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Thread for damsels in distress, predicament bondage, peril scenarios, game overs and bad ends.

Previous thread >>10979287
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Anyone else here a fan of more complex, Saw-like scenarios?
Ritual DID is hotter than simple torture, too bad there is too little of it.
Complicated traps tend to be less interesting to me. Works better with multiple people.
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D2 girls, my first love...
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Hot. Captured, fucked and left in peril. Best combo.
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I like the before and after angle. Look at all that spunk and confidence, where'd that run off too?

My nigga.
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Been meaning to write some smut for a while now; just a way to decompress in the evenings and get the noggin joggin, and it occurs to me it'd be fun to share with my fellow /d/eviants for a change. But my tastes are on the extreme side (I'm an unapologetic sadist) and while I know more than a few /d/eviants are with me on that the majority aren't. I can tone things down easily enough but I'm not sure what content/tone/scenarios really target the middle of what most of us here like.

Anyone care to chime in on their preferences? Or should I find a good survey-making site and just post a link here?
Write what you want.
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It's such a broad topic that it'd be interesting to see where most people's opinions cluster. Is it mostly about that immediate threat for most people; the ticking bomb, the gun in the mouth? Or is the misery, shame, disgust and heartache of the victim submitting to the implied threat just as good?
Kidnapping, humiliating rape with bad end. Doesn't have to be death, can be slavery or permanent mutilation. It is all work of fiction and nobody is getting hurt but it's still hot to read. I would like to see something with ancient brazen bull peril as there's almost none smut involving that.
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definitely good advice any day of the week, it's true
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For me it's obsessive abduction. When the girl finds out her kidnapper absolutely wants her, planned this for a long time and won't let her go for even longer than that. I really like how this picture implies that. Simple but effective bondage and lots of photos all around.
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I see you're a degenerate of culture as well
Ye. I often browse /aco/ bondage threads because there's overlap but /aco/ faggots get really upset when someone mentions rape and so on, even if it is all fiction and erotic fantasy only. And it's kind weird because it seems natural that a kidnapped girl is going to be raped. Why would they kidnap her otherwise? Ye, ransom of course, but even then nothing stops them from having fun with her. And then obviously, if nobody is going to pay, they have to get rid od her. Sorry, but she knows too much and she will go to police and she will tell everything. So of course her kidnappers have to make sure she can't do this. One way or another.
I like the image of her waking up in this closet. The initial reflexive panic and struggle, noticing all the photos of her on the walls, realizing the implications, and just then her captor hearing the commotion and checking on her. Look at her shying away from the viewer, that's really hot.
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>Or should I find a good survey-making site and just post a link here?
As a former writer myself, writing based on polls is a terrible idea. As >>10987005 said, if you want to enjoy the process you need to write what you like. Asking others for some new ideas when you need some inspiration is good, but I highly recommend writing based on what strikes your fancy not, what other people like the most. That said...

I prefer scenarios with a victim who gets into trouble due to her own carelessness or overconfidence.
I also like rape which the victim cooperates with. By that I mean I don't like it when rape is just "hold her down and stick a dick in her" but more of an "okay I will suck your dick, just don't show anyone those photos".
I also like gradual loss of control on the victim's part, and a bad but not explicitly definitive ending.

So, something like...
>A squad of soldiers gets ambushed during a patrol.
>Female soldier offers her body to the attackers to avoid the worst fate.
>At first she tries to retain some semblance of control but has to give in to more and more brutal demands.
>Sees one of her friends get executed next to her, finally making her realize that they don't plan on letting her go when they're done.
>Does her best to convince them to take her as a slave (so she can be rescued later) rather than killing her on the spot.
>Instead of killing her outright, they bury her alive, along with a single grenade. We do not get to see the results.
Bonus points if she gets strangled somewhere along the way.
When it comes to images I am not into the most extreme stuff, mostly just bondage, humiliation and peril. But when it comes to writing I basically don't have a limit.
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>ancient brazen bull peril
It's possible to find stuff like that. There is even a version of the device that doesn't involve lethal peril. The liquid here is an aphrodisiac.
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>>Instead of killing her outright, they bury her alive, along with a single grenade. We do not get to see the results.
Yes that's my cup of tea but maybe make her hold grenade or trigger with her mouth. With her hands tied and out or reach, it can create very interesting game. Either try to scream for help, hoping that someone above is looking for her and may hear her but also risking that grenade will explode in the process killing her and possibly whole rescue team above or... staying silent in her tomb but in this case there's a chance that the research team is not going to find her and just moves along to next target.
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Something a little less grim, no active rape or imminent death, but still grim and in need of rescue.
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Alright, so not sure if this qualifies under the threads definition of peril and I can't post it because it's a bit too loli, but these threads have been talkative lately so I wanna hear your opinions on this scenario

Damsel A is being lead out of a room by an employee, and she's very clearly been raped to hell and back. She's covered in sperm and used condoms, she can barely walk, her playboy outfit is all tattered and torn, and she doesn't seem aware of what's going on.

Damsel B is trussed up the exact same way and wearing the exact same outfit, and she puts two and two together when she see's Damsel A and notices she's being dragged to the exact same room. Damsel B freaks out but she's going in that room no matter what, while Damsel A is lead off to an unknown fate.
"You're next" is an absolute classic! It definitely fits in this thread.

You most often see it with torture, or execution by hanging. Where one girl is being tortured/executed, while others are next to her, knowing that soon it's going to be their turn.
Just name it, please.
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That shit's my jam.
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Look at the way the first girl's last scream follows how she falls. How the splash cuts it off. God damn, I need more stuff like that, that's so good.
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Oh, did her courage break? Well, that's fine. It doesn't make a difference either way.
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I love it when an heroine is supposed to rescue another girl but founds herself in a similar or worse situation.
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>hahaha and do you call yourself a superhero? superhero.. haha.. defeated by a tube of glue and cheap ear plug noise stoppers.. cya, ive got banks to rob now
Do you have a link for "You're Next" or whatever? I can't find it, but this kink really revs my gears.
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So a few threads back I mentioned how I have a soft spot for that torture scene in Stallone's Rambo 2, and how I'd like to see it get genderbent into a female version. Well, out of sheer morbid curiosity I played around with the freebie version of Live3D AI for a while, and this came out. It's crude, it's flawed, but the potential is there. It still has some ways to go, but I'm definitely happy that we have AI now.

(Poor Steven Berkoff, though...)
Does anyone have this comic?
Those are preview pics I think it hasn't been released yet.
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My opinion is that I'm desperate to find this after searching hundreds of gelbooru images to no avail. Could you link it? Give us an artist name? A hand-drawn map to its location? Anything?
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Sorry, didn't mean to tease. It's loli and humanized MLP, so I wasn't sure if people would like it or hate it

The pic is Private Party by Shaxbert on Pixiv, remember to set your location to Japan in settings.
Does the pic live up to the hype for you? Personally, I love it although I wish the bondage itself was much stronger.

Seconding this, it looks great
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>Initial snatch. Something she was warned of, or so brazen that it feels like there was nothing she could've done to prepare for it. Just wonderfully cruel to be reminded that she was helpless from the moment she was a target, regardless of her combat skills, importance or any other factors.
>The takeaway. Focus on her resistance, desperate struggles etc. you know how it goes, but her captor is confident and doesn't even discourage it via threats, since they believe all of her possible moves are accounted for. Basically, seeing her taunted with cruel urges to keep fighting for their amusement instead of forced into complacency. Even better if she isn't actually helpless, has at least some clear chance of outsmarting her situation or being discovered and saved, but fails since she simply wasn't lucky enough. Being driven away through an area where people are around is absolutely perfect for this.
>Once she's actually locked in some ominous room. Depends on the situation, but ideally the victim isn't put in imminent danger, yet still kept afraid somehow so she doesn't give in completely. Scenarios like "poached to sell off," held for ransom, or being made to endure some humiliating treatment for the pleasure of her tormentor (Vibes / tickling... yes.) Emphasis on remaining technically safe for the moment; her "value" being preserved but now belonging to her despised kidnapper, who is simply toying with her for the moment. So hot.
>The very end. Don't usually think of this since it's either insanely brutal or the most predictable. My favorite way to wrap it up is with a look from the outside, i.e. "the case remains unsolved" and then, back to the truth, where she still hasn't accepted her new life and continues to fight, with the implication that she never ends up succeeding.
Yeah, I'm weird, but I'm glad I know what I like so well.
For anyone that can afford this is the link:
The onther 2 comics are on kemono:
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One of my favorite scenarios is something like this, balancing to avoid hanging. The noose tight on her neck, her leg aching with having to stand on toes for any length of time, her arms and other leg getting sore as well from keeping them up like this, as the noose is connected to her arms as well...
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Of course, keeping it up too long is impossible, especially with that vibrator constantly teasing her. She'll slip, and then...
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if only this dude stop being a weird nigger cock lover cuck
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anyone have recommendations for good bad end/game over artists to follow on twitter or otherwise?
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Stop saving samples.

This guy's so good. Love the level of orgasmic agony he put into the girls, love how often he has them wide-eyed, mouth stretched open, and just screaming their lungs out, love how you can just picture that in these back shots, love the lack of mind break. Especially love this Satori/Suwako setting and how he only revisits it occasionally, gives the vibe that it's been going on the entire time. Don't forget, even when it's not being drawn, even if he never draws it again, Suwako's still sexually torturing Satori each day, every day.
Most Japanese artists that do bondage and peril have Twitter accounts since Pixiv has weird rules. There are 3D artists like lemontisoda, kara_kikai and pisanto666 that post fairly often. Doujinshi devs like gmumk152816 and ahriman_circle also provide regular updates. And more regular bondage artists I like are CircleKarouke, zetu_purpur and yumemiru_sima.
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>Stop saving samples.
The previous full size pics cannot even be posted here. The limits in were created for a time where 4 MB was an insane size for an image.
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They can with the slightest amount of effort. No excuses.
If you have to change the size then it's not even the original pic anymore.
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Size as in filesize? Nah.
Size as in resolution? Agreed.
Reducing the filesize means compressing the image even if it's not noticeable.
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If it's not noticeable then who cares? And if you can't post the 'original pic' either way then that's all the more reason to post the one that isn't downscaled to shit.
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There aren't many dedicated Japanese peril artists. TripleQ and Ameng are good, Guangmi commissions good stuff but they go into guro fairly often.
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>If it's not noticeable then who cares?
That applies to preview pics unless you are using a 4K screen.
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i didn't know /d/ had these threads, good shit
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>This guy's so good. Love the level of orgasmic agony he put into the girls, love how often he has them wide-eyed, mouth stretched open, and just screaming their lungs out, love how you can just picture that in these back shots, love the lack of mind break.

He's so good because he actually understands that constant (over)stimulation (especially during the refractory period) and repeated orgasms actually does hurt; and it gets worse the longer it goes on. Sakifox is also good for that.

Now if we could get just ONE artist that knows how to depict tickling as the torture it really is instead of some weaksauce fetish shit
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Or any screen of any decent size. And anyone who has something like that can eat shit, right?
Phoneposting is no excuse for not following basic 4chan etiquette. Basic internet, really.

Superb. Sauce?
Most people have 1080p screens.
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A decent size.
These are great. I love how they act differently. At first they are little shocked and confused but as soon as 3rd girl goes down, one girl starts struggling and wiggling around helplessly trying to get out while the other one simply breaks down, gives up and cries.
"These people are so vulgar in their
methods. They lack compassion. I
am Lieutenant Colonel Podovskyi. I do not
know who you are... yet. But I will. Take her and clean her up!"
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Already got heart eyes and wetting herself? Welp, she's a goner. If she's getting like this just from the tattoo application then she's going to get completely destroyed once the machines turn on. Best say your goodbyes now if you care to.

You're speaking my language like you wouldn't believe. Love that sort of pleasure torture, the screaming moans, the only words they're able to force out being pleas to let them stop cumming. That's the good shit.
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Vibrators are essential for long-term peril like tidal drownings. Wouldn't want her getting bored.

This guy gets it.
Note the motion lines in the second picture. Their struggles jerk to a stop and they go stiff as a board when their friend gets pushed in.
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Blake's gag being applied both before and after the dunk really takes me out of it...
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I've never seen anyone else state this and I also feel it, very strongly. It's not like *every* kidnapping has to have rape, but it's kind of the intrinsic threat, the foundation everything should be built on. The girl should be afraid of it, the guy should be tempted by it, his actions should lead towards it. It's really disappointing when a scene goes out of its way to establish that the girl is NOT in danger of rape, or when there's no male to be a threat. Odd and jarring when a captor is careful not to touch her. Sometimes they don't even do super basic things, I've seen too many where we're expected to believe the captor wouldn't even take off the damn coat she was kidnapped in. Come on.

And it strikes me as really really strange how much people in the "respectable" DiD circles will shy away from it. Just like you say, it's natural, obvious, the whole point. Some of them are like a community of people dedicated to cooking but absolutely horrified by eating. Weird.
Stories where they strip the girl naked or to her underwear make more sense given how you want to check she doesn't have weapons or tools. Then the temptation becomes stronger for the captor, even if that wasn't his intention.
>Odd and jarring when a captor is careful not to touch her. Sometimes they don't even do super basic things, I've seen too many where we're expected to believe the captor wouldn't even take off the damn coat she was kidnapped in. Come on.
Not really THAT odd tho. It may be the case where captors are supposed to capture girl for someone else or even for slave auction. The buyer probably would prefer untouched merchandise.
True! That's an angle from which it kind of works, where the threat is transitive. Someone is eventually going to get it done. Feel like I've seen plenty where that's not the case, though, the captor is just being all gentlemanly for no reason.
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Wonderful face. Note the cut hair fluttering down too, that's a sharp blade.
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>or when there's no male to be a threat
Agreed on all accounts except this one. Nothing wrong with a female antagonist.
>applied both before and after the dunk
Sorry to kill your boner but I think before pic shows them taking gag off. Then they reapply it after.
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>Sorry to kill your boner
Other way around.
>but I think before pic shows them taking gag off. Then they reapply it after.
I don't buy that for a second.
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Think that's a potential rescuer she can't possibly attract the attention of, or her captor returning to their cell for who-knows-what?
Note the missing person poster on the floor too, that's always a good detail.
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I knew that one was going against the grain haha. To be honest as long as there's a tied up girl I'm happy, but male captors just activate my brain different.

Also fuck yes this is very hot. You never know where the little rascals might be hiding god knows what, gotta be thorough. And then while you're there... well, what's stopping you?
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this is straight up loli
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Robbery scenarios are always great because the victim knows they're not going to risk leaving a witness
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Tiny 2hu bullying a best.
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>"Hehe, that's a good look, Hero-chan.
>This area is crawling with trolls that are starving for a woman, so this probably won't end well lol
>Someone might find you and release you, if you're lucky. See ya!"
>"No.. wait..!! Don't leave me alone!!!"

>If.. if anyone saw me in this humiliating position, I wouldn't be able to live with myself...
>...but... if some troll found me...

>If those creatures with their many times bigger bodies do something strange to me...

>A horde of trolls, one after the other...
>Being made to mate with the children of demons...

>Wh-what should I do..?
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I am really into this pose.
peak exposure and helplessness; easy to violate visually and physically
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I've always felt that public use has an innate peril factor to it. Girls chained to a toilet in some seedy public restroom have no way of knowing who will walk through that door next and how they'll react when they realize they can do anything they want to her without consequence. Absolutely anything could happen to her.
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Source? Saucenao only give similar results
Got the pic from Twitter.

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I don't feel much peril vibes from public use itself, but the act of leaving her there, bound, helpless, and open for rape definitely is.
I like it a lot more when it's not an institutional kind of thing. Tie her up in some seedy public bathroom or back alley, remind her what's likely to happen if the people who frequent this sort of place find her, rub it in a little and make sure she understands, then wave goodbye and leave as she screams into her gag. That's a great bad end. See >>10998900.
Please pretend this picture actually depicts that.

>Huh? Chiyoko Sonoda!? The real one!?
>That sign means I'm just allowed to fuck her...?
>When I've had my fun for a bit, I'll call the others, us 283 fans gotta share!
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>Having grown tired of Sword Maiden meddling with their affairs, the heads of the Evil Sect unanimously decided that she must be dealt with, sending their best agents to infiltrate the Temple of Law in Water Town to apprehend the Archbishop. Caught off-guard by the bold move, she was quickly subdued and brought to one of their many hideouts, where various members of the Sect gleefully had their way with her for days on end.

>Eventually, they would have their fill of carnal pleasure, but the urge to make her suffer remained and there was no low the Sect were not willing to stoop to. Preying on her crippling fear of goblins, they brought Sword Maiden, fresh from her forced sexual service, to the closest populous goblin nest they could find and set her as bait for the foul creatures within while they observed from a safe distance.

>Alone, helplessly bound, and once more stripped of her dignity, Sword Maiden could only quiver in fear, weeping in despair before the nightmare she thought she had finally escaped from inevitably repeated itself.
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Does anyone have the translated tripleq games?
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I've got this. There's some games in there.
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Oh please, they're not even tied to the tracks. If they can't squirm out of this one then they deserve to die.
Is this the place where i request pre-made bondage pics? And if so, can someone post the picture of Mela wrapped in this months Raya100 sketch dump? And if not can someone redirect me?
you should try to check bondage threads at /aco/
this thread is rather for bondage rape, bad ends, peril etc
Well I posted here because I thought /aco/ was western only. But I might give it a try.
No, /aco/ accepts everything, /d/ accepts east only.
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>I like it a lot more when it's not an institutional kind of thing. Tie her up in some seedy public bathroom or back alley, remind her what's likely to happen if the people who frequent this sort of place find her, rub it in a little and make sure she understands, then wave goodbye and leave as she screams into her gag.

Yes, that's *exactly* what I'm talking about. Handcuffed to a toilet in a part of town so bad the cops don't bother answering calls even on the occasion they get them; an area occupied mainly by hobos and gangsters. Men who would force feed her god knows what kind of street drugs just to make her react better, men who'd shove a toilet brush into her so they wouldn't have sloppy seconds.

And she knows it.
Public kidnappings are always challenging but doable with right preparations. Firstly, finding the target the buyer is interested in.
Cooperation is the key. And it doesn't mean that she is going to cooperate. It's about cooperation of the whole team. Driver quickly stops right next to the girl, sliding doors open and tape guy jumps in. Tape works well for quick abduction and time is critical there. Only several seconds before someone may try to help her. Few quick wraps and into the van she goes.
While tape works well for quick action, it's fragile and there is a risk she will break it. That's why it's always good to add old good rope. No need to hurry now.

There. Secured and on a way to her new home. And it took only less than a minute for her whole life to change upside down.
I'm actually really surprised by how well the AI understood me.
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wish there was more hentai involving victims being threatened with weapons
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you could solve world hunger with all the milk in this pic
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So close.
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First time I tried Midjourney I thought it was actually scary.
I've seen my fair share of twisted limbs and mutant flesh, let's put it like that.
"Joan couldn't help but to ponder how quickly her situation had turned so shitty. The rescue helicopter, her only ride out, had left without her, her own people had suddenly disowned her. For all intents and purposes, Joan had been left to die, a fate that most certainly would've befallen on her too, if she hadn't dropped her rifle to the ground fast enough to signal surrender, when the loaded guns of some 15-20 enemy troops were suddenly pointed at her from all directions. Her gun was, of course, already empty by that point anyway...

It was a really sad state of affairs for her. Her mission had been a politically highly sensitive black op. That means no rescue will ever come. Joan has been abandoned for good. She feels a sadness coming over her, she felt she could almost cry. But she will not allow those bastards the satisfaction of seeing her in tears.

Her wrists are chained above her head, even now she can feel the painful pressure of the tight bonds against her nerves. She's been lowered neck deep into a muddy jungle pit that collects the prison camp's raw sewage, and already she can feel that the disgusting pond's native leech population has gathered around her for a feast of free blood.

But Joan has decided to stay strong. The spiteful, piercing glare in her angry eyes hides the fact that she's feeling rather desperate about her predicament, but she will never allow her captors to know this. Come hell or high water, or a downpour of horny homosexuals from the sky, Joan has decided that the enemy will not break her mind and spirit. Not here, not today...
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These are so fucking bad. Their arms look parasytes or the Thing, just twisting masses of flesh.
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I love that twist in her shoulders so much.
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Won't be long now.
I know. Just to get those out of it took some actual wringing. Wish I could actually draw so I wouldn't need these programs. This tech has so much promise, but WAAY more work still needs to be done before I can perfectly realize my oddly specific fetish.
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What I am seeing is some people using different skills and tools in addition to the AI. I don't know this one, but some make a 3D renders that they use as reference for the AI.
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Mixing and matching of tools, techniques and skills both old and new. Yeah, it's the winning combination that made Terminator 2's special effects so incredible despite all the limitations in 1991.

I've been doing something similar for the past two weeks. I've collected photos and screenshots of the relevant Rambo 2-scene and then edited them in Krita to produce what you see on the left. I covered Sly in a flesh tone color to hide his male features, his pose here is also relevant to what I wanna see in the final image. I also googled images of a pair of clenched fists and another image of steel chain to add to the reference pic, so they would become more pronounced and easier to understand for the AI as relevant details (also, the original photo didn't even show that much).

Then I fed the reference image to the AI and via prompts told it to do/add things like "muscular female" "bondage" "crucifixion" "handcuffs" "spiteful expression" "abs" "nude" "bare breasts" "tropical jungle" etc. etc. ... to get many versions of what you see on the right.

I had to erase the Berkoff-character completely, his presence confused the AI too much, so I handled him as a separate layer later.

After dozens of passes, she's starting to look better, no? I'll redo >>10994835 with improved components sometime later.

AI still struggles quite a bit with certain types of angles and details. Ideally, you'll want the girl to be the absolute centerpiece with all irrelevant things taken out if you're doing img2img. Also, I've noticed that if the edges of the image are too close to the character, it could alter her pose or even begin to warp her anatomy in many, gruesome, Lovecraftian ways.
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Personally I prefer to focus on improving my drawing on paper, even though it's super basic and doesn't help that much for digital art.
Of course, whatever works for you. It's just that I don't have access to a scanner. And I don't really care to waste all that paper.
New. >>11008629

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