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Anyone goin
do you like it
idkfk how to post
ACEN is currently on-going right now?
I think I'm gonna go, don't know anything about it. It's gonna be my first con but I don't have high expectations.
Great start, lads.
Loved it at the start, but things went downhill for CCE very quickly. The Kalahari kicked all of the cosplayers out of the water park on the last day of the con in its second year, and ever since then there have been more and more problems with the con.
The Poconos Kalahari staff isn't afraid to let CCE attendees know how much they fucking hate them there, and CCE management ignores any and all problems entirely.
It's a good con for room parties, so it's still worth going for that aspect. It was cool taking pics in the water park, but they've essentially banned that. Night swim/after hours water park "party" is just way too fucking crowded to enjoy it anymore.
Get your fill of the party scene there while you can, until they put a stop to that in the next couple of years.
is the rave in the waves or whatever they call it any good?
I went on Saturday night last year and there were just waaaaay too many people there. If you wanted to get on any of the popular slides it was a long wait. Forget about getting a spot in the grotto/hot tubs because it was shoulder to shoulder in there. Don't get me wrong, I like to socialize, but it was so packed it was just uncomfortable.
I might try going Thursday night this year in hopes it will be much less crowded. I did enjoy the rave/night swim the first couple of years I went when there were fewer people.
All that said, if you're staying at the Kalahari, just go to the water park during the day. It doesn't get really crowded there during the day/afternoon/evening. The rave is a good cheaper option to be able to visit the water park for those people that don't have day passes.
Went last year was fun
Mostly bc of the group I was with
Will go again even tho it's not the same crew probably
If it's anything like the con itself Thursday night, it's definitely gonna be hella less crowded. Didn't actually go to the waterpark myself tho (wasn't actually staying and the kalihari and didn't want to deal with changing/trying to get parking again) so I could be wrong
what are yall cosplaying for it this year
if I could get a room at the Kalahari, but the waterpark itself is shit to cosplayers and photographers during the public hours. The lifeguards constantly change the rules every 10-15 minutes. If you're shooting outside in the woods pr waterfall,bring bug repellent and check for leeches and ticks afterwards.
>if I could get a room at the Kalahari, but the waterpark itself is shit to cosplayers and photographers during the public hours.

It's gratifying to see someone else say this, because for whatever reason a lot of people downplay how shitty the waterpark staff is.
Photography in the waterpark is/was probably the biggest thing that sets the Colossalcons apart from other cons. At this point it's close to being banned entirely.
Waterfall is a great location if it doesn't rain, which it ALWAYS fucking does.
Predictions on how the con in Sandusky this weekend will go? Who's all going?
I mean, there's a separate thread for Prime. But since you asked, I think this year is when things are going to go noticeably downhill there. The downgrades are starting to really add up (no more waterpark day pass discounts, no console gaming room this year, off the top of my head), plus the microtransaction BS ($40 foam party kek).
They still aren't going to have it as bad as we've had it at CCE for a few years now, but I think it will be bad enough that some people are going to stop coming.
They're just accelerating to the endgame of all Colossals being 4 day OF thot frat parties with a dealer's hall and maybe some panels, shouldn't surprise anyone

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