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Is the month of May, once again is time for a thread.
Post Palomita
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First for Palomita... for good karma c:

Alright, let's fucking go!!
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Puta que es fea la wea por la chucha
I don't know her, info?
a 7 hour fucking video, i am very tempted to watch but i feel it's gonna be mostly a nothingburger.
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is canada part of Latin america?
I watch a good chuck of it the video, the first 2 hours are "filler" to establish that LouLou is a lazy degenarte porn addict artist that in almost 10 years of her shitty proyect, have not advance in anything (like the comic or the videogame), establish some things that are going to be important to her dramas later on in the video, like the first moderator team of her facebook page and the english voice actress of spaicy, the most daming thing present at the moment is what happens in Japan with LouLou being a creepy weirdo to some students in the streets and invading private property by entering a school.

Sadly the video was taken down thanks to loulou that report the video.
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What about Quebec?
At one point it was but the anglos almost completely assimilated them, despite independece fags cope
No, they belong in my bed
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I love Frankelda.
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Hey, fellas. First time i arrive at one of these early. Here's a Palomita i did for the previous one
Cute Frankelda
Thanks Billy, nice to see you here
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Always good to post in one of these. I'll draw some mroe stuff later, but i did do some other things related to the thread i can post in the meantime
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Tell it to me straight anons: how badly is Netflix going to fuck this up?

I'm still waiting for my Eternauta game with STALKER gameplay

In any case, here are some bangers:
Has anybody ever watched lalola?
I dont think so, do you have an image of that show/comic?
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Surprisingly one could see most of the lolita strips by searching 'lolita por a.vivianco'
Lo voy a ver cuando salga, aqui en /co/ en algun hilo de estos les daré mi opinion
>short haired Palomita
Con madre
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Wait they where making a Chapulin Colorado animated movie and im just finding out? also damn the redhead looks cute

If they dont put Doctor Chapatin as a cameo this movie will be shit.
Is it a new one?
I'm surprised Florinda Meza actually gave permission for this, she has been an insufferable asshole for the past years with everything related to chespirito
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A Lara i did for the butts thread
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Si me dieran una moneda por cada vez que Lara queda bien en un meme de Ryuko tendria dos lo cual no es mucho pero es raro que sucediera dos veces.
Can i see the other one
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This is Matemagica an old Chilean computer game that teaches about math with fun minigames, i got some nostalgia and deside to look for it, to my surprisse it ages really well in my opinion.

Here is the trailer of Matemagica

a gameplay of this game

And the songs this game includes, my favorite is Balada de las estrellitas.

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>5 months since theater releases
>still no digital release date
I'd take a a low quality cam version
Uma delicia
Nice ass
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And then this one for Cinco de Mayo, of Madame Pandora, a frenchie milf in a s9mbrero with some maracas, based of a Miscon one
what a cutie
lol, irónico
It's probably this one.
The funniest thing of all of this is the doxxer was also into loli themselves, so that 7 hour long rant was also a projection.
En efecto, mi querido cabeza de glande. One of the few reasons i picked her, the other being that she's hotter than this fucking heat rn.
What is this?
Legend Quest: Masters of Myth is amazing. Haven't finished it yet, but the plot is captivating and it truly feels different than grand old American animation.
So a nothing burger?
Twitter is fucking insane man, i avoid spending more than 10 minutes a day in that shithole
>loli =/= real life hanging out in a nsfw server with children

nah bru, from a skimming spaicy is simply a fucking retard.

not a life ruination necessary dead one but come on, do the bare minimum
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>Primos premieres in less than a month but Disney is too scared to promote it (No trailer, only barely a new poster that leaked).
Fellas, did we overreact?
Looks like garbage.
>e-celeb shit
Who the fuck watches a seven hours long video about some nobody? Get a fucking life anon.
lol no, anything that hurts disney is amazing.
Really a shame, surprised no one bothered to record it during the extra screenings in April.

Nah. If Disney hasn't promoted it, it's because they already gave up on the show. Although I'm curious if they will do a Latin Spanish dub.
I have been watching brazilian "mundo bita" with my toddler son and i enjoy a lot the animation and the songs

I'm very VERY curious about how they would handle the opening song. Also, would they send it to Mexico like all the latest Disney cartoons or have the Argies dub it?
No, ellos se lo buscaron. Fuck chicanos.
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Primos is about to become lost media. It isn't even listed in the June premiere schedule anymore. Total latinx victory.
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wtf, let it die please
The user that exposed Bacha was also exposed for identity theft this drama is a fucking uroboros
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This is why I love being an anon in this shithole, I can UOHH ToT and shit on n-words as much as I like.
I mean, you don't have to be anonymous. jCM and Garabatoz aren't, and they're fine
>t. peruvian
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Its gonna be shit, but at least it will have a few good looking scenes. The original comic is perfectly structured to be adapted as a series but it takes too much money to recreate the 60's so they will do a shitty tlou wannabe instead. Probably change a few characters too since the comic wasnt very diverse either
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Neat, another thread and still alive :), here is the current list of waifus for the calendary at the moment

Mexico - Teodora From Legend Quest: [Done Already]. / Capitana Galaxia from Zor y los Invencibles

Chile- Palomita from Palomita/ Yayita/ Gina/ Calcetinera/ Sexilia / Pupi

Colombia - Violeta from Regue Chicken: [Done already] / Negra Nieves

Brazil - Lara from Jorel's Brother / Anymalu from anymalu / Morte from Haunted tales for wicked kids

Guatemala-Carol {Flotania} from Campeonix

Argentina- Raquel from Mafalda / Laura from Metegol / Kariel or Panthy from El Arca

Peru - Sol Segura / Vicky Segura: [Done already] / ENA

Spain- Brianna from Lucky Fred / Candela from Marcelino pan y vino / Mina from Jelly Jamm: [Done already]

Uruguay- Nancy Gonzalez from Rarisimo: [Done already] / Choronga from Peloduro

Cuba- Coralita (a black mermaid that became memed because of the Live Action Little Mermaid movie)

Puerto Rico-a cute one from show coming up named Slimies by Gladius Studios

Bolivia- SuperCholita

Venezuela- Yuleizi

Feel free to sugest more lat waifus if you want.
>Primos still alive and about to be released next month

Nah we should have go even harder on that show.
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eu adoro esse
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If memory serves. that one is the second Netflix show based on [Legend Quest]. Did you watch the previous one as well?

joy, cant fucking wait for black favalli and genderswapped Franco who is now a strong lesbian woman
Huebros, y so horny?
There's a female version, you know? Could've just posted that one
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where's quebec?
But I like the funny italian streamer man
Too busy making Assassins Creed: Shogunate Kang
Quotin' Condorito: Exijo una explicación
Zoomers gringos: IT'S THE GUY FROM FARTNITE!
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I got that skin, and i even have one asteroid glider
In your ass
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Does Lupi Baduki belong here or have I gotten my Spanish/Portuguese mixed up again?
Deleted by popular demand
Pos nomas
Ay, pero que buena madre es esa
Neat. Next delete Palestina too.
God she is so fucking nice
Nice ass
Nice try, rabbi
Who'll be next?
We should get rid of Bolivia
You can't say that without some suggestions
Is every latin country always plotting against each other in secret?
Yes, but we are too poor to actually do anything
No idea it depends of the artist what waifu is going to draw next.
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Is anybody else planning to get the El Tigre artbook? It's very tempting
That's chicano shit. Jorge R. Gutiérrez is the equivalent of a weeb to mexican shit.
Is wild seeing that rabbithole of adds the Brazilian ones get more sexual, and the Argentinian ones edit out the butts
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>me after watching the first thirty seconds of a Mexican cartoon
Mexicana? Are you a woman now too?
The unfunny dog
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He knows spanish, that alone makes him better than any pocho. Fucking hell, the art book is bilingual.
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Okey, señorita
Ni idea de quien sea ese pinche viejo maricón
Once gringo, always gringo, no matter how well you say the eñe
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>insinuando que no tengo una gran polla
>replied to the wrong post
Nice one, dumbass
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Fully naked Palomita is best Palomita.
No es que nos puedan atacar por mar
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I finished my grind of a shitty garbage ass gay game, qnd i'm free now, so, any requests?
Mafalda's mum
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Seconding with her like pic related saying "dejame darte mucho cariño"
We are just joking
Friendly requesting Calcetinera wearing Palomita's pink dress
>Born in 1975 in Mexico City and raised in Tijuana
Got any pics of that Calcetinera chick and the pink dress?
Didnt he snuck in street fighter characters in as background characters?
Thirdconding Raquel
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Not Calcetinera OR, but here

Also Palomita pink dress>>143682273
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A sexy bunny suit Candela please.
It is, for the most part, a good chunk of hours are spent on just documenting whatever stupid shit she drew despite having a comic to work on, the only important stuff you need to know about is that her facebook group had a shit ton of cases regarding mods grooming girls in there and she didn't do anything to condemn them in the slightest
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I am going yo post some Palomita fanart for reference.
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Another strip of Calcetinera.
May as well start posting Calcetinera fanart.
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How many 31 minutos wannabes are out there in latam?

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Whoever did the storytime about a pig at a university last thread I just want to say thank you, wish you would do more storytimes but faggots here think this is a coomer thread.
Man, who would look at that and think "yeah, this is a good idea"?
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Witch Calcetinera is cute and hot
>artist promotes his indie comic book for little girls in a an adult cartoon magazine with lots of nudity and explicit sex (El Jueves)
Isn’t the creator a pedophile?
Se hace lo que se puede
be the change u wanna see!
chinga tu puta madre.
Make your own thread and story time it there, pinche joto
Oh great the mexcrement wannabe jannie is back.
see >>143710543
I honestly think he is one of the larafags who constantly post the same pics of her.
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Yeah, it's tough out there. I bought the first comic because It's so obscure it can't be pirated and because it looks cute. It's about a young monster hunter from the Van Helsing family and her talking pet.
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Wait a minute, considering Calcetinera whole thing is to get male attention at all costs, what if the one who keep posting about her is.... Calcetinera herself.
lol, it makes too much sense
I'll fuck him regardless
Recuerden ignorar a: los que quieren comenzar argumentos de la nada e insisten en pelear, los que quieren convertir posters random en enemigos, a los que continuan insultando por ninguna razón[/spolier]
Our latin thread is very cool and we always end it with good posts, let's keep it that way
Are those cosplays of other shows?
You know what? Fuck it. Mom said it's my turn on the Xbox. I'll storytime this thing. It's only 50 pages
From where is this comic anon?
Also, can you give us some interesting trivia about it?
What made you want to buy it?

I just think it's neat, I saw the little "ad" in the latest El Jueves issue >>143710370
and I said "okay, the art style looks cute, let's see what this is about". And went for it.

I don't even like that magazine much, I just picked this month's because the theme was about the history of comics and because Mafalda was on the cover
>trace a better design, Shantae, and make it even easier to draw
>Make it a furry but not enough that it scares the non furries away

you know, for a third world nigger this guy is pretty smart
Tell me more about the magazine, I'm curious
And that's it. Thanks for sticking around for this sudden urge I had to share this silly kids comic.
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Oh, yeah and it came with this world map. I love it when books do this.
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El Jueves is a satirical adults only comic strip magazine edited in Barcelona. It's VERY leftie, but this month's cover made me take the bite.
Ups, this is a reply to: >>143712283
>/co/nrad is there
Oh wait, it's not him
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/co/nrad is very lazy design anyway. It's just a teenager cosplaying as The Spirit. But I guess it's part of his personality being low effort.
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Cuban dubs > Mexico dubs
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>Calcetinera can't fill in Palomita's dress
There are a lot of cuban dubs of retro anime, its a shame that cuba become a comunist shithole, que ironico que cuando la urss existia el doblaje cubano era el mejor doblaje latinoamerica-hispanoamericano
Hope this becomes shit cause it will become another failure for chespirito group
Muy sabroso anon
Thank you
What a cutie, Marcelino is a really lucky boy

Thanks Billy
¡¿Esto es real?!
It's sad it got removed from HBO MAX. I joined a huehue tracker but they didn't have the series there. There's only a few episodes uploaded on FB in Spanish. :(
nel its obvious that its a digital drawing

you do realize i'm going to gut you in front of your house btw right
That one was my favorite to draw
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gut yourself retard
daaaamn i had no idea this sucks
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pre-internet latin america entertainment are some hard to come by stuff
I've fapped to web uploads of el libro vaquero dozens of times
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That's a pretty good variety of characters, to tell you the truth.
I only know El Jueves for Clara de Noche, do they have any other character worth following?
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Now that i think about it, when is Jorel´s Brother season 5 going to come out?
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>Calcetinera irl when i finally found her location

I am coming for you
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There's one more version but I can't post it because I'll get forced vacations.
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I actually don't know the context of this onme or who these girls are but I find it funny.
A few more fanarts and Palomita will have her own threads like Capitana Galaxia.
>Turns out one of the most searched song in the internet was from Peru
>Aparently it was all a hoax made by one member to gain popularity
Perú, cada dia mas honrado y emprendedor
Literally the only good modern CN show airing here.
Btw Monica's Gang is getting raped.
To be fair adventure time's dub was garbage
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It's not irony, back when the urss was around Cuba received an ungodly amount of gibs from the russians but after they collapsed the Cuban state had to relocate funds for arts and entertainment into essential stuff
Cuba might fall before the end of this year. The Ukraine war really is hurting their sugar daddy
Will she, tho? I don't feel like she has the same appeal and pull as her outside these threads
>Monica's gang is getting raped
Live action or CGI?
>season 5
Really? Man, i though it had ended already
Yeah, Palomita and Calcetinera are only popular here
What you are telling me is that they won't ve popular with p2?
But Calcetinera is a teenager
Mean to reply to >>143721966
Calcetinera is for the hebebros
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not really, most of the cubans who lives there are loyal to the govement and they recive decent amount of food, most of the opossition moved on to other countries, same in venezuela, the only people who remain there are just communist who are loyal to maduro and the minority still wants to create an opossition
I was there kek
why are latin americans so obsessed with anime???
>Monica's Gang is getting raped
by the very own producers. The new cartoons are scarily bad
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>Most people are loyal bro
Literal old fags that keep dying, the young people are upset and angry and don't buy anything that gets taught in school. Blackouts are becoming unbeareable and Cuba NEEDS oil, which Russia and Venezuela can't just give away anymore because their refineries are getting blown up by ukranian drones or falling apart due to rampant corruption. Fucking Guyana produces more barrels than Venezuela these days and even the vicepresident was looking for a way out, the fucking vicepresident, Maduro's right hand man! Even he knows the day of the rope is coming soon for the cult of Super-Bigotes.
Galaxia has a lost cotnent vibe behing her, and more to her than just comic strips that revolve aroung "girl hot funny/girl not hot funny"
Lucy steel lookin sketch
Calcetinera reminds me of Jucika.
All of it.
>terrible CGI show where "Cebolinha" aka Jimmy Five can't even remain his original hair
>garbage teenage drama live action
>turboshit "Teens" cartoon and comics where absolutely nothing funny or interesting happens
>main comic and cartoon now forces you some new tokken black character as part of the main group, even if there was a black character before but seems it didn't drag enough ESG points. She has basically no interesting personality
Also, I heard that one of Mauricio's sons are interesting in introducing a gay character just like himself.
The franchise is doomed as the author is getting pretty old. Sad.
Why everything has to be so fucking inclusive and pc these days?
Another thread?
that's the designated chud ragebait thread, this is for comics and cartoons made in latin american countries
>>main comic and cartoon now forces you some new tokken black character as part of the main group, even if there was a black character before but seems it didn't drag enough ESG points. She has basically no interesting personality
ikr. Why don't make more Jeremias or make Milena more of an appealing character that happens to be black?
Milena is a mistake. We had Jeremias for many years. They could just make comics about him too and promote his character.
Jeremias has also his own friends from his age too so he basically had the entire set on him. It could have worked very very well.
But since it is so obvious the IP is sold out to (((them))), it won't happen and it is now destined to rot in the globalist agenda. Not like even what they're trying to do will save it.
That's for waifus only
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Pretty sure it's just a tribute to this pretty popular gif from back in the day. Asian schoolgirls being cutelewd.
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>who would look at that and think "yeah, this is a good idea"?

Colombia but seriously i watch a little of Kikiriki on my own and it was garbage, no budget, was really boring and worst of all you can feel that there was no passion for this show, ZTV (the argentinian 31 minutos wannabe) at least tries

Eh Yasmin Flores (the girl Muppet) was cute so it was not a total waste of time.
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Oh, I get it. They are a family. Chapulín bagged a curvy "colorada" (good for him) and had kids. The designs of the kids seems so uninspired tho. I love it when cartoons incorporate design elements of both parents into their kids, in this case they simply made them younger versions of each parent. This show will live or die depending on how fun they make the family dinamics.
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Get out of my thread, ameritrannies. Or else I will send the cartel to deal with you.
>dies brutally with his guts open
God, I love my homophobic country. I love to see gays being murdered.
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You take that back!
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every time without fail
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Built to be broken beyond repair by primo cock
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>lunch time
>turn on TV
>local news telling about some faggot that got slaughtered
>news ends
>kino show starts
>it's an episode where they mock homosexuals
>jajaja hard
>all is well in my latino land
tater a cute
You make me so mad I could kiss you!
>gets called a tranny
>post pedophilia
Like clockwork.
Kill yourself bzeh
latinx land has one of the highest pedophilia statistics doe, i'm sorry to break it to you mi amigx
>latino lands has more pedophilia than my jew land even with jewood b-b-ecause I said so
I cachinnate at your delusions, tranny. Visit us so we can harvest your guts.
This >>143699111
But why does Goku hate the Aymara people?
Why don't?
Latin America is not Latinamerica
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damn girl u come here often?
It may be good, but it will never do justice to the comics. They are intended to be read with narrative pacing

also the track by aldana is GOAT
somebody liked atlantis kek
that show died the second the main VA went on an autistic rant about spanish
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>people still read el jueves
fucking no sabo kids can get fingered to death
who's the guy on the post?

>asterix n dog
>lucky luke (heh)
>???? (el amigo de paturuzu?)
>swamp thing (based)
>smurf (wait it was a comic first?)
>moebius' blueberry
>corto maltese
>mafalda & mom
>that yellow spaniard comic strip tiger (???)
>little nemo in slumberland
>v for vendetta
>mort cinder?
>uuuh that shit ain't right
>moebius' arzarch
>felix the cat
>yellow birdy thing (????)
>green lantern's shirt
>wan piss
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>that pic
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>Modo Bastardo

Fucking kek best transformation
Topcat is our version of that phenomena right?
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La Pantera Chupapijas
I'll ask again: What the fuck is that? A new show? A movie? A comic? What is it?
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Is that Tripaseca in the background to the right, and Alma Negra leading the pirates? Both seemingly modeled after Ramón Valdés?

If so, we are off to a good start.
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To be fair, it is not just Brazil but all the rest of LatinAmerica as well.

>¡Guácala! ¿Te gusta el Chavo? ¿Sabías que no usan su propia música de fondo?
>¡Claro que sí!
>La roban de películas viejas de Disney y otros estudios.
>¡No, no!
>¿Y que no dice "Chaves" en tu lonchera?
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The guy right next to the eternauta guy is Anacleto Agente Secreto, the crashed superhero on top of the Maus guy is Super Lopez and the Groucho looking glasses dude on top of the sign is Julius from the longest running comic strip in the magazine, Grouñidos en el Desierto. The creator passed away this year.
I remember watching some random episodes of that other animated attempt at Chapulin. So average, it might as well never happened.
>Chapulín bagged a curvy "colorada" and had kids
For me Chapulin has a lot of potential as an animated series. That being said, I do hope the family does not feel forced into the plot.
jueves has full page strips?

seu madruga is the most quinssential br working class dad there is. brs don't even register el chavo, they only watch it for him
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kys yourself
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>Disney neglects the Los Tres Caballeros cartoon show because Panchito Pistolas is "problematic" and they were afraid people would consider him racist. They delay it many times and give it a botched release in the Philipines.
>Release the Primos trailer with full confidence that latinos would love it. It's gets trashed so hard for racism it makes it on the news. The voice actress makes it worse and now Disney regrets greenlighting it in the first place.
Just give us Don Jacoibo back and we're even
I think they might just take the whole bullet and use this new delay to redub this bitch. I know she was confirmed to still be voicing Tater by January. She has to go.
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I miss it, amigos
They have good taste. I'll always give props to the Mexicans for fueling the US anime fansub community for 20+ years.
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It got caught in the middle of the HGS controversy. What a fucking shame. Let's see if the aztec Batman film will be any good.
Why on Earth do i enjoy LatAm/Mexico stuff so much? Of all places on planet, this is one of the worst shitholes, along with africa. But the stuff you guys make is so charming. It isn't well done, or smart, or even very original, but it got that honest charm, that makes me enjoy latino media throughly. I would like to learn spanish and portuguese one day
>She has to go
This, unironically. Disney could sway back a large number of the potential viewers to their side if they fired this woman.
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We still need him tho
seu Madruga>>don Rámon
dilate. AI arts are here to stay
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>gringo joto posting AI
Good. If it's not the fags making storytimes of crap no one will read, it's these faggots
That white button is struggling not to pop
So, we only know that it's going to be a 10 episodes cartoon
We don't know release date or where is going to air
Same here in Perú. Don Ramón is the reason El Chavo works so perfectly.
Bitch is racist
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>Chilindrina will be back in a new show
>But it's CGI slop
Whoops meant to reply to
I don't care that it's AI but jezzzus why is dressed like a generic thot? way to miss the bucket
>that twist
ayyy condorito can be based when it's not doing coomershit
So, it was delayed, right?
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A ponja talking about Primos. Of course he wanted to see the cunny
Están bien culeras todas
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ya think?
Pretty good. I may draw her later too
Looks really cute, maybe i will watch this movie for her
Hot, thanks drawfriend
La señora Colorado va que vuela para waifu del hilo
It's a 10 episodes cartoon (that we know)
But yeah, I heard there is a 3d movie in the making too
>A ponja
A what?
A japanese dude.
Thanks anones. Vivan las pelirrojas..
>I may draw her later too
hope you give her some nice boobas
>That hint of pubic hair
I'm legit tweaking rn
Sweet, thank you
Why do mexas love readheads so much?
bob e'ponja
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En chile y en Colombia existe Mitos y Leyendas, amo vivir en este lado del mundo
Now try drawing her holding her pee in the same pink suit
Recommend me your favorite latin american comics and toons anons. I'm in the mood to get cultured.
I normally draw the hips bigger, but i'll make an attempt with this one
Depends of what you want, comedy or pulpy stuff?
Hey! Podria ser peor, podría ser chilena....espera...
Las chilenas son las mas psicopatas de sudamerica
I'll take anything desu, pulpy is usually what I lean towards but I'd be interested in checking out comedy stuff too
Solian serlo las argentinas, pero su orgullo se desplomo junto con su tipo de cambio.
Boogie the oily one is a comedy action film made by the Negro Fontanarosa https://youtu.be/FKROdSsnb6c
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It's fucking hot in Bean Town, fellas
Brazil Super Pooper 2024
>redhead with huge tits and wide hips
That's all I want
AI "art" is literally the [cartoon character head photoshopped on pornstar body and ran through a filter to make it look drawn] of today. Once the novelty of new technology wears off, no one but autistc weirdos will care about it, because real art is vastly superior.
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WIP bump
Flotania, for the calendar. Might finish it 2morro, goodnight
Lookin' pretty good so far, but you might wanna catbox it
The girl from Camperonix, an anime attempt made by a fried chicken restaurant in Guatemala.

Here watch it with your own eyes
Thanks, anon! I'm loving it
>realistic body
>super-simple proto-anime face
You should pick one style and go with it.
The proportions of the original character are more realistic than cartoonish
>Chilindrina will be back
Well, this is nice. El Chavo Animado could really have improved a lot with her.
I don't know anon... on one hand, I understand the disgust... on the other hand, Flash-level 2D animation is not good either.
Models at least look nice.
Undoubtedly, but putting him on the poster would drive attention away from Chapulin and Family.
Let's hope the showunners are intelligent enough to include him as well.
Here is something to send everyone down memory lane: https://youtu.be/h1Aaw7tvjwk?si=VTLiYuJy8rKzXfk4

On a side note, I finally searched and found some old Looney Tunes short dubs, and for the first I noticed they used these tracks instead of the original music. Amazing what they had to do back in the day.
Wait, the background music was added alongside the dub?
Yes! If you watch the original version or the second dub back to back with the original, you will instantly notice.

>"What characterizes these shorts is that they do not use the instrumental themes of the original version when the characters speak, replacing them with the soundtrack of "TJV 84" by Bernard Westman and Michael Reynolds from 1966. This same studio and cast would also dub under said leitmotif and the same conditions were the Famous Studios-era shorts of Popeye the Sailor (which were also owned by United Artists at the time), Casper the Friendly Ghost, and The Woody Woodpecker Show."
Apparently, this dub is also behind the locazation of "Conejo de la Suerte", "¡Este cuento se acabó!", and the now classic "Fantasías animadas de ayer y hoy"
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We need more cartoons exploring all sorts of different cryptids from all over Latin America
>El Güije
>The Santa Isabel entity
>The Pishtacos
>The black Cadejo
>The Bellybeast
>The Dinosaurs of Acre
That button must be flying through China by now
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I only know Legend Quest in that category
Other examples?
Awesome, now we have Guatemala
Thank you drawfriend
The term Latin America was a part of his attempt to create a French empire in the Americas. Research has shown that the idea that a part of the Americas has a linguistic and cultural affinity with the Romance cultures as a whole can be traced back to the 1830s, in the writing of the French Saint-Simonian Michel Chevalier, who postulated that a part of the Americas was inhabited by people of a "Latin race", and that it could, therefore, ally itself with "Latin Europe", ultimately overlapping the Latin Church, in a struggle with "Teutonic Europe" and "Anglo-Saxon America" with its Anglo-Saxonism, as well as "Slavic Europe" with its Pan-Slavism.

So Iberoamérica then.
Fuck off cucknadian
Victor and Valentino sorta did it, but i didn't watch that crap
That was all mexican stuff, right?
She cute
She cute
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Question does Nefer count as a Spain waifu? her movie was made by the same team that made the Tadeo Jones movies
In my book, yeah. Mina from Jelly Jamm isn't a character from Spain either.
¿Qué dices, chalao?
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As spaniard as Pocoyó.
Pocoyó es una serie animada de televisión española creada por David Cantolla, Luis Gallego y Guillermo García Carsí.
My mom used to love Pocoyo
The duality of men
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Oh no
Thank for posting this pic again
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Quebec is mine
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Okay then i nominate Nefer from the movie Mummies >>143697065
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Mampato comics are really good.

The show is fine as well
Stop spamming that crap, pedo.
What a cute redhead
No premiere date yet?
Nothing, not even in huevocartoon webpage last time I checked
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Do you have hope for the Netflix adaptation?
My only hope is that it becomes Fallout/Casa de Papel tier popular and that it gives more attention to homegrown works
Yeah, best-case scenario
i need to see the actual moving designs for this to develope any kind of interest.
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Ahora entiendo a los furros de antaño
They look like shit
Agree, I didn't like the animation in Marcianos Contra Mexicanos
They need to improve that department
Somehow, the aniamtion for the second Huevos movie was better
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Primos if they argentina
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this cum demon, no
you have the sudamerica edit?
>t. furry
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You mean this?
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La reportera esta buena pero me gusta mas la gata francesa de la estacion orbital.

La adivina tambien necesita algo de amor.
What else did these guys develop?
si, ese mero
mucha gracias
Your welcome
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They also made Abrapalabra another educational game about learning the ABC
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Drew some Parquetinas for the end of the thread
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I'll do some more tomorrow if the thread's still up
At this point an storytime would help to keeo the thread alive
What series are they from?
Nah, storytimes are good, but I think more than 10 pages are too big
If you start a storytime now you would kill the thread for example

Es mejor que des el nombre del comic, la portada, una sinopsis y tu opinión de dicho comic para no comer muchos bumps, asi el hilo durará mas y tendrá mas espacio para mas y diferente contenido
Marcelino Pan y Vino
Dat ass
bumperino latino
Be careful with the spam in the catalog guys
What spam? Perifag is back?
Yeah, his shit was already removed, but he sperged again
Any thoughts on this?
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>Guatemala-Carol {Flotania} from Campeonix
Pretty great result, love that ass
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Since we're getting close to self-sage status with each new post, I'll story time a short Venezuelan capeshit comic.
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Why eldo you try to end the threads fast? Just put your garbage comic on catbox
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Sorry, anon. I just wanted to share the comic with you.
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Well, that's all.
I'm not going to lie to you, I shared this comic because I thought it was funny and it has boobs and asses, which everyone here is a fan of. However, the author is quite a versatile and prolific artist, so I'll leave his website in case you want to check out the rest of his work and comics.
Don't mind him. The thread is already on life support. I'll read the comic tonight.
Hot, top work sir
Thanks for your contribution
Thanks for the info anon
Remember not to eat too much of the thread
No tenemos estos hilos latinos muy seguido y queremos que duren lo mas posible
Since thread is in la fecha suporte
What character would you see more fanart? If so, doing something specific or just posing there?
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Fuck off faggot
Her ass got freckles
I really liked drawing Lara and Danuza, they're real hot
Nunca he entendido como funciona el arreglo que se hace Teodora con la pañoleta, y la IA claramente tampoco tiene idea
Also culo pecoso
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Before the thread is over here is the updated list for the calendary

Mexico - Teodora From Legend Quest: [Done Already]. / Capitana Galaxia from Zor y los Invencibles

Chile- Palomita from Palomita/ Yayita/ Gina/ Calcetinera/ Sexilia / Pupi

Colombia - Violeta from Regue Chicken: [Done already] / Negra Nieves

Brazil - Lara from Jorel's Brother / Anymalu from anymalu / Morte from Haunted tales for wicked kids

Guatemala-Carol {Flotania} from Campeonix [Done already]

Argentina- Raquel from Mafalda / Laura from Metegol / Kariel or Panthy from El Arca

Peru - Sol Segura / Vicky Segura: [Done already] / ENA

Spain- Brianna from Lucky Fred / Candela from Marcelino pan y vino / Mina from Jelly Jamm: [Done already] / Nefer from the movie Mummies

Uruguay- Nancy Gonzalez from Rarisimo: [Done already] / Choronga from Peloduro

Cuba- Coralita (a black mermaid that became memed because of the Live Action Little Mermaid movie)

Puerto Rico-a cute one from show coming up named Slimies by Gladius Studios

Bolivia- SuperCholita

Venezuela- Yuleizi

Once again if i forgot or forget to put someone or something, let me know and thanks to the artists who cooperated in the thread with drawings for the calendar and fan art in general.

See you in June
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Hey anon if you are going to stick around, can you make some Marcelas as well please?
Storytimes are good
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What do you think of Ana Catarina? being a boring love interest aside she is kinda cute and has some nice legs.
Fuck off to your containment thread, you and that faggot
She always seemed too uncanny to me
>She always seemed too uncanny to me

How exactly? is for her big green eyes or something?
Yeah, the proportions of her normal design look too weird to me. in that pic you posted, she looks normal to me, but then again, i can just draw Lara like that
She ugly
brazilian mutt
Fuck you jorelfags
Well, see ya next thread. I'll try and have some stuff ready for it
Make me ;)
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Ok, nice thread guys
See you next time
Vamos a estar en pleno verano, los bikinis van a estar a tope

See you there

Thank you for your work amigos
Open your ass
Already requesting Palomita in bikini for the next thread
There's this one >>143686108
No mames, mira ese culote!
Wow you are a faggot
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The first one Raquel is from Mafalda an argentinian comic

The second one is Calcetinera from the Chilean comic... Calcetinera

And the last one is Candela from the spanish cartoon Marcelino pan y vino
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you have a good point and yeah Lara is better

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