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Can we get a thread dedicated to the cute boys of Final Fantasy XIV?

Just started recently and I'm smitten by this little homo. I stare at his lips and butt every time he's on screen. Feel free to share some of your favorites.
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Luv me redheads.
You will post g'raha tia.
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I've been slowly amassing a collection of this cutie. Can't wait to meet him in the story.
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well, I guess I'll try and not post art with spoilers then
Would be cuter with a penis in his mouth.
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Don't speak of my boywife like that. He's a good boy.
Having a penis in your mouth doesn't make you less of a good boy.
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my 2 boywives
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They said cute boys, Graha is ugly as fuck and worst boy.
zenos is disgusting, the cat is good
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Why can't we like all of them?
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Graha tia epitomizes everything wrong with EW and I hope he dies horribly in dawntrail. Alphinaud deserves more art.
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Alphy really does deserve more art. Was surprised at how little he had (particularly nsfw stuff) despite how cute it is.
G'raha has a lot of good stuff though.
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How does G'raha epitomize the gameplay being dumbed down and class kits being gutted an expansion ago in current expansion?
What he epitomizes is EW being the pandering fujoshit fanservice expansion, with him being a horrific butchering of the exarch's character as the crown jewel.
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Cat is a stalker who is, again, super ugly and should have stayed dead.
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As a Graha hater, you are wrong here. He was always a simp for you even as exarch. He is a horrible character who was bad in CT, Nero of all people making him look like a bitch. All his scenes as exarch are quite frankly crap and he is upstaged in all his "cool" moments by other characters, Emet, Elidibus, Vauthry (To be fair Vauthrys VA is so damn good he upstages everyone.). However he was always a simp for you as shown in his awful one on one conversation with you when he was still covered and exarch. It became his entire character more obviously without the mask but do not kid yourself in thinking that he was anything but a one note for you character. He wont ever die but thankfully he had so little to do in EW, could have been completely written out. Hopefully he remains in such a small role in DT, I know they will never kill him or any scion.
>story-only fag
The exarch was a horrible butchering of the original crystal tower character who wasn't even that interesting to begin with. The exarch was obnoxious and a gary stu, he was a literal who before that and didn't have a boner for you. Nobody liked him back then sans a very small select (literal handful) amount of JP artists. Secondaries that exist to whine and insert their historical revisionism are so obnoxious.
cant even escape these schizos on /cm/ lmao
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my wife
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Wtf but he's my wife
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The great thing about fictional characters is they can be all of our wives at the same time
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I need to get me a real G'raha
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Sorry Graha is a shit character and the ugliest male in the game. He looks so bad in the trailers too.
You can stop trolling, it’s one thing to dislike a character but what you’re doing is obnoxious and bannable.
nigga you can’t say that posting horsefarts
literal no personality fujobait
That's Estinien. Who actually also has no personality other than 'me kill dragon, me always angry'. Nobody in this game is written well, desu.
my bad, im only just past the cathedral dungeon
i don’t get why anyone simps for haurchefant though, estinien is alright
Reminder that the Tia surname are given to non-breeders of the Seekers of the Sun clan.
G'raha is not for breeding.
Tia is the assigned bottom title. G'raha is for being bred.
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Then why'd they make him so breedable? checkmate
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stupid elven bussy
that elven bussy is very smart, akshually
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Never played ff14. Were these actual characters in there or just original based off the races?
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Stupid sexy catboy.

those just look like player OCs. also the cat looks f*male
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Your wife is the worst character who wont fuck off.
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Estinien isn't always angry now, that is just HW Estinien.
That's a damn shame... too bad they are OCs so I can't see more content of them...
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>the cat looks f*male
>t. doesn't play the game
>calling men wives in the same post
those are male markings and male-only-based hairstyle dumb pooner
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Cute cat wife
damn, you have the source for this? love both the graha and the artstyle in general
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Massage bun ears.
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I love this cat like you wouldn't believe
I want to sexually harass this catboy meido
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I keep forgetting about having made this thread despite it still being in my bookmark list all these months.
Regardless, I'm still crazy for this pompous elven twink and want to take him to an onsen for some fun.
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Oohhhh I want to have sex with this cat!!!
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I'm noticing respectfully.
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My wives
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I need him to dom erich
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