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Taking place April 27th-28th we're just over a month away, are any of you guys planning on going? Anyone returning from last year, or planning on going for their first time this go-around? Cosplay plans? C'mon let's hear 'ya out.
I went last year and had a lot of fun! Bought quite a bit of cool stuff and went in (admittedly a bit shabby) cosplay both days. And I'll be going this year as well. I've been working on a better-looking cosplay for this year, so hopefully it pans out, and I'll be taking a custom Fumo I made as well.
I was the thread OP last year and went as Tenshi eating a corndog. Unfortunately I don't think I'll make it this time but enjoy. Also cheers to the guy who took my card info but never charged for the ticket
>custom Fumo

Also I'll be going this year. Last year blew my expectations away. I'm keeping my expectations for this year humble but the setup has seemed standard so far.
I went for just one day last year, better than expected. I’ve been going to cons for a long time, I expected like anime next in its early days with low vendor and guest attendance and not much to see. Definitely small but a lot of fun! I’d recommend it if you’re local
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Here's a slightly old pic. I've since removed her hair and have her new hair all ready to be attached, just waiting for a friend to help me this week to attach it (I'm not very good at sewing).
I'm gonna be ultra eagle-eyed with her, I don't wanna be like that guy who lost his maid Nue custom at last year's Touhoufest. She was hard work and I'm real proud of how she's turning out.
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Avoid Chicago, Illinois. Never hold a Touhou festival there.
By the way, I took her out with my Beretta.
I thought of piggybacking this thread since chances are low, but anyone coming to Reitaisai in cosplay? It'd be cool to meet up with other English speaking cosplayers.

Please be careful with your fumo. Last year at Touhoufest a Nue Maid fumo was stolen.
Fall or spring
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And she's done!
Thinking about going but im from out of state and have no one to go with...
going to reitaisai right after touhoufest, but not in cosplay since it's also my first time in japan so i'll be traveling around a lot
i do really want to start cosplaying, but circumstances prevent me
I'm also going to Reitaisai after Touhoufest. Maybe we can meet up? I can help out since I been going to nippon for well over a decade.
yeah that'd be awesome. the latest i'll arrive in LA will be real early in the morning on day 0. but i suppose we can meet up any time during 2hufest
>only days away
Well, I guess I'll be seeing whoever here decides to go! I'll be in my lame ZUN cosplay, so feel free to say hi if 'ya want!
I’m going to be on drugs the entire time :)
i'm going for the 2nd year in a row, flying from across the country again. was a lot of fun, looking forward to tomorrow
I wish I could've gone... maybe I'll finally make the third one
Next touhoufest was announced to be June 13th to 15th
Had a great day today, pretty much was dancing the entire time between the djs on the outside stage and then the eurobeat show. Got to hear China gal and Magical girl live, never thought that day would come.
I had a lot of fun today lads. It was nice meeting people from this site IRL. Can’t wait for tomorrow!
Interesting change from April to June. Though that gives me more time to save up for next time, so no complaints from me lol.
What a great day one. Didn't do well in the th 19 tournament, but it was all fun regardless
Been so busy I forgot to post here. Are you in cosplay? I'll be the bawka in the hapi in the game room with the arcades. Hope to meet up!
I think I'm blind, I can't find you. No cosplay, but I got a purple backpack and a renko figure
wish I could've gone, hope you anons had fun.
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This weekend was a blast guys! I’m already sad to see it go. It was great meeting you all and here’s hoping I can make it again next year.
Was it just me or was the trumpet player kind of annoying
I felt the same way. Even TAM had to push her away lol
It was a ton of fun.
Super impressed by the quality of the cosplays.
Was it the obnoxious Aya cosplayer?
Yep. The anime screeching was too much and it was annoying seeing her try to get the attention of the translator while he was still going down the line of introducing everybody who was there before her.
Yeah, she kept doing the "ayayaya" screech and butting into so many convos. Her voice was like nails on a chalkboard.
That sassy Marisa cosplayer derailed the entire thread last year with fans and haters alike so I'm guessing she didn't come this time
Oh? More details? I know most Marisas were staff/volunteers, so I'm curious which one you mean?
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Nothing dramatic, really. Pic rel Marisa was there both days. She definitely got my attention and we talked a bit, had a drink. I wouldn't have given it too much thought, but some anon mentioned her and that was all anyone could talk about after. "She's so cool, she's so stuck up. She's hot, she's ugly. She's a tranny." Clearly someone who knows how to get attention at least. ...Though I just checked her Xitter and saw she *was* there after all
Yes we get it you are a pornsick moid who orbits tranny secondaries because they have le guns. You are everything wrong with the western Touhou fanbase.
Lose weight.
Just dropping in to say behind the scenes was such a mess
>There was a volunteer that was being extremely rude the entire con. But most noteworthy, they threw things at Shiori/A-ONE during the concert. Pretty sure they were booted.
>No direction for volunteers, so opening times of artist alley/vendors was unclear even to vendors themselves
>Barely any Japanese speaking staff to deal with A-ONE
>No one could hear announcements over music blasting on the main stage
>No proper line management
>Most events/performances were late

Anything I missed?
You will never be thin.
Real women femcels could be getting male attention too if they weren't so cringe and hard to deal with I imagine. If you're jealous, work on yourself to become better.
I watched the livestream of Touhoufest and man was every single person there ugly. I remember it being an autist fandom 12 years ago but I guess it still rings true today.
Based Transgender

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