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If the rivers of literal shit don't kill you, the leopards will. Such is life in the UK.
Saars, the UK is turning into Bharat
Nature is healing..
Europe's big wild carnivoran population restored
Imagine if they discover it and find that it likes sipping tea in its den and has crooked teeth
>Imagine if dey discoverings it and findings that it likings sippings tea in its den and has crookeds teething
Terrific news! Let’s drop a bunch of these in London and let nature take its course :)
The UK has always been like that. At least India is literally overflowing with pajeets, there's no reason why the Thames has to be so putrid.
england traded what nature had left to fuel its empire. right now it's the poorest region of europe in terms of biodiversity and natural habitats, and i bet that were not for the EU forcing environmental laws unto them during the 80s, great britain would look like easter island today.
It's the only black denizen of the British Isles whose numbers are decreasing.
is the literal rivers of shit the Muslim people who immigrated to your country.
That’s a weird way to say roaming gangs of various PoC
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This is just a british man in an american flag shirt

The traditions of english theatre never change
I live in the British territories myself dude everyone can see how dire the situation is over there
It's the UK, what the fuck do you expect?
lmao did somebody really smuggle a jaguar into Britain and just turn it lose?
So megafaunal cryptids are possible?
Yeah, but now that there evidence for it, its not cryptozoology any more, just normal zoology. And any cryptozoology is still crackpot schizo pseudoscience without any evidence @:^)
Honestly the big problem with all "non-standard" forms of knowledge is the childish, agent Mulder-like need to convince other people of them. Who cares if everyone else is wrong. I saw the Loch Ness Monster and it turned out to be an incredibly big otter who speaks fluent old Gaelic. Why would I care if you believe me or not?
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>Why would I care if you believe me or not?
perhaps we're not sociopaths like you?
>sociopathy is when you don't try to make everyone exactly like you
Clinically it is the opposite
If you were one of hundreds or thousands of people independently describing a giant gealic speaking otter, it woul be pretty rude to not at least consider it.
Imagine your a bong taking a walk at night an run across a panther, then everyone proceeds to question your mental state and soberness or thinks you're pulling a prank.
Eyewitnesses are routinely dismissed, because "expert say its nonsense".
Given the influx of pajeets on the Isles, I quite fully expect that the source of the DNA is because they've been smuggling exotic cats in from their homeland and they've been getting loose.
It's both human nature AND noble to be a truthspeaker. If you don't find the value in spreading news of novel discoveries and proving them, then you've got something wrong with you. As in, lower-than-NPC-type-behavioral-issues.
these sightings didnt start recently. might as well be someone rich bringing in a couple during colonial times and then quietly letting them go after finding that feeding big cats can get pretty expensive. or a circus at some point in the last century not being able to afford their kitties any more.
they won't stand a chance
Always have been
A big cat is not a cryptid... Very easy for them to have hid, and there have been plenty of reasonable sightings and video evidence, unlike with your made-up monsters like bigfoot, mothman, mokele, nessy, whatever. No, megafaunal cryptids are not possible.
I don't understand how unknown megafauna can exist anywhere outside of the most remote, dense rainforests. Literally just
>find game trail/water source/literally anything
>install remote camera
Congratulations, you now have video of even the rarest and most elusive animals.
doesn't work for most rare animals.
They must be rare indeed if they never have to eat or drink.
just go watch a doc about bili apes. Animals are very cautious with new stimuli, and some avoid areas that other animals frequent, like watering holes or trails...
Hell, Britbongs used to be able to buy big cats at the department store, not hard to imagine some of those getting set loose instead of being sent back to Africa.
>human nature
fake news
abstract, non-quantifiable concept
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nigga such an npc he talkin like a robot off star trek
Voiced by Idris Elba.
>make statement based on false premises
I don't even need to finish this meme arrow chain. The first one conveys my point succinctly.
they will if you drop enough in
You got btfo bot boy

Based, epic win
facts don't care about your feelings (nobility)
What are you doing on 4chan if you don't like non-mainstream thoughts and opinions?
yeah, uhh
>The Bili apes, or Bondo mystery apes, were names given in 2003 in sensational reports in the popular media to a purportedly new species of highly aggressive, giant ape supposedly inhabiting the wetlands and savannah around of the village of Bili in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
>Scientists soon determined they were common chimpanzees
ESL? I don't like opinions that can't be justified non-esoterically. I never said anything about the mainstream. I especially don't like when people people try to make themselves appear better than others.
>I don't like opinions that can't be justified non-esoterically
I get what you're trying to say but personal opinions on certain topics can kind of come from anywhere. The justification comes in when you're trying to convince others that they should be thinking like you. E.g:
>I am vegan because I don't like the idea of eating animal products
>I am vegan because eating animal products is morally reprehensible
One of these is a simple personal choice based on personal opinion. The other is something the individual perceives as some sort of 'moral right' and therefore implying that you're morally in the wrong for doing something different, despite both of these statements coming from the same place (Feelings rather than Facts).
Appealing to some kind of made-up sense of nobility is the latter, by the way.
>noooo just make everything an opinion or say you were put up to it by a god or something with a concrete bible verse that way you cant hurt feelings and we can agree to disagree
Conviction is chadliness.
Opinions are cowardice.
Faith is cuckoldry.

You are afraid to have the right opinion and need to exist in a world of subjectivity so you can neither win nor lose
Your ancestors would be ashamed. You are a slave.
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None of that is relevant to >>4800032.
I am not this retard >>4800045

Anyways, my whole post chain was in reference to >>4799467. This opinion wasn't presenting itself as subjective, and it is closer to the latter like you said. I hate things closer to the latter because they try to come off as objective.
>human nature isn't objective, there's no consistency to human behavior whatsoever
Human nature is, sure. When the person bringing it up can back it up with research. But we both know that there is so research backing up the statement 'being a truthsayer is in human nature' because it's nonsense fluff, as is the appeal to an arbitrary concept of 'nobility'. It's meaningless words that only mean something to a select few. And if you personally care about that shit, if it motivates you etc, good for you. But to pretend that there is any amount of objectivity there is silly.
>When the person bringing it up can back it up with research.
beep boop, human nature must be verified by (((trusted sources))) beep boop
Being gay is human nature because gay people exist and also I say so. If you disagree you're an NPC.

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