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So these are just kinda...? Water doggos?
And they hunted 90% of the billion year standing lineages of nautilus to death in a handful million years?
>So these are just kinda...? Water doggos?
have you never been to one of those oceanic entertainment venues with a trained seal who does tricks?
because yes, they are extremely doglike.
on earth we call those "aquariums"
I was talking more Seaworld and that restaurant that's like Medeival Times but its pirates
>sea LION
> that restaurant that's like Medeival Times but its pirates
is the food good?
I remember an anon here saying they were among the likeliest animals today to be domesticated because they’re so friendly or something. Don’t know how true it is but they are similar in disposition to dogs
IDK the whole place smells like an aquarium so that can kinda defeat your appetite but they had an animatronic glow-in-the-dark skeleton come out of the central pool and it was like 16 feet tall so overall a cool experience.
Kekkekekekekekekeke hahahahaha
I think domesticating anything aquatic would be incredibly hard on the long term.
We could try however adding them the genes dogs have for being nice and domestic and then selective breeding them a handful generations (which is hard bc they are aquatic duh)

Their Amphibian ancestors however would have been a cool and maybe plausible domestic animal
I think mermen could use them as hunting doggos to capture sharks.
The problem is that they smell like shit.
Seal is already a contraction of sea wolf, they needed a different animal.
that’s just an extra large otter silly
Ptters are just water weasels. Sea lions look more doggish
They are more related to weasels snd bears, ackshully.
that one in the pic really does just look like a otter though
They are indeed, but their habitat was recognised as a barrier that naturally prevented any domestication from happening.
They'd need a huge body of water to be happy
Imagine all the owners neglecting them by just giving them a kiddie pool
>Imagine all the owners neglecting them by just giving them a kiddie pool
That would add a whole new dimension to those animal rescue shows. They break into some meth head's backyard and there is just this depressed seal with clown make up lying in a dirty kiddie pool.
Bullshit. If you've ever spent time observing seals you'll notice their behavioural patterns are surprisingly canine. So much so that when dogs and seals encounter each other there's a familial interaction pattern.
They're all in the caniformia suborder.
It's just mammals dominating nature.
>I think domesticating anything aquatic would be incredibly hard on the long term.
Explain Koi and Goldfish.
>Explain Koi and Goldfish
They are not the size of large dog while juvenile anon.

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