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Spanking thread: corner time edition
Previous thread: >>10937371
(please keep AI slop posting to a minimum)

Spoonfeeding time:
- https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/%E3%82%B9%E3%83%91%E3%83%B3%E3%82%AD%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B0%20or%20%E3%81%8A%E5%B0%BB%E5%8F%A9%E3%81%8D%20or%20%E3%81%8A%E5%B0%BB%E3%83%9A%E3%83%B3%E3%83%9A%E3%83%B3%20or%20spanking%20or%20spank%20or%20%E6%89%93%E5%B1%81%E8%82%A1
- https://www.pixiv.net/tags/canning/artworks
- https://skeb.jp/search?q=spanking
- https://skeb.jp/search?q=%E5%B0%BB%E5%8F%A9%E3%81%8D
- https://skeb.jp/search?q=%E3%82%B9%E3%83%91%E3%83%B3%E3%82%AD%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B0
- https://skeb.jp/search?q=%E3%81%8A%E5%B0%BB%E3%83%9A%E3%83%B3%E3%83%9A%E3%83%B3
- https://skeb.jp/search?q=%E3%81%8A%E4%BB%95%E7%BD%AE%E3%81%8D
- https://www.fanbox.cc/tags/spanking
- https://www.fanbox.cc/tags/%E3%81%8A%E5%B0%BB%E5%8F%A9%E3%81%8D
- https://www.fanbox.cc/tags/%E5%B0%BB%E5%8F%A9%E3%81%8D
- https://www.fanbox.cc/tags/%E3%82%B9%E3%83%91%E3%83%B3%E3%82%AD%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B0
- https://www.fanbox.cc/tags/%E3%81%8A%E5%B0%BB%E3%83%9A%E3%83%B3%E3%83%9A%E3%83%B3
- https://www.fanbox.cc/tags/%E3%81%8A%E4%BB%95%E7%BD%AE%E3%81%8D
- https://baraag.net/tags/spanking
- https://baraag.net/tags/%E3%81%8A%E5%B0%BB%E5%8F%A9%E3%81%8D
- https://pawoo.net/tags/spanking
- https://pawoo.net/tags/%E3%81%8A%E5%B0%BB%E5%8F%A9%E3%81%8D
- https://www.deviantart.com/tag/spanking
- https://www.deviantart.com/tag/whipping
- https://mobile.twitter.com/hashtag/%E3%81%8A%E5%B0%BB%E3%83%9A%E3%83%B3%E3%83%9A%E3%83%B3?src=hashtag_click&f=live
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I find it really cute how happy this makes Arcueid.
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This is what happened after the credits rolled on Suzume
Can I tap into creativity of this thread?
For a female protagonist X/F spanking game, could you think of types of spankers you would like to see (and maybe some that you don't).
Just a small description would suffice and potential reason.
Some female NPCs will be spankable in return, but it's not the focus.
Shitty edit.
Depends on the setting. But in general I would want to see female spankers in positions of authority, eg teachers, bosses, government officials, etc.
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Does this guy use AI?
Commissioner's OC Mika spanked and wedgied by Luka from Honkai Star Rail after lossing in a fight.
A little more effort and they will become beautiful
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Setting is flexible. It's sort of fantasy, but not really like a lot of gacha games or JRPG like Trails etc, for example. I can fit almost anything. I want you to be more specific, which officials and what reason can player give them. Reason is important too, because I don't want everything to be bland repetition.
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Sorry but I can't write your game for you anon.
You don't have to write the game for me, I just want to improve variety. Scenarios that I like are kinda limited and it's harder to think about other ones on my own.
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>skekpen mixes spanking kids with pedophilia
I don't approve spanking real kids, but that kind of stupid post only serves whoever she's against to dump everyone he disagrees with in the same "dumby leftie" bag.
That stupid cunt should learn moderation instead of going for the Godwin point every time she opens her fucking mouth.
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Depends from setting.
If it's fantasy, she can be an older adventurer acting as an improvised mentor, but really just out to spank cute little white mages. Or she can be the local Guild representative in charge of picking up contracts, and spanking the character for failure to fulfill a contract, or overdoing it, or accidentally doing someone else's contract.
In a futuristic setting, she could be a reprogrammed robot nanny used by kidnappers to keep their victims in good health while preventing them to leave. Or it could be taking place in a colony ship, and they're the (bugged) AIs in charge of raising the colony's kids after a plague wiped all the adults, but a bug in her programming makes her unable to recognize the MC is adult, so even at 20, she keeps getting spanked.
When did Cherry become such a dogshit artist? I guess drawing all that nasty fag garbage didn't help...
Setting is mostly a regular JRPG-ish town, but there are other locations that can accommodate more weird scenarios. I need more concrete ideas, for example, yesterday I wrote down scenario where store clerk in implements shop becomes irritated if MC window shops and doesn't make a purchase for a while and can propose forced demonstration to MC, and unless she can make a successful authority save throw, she gets spanked in front of other customers.
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Can be a teacher seeing MC sneak around the school suspiciously (aka just standing near the entrance for more than 2 seconds), and deciding MC is a delinquant student skipping class.
Can be a clerk seeing MC stare at the hairbrush a bit too much, and deciding to try her chance, especially if MC has a short skirt and keeps bending over to check the prices. Spanking might be given in a soundproof changing cabin, or in the back of the shop, or even in the middle of the aisle.
Can be a neighbourhood watch committee seeing MC snooping as usual, and one of them deciding to take the matter in her own hands.
I already have plans for some discipline committee scenarios, but I don't want it to be too simple.
Can just not openly make it a discipline committee, with spankings being what they happen to do, but not what they claim to do.
My advice is not to make another RPG maker game. There are already enough of those.
It's not an edit, you can find lineart and coloring on the pixiv.
My bad, I mean that it's a shitty trace that the artist should be ashamed of.
I'm only making one because RPG Maker stuff blows.
>this upset that anyone would suggest not spanking children
Way to prove his point.
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Any moonrune knowers or OCR wizards can hint at the content of above comic?
dude, Google Translate on Android literally does it well
for some reason tiny heads on female characters look very unsettling to me
human heads are not supposed to be tiny, unless you draw superhero proportions or something
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Here's what Google Translate gives.
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I want to train myself to be a better Helldiver by spanking myself every time I die or drop samples.
I have a belt, hairbrush, and wooden spoon.
Can someone decide how much I should get when I fuck up?
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did some heavy edits of this gifs
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this one is just cropped and sped up
what's going on bros, I'm scared
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Why can't AI learn how to add female hips to females. This is disgusting and can only cut it for boy loving fags.
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Nigga, these are men.
I know, captain Obvious.
"Female hips"

You have never seen a healthy young woman. All you know is metabolic syndrome and the twerk generation. I hate being old enough to remember when healthy girls were the norm.

At no point in history was the body type you're describing the result of health. Even the ancient goddess version was the result of early poor nutrition only made possible by monocrop farming.

If you actually want to see the female body in good condition you today must look to gymnastics and other intensive competitive sports that simply do not allow for carrying an extra 30 useless pounds.

You have a fat ass fetish for the same reason I have a spanking fetish. It was all around you as a child. That ass is no more normal than spanking is. It's manufactured by chronic mitochondrial damage, principally from seed oils, pesticide oversize, and inflammatory HFCS. Go find a picture of a Mediterranean beach in the 70s. That's what health looks like.
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Just came back to 4chan after 5 years. This thread used to be a complete shitshow. Is that still the case? Do we still argue about zani all day?
Nobody mentioned Zani for a year. We need more regular posters thoughbeit, as one thread lasts a month.
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I don't read reddit spaced posts. I'm happy for you or sorry that happened.
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This guy hasn't posted shit in a decade and his art was never great, move on already lmao.
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It was a difficult mission for the Sailor Warriors: and you can make mistakes, traveling through time. It wasn't a good experience ending up in ancient Rome...Let's hope for a "back to the future!".
(I think my best drawings are the ones that tell stories. Regardless of an artist's skill, it's important to entertain and excite with a story).
These faces are unintentionally hilarious.
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Ran's entire thing is that she has a one-sided rivalry with Lum and keeps trying to get revenge on her which always backfires. I can see Lum agreeing to this just to get her off her back but I don't know how it would end up costing Ran.
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That's 100% a female ass, please stop shilling this AIslop.
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There are not enough Himiko spankings.
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> 100%
After your message, I thought about making a LORA "male_ass" or finding one on civil.ai
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Anyone can source this pic?
Ask in >>>/aco/
This board is for japanese art.
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All these AI slop pics look exactly the same. One is enough per thread.
You people are hilarious and transparent. The gargantuan insecurity is palpable. This genre is almost defined by simplistic terrible art skill. This whole sector of terribad fetish art is more deeply threatened by AI than any other sector. And that's the only real root of the ai hate.

I'm thrilled to witness the fall of stick figure fetish commissions. Granted, the AI stuff isn't fireball level yet, but that's only because everyone training models is hoarding them to sell commissions while they can.

Already there are decent loras on civitai, and there will only ever be more and better over time. But already they are better than 90 of the tripe trying to fleece the desperate.

Exactly no one regards this type of objection add anything other than cold sweat and sour grapes.

The minute SD develops well enough to arbitrarily pose and shade, is the minute 99.9% of paid spanking "art" dies. And I can't wait.
Just don't spam it here. I don't care that you like it, it's not my business.
>The gargantuan insecurity is palpable.
>>cries about getting criticized for posting gross AI slop
>cries about newbie fetish artists he doesn't know and wishes financial ruin on them.

Can't make these psychopaths up. Next level evil and narcissism, every time.
Your gen blows by the way. Shitty composition, broken right hand on the girl and fucked up perspective. Get a better workflow and find some better models, whatever you're using is pleb as fuck.
I didn't post anything but text to this thread genius. And there aren't better models (I think you mean loras newb) because you towering intellects actually pay for stick figures so now no one will share what they make except die hard do gooders. Good work proving my point.

for the billionth fucking time, nobody cares if you want to look at AI porn. just stop posting it in public. nobody else wants to see it.
You're so brittle. I've never spoken of this here before, this is my like 5th comment on the topic, ever. If anyone is sounding like a broken record it's you "ai slop" NPCs crying endlessly about how offended you are.

And again, I'm not posting images. I'm doing what I've done for years, watching this thread and the like for the one in 50+ images worth downloading.

That era will end the minute SD learns spanking poses natively. This little "community" has always been disgusting, but it's not like I chose my fetish.

If you want me gone efficiently, go improve SD or openpose.
yea if your ai art is good then how come i can tell from thumbnail alone that it's ai. You're just insecure because you know you can't do what drawfags do
>2 more weeks bro
proompters are the brittle ones, always crying like babies if you say ai sucks.
ai is not replacing drawing any time soon by the way. the real giveaway of ai is the lack of real human logic and reasoning in the drawing process, which SD is no where close to being capable of replacing and isn't even in the pipeline.
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Post spanking retards

that's good that you aren't posting it. keep that up! now you just need to go to your room and jerk off to your ugly robot porn and stop posting words on the internet and we'll all be good
Cope. Genuinely. So upset you guys are dog piling and didn't even read what was written. As if shouting me down will slow the death of low effort commissions. Look at this place, it's already a ghost town. These threads used to move a whole lot faster. Why? The most motivated are already gone. I hope you can adjust to the new reality without much pain when the option to pretend goes fully away.
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It can't be done
Rare pic of Djeeta getting spanked and not getting off on it.
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I wish I was in a DD relationship. I don't think I'd be happy dating otherwise.
spanker or spankee?
How do you guys feel about safewords when spanking? Would you guys be comfortable spanking someone (or getting spanked yourself) with an understanding that there is no safeword and no way to easily stop a spanking in progress? Would you reserve it solely for punishments?
Primarily spanker, but I'm switchy.
I wouldn't be comfortable spanking someone with no safeword. Getting spanked, maybe, if it was supposed to be a real punishment.
So when you break rules, you want your spanker to take full control and responsibility for how you suffer, but you're not willing to do the same in their position?
I would have to be really familiar with her and know her limits well before I agreed to something like that. I don't trust myself to gauge her reactions correctly.
Well this is just my stance. But a spankee needs to have limits that include the full severity of corporal punishment the spanker expects to inflict upon them *before* agreeing to be bound by a discipline arrangement.
Punishment spankings should be expected to frequently go beyond the spankee's own sense of "tolerances" to induce the necessary emotional response of desperation and regret.
If a spankee only ever gets spankings they can tank without being too distraught, there's less of an impact to drive learning, literally (ba dum tss)
If a spankee wants to avoid the severity of a punishment, all they have to do is behave and obey.
The only exception to this is if you allow them to justify themselves with some technical issue, something more than "it hurts." And even then, once this problem is resolved, they are still on the hook to resume their punishment.
Wouldn't you agree?
Sure, but there's always a chance you could take it too far. I like the idea of her having a safeword as a last resort, because then I know I can keep going even if she says stop, starts crying, etc. Though I can see how that might take away part of the submissive aspect, since ultimately the sub is still in control of when the punishment ends. Maybe a better compromise would be to establish some hard limits and then treat everything else as fair game.
Well, yea. I had been operating under the presumption that all forms of impact play/corporal punishment were part of that fair game.
Also, since you're leaning to spanker, what exactly do you think is preventing you from having a regular relationship?
Do you just want your kinks catered to?
Or has something happened with previous partners that has alienated you from regular dating, and thus future attempts will require you have the authority to hand out an ass whooping at your discretion?
I guess i just want my kinks catered to. Hopefully one day I can meet someone else who wants the same thing (though it's always looking less and less likely)
Relatable. Beating women do be kinda fun :P

if you just want your kinks catered to, then don't fuck with people who have the same kinks as you. find people with different kinks, and trade. I have never had a fun time being spanked by people who are only into spanking like I am. it's much better to show somebody exactly what I like and have them do it, then we swap and I do their thing to them the next day
RLfag bloggers need to fuck off to /soc/ or something.
a safeword is a really important practice that is not worth forgoing even for the sake of "authenticity" of punishment.
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Rei would be stoic throughout her spanking. She starts crying with a completely straight face.
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How do you respond without sounding mad?
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just gotta work on your reversal technique. her arm is out, take control.
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I immediately say yes ma'am and then ask politely why while bending over her lap to understand if I did something wrong, or if she just felt like doing it.
You're just risking upsetting her and earning more, or an implement. She either has the authority to do this to you, or if this really was spontaneous, she's bold enough to still make you regret defying her.
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>She either has the authority to do this to you, or if this really was spontaneous, she's bold enough to still make you regret defying her.
exactly, and that's what's wrong here. nothing that can't be fixed with a good OTK session however.
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Less cringe roleplaying and more images
Perhaps. But maybe rather than attribute blame to her, we could look at the larger picture and question why one spanker would be ordering another spanker over the knee in the first place? She could just have the wrong person.
Perhaps this was orchestrated in error by a third party.
And maybe in the other room, there are two spankees staring at each other awkwardly and are just as confused.
Maybe the dumbass that got the matches wrong is herself a spankee and both you and the female spanker can tag-team her.
Think optimistically, anon!
Or else what?
Eingyeo's archive. 2021 year
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>butt is already red before the panties come down
wtf is that lame warm up spanking.
a few spanks over the pants or skirt is cute. once you get to the real spanking it has to be bare ass.
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how do you escape from this
From what?
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>she's drawing fat chicks now
It's over
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>even fat chicks have no ass
cursed artist
From tracing?
I don't necessarily agree with everything you've said, but I'm glad someone finally pushed back against the buzzword-spouting drones that act like anything AI is just inherently bad and that they speak for everyone about it.

A wise moot once said "ignore shit you don't like." Anyone that gets so bootybothered over seeing a few AI generated pictures that they feel the need to try to police the thread should genuinely just go back to twitter, where they'll be in much better company. I happen to enjoy the ones that have a reasonable amount of effort put into them. At least it's something different from the same stuff that gets reposted thread after thread.

Anyway, back to lurking for me.

it's not inherently bad, it's just shitty and doesn't look good, and if we don't tell people to cut it out the whole internet will be full of it because anybody can crap ai stuff out endlessly
>that act like anything AI is just inherently bad
It is though
With all the talentless fucks to come from animeotk you pick one with some actual skill to bitch about?
Nice spankable plump ass is central to this fetish, man. I refuse to accept curveless man asses.
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One of my managers threatened me with a spanking once. I was teasing her about something and out of nowhere she said "Be a good boy or I'll spank you". She was obviously just kidding (she was married) but still, really caught me off guard.
All the deleted works of Momopan
Most of them were part of Eingyeo's fanbox (RIP)
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God I fucking hate that bitch Jesse so much. She is so fucking ugly.
What are these symbols?
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Koreans like spanking too
they banned it 2 years after Japan did
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Always liked the concept of office spanking. Like, instead of having arguments with my coworker, he bends me over a table, yanks my skirt up, and helps me read my emails on time with a nice sturdy ruler.
I deleted all gay pictures and now it's only 78MB. https://files.catbox.moe/68ghmi.zip
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Nah, Zani killed himself finally.
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Looks like something out of TERA Online.

>same posting style
Too transparent.
If you can't appreciate a nice ass on a boy then you don't really have this fetish.
Nice animation.
I'm straight.
What kind of retarded fag logic is this? Might as well say that anyone who doesn't appreciate dick up the ass in an asexual.
They are, though.
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Nah, I know people who commission both F/F and F/M. Even prolific M/F artists like Endart did a few F/M pictures while being totally straight and loving the female body.

We get it, you're insecure about your sexuality.
Is that his mom?
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Whoever thinks THIS is gay is mentally retarded.
Also here
let's spank~
Fags are really mad about being called out for their love of man ass and dick.
Calm down Zani.
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Her boob ornaments seem off model.
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Opinions on bondage before spanking?
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the sign of a weak disciplinarian. you should be able to control your victim with your authority and strength alone.
unless it's for torture then it's pretty based.
This one is not gay but it is trash.
Technically? Don't play Genshit but I know she supposedly built him.
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Here's a sketch I did today.
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> it is trash
You are trash
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Hot. I love whipping pillar personally, where both arms are bound above spankee's head.
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Looks nice, any translated versions?
should've been shinji
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Do women really?
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lysithea/annette from the game fire emblem: three houses.

continuing from where I left off in january. (university sux)

went with something a little different, wanted to draw some dropseat onesies. was hard choosing Annette's spanker, still want to draw her with Felix sometime, maybe Hilda too.

I accidently downsized this pic when it was about 90% completed, so it's a lower resolution than I prefer. I still have the WIP that's 4x larger, might finish it sometime idk
Long toenails are gross.
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I mean, when dealing with kemonomimi girls, holding them by the tail is a form of restraining too, isn't it?
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No. She should lift her tail up voluntarily and actively expose her bare butt. More submission is better.
Lysithea? The girl who dies like one year after the game ends? I didn't peg her as a spanker.

Fuck yeah GuP.
>I can't handle paragraphs.
Not something I'd be proud of, but you do you I guess.
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She doesn't have time to spank girls. She would delegate the responsibility to Mercedes or Leonie.
only spankers in the academy are Byleth, Catherine, Shamir, and Petra, who are all switches that are increasingly submissive in that order. matter of fact let me list all the girls from least to most submissive

Byleth (obligate spanker) > Catherine > Shamir > Petra > Rhea (dom but has an ass too big not to spank) > Mercedes > Marianne > Leonie > Edelgard (alpha female but too small to spank anyone but the smallest of girls) > Ingrid > Hilda > Dorothea > Flayn > Lysithea > Bernadetta > Annette (the most spankable girl)
Lysithea can be very aggressive and bossy, how is she more submissive than Flayn?
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Sorry, the only two I actually know are Byleth and Edelgard. And only through memes in which Edelgard wants to marry Byleth.
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Eva spankings are same sex only
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Fuck off, fag.
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Very much deserved
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Is corner time always necessary or is it only for additional punishment?
A bit of humiliation is always nice.
It's good for reflection and focus on the stinging while calming down, so I think it should always come after. Plus it's cute.
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You want a gay spanking piece through and through? Here you go..
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And another one because a fanatic always conceal a secret doubt ;)
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Reminder that western art goes on /aco/.
Thank you. It will help if /d/ has a sticky. And some clarification on what constitutes 'Japanese art.' Does Kami Tora's (the two pics above your post) make the cut?
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Really wish he hadn't quit
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>pants off and panties down for a belt thrashing for smoking one cig
he was too based for this world
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Do you know how bad cigarettes are for you? This is unironically a proportional punishment.
One of my favorite Is this one, the tought of Simeone completely unrelated like a teacher or babysitter or a step-parent, especially of another ethnicity spanking you is Just ugh
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The thing that you canto post image on incognito Is bullshit
What you didn't understand about >>11016434 and>>11016441, its the same comment but with the image reposted without incognito on
Use Firefox.
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a proper spanking must be bare bottom but a warm up spanking over the skirt or pants is so cute.
as for a maintenance spanking, the better behaved a girl was during the week, the more clothes she gets to keep on during her maintenance spanking. but she only gets to keep all her clothes on if she's had perfect behavior.
What does ethnicity have to do with it? The way mixed people can appear... well, mono-racial, means that a biological parent can look like he or she is of different ethnicity than their biological children.

It's hard to give examples in spanking hentai art though. But you can imagine Jennifer Beals with her mom or dad -- this will "look" like different ethnicities though they are blood-related.
where did you find this? i know it is zekel but i can't find it posted anywhere. is there a completely collecltion of his somewhere?
Its more of someone completely unrelated like i said adoptive parent or shopkeeper etc in general spanking you or you spanking it
What is this prejudice against shopkeepers...
Once, while I was studying, my gf decided to do a "teacher disciplines student" roleplay. I went along with it, but this image came to my mind, and long story short she got a nice tanning with a ruler.
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posting this again to remind you all that Mitsuru spanking Yukari is a top 5 all time spanking ship
You aren't missing anything
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Cope, Zekel was one of the best
Yeah, Zekel was actually great.
Don't know about an all time ship, but even back in the 00s I saw their contrasting personalities and initial mutual dislike + Mitsuru's general domme demeanor.
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Think it might have been taken down.
He really captured the look of remorse.
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>that window view
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