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Long live the King.

Old thread lasted like 8 months. Go team and our complete lack of anything going on of note.

Weathers warming up, hope you’ve been working on stuff over winter for the new season.

Cons listed not endorsed. Just copy pasta from 1st search for UK anime cons.

Manchester Anime & Gaming Con 2024 April 6-7, 2024 Sugden Sports Centre
Cardiff Anime & Gaming Con 2024 April 13-14, 2024 Cardiff Students' Union
Portsmouth Anime & Gaming Con 2024 April 20-21, 2024 Portsmouth Marriott Hotel
Japan Fest Welcomes Asia 2024 May 4, 2024 Cromford Mills
Exeter Anime & Gaming Con 2024 May 11-12, 2024 Mercure Exeter Rougemont Hotel
Animangapop Cardiff 2024 June 1, 2024 Future Inn Cardiff
Leeds Anime & Gaming Con 2024 June 1-2, 2024 Leeds Marriott Hotel
Japan Fest Mansfield 2024 June 2, 2024 Mansfield Rugby Union Football Club
AnimeCon Birmingham 2024 June 15-16, 2024 National Exhibition Centre
SunnyCon Anime Expo 2024 June 21-23, 2024 St. James Park, Newcastle United Football Ground
Norwich Anime & Gaming Con 2024 June 29-30, 2024 University of East Anglia Students Union
Glasgow Anime & Gaming Con 2024 July 6-7, 2024 DoubleTree by Hilton Glasgow Central
Birmingham Anime & Gaming Con 2024 August 3-4, 2024 Edgbaston Stadium
Animangapop London 2024 August 4, 2024 Royal National Hotel
Kitacon 2024 August 9-11, 2024 Warwick Arts Centre / University of Warwick
Animangapop Manchester 2024 August 10, 2024 Sugden Sports Centre
Tokonatsu 2024 August 15-19, 2024 Boyd Memorial Camp Site and Activity Centre
Henlow, Bedfordshire
Bristol Anime & Gaming Con 2024 August 24-25, 2024 Mercure Bristol Grand Hotel
London Anime & Gaming Con 2024 August 31 - September 1, 2024 Novotel London West
Sheffield Anime & Gaming Con 2024 September 14-15, 2024 Mercure Sheffield St Paul's Hotel & Spa
Newcastle Anime & Gaming Con 2024 October 5-6, 2024 Event Northumbria
Brighton Anime & Gaming Con 2024 November 9-10, 2024 The Old Ship Hotel

Again, these are just nabbed off another website. I’m not endorsing them, I’ve not looked hard for others. If you know some missed please post them.

Also post some actual cosplay.
Truly dead.
The ony thing that sustains this thread is drama.
I want to go to AnimeCon Birmingham in June. Last year was the first time it was held and it was pretty good. The friend I usually go to cons with cant go though and I don’t think I’d enjoy it if I went alone
I’m excited for koko next week!
>just nabbed off another website
this one?
I'm going to liverpool comic con in may, most of the cast of red dwarf are going to be there and the hobbits! not that i go for the famous names but it's kinda fun to glimpse actors in real life. might bring some other anons, don't know if the other lads can make it though.
Yeah. Years ago I would have just known, now not so much. I met Chris Barry from red dwarf at one of those comic cons.
MCM London 2024 24-26 May
HYPER JAPAN Festival 2024 July 19-21

The two I'm going to were missing. Considering AnimeCon Birmingham. I know, I'm a basic bitch. Two cosplays planned.
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have you been to a con in london before?
i have not but i hear they are too busy to really do anything/talk to anyone. also hotels and prices in london are appalling. I had more fun at my last two cons which were really small and cost, i think, £20 and £7, than i have had at any other. First thing that happened when i went into the £7 one was someone gave me a nazi salute lmao had a really nice time there, met a wide range of people including one older guy who really knew his stuff anime-wise.
Honestly i personally find big cons a little more relaxing in a strange way, just go with a couple of friends, enjoy a day wondering around looking at overpriced crap and just be another body in a huge mass of other humans.
The smaller cons i find kinda bad for my anxiety as theres a lot of social pressure, most people already know each other, and i find cliques are constantly splitting and reforming, and i don't keep up enough with the social dynamics to know what drama is going on currently.

But theres a lot of people on the opposite end of the spectrum who hate being just a rando in a crowd and love being one of those 300 or so people everyone there knows.
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Being in a big crowd and realising no-one cares about you specifically can be kinda freeing if you have social anxiety.
Anyone going to the Manchester con in 2 weeks?

Wouldn't mind having some people to say hi to
I was going to but my face is still too busted
I'd probably like to go, don't have anyone to go with. Are you a nice anon?
I hate how my closest cons are in London. I hate London so much and I always have the autism around a lot of people. I can't even drag anyone I know to one. Are all London cons that crowded?
kupocon wasn't too busy at least compared to the really big ones but stilled filled out a hotel conference hall in terms of numbers.
What happened anon.
Got myself a glow up.

Not gonna parade in a con with a black eye and swollen lower face doe.
MegaCon and EGX aren't nearly as busy as MCM
fuck togs, stomp on togs, stir fry togs, etc
>>10907642 What did togs do to you? Spill!
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>all hotels for MCM london on my charge 720-800 for 3 days
>travelodge does flexible for 480 for 3 days

Guess we're using a poorfag hotel this year.
October event I mean
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kokoro good
Is everyone in the UK that fat?
Average woman is 71kg apparently. So likely.
huh, i always put off going to cons because i thought everyone else there looked like instagram cosplayers or the ones they put in their press material.
Had a bloomin amazing time at kokoro this weekend!
holy shitttt

after all the crap we get about being amerifats look at this shit!!!!
UK con attendees do seem to run fatter and more disabled than average. Dunno why though.
Anon, you can't convince me anyone in that room could break out into a light jog, let alone run.
So poorfag hotel and also poorfag pub by the said poorfag hotel after leaving the MCM merchant halls?
Na fuck that place.
For excel veterans here.

Is premier inn or hampton hilton better?

They cost the same but hilton has free brekkie
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Recently found out about animecon Brum.
What the fuck is this. Why do my eyes hurt. Holy shit. It's so bright.
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The website layout or the cosplayers?
Their website is so glaring I never even realised the cosplayers.
Are they sponsored by maccies?
Comiccon wannabe. Last two events have been pretty empty. Rather go to MegaCon
they get better guests than Megacon
Why would you want to be like Comic con? Honestly comicon has been pretty shit
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come to sunnycon
What did you think of Manchester Anime con just gone?

first con in many years for me. made a friendgroup and spent the day+evening with them. Quite a fun time, though I felt some of the panels weren't to my taste
too many kids, which is worrying
Thats literally the main demographic for anime, anon.

Were just old and decrepit unfortunately.
I heard Kokoro con had some drama any news?
Committee had a falling out. Kita has severed all ties to Kokoro. I don't know the details.
Got any source on that?
lol, kita can get fucked
Sounds pretty childish on both sides.

Why do you want Kitacon to get fucked ?
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Secretcon? More like SECRET NO CON.
What con clashed with it?
Thinking of going to animangapop
Calling bullshit. People have been trying to create drama between Kita and Kokoro for years
and it's always members of kitacon and kokoro
which con do people recommend more, Kitacon or Kokorocon?
Well this might be the last Koko.
Kitacon is every 2 year

Amecon has dropped like a pancake

And toko is every year.
I'm going to Manchester megacon with a friend. Is good? Any anons going?
I'm going. It's fun. Good (cheap) food options and accommodation around too.
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Koko, Kita, and Toko should all pack up shop in times like these, it's over for them.
I will since im local. Assuming theres no heatwave (less than 26c that day)
yeah, fuck fun conventions, we’re sick of that shit! we want a big over priced dealer hall that lacks any entertainment! give up trying to run something fun! arseholes
Shall do. I’ll take up grilling or mowing my lawn instead.
Those ghost town cons werent good either.

Go to the NL or US for proper social/party cons
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Liverpool comic con tomorrow, starting to get that convention feeling. Anyone else going?
I don't go for the famous faces but man, look at their fucking line-up.
full cast of red dwarf, the hobbits, fucking darth vader. holy shit we're the big league now.
Aww man, I can’t afford autographs and meet and greets, but there’s plenty of people I’d want to see.

Cool to see the childlike empress from never ending story, or a bunch of people from lost boys as well as the hobbits. At least you don’t have that glass panel between you like after covid.
Yeah I'm going to be there both days. Not staying the night since I'm living nearby as it is.

Primarily going to meet other nerds/weebs/etc and make some buds. Friendgroup kinda collapsed after lockdown and shit

had good results in AL manchester last month but like the tard I am I forgot to ask for contact details
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>Primarily going to meet other nerds/weebs/etc and make some buds.
me too
>had good results in AL manchester last month but like the tard I am I forgot to ask for contact details
Will you be cosplaying as anything? I'm doing "Boys" Last Tour, atleast one of the days. Say hi if you see me, we can hang out, although it can be difficult if it's busy.
Afraid not, I haven't been able to get it together in time so I've pushed it to the anime con in birmingham come June.

Pretty sure my saturday ticket gets me in the afternoon so I'll say hi if I see you!
what were you planning on cosplaying?
Coincidentally I was planning on a genderbent cosplay myself. I rewatched PSG in anticipation of the new TRIGGER season - had a lightbulb moment as to how I'd do a bent Stocking

75% of it is in my room waiting but some of the big items that need modification haven't turned up yet.
psg = panty and stocking with garterbelt?
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you got it anon
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ah it was never my kind of anime, it looks too much like power puff girls. I'm all about that beautiful artwork.
is one of your friends cosplaying yuu?
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no, unfortunately my friend who did this cosplay with me in the past has moved away recently. so I was a lone-soldier this time. If i had to choose, i always thought of myself as cosplaying yuu because i am tall and european. not short and japanese/asian like chi. Also my helmet is more similar to yuu's (see photo, I only have this one blurry photo showing my full cosplay, I'm there to enjoy the con rather than take photos so i don't bother taking any usually, but then regret it)
I'd love to get an arisaka rifle for this cosplay. (dis-armed of course) although people have difficulty getting such things through security even though they are allowed by their rules.
this anon didn't come and say hello :( i can only assume you were too intimidated by my alpha-chad aura, have no fear, i am a benevolent commander.

I saw you at the end of the day and it didn't click ;_; I should have kept a picture to hand to remind myself of what to look out for

I'm sorry anon!
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look out for me next time, i am going to keep doing this cosplay untill i get to speak to someone who recognises it properly. a few guys have recognised it at past conventions but for whatever reason i couldn't speak to them properly at the time.
It's kinda weird seeing thier clothes irl (chi& yuu's) becuase ... it's literally just milsurp. just a normal oldschool soldier. i think only really the symbol and pack are identifiably different, and even they look like a medic's cross and an old british army pack from WW1 (my friend who works in army surplus even mistook it for one!)
When and where did you see me? sat or sun?
Ah, my bad on the late reply anon

I saw you towards the end of Sunday as things started to quiet down in the vendor hall - I saw the cross on your helmet/uniform and for some reason my brain decided it was a fallout thing instead of the actual honest-to-god symbol that GLT uses...

As an aside, did you think the vendor hall was a bit meh for such a big con? Artists alley was TINY compared to AL manchester last month

I'll be at Animecon in Birmingham this june and some other ones too. If you're going to those I promise I'll look out properly!
vendor hall was pretty good imho, about average, some good things caught my eye though and i ended up spending a lot, so maybe it was above average.
feel like it was better pre-covid, as all things were, but it was above 5/10 this year.
>Artists alley was TINY compared to AL manchester last month
may well have been, it was in the other building, yeah? I tend not to spend much time there, fewer things which interest me there.
in my experience anime-specific conventions have a big artists alley in general.
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Enough circlejerking
MCM London and Animecon Brum are up next
pretty hyped for mcm, going as the one piece admirals with a couple of friends, what should i expect from the after party except from body odor?
Is this the afterparty? https://www.mcmcomiccon.com/london/en-us/things-to-do/after-hours.html How do I buy tickets? Where do you find all the afterpartys
Theres also an after party at the Fox, a pub next to the excel center. No clue what to expect from it though. https://www.designmynight.com/london/whats-on/party/three-epic-nights-unofficial-afterparty
MCM After Hours is the official evening entertainment, wraps around 8pm.
When they first introduced it, there was a shit ton of confusion about where it actually was. Appears there's still some crap about getting a wristband?

>£5 to enter a pub
>Last entry 9pm
I'm always amazed this is as popular as it is

We usually go to one of the nearby hotel bars. The O2 is across the river and now has a Spoons, so that option is getting more popular. Sadly, there are few reasonably priced options in the area.

Who's ready for the twice-a-year bitching about how busy MCM is, along with the claims that it's "oversold"
Been going to MCM London since 2005, never bothered with the after parties, usually too autistic to stand loud music and small talk, and tend to end up hanging out in the hotels with people I already know. What actually happens at them?
the super secret orgies of course
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>£5 to enter a pub
............... how much is a pint there?
Nah, The orgies happen in the middle of the afternoon where people think they can fuck off to the hotel while it's quiet there and not need to do the walk of shame the morning after.
If I had to guess it is probably £8 to £9.
old secret if you ugly
See you tomorrow lads
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Fence Expo 2024
holy shit is it really that dead on a saturday at this hour.
Yes. Might have some there about now though.
So how it was? It looked like emptier. Plus wtf with all the fences.
it was fun, seemed less busier inside and out
Definitely less busy than usual, or maybe I got lucky and missed the crowds. Was around all three days but did chill in my hotel for an hour midway through each day. Overall I had a good time.

Heard some chicks got spiked at the Fox on Friday night though. Anyone know if that actually happened or if it was just a rumor? I heard it from four separate people telling my friends and I to avoid it.
It was less busy than usual but that's nothing but a good thing. Idk about the fences but at least its not like last year where if you left the outside bit you had to walk all the way around to the entrance hall to re enter. Honestly i had a blast this weekend, looking forward to october.
Getting your drink spiked is just a typical night out for any Briton of any gender, so it probably happened

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