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since nobody else made it
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Wish there was more Futa on Male in the world
or futa on femboys/traps
>"Hey Astolfo, you're not the only one with a surprise down there."
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Need more vtuber cock vore in the world
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>3d slop
this shit is the AI art before AI art was a thing
just lazily drop a bunch of pre-made assets together and call it a day
boy you are NOT ready for cgi.
Look if AI looked good, I'd jack off to it.
Same for CGI/3D animation.

If your content looks like a low effort SFM/Gmod screenshot then the only thing being killed in this context of vore is my boner.
If you fags are deadset on making SFM cock vore a thing, rig a functioning urethra. Every single SFM slop I've seen just stretches the penis model.
you’re yelling into the void, people still like it. lol, you’re gatekeeping masturbating like it’s a sign of dignity.
Fucking retard. Go back to /h/
Man, I really like to see the silhouette of hot girls going down a fat cock.
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>Wanting good quality porn is now gatekeeping
I suppose an argument could be made that cock vore is never good quality, we just wank to it when we're horny then close the tab and pretend we didn't once we finish
Well, there is work of great quality. But he's asking for it to be more common as if we're not fapping to the niche of a niche
>rig a functioning urethra. Every single SFM slop I've seen just stretches the penis model.
gonna agree on this part. at least for me personally a lot of the appeal of cock vore involves the urethra or urethral play before, during or after
something about the act of someone disappearing down it, having it snake its way over someone or looking at/down a hungry maw is top unf for me
Eskoz has pretty good quality stuff. Plus that nemesis game.
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>Futa shoves a guy down her cock and then fucks there girlfriend
God why is this so rare?
What Nemesis game?
Good shit. Definitely need more.

Don't know much on it but ThisVid has a few of the loss scenes on it. They're pretty great but a few have farting just as a warning.
The first hit I found was some NTR shit
Nemeses by SSKH2.
really good cv scenes. he's made 2 other games with some minor cv, forte girl and resonance, but theyre more fart/smell-focused.

he's making a new game rn that looks like its gonna return to mostly vore.
that is the most retarded face I've ever seen.
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That's part of the appeal of his art.
Though, it's the kind of stupid face I don't like.
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NTR/cuck/breakup cock vore is great theming.
NTR-theming makes anything worse.
This isn't CV
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New Cepfai piece
maybe someone can make a CV edit?
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>"S-Sorry Anon, but I can't let anyone see me like this...It would make me happy if you kept squirming though..."
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im looking to commission artists. any of you degenerates got any ideas to bring to life?
Hoping one day to see some same-size Felix Argyle cock vore.

But I wouldn't mind seeing a femboy like Astolfo getting cock vored by a futanari. Trap being Trapped.
would love to see stuff like hyper futa qin liangyu from fgo cockvoring characters like raikou or kama; having them squirm within her balls underneath her skintight outfit as they get churned into cum
The things I've wanted to see are less related to characters and more so actions/events.

A sequence I've thought of is foreskin vore into smegma.
A character is enveloped in foreskin that grows around them or from a large cock with excess (its fairly tight so their form is visible). Then they are melted into a mass of smegma making the foreskin balloon like and oozing smegma. The pred makes a comment of their cock being itchy and then retracts their foreskin to let the mass of smegma splatter/flow onto the floor leaving their cock coated in it.

Perhaps that is a little too gross, in which case another concept of this is someone getting digested into really thick cum and shot into a condom. The pred is turned on by this and fucks the spunk like its a sex toy, cumming into the condom over and over (their regular, non-prey cum, being regular/slimy cum that is visible shooting through the thicker cum)
A couple other concepts I've had are:

A dickgirl saying she hasn't cum in ages. Her friend offers to help and she accepts. The dickgirl has no balls, just loose skin where the balls should be. The friend gets cock-vored and deposited into the skin where they are turned into cum so that the dickgirl can enjoy the sensation of a proper orgasm - cumming them onto the floor.

A forced cockvore where the prey is trying to crawl back out but the pred locks their legs around them (perhaps choking them) as they are slowly turned into cum at which point the pred's squeezing causes them to squirt the cum out (probably covering themselves) where they relax, both exhausted and satisified.

Some sort of magic or sci-fi that results in a test-subject's cock growing massive. Interested in the results, the one who caused it explores inside the cock at which point the effect wears off and traps them inside (possibly shrinking them along with it), resulting in a double unwilling, accidental vore
Mori Calliope bonding with her trusty steed in one pannel, the bulge of her shape going down his urethra in the second and her becoming stud milk in the third.
>lamia/shark/[x species with two dicks here] futa monster gal.
>for somecreason be it birth defect or injry or whatever only has one cock.
>has smaller friend (futa either mini giantess or friend is drawf/midget sized idc) and occasionalky hides/sleeps in futa's sheathe.
>they do this for years abd friend even hides away whike futa goes on dates/fucks people
>one day futa gets overly excited in some way (lewd dream, too much teasing, drunk, etc) and friend is morphed into futa's second dick
>either instantky permanently or made permanent by constant usage
Got a whole greentext about this anon:
> Imagine a futa ambushing a party of 10 other ladies. The first one she grabs, pumping her up and down on her cock until she begins fusing into her now freshly-stimulated dick, her teats turned into plump balls.
> Two more she swallows into the dicklike nipples on her her teats, turning them into milk, two her cock swallows, churning them.
> Two more she holds up to her tits, turned into her still-sentient tits.
> The remaining three scramble as fast as their feet can carry them - which isn't very far.
> The futa then grabs one and places her directly over her cock, pumping into her with each thrust, jiggling her dick's heavy teats with each load.
> The poor woman realizes she's turning into latex, slowly but surely being remolded into an onahole, just as the futa reaches climax, jizzing out the two cummified girls into their friend.
> While she's doing this, she forces the other two girls to suckle from her thick dicklike teats, drinking out their milky friends.
> They too turn into condoms carrying their now-liquefied lovers.
> Strolling out the way she came, she has her hand gently stroking her now-flaccid futa cock, leaving behind an onahole with two cummified women and two condoms of bagged milk in her wake, with two tits screaming for their friends.
Amazing idea, not enough calli horse vore content
>Mommy Junko didn't turn her into cum
A guy in Ekaz wrote a damn good fic about her, Kiara and Kronii getting swallowed up by a horse cock in a stream.
Really good stuff.
Were the AI audio thing not paywalled, someone would already have made an audio of it.
Yeah I read that, definitely in my top 3 fics of all time. The fact that they all die simultaneously is amazing. The idea of calli getting cock impaled so that the cockhead comes out of her ass and kronii gets cv’d by it *through* calli is beyond big brain, meanwhile Kiara is boiling alive in its bowels

Let’s hope someone makes an audio of it eventually, anon
>A guy in Ekaz wrote a damn good fic about her, Kiara and Kronii getting swallowed up by a horse cock in a stream.
>Really good stuff.
>definitely in my top 3 fics of all time.
link it faggots
Knock yourself out: https://aryion.com/g4/view/880330
It's the "clean" version, don't know what you don't like.
>Original artist came to make a CV edit and nobody cares
Oh, I just don't trust links on 4chan is all
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Here's a manual upload then.
I'm gonna assume the artist thinks the mods will take it down or something?
But they haven't struck this >>10934648 so I assume it's fine.
Sorry, I did download it. I thought it was just a good edit. If it is Skeleton, based as always.
I just didn't want to spam the thread with the same image for a 3rd time in a row
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I remember seeing that this artist did some Hololive cock vore stuff, but it was paywalled so I never saw the full thing.
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I remember I got those from his pixiv. Don't know where you looked.
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Fresh Fire Emblem cv.
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I remember I didn't care much for condom filling before, now I find it really hot.
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It's grown on me too. I still prefer the prey to reform.
I feel like CV artists have it made, you don't need to know anatomy, you don't need to have good linework, just draw some grotesque abomination where a woman's snatch should be and people will just throw money at you.
ha ha dick go slurrrrrrrr
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kinda sorta, yeah, but it's also just a fetish so whatever. i like seeing thick women being eaten by a pillar of fuck-meat. that being said, the dick is the central pillar (lol) of this fetish, and some people don't draw good dicks. im not a fan of super soft styles like SaintxTail
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also shout out to this artist for making this a proper cv pic, thank you very much!
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I wish I could cv so I can get into that position. I wonder if it's comfy to sit on your gigasized balls that way.
If the dick and balls were to become that big, the skin and muscle would also have to become pretty thick, specially if it's to swallow others without breaking.
Balls of that size working as some kind of stomach would have no problem supporting you sitting on them, since they're already capable of carrying the people you swallow.
I see. I wonder if it would be more comfy during the churning or after the prey is turned into cum.
paywalled content on his pixiv
that I cannot access because they are paywalled
on pixiv
Pixiv isn't paywalled dude, only fanbox, which he doesn't have
Not gonna lie. There's a lot of stuff that artist makes that would make for good CV edits. But I don't want to pester him with a load of requests or etc.
Personally I just pretend a lot of images with big balls are CV related, even if they're not. Helps if I know the artist has already drawn CV before.
need more cv where the victim gets churned I to cum, but they dont perish, they just become a cum slime girl.
ok my bad, I assumed it was the same guy since this guy also drew the same character
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the power of imagination my friend
So I was fucking around with a nsfw chatbox about cock vore and invented up a scenario that I thought would be funny drawn or something.

So, a streamer or Vtuber is gonna cock vore a viewer, maybe they stopped subscribing or something, idk.
They use a Go Pro or something similar to livestream themselves eating their victim.

And the Pred is getting constantly annoyed by Text to Speech or is able to read chat somehow, and chat is "Backseat Gaming" the vore session, trying to tell the streamer how to vore them. Demanding something extreme.

In my scenario Shylily is CVing a femboy and because she finds them cute she is willing to go easy on them and make it a nice experience. The femboy is very much not consenting to the idea but Shylily is very casual about it. Seeming to be more or less venting to her prey about how annoying Chat is being during the process of voring them.
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shrunken women make for the best dick food
Or do they?
*vsause music plays*
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It's nice when unrelated artists start making vore
Pretty hard to find the CV in my vore folder.
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>Crystal is a BALL SLUT, there is nothing she loves more than her wife's nutsack, even if she sometimes pretends she's not willing, at the end of the day, she wants to be churned by Alicia~
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It's weird that there's these three pics of FE characters, one someone obscure, but it's not something, y'know, normal, but instead CV.
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Does this count?
Is she turning herself into cum?
That's like an ourboros.
Reminds me of that modeseven pic of the mage cumming his mass away, until he was nothing but a puddle.
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post part 2 too, you
it's almost like there's someone incredibly obsessive
Sorry, pic too big. Didn't feel like compressing it.
First time I've seen self-cockvore. Suprised it's not a thing.
Curious as to how self-vore isn't a thing in the first place, guessing its the logistics.
I wish there was more cozy CV. I love animations, and art too, where the balls noticeably sag after taking in their captive, but I'm not interested in churning at all. Just let me enjoy a nice, external flesh prison where my very presence alone gives my captor incredible pleasure, not to mention any token squirms or impotent struggles I might get up to.
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Where does one find a non-edited for filesize version?
well I'm retarded and keep forgetting google is rascists towards asians and pixiv does not exist.

might as well contribute
I got the originals from here: https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9443188
& here: https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9443255
isutash fucking rules. god bless perverts
God bless him indeed. I fucking love his succubus oc.
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How many people do you have to churn up that you just casually order pizza while someone is in your balls?
This is good shit, we need more of this stuff where someone gets swallowed and churned by someone half their size or less.
What about unwilling/forced cockvore?
Don't see a lot of it.
Silly premise, but
>Housing situation has gotten so bad that it's become illegal to be homeless
>Roomie stoners think up an idea as their last ditch effort not to go to jail
>The lady across the street with the massive bulge in her pants is accosted by the bustiest stoner, before getting flashed.
>Cue erection
>Busty stoner crams herself down into it, followed up by the rest of the crew.
>They setup a tarp inside to avoid being digested, post on the internet about the "vacancy"
>Cue the most desperate fools who know better crawling inside this poor protesting soul as she finally gives up and gives into the pleasure.
>Digestive juices dissolve tarp, everyone stops as the walls melt and start closing in on them.
>Gallons upon gallons of semen mixed with half-corroded cellphones, clothing, sanitation equipment, books, glasses, etc floods the street that day.
>Her ballsack is stretched out an deflated like a parachute, 9 foot cock gaping and failing to retract to the usual 2 feet.
>Pred spectators watch on in horror at the deformation, realizing there might be a limit to their "appetite".
>Housing inflation hits an all time high.
>A pred watches out the window as people are stuffing themselves inside trying to "hide" from the cops.
>They close the blinds and board the door up, knowing that the roles have reversed.
>For now.
Make it nonfatal and it'd be good, if for no other reason than having stoners drag a fucking tarp down your urethra sounds like agony.
I'm fully aware CV is stupid and completely unrealistic and I acknowledge that, but a fucking tarp brings my suspension of belief to a screeching halt with a sympathetic wince and covering of my crotch.
Good point, was thinking some kind of waterproof/rubber mat and tarp was the first thing that came to mind.
You can make any of this non fatal by adding magic that rebirths the victim with memories intact. Asstr had some werewolf stories based on this.
Guys, hypothetical here. Say you met a really cute gal super into CV and dom male preds. She expressly wants to meet up and fuck. How would incorporating this kink IRL even work? Would you even bother trying? Again, hypothetical.
Put gummy bears down your dick hole then fuck her.
Custom ordered/made to look like humans if you can.
>tfw no much smaller/shortstack futa CVing huge ladies
There's a number of characters I'd like to see art like this of, but it's nonexistent. Plus, people might judge me for one of my choices.
Name em
Imp Midna, any AC villager girl, Bache from Azur Lane, but most of all Nanachi from Made in Abyss.
No dying until the bump limit is reached.
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Fresh. https://aryion.com/g4/view/1002806
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Let's spice everything up, How about some bigger gates to the promised oblivion?
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More like this
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Here you go
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That's the stuff.
two words:
yeasty urethra
hypothetically I did not do this obviously but we did fuck while I whispered things in her ear about how, after I spurted what was left of this other slut I had melting in my balls inside her, she was next and I would give extra special care to make sure it hurt even worse. etc etc.
hypothetically we went on another date today.and I spurted a different slut down her throat so she could melt twice in both of us. She was very very into it in both cases, I gotta wash my sheets. I fuckin made it bros. Your cute preyslut/ballfodder gf IS out there.
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>Find artist with super hot OC that hits all the right buttons
>"Sorry but I don't do Futa on Male"

Every time.
Nanachi x Ozen CV when
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it's funny seeing a great artist who makes top tier vore, who also explicitly refuse to draw cv. funny how much of a hard line it is for some people

>image search
>no results
is this oc anon? if so it's very well drawn
>halos noclipping through the ballsack
I assume they're not physical objects in this rendition, just some kind of energy form that appears over angel's heads (and cock heads I guess)
There was a great cockcorecomic where its two girls, one of them has the ability to transform back to a human but only if the cum is all in one condom, and the other friend is too excited, forgets, blasts in two condoms, and realizes the mistake. Does ANYONE have this??
this one?
Forgot the art style was so ass but yes. Thank you
thats mamabliss for ya. Some panels are impossible to tell what is happening
Worth it for the concept tbqh
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I may found this one on Twitter or Pixiv, the artist is gero1992 (1994 or something)
anyone ever get lucky with a cock vore lucid dream?
I did only once.
I got one with docking once. still remember how soft her urethra was
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Any good story recommendations?
Description of these pics is a pretty good fic to go along with it.
Well go on. Share with the class now.
I had a dream that I was in a meeting with a few other people, we were all cock voring micro prey while casually chatting. Felt great.
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I said it in the last cv thread. I had a dream where I cv’d some brunette girl in a sewer.
Oh hey, this is my request that I ended up colouring myself. I wish there was more CV with Toga.
Surprised there isn't much CV of Uzaki voring others.
Fuckin finally.
I only wish she got digested at the end.
I think there is a version for that.
If Rokka made it, it'll take a million years to be released.
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I've seen a lot of ways of identifying who the spunk is before, but this one's a first for me.
Pretty sure this is condom tf not cock vore.
Still hot though.
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come on folks, I can't keep bumping all by myself

Well I can, but I shouldn't have to. How am I the only one posting this fetish?
>tfw you will never be a hungry cock
Biggest issue with Mamabliss for me is the illegible font.
how did dissolving victims into semen started?
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i'm trying to work on the ultimate bump: getting more art created for this fetish
Oh that’s yours?
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some of the stuff i'd post (koikatsu stuff, not the pic with this post) isn't welcome here so i kinda just don't feel like posting a lot
Imagine going to sleep while churning prey. I don’t think I’d be able to do it.
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should've been me

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