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Kimono Edition

Previous thread: >>4326457
Post more of Evangelion's best girl!
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Kimonos aren't cute or kino
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That's a lot of moisture. *sips the Asuka soup*
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The outfits for this cafe collab in China are really good, wish we got individual drawings of each pilot instead of all 5 together.
>or kino
wdym? It's right there in the name
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Million dollar smile
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How is she so pretty?
Best Rei
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Not bad, bing, not bad.
bretty good
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How could Asuka's father leave his poor daughter like that, after such a traumatic event? What a pathetic man.
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Asukas father practically abandoned her, and distanced himself from her, after Kyoko's death. Hence Kaji having custody of her and being her guardian.
Wasn't she a test tube baby?
No, that's only in the manga, which is like tier 4 canon (Not very reliable) It's a massive disservice to her character, you're removing part of her story.
Fill me in then I haven't watched NGE in years and I forgot she even had a dad I thought it was just the testtube stuff
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I got her, and she's 0w0 cute af!
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So based
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In episode 22 you hear him talking to the stepmom and he asks why Asuka destroys the doll.
I legit don't remember this
You probably didn't watch the directors cut version, it added a lot of crucial scenes to episode 22.
Didn't even know there was a DC if I'm being honest
I want one, what's the name of it?
Where are her nipples?
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My thoughts exactly :3

Left is Hilda, I got her from Gund but it was Limited offer. Big'o Asuka from Amazon, just tape Asuka 12in plushie and you see her https://www.amazon.com/Great-Eastern-Entertainment-Evangelion-Movie/dp/B0CDDS2PLK/ref=asc_df_B0CDDS2PLK/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693127141865&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=6216251208962681593&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9028051&hvtargid=pla-2263811779140&psc=1&mcid=f6e29029f34b3db6a47cdb01c6a8f876&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw3NyxBhBmEiwAyofDYQPuP4j0ir_-c_g9nie7ASLbJxefdwIX-pYkM3FY54kGU_YWgMDHvBoCjvYQAvD_BwE
Damn, she must not be available in the UK... that's a damn shame, the only place selling her is sketchy as hell.
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A perfect snap of my deepest dreams
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I wish she would look at me like that
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any more political Asuka? (idc whether it's left or right stuff)
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Why on earth would you ever want left leaning Asuka? Fucking disgusting.
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I don't necessarily want Asuka to be left, I literally said that I don't care about the political orientation. I'm fine with any political Asuka, be it anarcho Asuka or nazi Asuka
>I don't necessarily want Asuka to be left
>I'm fine with any political Asuka, be it anarcho Asuka
Get yo smelly ass outta here
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fine then, it you were mindbroken by leftoids to the point where my request triggers you, I'd apprechiate a nazi Asuka
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does anyone more like picrel or >>4329580
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yeah but legs/ass are better
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She looks pissed
I literally want to see Asuka wearing nothing but a shirt with a hammer and sickle on it
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No one cares about your /pol/ crap, faggots
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Wish I could go try that Evangelion cafe collab over in Shanghai. Lots of cute merch and the Asuka drinks look amazing.
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That would hurt her
she feet
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*peels the booby tape*
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She squishy
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I want to massage her feet
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ohhhhhhhh tanned Suka erotic
oh my geez I've seen this set of images. Oh lawd have mercy.
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May I see it?
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Finally, a good picture with the test suit
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So raunchy
NTA, but best I can do for ya man.
Though I won't mind Asuka being a Lasch-esque left-leaning conservative either, she'd probably be right-leaning.
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More tanned Asuka
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>The tanlines on her butt
Oh wew
>I find her toned little muscles cute.
I see you post this all the time. But no, I don't have what you're looking for.
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>she'd probably be right-leaning.
that's true.
thanks for the pic
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Why was this post deleted?
Because you're not on /a/. Low quality and lewd posts get deleted on /c/ when mods feel like being active. No guarantee that posts will be deleted but there is a much higher chance for them to be deleted here.
Since you didn't use sage I'm guessing you're new.
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What the fuck do you mean low quality lewd posts? Anon was asking for pictures of Asuka with muscle definition with this pic.
> I'm guessing you're new.
You guessed wrong fuckboy.
Then make an Asuka thread on /e/ and /a/ or keep whinging here, I'm not a mod so it's not like I can give a definitive answer as to why shit gets deleted.
Knowing this thread if it got deleted the its either too lewd for /c/ (but not /a/) or just low quality.
>Low quality (...) posts get deleted on /c/
Not on Asuka threads
Jannies hate her
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lmfao NSFW within
you're not funny
I'm not funny, but the picture is
It's not. It's gross, and only (man)child obsessed with porn would think it is funny or even like it
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Asuka is a gift sent from Paradise
The most precious being that has ever graced my life
I will love her unconditionally forever and ever
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shitty edit is shitty
keep your shitposting on /a/
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Something like this?
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Too much?
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Perfect chest
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here's what i've got anon
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We need more art of Thunder Thighs Asuka. Hopefully we will in the next thread.

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