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Previous >>10882507

Would appreciate all rare Toobies
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Anyone got hairy slobs?
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splitendss has done a bunch of 'em iirc
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>>10983671 and >>10983673 are a sequence, forgot to mention it

pic unrelated but on-topic
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Don't you die on me, thread!
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What's the new berryfag cope gonna be for this thread?
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probably the usual rhetoric

>it's NOT popular!!! (but we want it gone anyway)
>it's YOUR fault we got banned to /aco/!! (despite how we started hostilities)
>this fetish is DISGUSTING!! (despite the fact we are gore-obsessed pedophiles)
Can someone fill me in on the berry v slob war?
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Retards being mad at retards
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The berryfags started trolling these threads (and brap threads) because one or several of their biggest retards had an antagonism with the material and it just escalated to the point where the mods have literally banished them from /d/ to /aco/ and they are still seething about the teacher sending them to the dunce chair blaming everyone but themselves. You can see these said retards go into histrionics if there's even a tiny three letter burp in a picture and cry and piss about editing it out, then accuse us of being the ones crying.
Do you think reconcilliation is possible? I might head over to their threads and try to make peace. Maybe talk with /d/ mods to let them have their own thread.
No, absolutely not, they don't want it, and they will see your attempt as trolling and blow off the handle and probably report you, the slightest thing sets them off. Needless to say this is to the bitter end.
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There isn't one. Whenever somebody doesn't like a post somebody made, they call them a berryfag and the thread goes to shit for a couple of hours while everybody argues.
one schizophrenic (pictured here >>10986170) hates berryfags with all of his heart and will cry about them on here and bbwchan unprompted for the rest of his life because they're his scapegoat for being molested/beaten as a child
FW isn't sending his best.
Kafei is the GOAT as always. Is it bad I enjoy her self-insert content?
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You mean pics of her sona, or...?
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don't make peace with evil
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Not really, hell I think it's kind of hot that she's into it that much

Sauce for this? (the fionna pic i mean)
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Neither side wants reconciliation but I'd be more interested in them just directly stating outright what their problem is instead of all the passive aggressive discord gay ops shit they keep pulling to derail these and the /aco/ brap threads.
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Had the inspiration to make a wonder loli chatbot based around this pic. Just need some ideas if anyone here has any.
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Not sure this is the right board for that
Good taste in artists though, really wish aaronfly would do more slob stuff
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man I wish he drew farts
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kaiga1123 on fanbox

the character in that image is actually part of a four page doujin that kaiga made. it's wg and hypno, so it isn't really on-topic aside from the supplemental art he made >>10989797

that said, if anyone's interested, I can post the english translation in another thread
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I fumbled the hot goonnete slob, how over is it?
Need sauce
What happened?
I'm fluent in retard, let me tranlate:
>I, anonymous No. 10991306, destroyed all future chances of engaging in erotic roleplay with an attractive porn addict slob, how over is it?
Pretty much what the other guy said, thought she was really cool too but I guess I was boring or something
Thank you
Was that the one who advertised themselves in the prior thread? I thought about adding them, but I sat on the idea for too long.
Yeah, decided to take a chance. Hopefully she’ll decide to give me another shot at some point lol
what does her skeleton look like
Is this the new "her poor back"?
higher res one for ya
>mild observation

How many years have you been doing this bit?
As many years as they've been instigating us instead of staying in their lane.
you let berrychads rule your life my friend
>stop resisting bro just let us harass you without repercu-ACK!
genuinely insane how quick you are to reply lol
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I want to be under her ass.
anyone else here like the idea of slob doms combined with inanimate tf? Like a slob turning someone into their panties, or dildo, or even their own asshole. Maybe even a toilet....
I don't like inanimate tf except for when they turn into a couple of panties for an ssbbw to rip ass on
>panty tf
That one's good for sure
Looking for an image. It a girl with glasses and black hair with an overly stuffed belly and she vomits.
In this style. Who’s the artist?
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sorry, ai generated stuff isn't allowed in this thread >>10997844
I refuse to believe they can be that petty.
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>They admit this readily
Yeah, I'm gonna need receipts for this one, what the fuck
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Alright, I help finding a story and you are the only guys that might even have a clue what I'm talking about
Plot basically went like this:
>Girl is bored with her life and wants to change her life to something more interesting
>Goes to life changing service (demon in disguise I think)
>Demon sends her into a reality where she's an attraction at a circus
>Immobile fat slob that is force fed for the morbid amusement of the crowd
>She's owned by the circus with no way out
>Tries to beg the demon to return to her old life, but the demon tells her that her wish to live a more interesting life has been fulfilled and disappears
Anybody at all know what I'm talking about? 90% chance I'm misremembering some details, but that was the plot more or less
unknownoverseer. amazing writer but he nuked his account a few times.

There was sadie’s misfortune one, the egyptian one, the bully one, his last one was that science experiment gone wrong fic, so good.

I miss him a SHIT ton because he understood so well how to write a fucked and bad bad end for poor girls who became monstrously slobby, hope you’re lurking here man
>Nuked his account
Ah damn. I thought I was starting to think I was crazy and it didn't even exist kek
The worst part about literature is nobody thinks to save it like they do with images. If by some miracle somebody actually saved his stories, I'd suck your dick if you could post em
What the fuck is a berryfag? WHAT THE FUCK ARE ANY OF YOU TALKING ABOUT?!
Berryfags are people with a blueberry inflation fetish, there's one schizo that hates them and will shit up threads trying to start up drama about them out of nowhere. He does this on other boards and sites too btw
Is it just berries and slobs? Are there any other retarded fetish feuds I should know about?
total coincidence they are hard banned from /d/ then huh
how long have you been doing this bit? what do you get out of it?
I was able to find this
I know this is just conflicting personal tastes, but if someone was to ask me, "what's the fastest way to ruin a good piece of erotic art," one of my answers would be "have her morbidly obese and flatulating a noxious haze of fart clouds."

However, I see a learning opportunity, so for the sake of my morbid curiosity, I want to temporarily suspend my personal disgust long enough to ask, as cordially as I can: why? What/where is the appeal in fetishizing fatness and flatulence?

Even for other fetishes that I personally can't stand, like pregnancy and futa, I can kind of understand the reasons why people are into that, and I've even talked with people who are and they've given credence to my hypothesis. But slob is just one of those things that I can't even think of reasons for why it arouses some people. It strikes me as an aromatic version of scat porn, which is another thing I cannot fathom: not without proposing some ultra Freudian speculations as to how anyone could have a kink for human biological waste.

Please, enlighten me.
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Fuck off faggot
Temper, temper.
While it's always fun observing how easily you people can be triggered, I'm withholding enough of my inherent disgust of you to at least ask for an explanation of how this is remotely appealing to you. Is it the smell taboo?
Even then, there are other ways that such things can be imposed without aromatic assault. How exactly does that tie so tightly to getting off to belching and/or the fragrance of feculence? I'm trying to understand, but sorry, I still don't get it. Even though I care worse than nothing for it, I at least understand why some people are into futa better than I understand the fetish for farts and morbid piles of lard.
Be a big boy and actually try to articulate yourselves like adults for once.
Is this chat-gpt?
I'm not into the scat portion of slob (a step too far for my personal preference), there is something about slobs being tubed up gets me going. That they are so fat and consumed with consuming that waste elimination has to be automated is intoxicating. Then having valves to allow farts out seems dumb, but sells the fantasy of continuous consumption and expulsion. It tickles my pink desu.
I, in my drunken stupor, will humor you unlike some others calling you an AI or OP.
I am >>11002788 and it is something about the pure, neuron firing pleasure that eating and flatuating entails. We naturally secrete serotonin when we eat, which (among many other side effects) makes us relaxed and sexually more available. I started with just liking bbw/ssbbw and general weight gain. Then I moved to immobile, now here I am. There is something about a girl becoming softer, more hedonistic that gets me going.
The next step in this evolution is a girl that is so consumed with their softening body and growing mass that contributing bodily processes of food digestion are arousing. As such, burping and farting are logical conclusions of this continuing progression. With their body continuously digesting food and adding mass, anything that naturally is a side effect of this gain is arousing. I will draw the line at scat or vomiting, this is a fantasy after all.
I feel exactly the same way, to use a colorful analogy I see slobby women as a joyride and scat and vomit as a violent car crash leaving several dead
Bro stop wasting your breath on this asshole making bad faith arguments

I was told this was a schizo conspiracy.
Shut the fuck up and post smelly girls already
Goddamn you people are insufferable
Goonette or goonette(male)?
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Well… hm… yeah I don’t know
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Any of you guys have gals unleashing stinky disgusting plant-wilting eye-watering cloud belches? Asking for a friend.
does anyone have the Sayori slob art with her brapping while talking and eatting mcdonalds?
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You know, I honestly wanted to laugh and gloat over the fact that FW, the de facto berryfucker (who orchestrated all this bullshit against us) needs back-surgery that might potentially leave him laid up for months, for a condition that is already quite painful. After all, he would do the same towards anyone else out of nothing but sheer petty maliciousness inherent to his character, and while I can solemnly acknowledge and take comfort in the fact some karmic justice has finally caught up with him, I not only refuse to stoop to his level, but I see the futility of it, when there's just another berry freak around the corner, like this fucking reject, who's existence will be almost as poisonous to the world at large as his is. These threads will probably never know any real peace.
I need to see this
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You mean this?
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Not to hand.
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moar may
artist for this one?
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This feels like a shot in the dark but if any thread was the thread for this it would be this one—does anyone have an archive of Novasfatshack's old stories?
Not so fast, berryfags
any korra? or avatar characters in general
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Korra is built for slob but there's basically nothing besides that old ugly as shit sequence from B-Mage
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>comission to TAD
>choose a slobby samus aran
>no farts
what a fucking retard anon, another wasted opportunity
we can add them in, we have the technology
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goddamn I love Rogue, she also seems like she'd be fun as a fat fuck
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Oh hey that's me! Sorry nonny, I use that account only when I'm super free to be able to edge for hours. I've got some entrance exams comin up. Remind me of your tag and I'll hit you up
Add me! There's not a lot of people with that specific fetish
I'm a grill (grill). With the body hair of a guy though
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I would have to find your tag again.

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