely outside of extreme conditions.
Most blobs personality stays intact as long as they're attached to the bots since the latter make sure to remind them all kinds of details of their (past) personal life. They are also let known of the possibility of being decommissioned due to unpopularity or poor service, making the blobs a little more eager to please.
>Is the process reversible or permanent?
Presumably permanent, although no one has tried to reverse it yet since the personality extraction technology is a protected trade secret
Read the thread again, those are just random nameless ones I made up
>What happens with bot of decommissioned blob?
>Is ass only shape for decommissioned blob or are there others like boobs or dildo?
>Are owners of decommissioned blob aware of who they were?
>I imagine that there is possibility of more popular sexbot playing with decommissioned acquaintance.
>I can imagine 4 blobs being attached(2 breasts ass and dick) but it seems to be limit as no other reasonable place come to my mind for them on single bot.
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>20yo Girl is waiting in line at the mall, wearing thick jacket which covers up her entire upper body
>Taking forever cause some old lady who moves at a snail's pace
>Girl finally speaks up, telling the old lady to get a move on
>The old woman turns around pretty quick compared to how slow she was digging through her purse
>Old lady raises her hand to the girl, whispering something unknown to the 20yo
>She turns back around and continues her purchase, moving like a normal person
>She leaves and the 20yo, whilst still freaked out, is relieved that she can check out now
>But as she steps forward, she feels a horrible pain just about everywhere
>Her joints, her muscles, her insides
>It was so bad she instinctively pulled off her jacket just to see if it was something physical
>Which is when she found out what the old woman had done to her
>She attempted to run, though her pained body made it more like a hobble
>She made it to a full body mirror, looking in horror
>Her face remained the same, 20 years old, flawless skin, and beautiful hair
>However her body was a different story
>Lifting her shirt, she saw true horror
>Her skin had lost it's color, her youthful vibrant skin bordering on her neck against pale, wrinkled flesh
>Her breasts had enlarged and sagged down towards her disgusting potbelly, marked by spots and stretch marks
>Her limbs were thin and fleshly, with bingo wings so droopy they reached halfway on her forearms
>She couldn't see her legs but they too had changed
>Her hips were ridiculously wide, with thighs that made her legs look like chicken wings
>She swallowed her pride and ran out the shop, attempting to ignore the pain in her body
>But her body wouldn't let her
>She passed out right outside the store
>When she woke up, she was in some kind of retirement home being served orange jello
>She looked around, seeing people just as old as the woman who cursed her
>Spotting a mirror, she could see her youthful face was still planted on a haggish body
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a bit subtle this one
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what was she turned into?
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anyone able to translate?
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Yuuka sexdoll for that one anon who requested something with Yuuka in onahole thread.
This scene plays in my head whenever I see this thread
Agreed on all accounts. While the Faust scene goes in a little bit of a body horror direction and I don't get off on the popping at the end of the Leprechaun scene, I love that both of those scenes are just completely and unapologetically about sexually humiliating and objectifying the victims. In the Faust scene, I always get immediately hard the moment the woman falls onto all fours and her ass bloats up and I love that the woman in Leprechaun gets a big pair of cock-sucking lips as she swells.

Honestly, I find a lot of art just misses on that sexy humiliating TF aspect.
We've already talked about Faust and Leprechaun for dumb yet horrifying TF, but The Revenge of the Teenage Vixens from Outer Space has a group of teenagers TFed into vegetables. It's not a fancy effect, but they do use a practical effect to show them mid-TF.

McGuffin78 had Kyo-Dom create the attached picture in tribute to the scene. Sadly, the real scene doesn't show the girl tearing out of her clothes (but oh boy if it only did!) but there are some nice sound effects. But the actresses from the movie is lowkey hot and totally TF-able into an anthro carrot.
Very nice Yuukarin, she'll be pleasant to use.
Holy fuck! These are phenomenal ideas! Really freaking hot! I have an idea: maybe the robot body would have some outlines that ressemble the victims usual outfit(no actual clothes, almost like a paint job to remind their og outfit) and a mode where the scream face is just a generic robot voice for maximum submission. If i can request someone how about Artoria Lancer from Fate? With her blob being the boobs of course
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oc for this thread. the nipples serve as fleshy coin slots and you insert detergent through the pussy or asshole
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>where the scream face is just a generic robot voice
not exactly sure what you meant by that, but here
i know nothing about fate so apologies for inaccurate dialogue jic
So freaking good man! Thank you! This is amazing
Do you have a twitter?
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Nice to see you do more drawings. I really like comet about Steaming and polishing boobs. She looks really nice.
Would you consider drawing something depicting blob in the middle of being decommissioned? If you need "volunteer" how about Esdeath from "Akame Ga Kill!"?
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Added a splash of color for this one.
@dunnhier1, though im usually a little less depraved there
Thank you very much it looks great. I really like emphasis on fact that she hate her new circumstances and miss being a butt. Really nice box. I appreciate color emphasizing that she is toy now. English is not my native language so I can't understand black sentence(I understand that it is meant to represent her trouble with talking)
How about depicting a girl as she's feeling when first transformed into a juicy, perky pair of tits, with her robot self teasing and demeaning her and telling her she better get used to it, because she's going to be stuck there a loooong time~

Then have a time skip saying it's been many, many years later, and the girl's brain is now barely functioning from decades of bouncing, juggling, and robot teasing. The robot is informing the saggy girl that it's time to be decommissioned, and she can barely even understand what that means, she just wants to be wobbled and oogled on stage like she used to. Post decommissioning, and she can't even form a coherent thought now, she's basically just a sex toy now.

I nominate Athena Asamiya from the King of Fighters for this, a world famous idol being reduced to tits at the height of her career would be especially delicious.
This entire concept is just phenomenal! I absolutely love everything you've posted in this thread. I hope it's not too much to ask, but I'd like to request Kirika Misono from Eiken compressed into her own tits and torn between pride (at how large she is) and anger (due to the obvious humiliation) at the situation.
One of the Leprechaun movies also has a woman to mannequin tf but it doesn't show the tf, just cuts from her to a mannequin wearing the same clothes.
Very good concept, and nice art.
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I love it, what a great concept. I've been playing Tears of the Kingdom lately and had all sorts of lewd ideas about Mineru getting a super slutty construct form while her consciousness is along for the ride, and with this now I'm imagining her as a fat pair of tits or a butt. Or moving away from humanoid constructs, if Link got stuck as a blob for the divine beasts (jiggling around as Vah Naboris's ass while it trots along the desert, or dangling from Vah Medoh as a big pair of tits or a cock while it flies around). The whole idea of the robot body doing their thing while the embarrassed human is along for the ride is so hot.
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went with a little bit of OC here
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>horny post before bed
>wake up to hot as hell Link art
Wow, thanks a bunch. That dangling tail looks like its in the perfect spot to keeo his mouth quiet, if the clapping of his cheeks doesnt muffle him enough already. If you dont already you really should do comissions.
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Nah, that was Wishmaster. Honestly we need more movies dedicating bigger budgets to the FX crews for erotic TFs.

Speaking of erotic TFs, how Mashu Kyrielight's face being fused to her shield while her armor (now with her nipples and cameltoe adorning its metal) swings her head around a la (>>10993660, >>10993662, >>10993665, >>10993667) has never been done still stumps me.

Any anons wanna draw that?
>Nah, that was Wishmaster.
You are right, whoops.
>Honestly we need more movies dedicating bigger budgets to the FX crews for erotic TFs.
lol, yeah that would be nice, but honestly I don't like realistic TFs as much as animated TFs, so I'd rather have a erotic TF animated movie.

I wonder how feasible crowdfunding a animated erotic TF movie would be? Does Kickstarter even allow adult projects?
Cute boobies
I've been looking for this artist forever, thank ya

I can't find their one comic with villager mashing a guy into palutena then a magikarp though, would you happen to have it?
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Would you be interested in drawing some more for this idea? 2 possibilities come to my mind. Maybe something will interest you.

One is where girl is interested in guy and she ends up as a breasts while he is dick on the same bot and its autopaizuri itself. For example it could be Sasuke and Sakura from Naruto.

Another is team RWBY on the same bot maybe Ruby and Yang for breasts, Blake for ass and Weiss for dick.
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here is the former, though i feel like i couldve picked a better angle
Thank you for drawing this. It look really well. I am not an artist maybe you could choose better angle I can’t judge. What I can say it's that this angle looks good in my opinion. It is good to see another example of dick blob. Autopaizuri come out really well here.
dream life is becoming one of these blobs!
oh my, what is she? some sort of fart monster?
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I do have it!
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this is gonna be a stretch

but does anyone recall an alien comic where it's a grey that uses a debone-ing ray on a girl and then uses her as an onahole
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anyone know the source on this one?
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