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Less than a month away, time for a general
Anyone going? Got any plans? Any parties planned?
I have the opportunity to go to either Animazement or Momocon, which is the better one to go to?
Going with my girlfriend, and gonna hand out some ribbons and stuff 2bh
Fuckin love the ribbon game.
Tbh, can't go wrong with either. First time I can say that. I'm going to AZ but it always feels like I'm missing out on something by not going to Momo. like that Tard jumping into a wrestling ring and attacking the wrestlers kinda thing.
Ill be handing out a spiderman ribbon, a genshin impact ribbon, and a danganronpa ribbon! Be on the look out!
ooo! I'll definitely keep an eye out for you!
I've been going to this con for over 10 years at this point and the amount of friends I have made from it is minimal
I don't know if that's typical or if I'm just retarded
I'll be Bennett from Genshin, Miles Morales 2020, and Hifumi from DR, if you guys see me, ask for a ribbon!

I was literally in the same boat until I joined a Discord server before the time of the con, it's how i met my now S.o and current group of friends
I didn't even realize there was an AZ server
I'll be Ness from Earthbound, Ethan Winters from Resident Evil and Peppino from Pizza Tower!

Also neat! I saw a server a while ago but there was nobody in it. It was hard to find a lot of people talking about the con.
the con has been a dud for the past few years because of the drawn out covid bullshit
this is the first year they actually have some good international guests again
I get that, that was pretty much most cons for the past few years.
I typically went to Fanime for the longest time but that cons been actively going to shit, so I opted to go with a friend to this instead, I might do Anime North or Momocon later on down the line, I just wanted to see each one first.
I'm glad there's even any guests at all for that matter.
I go to AZ because I live 30 minutes from Raleigh and I know a few people who also go every year
never been to another con
That was me with Fanime partially, I live near San Jose and I used to know a ton of people who went, now because of the previous reasons mentioned it's not really worth it for me anymore.
Plus I just wanna see something different, going to the same thing always is a bit tiresome.
This will be my first AZ alone. I will still have other friends there and I tend to venture on my own anyway, but I'm going without my friend group.

Hotel by myself and I don't know what to do with myself.
You can always explore!
Yes, of course!
You're more than welcome to hang with me though if you're feeling alone, I'm helping out with an AA friend but there are times where I'll be out on my own
is being high at this con a good idea?
It's probably the same as being high or drunk at any con desu
I'll take you up on that anon. I'll be helping set up the dealers and AA pre-con.

Always down for making new friends.
but I've never done that before
also the people I go with are fucking lame and leave early when I want to party in the rave and other shit
I was high back in AZ in 2017. It was quite the exp I'll tell ya that. and Again in last year's Galaxycon.
what did you even do
I'm thinking of bringing gummies
Nothing crazy. It just made conversations and firing off jokes a lot easier. Funny how that works.
maybe I should've been doing this these past 10+ years
I could've actually made friends
Oh cool! Okay so we're basically in the same boat, maybe we can all make AA friends and get dinner or something!
Weed helps with ADHD symptoms at least for me. I've never had a hard time making friends in AZ, but this helps.
I think I actually do have adhd
See, I was never diagnosed but I do have the symptoms. When I was high, my mind felt organized and I could speak better.
my brother was diagnosed and talking with him I said it felt like it turned my brain down and let me relax, and he knew exactly what I was talking about
Sure! Feel free to drop yours and I'll add you
I've skipped years 4 tears and am going this time for once in a poorly done seta soujiro cosplay just to say I've cosplayed to it for once.
Why are the prices so much lower noth compared to 4 years ago?
You unfriended me?
The weather isn't looking too nice for the weekend. I really hope it changes. Also what'sa good time of getting there? Im planning on getting there around noon. But the line might be long by then.
I guess I should take an umbrella and poncho for this. I didn't even think about weather. I hope i wont be in line in cosplay too long in the rain if that is how it will be.
It's been ten or eleven years since I've been, looking forward to going back this weekend!

It's too bad the strip club that used to be relatively close by no longer exists. During Animazement weekend they'd all be in cosplay, was a fun way to finish the night.
>During Animazement weekend they'd all be in cosplay, was a fun way to finish the night.
Fuck that would have been hype
I've been going every year about that long but I never looked into any of the post con stuff
Have I been missing out this whole time?
Same boat here. I never even went to r18 stuff and I'm already 26 and have been going since middle school.
the r18 stuff can either be really fun or really cringe, there's no in-between
in my experience it depends on if the host is a fat girl with dyed hair or not
I'm somewhat of a ceinge enjoyer myself so I am game.
Are we doing 4chan meetups anymore?
I dunno, I'm not a /cgl/ regular so I'd probably be off putting
I'm usually trolling in the game room every year most of the time
They'd also let amateurs participate for part of the night, and you can imagine how that might go with the Animazement crowd.

Strip clubs definitely aren't everyone's scene, but if that is up your alley, then you were definitely missing out some years. Not sure when the strip club died, but it was probably during covid. I went there three or four years in a row during Animazement, always was a good time.

But there are also always parties that go on in the hotel and nearby, just gotta find the right people and hit it off with them. Showering and using deodorant makes that much easier. Not implying that you don't but a lot of people at cons don't, and then they act surprised when they don't get invited to go out.
I'm always clean, but I have a lot of trouble talking to people and general anxiety so I never figured out any of that stuff
I'm also still bumming rides off of other people to get there and none of us have a hotel since we all live like half an hour away so I feel like my options are really limited
I don't know if I'll even be able to do the dance this year because they're party poopers and want to leave early
Ahh Gotcha. Yeah staying onsite really helps.
Hmm 30 minutes huh? UNC or Duke? If it works out financially, you could always plan to take an Uber/Lyft back if you decide you do want to stay later.

If you're old enough to drink, having a drink or two at the hotel bar makes it really easy to meet other con-goers and figure out late night plans.

an Uber that far that late at night would be really expensive
I've been old enough to drink forever but I've never actually done it at the con, I thought the center barred you from having alcohol
Honestly I was planning on bringing some gummies to get me the break the ice
In the past, there was no alcohol allowed in the convention center. I'd usually meet up with people at the hotel's bar and go from there.

It looks like alcohol is allowed at the convention center after 7pm now though, if you purchase it on site.
That is interesting. Not that I would get trashed though. Nta but I live like 40min away and hate driving from the convention late at night. Drinking on the nearby parking deck was something I did one year though
So what’s there to do that’s fun other than drink with other people?
Panels, the arcade was good when I used to go pre coof, randomly stubling into panels with directors youve never heard of even though you watched their chit without realizing(ririka sos director being cringe about ninjas), talking to artists and looking around AA
Do you mean they actually sell it at the center? Or just the hotel?
Has AZ finally given up on the dumb "family friendly" branding after they've been bleeding attendees for years?
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Ogle cute cosplayers and wish you had the confidence to talk to them

I mean Animazement has a long list of all the panels and other events going on that you can take a look at. Dealers room and Artist Alley is also fun.

But if you aren't a fan of any of the late night stuff that the con is hosting, and you also don't like drinking, the late night scene probably isn't for you.

Apparently you can buy alcohol in the convention center now. Haven't been since that change was made, but noticed it when looking at the policies the other night.

>Alcoholic drinks are only allowed on the premises after 7PM each evening, and only if purchased from within the RCC from permitted establishments.

They have not given up on the family friendly branding, but they seem to be loosening up a bit, or possibly the convention center is forcing them to allow alcohol sales.
Did they always charge tax for online registration? Do they do that at the door?
Nearly 80 bucks to register online, what a ripoff lol
The state taxes both yes.
taxation is theft
welcome to North Carolina
I wonder if I'll be the only one in chastity (๑•﹏•)
I'm going to crush your balls if you are.
you'll have to find me first
long shot here but did anyone in this thread go to Animazement '99?
Is it just me or are the panels shit this year
I'm looking at the schedule and there's little that actually seems fun or interesting
Is the list online or did you pick up from precon?
they've had schedules on guidebook since 2019
when are we doing the 4chan meetup?

Agree. That’s why I debated going or not
what happens at a 2024 4chan meetup
We all get together then we kiss, hug and maybe a little tug
We hang out?
I don't know what that entails
say gex will happen
I'm not wearing any femboy clothes to the con, I can't be that indecent in public
we talk about stuff and then go eat?
>go eat
I feel like I'm the only person on earth who doesn't do this
you don't eat food?
ok then faggot then we can just talk
is that better for you?
I don't go out to eat, no
see me in the game room faggola
If you stumble upon a faggy looking guy with long and curly hair and a big forehead who's also skinny fat please say hi to him.
if I wanted to find a guy who looked like that I'd look in the mirror
I’ll be the protagonist from Disco Elysium tonight, so come up and say hi or feel free to stare
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I'm actually in chastity at the con
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I noticed
nice caged cock anon-chama.
Ive had multiple people use female pronouns when talking to me and idk how they see woman.
Btw where are you so I can crush your balls. Its not gay because I am doing you q favor.
I'm in the dance tearing ass
>in 18+ "family feud"-style panel
>answers taken from survey of local anime fans online
>question is to name a kind of hentai you secretly like
>girl gives answer super fast
one of the funniest yolo answers you could give to that question
which girl was that and what was her number
Some girl in a Pokémon cosplay, short black skirt, thong hanging over her skirt in the back, short blue top. I didn’t get her number. There was a nurse cosplay at the panel who literally had her full ass out in the back minus hole as well
there were a lot of fat asses hanging out today
I am not complaining
I just wish there was a way I could organically compliment them lmao
Kinda wish I didn't stay for the abc of hentai thing. I woke up way to late to get dressed up for the convention.
Are those panels just an excuse to watch hentai in public
Honestly. Thats what It felt like but I was enjoying listening to a guy do his best impression of turkey tom behind me.
But yeah getting to bed at 2am doesn't make that worth it. I probably would have had more people notice me today than yesterday in my sojiro cosplay, kinda wish I didn't go to it yesterday so I could wake up earlier to cosplay today.
Also the bastard only showed cool devices, pandora, prison school, quasar, and kite for the most part. Kinda sad. Only one drop out scene.
>wait in line for an autograph
>get cut off after waiting over an hour
>fat staff faggot says too bad come back tomorrow
>come back tomorrow
>lol line's full
>check the line and there's not even 50 people in it
why is this con run by fucking retarded faggots every single year?
There was a Poison from Final Fight/Street Fighter cosplay that just had a her bare ass cheeks hanging out, it wasn't even subtle
Which one of you faggots are going to destroy this Eva trivia panel?
it will be MEH
and that's a good thing.
That one asian in a brave series cosplay.
But they had shorts with them to get past badge checks.
don't forget the drama about the funko pop signature resellers
that's literally what me and a guy who got fucked over by the autograph lines went and complained to staff about
he heard them say that shit in the autograph line, I was just gonna go bitch about their shitty scheduling
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>be me
>going with gf to her first con, normie mario and rosalina cosplay
>having a fun time playing vidya in the vidya game room
>little girl comes up to me and wants to ask me a question
>love doing the voice for kids and making them laugh.
>"hoo hoo, what-a do you want to ask mario?"
>little gremlin asks me why i'm cheating on peach

mama mia...
dude if anyone saw that white 2B cosplayer an hour ago at the convention center who didn't have her dress on and was walking around with a black top and basically just panties under it with huge thighs I need her @
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>meet up with a girl
>we're all over each other the entire day
>think she's just into me
>go to the dance and it turns out she's just kind of a slut and touches everyone
whatever, I had fun lol
I'm basically the male equivalent so I can't judge
there was some girl walking around with an ass bigger than my entire torso
she was taller than me too
I should've said hello but I was already hanging out with people lmao
but I mean god damn Jesus it was glorious to behold
give her here bro
when I see a slutty cosplay 10/10 times the girl has a guy or a friend with her so it's hard to engage
no she's mine
we went to a panel and legit just cuddled through the whole thing, I almost fell asleep it was so nice
The manlet mario with the tall peach gf?
The one that though melty blood actress again was under night?
Sorry I mean to say tall roselina gf.

sorry about getting the anime fighter wrong, i was sleep deprived that day from work
Lmao, you are good but it is funny to see someone you briefly talked to show up in the thread.
Man I got singled out in this cosplay at the last Q&A by the sojiro seiya.
I took a picture of your gf, she's basically mine now because I guarantee I have saved more pictures of rosalina than you
I remember that, that was a fun time although my team got clobbered points wise.
What is with the autograph lines being so ridiculously gatekept and poorly scheduled?
It's like they're trying to fuck over people who actually care about the international guests
It's simple, the people running the con tend to be retarded
Were all the autographs personalized this year?
If I missed out on piccolo writing my fucking name because of this stupid shit I'm going to flip a lid
10 years of this con and they still can't figure out something like giving all the green shirts walkie talkies so it doesn't take half a fucking hour for them to fix the ballroom mic blasting into the panel rooms and ruining everything
Now that it's over what's the consensus on AZ this year?
Events (panels, main events) kinda sucked but it was still fun vibing with people
No one had coke though which was a bummer
I liked the masquerade but only when fat bitches weren't on stage
Why do people at cons ghost you even after they give you their number or socials
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you got someone's socials and number?
Because they don't like you, next
I knew you were seta! I already felt stupid getting melty blood wrong lol.
I still like sunday producer/director/VA panels and I wish people would practice fan panels a little more. Got noticed by the seiyuu/VA for who I was cosplaying, talked to some touhou fans and a few cosplayers. Met a /jp/ sperg that was talking about jp out in the open. Pretty fun. Now I can go back to drawing poorly for months.
I didn't mean the second part to you specifically. Posting through phone I fumble around. Sorry if it felt call out ish.
Does anyone ever end up finding the photos people stop you for or are they just gone into the ether? Really disappointed that everyone got my handle to send them out but so far hasn’t.
desu the best way to find them I've found is to search the con tag on Instagram, it's worked for me before
Whenever I walked by, they seemed to be personally doing them so I'd say so. Also saw a dude get half of an old Nascar front fender get signed by a Japanese dude that had an interpreter with him.
If I take a photo of someone, I'll typically get their handle and send it to them right then and there, even if it feels super awkward doing so
I get their @ we split ways, am I doing it wrong?
*I only exchange @s if I had a conversation with them and we do it when we're about to split ways. I don't ask for @s of people who I'm just taking a quick pic of. Am I doing it right?
Corrected my message cause I'm still tired from the con lol
Some people were treating me like an alien for not having an insta
I thought cons were supposed to be for weird off the grid people like me
now I'm fucking mad
those funko pop flippers should've been stabbed
>I thought cons were supposed to be for weird off the grid people like me
hasn't been true for about a decade, but aren't Twitter and Discord acceptable answers too?
It's all good, I'm still bit tired myself. I didn't get home until 2:30am or so on Saturday night/Sunday morning and I'm still a bit exhausted having done that a few nights in a row. It's honestly a personal preference thing more than anything else and so I can make sure that people get the pictures that I take of them. I just don't want them to have the same feeling of not being able to see their cosplay pictures because sometimes they never get posted online and at that point it's lost to the sands of time
Yeah, I despite scalpers and some flippers too. I usually end up side stepping these kinds of things by just not being interested in getting the autographs desu
despise* holy shit I'm out of it
I have a discord, but they were like wtf no snap or insta and I'm like what's wrong with discord I don't take a lot of pictures
they were women though so ehhh
Ehhhh times have changed. I was stubborn like you and only made an Insta after going to my last con in March to keep in touch with the group I was absorbed into and it was a really good decision honestly. Barely post anything (at least til I start getting my next cos together) but it's cool to see cosplay pics and stories and shit.

For some reason cosplayers and Discord don't mix often. Normalfags yes but most cosplayers stick to Insta or at least don't give out their Discord.
I'm not even just talking about cosplayers, it was people I just wanted to be able to talk to again
I've got my phone number, I've got a discord I sparsely use just to keep up with some game related stuff, and that's it
Oh then I dunno man though fwiw I'd find it weirder to barely use Discord than to not have an Insta.
I use it sparingly when I need it, like the internet was intended to be used
Might be bias but it feels like everyone I know under the age of like 35 has one no matter how normie they are, my fuckin boss has one for chrissakes lmao. Nothing wrong with using it sparingly of course and honestly good on you for rarely touching it, just not the norm especially for the weeb/gamer crowd.
Well since this is 4chan, I can tell you in actuality I use it quite a lot, but I usually keep it separate from my real life self for personal reasons, the one I add people on that I know in real life is the one I use sparingly to keep up with events and stuff
I'm just not into the whole thing where you air your dirty laundry freely and attach your face to all the weird shit you post on the internet as a terminal shut in, that just seems really stupid to me so I try to keep myself safe and if I actually like someone enough I'll open up to them
but literally I was just getting weird looks for saying discord at all instead of snap or insta, what the fuck am I gonna do with those, take pictures of my microwaved dinners for no one to ever look at?
I'm gonna be real with you anon. Ive been for 6 years and I have never been contacted or asked about contact before with all the people ive spoken to over the years.
This reminds me when I used to go to car meets and people would look at me like I'm insane for not having an insta or snap.
that was me but for 10 years, but I'm tired of being utterly alone and not having anyone to talk to or do anything with except for 3 fucking days out of the year and I want to actually reach out
I hate that I meet the coolest people I'll probably ever run into at cons and then never see or talk to them again, that shit is stupid
You don't have to take pics to use them, anon. I think I have a grand total of three on my Insta. I more so either use it for DMing or Stories, even if the latter is usually normie chain bullshit like "post the 7th pic in your reel!" it's still a way to interact with people and keep in touch/discover similar interests.

I wanna know who these fuckin people are still using Snapchat for anything but nudes in 2024.
I don't know, I just don't care about social media or trying to branch out into it
I just wanna be able to keep up with the people I meet and have a way to hang out with them later
I get that, I do (hence why it took me so long to make an Insta myself), but if the issues are "I don't have an Insta to give people when they ask" and "I can't seem to keep in contact with cool con people" then the crossroads solution is pretty obvious. Obvs you don't have to listen to some random gull but yeah it's either that or just keep shooting your shot with your number or Discord.
I mean I've still gotten most that I asked, my other problem is it seems like that doesn't even matter because no one ever messages you back afterwards anyway
I just don't understand what people DO all the time or how I'm supposed to know how I'm meant to reach out in an acceptable way
Desu I'm not sure if I have any more advice to give other than keep trying. Good luck.
I mean for stuff like that you just need to make it a hobby to reach out enough so they remember you. Like once a month minimum. If they don't return the commitment to contact then it is fucking over.
I've been the only one doing that my entire life so I'm just kind of tired of it
I don't know why I feel like I'm the only one who tries to actually maintain relationships when I'm supposed to be the autistic shut in
I'm like that too, no one ever messages me I'm the one messaging and organizing stuff. I've talked to so many different types of people in my life yet it's all the same in the end, nobody wants to make the effort to talk to me
maybe I should just give up pretending and show up in my femboy clothes I never wear outside my room
I have no idea how that would go but I saw some others doing it, I just don't know how I would handle meeting people I've known for years who don't know I'm like that (・–・;)ゞ
Same here as well I'm afraid. The only consultation to the effort is that I know when people don't want me around, if it is a bad time or if they just are passive now.
Speaking of one of few people in my life to occasionally contact me without me prompting it was here of the con this year. It kinda felt off though, it has been 10 years of him orbiting one lesbian I strongly do not trust or want anything to do with because she is vile. I wanted to hang out with my friend most days but that was cut short because he wanted to stick around them and we only hung out when they left or they told him to leave them.
I wore light makeup and I know fuck all about makeup when cosplayong this year so do it. Hell cosplay a series you like that you think you can get away with if you feel like it. Best thing is you can shamelessly buy smut and no one will question it.
cosplaying is one thing, showing up in the outfit I have on a hookup profile is another
>con tag search only loadsthe first 20 posts out of 4,000
what gives?
half the female cosplayers are basically in lingerie, you could see the underwear on some of them, and these hoes all post nudes on onlyfans, i dont see whats stopping you from doing the same? (but try to actually look like feminine unlike those balding troons with double chins i saw)
because I have friends at the con who don't know I'm actually a faggy bottom and I have enough anxiety being in public as is, it also gets kind of weird and I'm not really sure how to present myself or act with all that yet, this whole thing is really new to me and I'm experimenting with a lot and how I feel
If this was a con that was far away from anyone I had already known in my life for years I probably would have done it but my outfits are very slutty because... that was my intention with them, I didn't buy them to wear out in public lol
>(but try to actually look like feminine unlike those balding troons with double chins i saw)
Man I never fuckin understood this, I definitely don't fully pass when I crossplay (not that I really care about passing) but I at least shave the fuck outta myself, keep in shape, dabble in make-up, etc. I wish I had the level of confidence/ignorance people who go out looking like Chris-chan Jr have.
the only reason I don't crossdress more is that it takes me over 2 fucking hours to shave myself smooth and it only lasts a single day and then I feel like a disgusting gremlin when I have hair on me while I'm trying to be cute
some people are just gross and don't appreciate the work it takes to be attractive, or even to just not be repulsive
I guess in that way it's the modern version of the old "congoers don't shower or wear deodorant" stereotype
>the only reason I don't crossdress more is that it takes me over 2 fucking hours to shave myself smooth and it only lasts a single day and then I feel like a disgusting gremlin when I have hair on me while I'm trying to be cute
Assuming you whole-body shave all at once, instead compartmentalize your body and cycle thru sections every day (just did face and chest myself today, arms and shoulders are tomorrow), it's much easier than taking two hours out of your day. Of course during a con I take the extra time out to make sure there's no blatant missed spots or patches of stubble but even then it sure as shit doesn't take two hours as long as I keep up my regimen. Also no one's gonna notice a stray hair here or there and if they do who gives a shit, you're still in probably the top 20% of attractiveness at any given con just from actually taking time to groom yourself and freshen up and shit.
>you're still in probably the top 20% of attractiveness at any given con just from actually taking time to groom yourself and freshen up and shit
ok but how come some of these ugly unkempt dudes are walking around with hot cosplayer gfs while I'm good looking and single?
Well I'm kind of obsessive compulsive and I like being cute for myself more than anything, my mindset is I can't actually be cute if I don't FEEL cute which means I end up being meticulous and probably spending more time and effort than I need
The different sections thing I've considered but my hair grows really fast and I also like the feeling of being totally 100% sculpted when I get out, and I'll be honest I don't leave the house enough or take enough vain pictures of myself on a regular basis to justify the effort of a regular full shave routine
On top of that the hot water in my shower lasts like 10 minutes at most, if I want to shave I need to run a bath and at that point I might as well commit to being in there a long time and coming out feeling amazing instead of just doing a patch

I also haven't committed to anything but "normal dude" look outside the house unless I'm just meeting one other person who knows what's up so I don't really know how to properly "branch out" in a way that feels acceptable and comfortable to me, so to speak
He wasn't a social autist and hit it off with her before, he's got autismbucks for days, he's hung like a horse, why the hell do you think I know? I'm not the love guru, I'm just trying to help homies feel good about themselves.

Valid, I have somewhat of a perfectionist outlook on it too for myself but at some point I kinda had to concede that good enough is good enough unless I wanna pay for laser or some shit. Also you could use "it's summer and sweaty body hair is gross" to justify doing it routinely to people you know if you're that concerned desu. That's what I did initially and then after summer was over people just didn't notice that I stuck with it. (Unless you're talking about doing more than that when you leave the house in which case uhhh got no tips there.) Feels like Sisyphus sometimes considering mine grows quickly too, but it's worth it to not feel disgusting. Can't help with the water heater though, that sounds like ass.
I just don't like putting that much work into it, I actually don't mind shaving itself if it's like my chest because it's flat and I can see what doing, but anything besides that, whether I can't see it or if it's like boney or something like the back of my knees, fuckin SUCKS
another thing that irks me is that my hair grows in weird directions and it's hard to tell which direction to shave to get it all, there's been times I've done my 2 hours in the tub and gotten out and some fucking how there's a clump of hair left in a spot I went over multiple times and I get a kind of existential crisis
...what annoys me the most though is people who wanna meet up with me but don't understand how long it takes me to get ready -_-
Relatable but also with blood from accidental razor burns.
You might want to invest in an epilator then, anon. It does suck and hurt but it works.

Man I don't wanna talk about that shit, accidentally scratched a scab from one on my arm open the other day and had blood trailing down my hand in seconds.
How are epilators better than shaving
I just spent over a hundred dollars on a stainless steel safety razor
Trick of trade for men, never epilator the facial areas as the skin will blue over time. Bleach your facial hair before safety razor. Btw what razor did you buy?
Why the hell would you put bleach on your face? That sounds like a terrible idea
I bought a rockwell 6s, I'll never use a shitty disposable again
I don't think they're overall better than safety razors (don't use a safety razor myself but I've heard their praises sung plenty, though I've been thinking about biting the bullet and getting one), but if there's one particular patch that refuses to let the razor take it you might as well punish that sonuvabitch with heavier machinery.
The only thing with the razor is shit like the back of my knees or knees themselves and any place I can't actually see sucks, but I don't see how an epilator wouldn't have the same problem
I've heard those things actually cause MORE ingrown hairs which is a big nope for me since those are already a big problem
you have to have your squaw pluck your body hair out with sharpened clam shells
-t. injun
Attractive women generally don't want faggy tranny looking hairless dudes. Basement dwelling neck beards would be preferable
Who said I care about women?
Oh, I dunno why I was assuming you were talking about places you can see. Yeah no those suck ass regardless, I usually get a very willing friend to help me touch those areas up in the hotel room.
>I've heard those things actually cause MORE ingrown hairs
Haven't heard of that, but if that's the case, I'm uh gonna stop using mine so often then.

Good thing I'm bi leaning gay lmao.
Too bad you you buddy, I actually have Chad jawline and beard genetics so I can switch between bottom and top any time
I'm also loud and charismatic, which means I win by default
None of you will ever get laid
>Good thing I'm bi leaning gay lmao
Same and this
I've had sex multiple times
just not with women
Hell yeah
actually one of them was a trans girl, I don't know if that counts
I don't know how to advertise myself as a bottom at a con without being extremely embarrassed
If you had sexual intercourse of course it counts
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but I have never actually put my thing into anyone else
it's always been the other way around
Where and what do Animazement goers do the other 362 days of the year?
I'm tired of going and feeling like I'm actually having fun and being around people like me and then it just ending and I'm thrown back into loneliness
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Anon, that's still sex
but it's not the same...
I've been basically on a giant emotional crash after the con too, like to the point that I'm legit feeling suicidal. Doesn't help that basically everybody I met and talked to was a Raleigh local and I live 3 hours away in a city that doesn't have any major cons. And it doesn't help everybody already has an established social group while I'm a socially stunted autist that has no friends
Umm to answer your question, I heard some people talk about going to local arcades (again, this is Raleigh though)
We could drop discords but thats kinda gay. Why does this place feel like bigen though.
Anon it is ok I show how bi I am with my h manga purchases at cons.
I live in Charlotte next to a gay basketball college on lake Norman. I've been finding autists at airsoft events though.
It might not be the same as being the fucker, but it still counts! You've had sex, don't be ashamed of it.
I'm in Charlotte too lol but on the south side
but I want to have sex sex
or at least with a real girl
or be in a relationship instead of just getting used and discarded even if that's fun...
I wish I was still a virgin instead of losing it to a BPDemon girl who used me as a free therapist then blocked me one day without a word
>why does this place feel like bigen
NC is a fag state
I almost wish I didn't know people who went to AZ so I could show up in my femboy wear
all anyone ever says is Charlotte
where are the Durhamfags
I feel like I am alone on this earth
can we swap places so I can meet the Charlotte people at cons? nobody I met at the con is from Charlotte, the closest was two people who said they were born in Charlotte but moved to Raleigh/Durham
>Nc is a fag state
>Why can't i be a femboy in public
Having these two statements together is lmao.
I will still meet you thats only like 30 min away so long as I avoid 77. Does Charlotte even have conventions.
Bro all the cute cosplayers I met were from Ashville and west Virginia.
>Having these two statements together is lmao
I mean it's true, it's why I'm here (・–・;)ゞ
ntayrt but Queen City Anime Con is in August, it's a smaller one for sure but it exists
I just realized not only did you know what bigen was but you probably know which trip I am in there.
Dress as konata as a meme. Fulfill the meme.
How small are we talking here? I feel like animazement post coof is a lot smaller.
What counts as sex other than, someone puts in or rubs genitalia together or does other suggestive acts
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>NC is a fag state
No wonder there were so many confederate flags
Hotel con but the videos i've seen of it on YouTube (my first time going to it is this year) make it look decently sizeable for a hotel con? At the very least the Dealer's Hall is in like a ballroom and not crammed into a conference room
>which trip
I usually do not pay much attention to tripfags
I'm trying to figure out what I could actually put together a cosplay for since I'm retarded
I mean whole virginity argument isn't about sex anyway, it's used to insult people who aren't able to woo a girl
Getting railed by other guys and being a bottom kind of feels like sidestepping it to be desu
Like I get where your coming from but it's still all just sex to me at the end of the day
I would just like to use my God given parts for their intended purpose, at some point (´ー`)
bottoming is a whole different can of worms, and also honestly a lot of damn work
I mean as long as your having a good time and your safe, that's all that matters
Hope the con was fun!
Oh right, this is a con thread
Yes it was fun, but now I don't know what the hell to do anymore
Go to another!
easier said than done
I really need to get a car, I hate how I'm so trapped here
Can you afford plane, train or bus tickets? Or even Uber or Lyft
There's like, no convenient public transportation where I live, it sucks so much
Ah shit that sucks, sorry to hear, maybe try the ride share apps if you can though! They can be pricey sometimes but they go a long way
I've used Uber, it's just don't want to rely on it and drain all my money yknow
Totally, I feel that, if you can, you can try to get friends in the area to carpool with!
I actually do have friends I go to AZ with, but it's not like I can rely on them to get me to wherever whenever
I'd like my own autonomy there's just so many hurdles and nothing to supplement it, either you have a car or you're not a human being apparently
Anon you kinda have to suck it up and get any work plus shitbox or shit ike to have ground to move up.
I can't get one without the other though, that's the problem
the other problem is my anxiety over driving/taking a test which I'm not really sure how to get over, it's like a mental block
what are some upcoming southeast cons that aren't GalaxyCon and DragonCon? and is GalaxyCon worth going to or is it gonna be full of comic basedboys? I've never been to a comic con before
Anime Blues con and Metrocon are around the corner in a few weeks
Acting your age would probably help.

If your anxiety is so fucking bad you can't take a test, go to a psychiatrist and get something to make you a mildly functional human being.

>oh boo hoo doctor cost money

People aren't slaves, if you want them to do something for you, expect to compensate them.

Judging by your current status, just try and get a credit card and put it all on there. Who cares if you aren't going to ever pay it off? If you continue to be unemployed, they'll have no wages to garnish.
>act your age
>actually recommending going into credit card debt
stupidest shit I have ever read on this site
someone uploaded a video of the masquerade, did y'all have a favorite?
There's Ichibancon over in Concord, but that's not Charlotte direct
Ichibancon is awesome but they need to pick a better venue already, but having 2 weekends of con is really cool if you're a local
someone I was talking to said ichiban had really crazy 18+ panels
They're back to a single weekend this upcoming one. The two weekend one seems to have been a failed experiment.

The Truth or Dare panel was where it'd get wild, but some of the other 18+ ones we kinda tame since they probably got slapped with it due to the subject matter and not because it was really 18+
I live like 30 mins from Durham. But I hardly come there unless I want to go to the mall or attend the mini-cons there. Oh and my mom lives there.

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