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She's lived a longer life than Longcat now.
>can't walk on its own
but at least i can still get instagram likes!

Her life was as forced as the redd*t meme
if they had even an ounce of compassion for their dog they would have euthanized her 1-2 years ago. She shits in diapers and needs a wheeled exoskeleton just to move around now. Just depressing.
>redd*t meme
shut the fuck up nigger tourist. doge was posted on the owner's personal blog and then spread like wildfire here before it was ever posted on reddit.
This should be obvious, but animals are incapable of being angsty suicidal faggots because they have no concept of dignity and purpose. They do not beg for death because they are a little uncomfortable or because their arrangement is embarrassing. They will walk around on nubs of bone for a decade missing half their face and never once treat death as anything but their greatest fear.

Euthanizing an animal because YOU wouldn't want to live like that is childish. Use your brain. Does the animal want to live like that? If it was that bad they would stop eating and drinking or crawl off a balcony. Some of you people are the type that would try and kill yourselves if you lost a couple of limbs and lost access to all of your hobbies, your profession, and your independence. For some of you, financial disaster too late in life to become a competitive high earner and reliably recover is suicide worthy. You do not have the primal, animal desire to simply live. Your lives are abstracted works of intellect with purpose and reason. You have become immortal things, spirits, that discard their bodies when they are useless and live on as a memory. Animals are below this.
Mother. Fucking. Thank you.
I make that argument all the time and people act like I'm a psychopath for saying as much.
Every time I see a new pic of her she looks 50% worse. I wish she could be around for a lot longer but at this point she really looks like a walking corpse, that poor thing, really.

I'm also slightly weird out by the attitude of those Japanese
>lookie she's blind, shits in diapers, can't walk anymore and is sniffing her dog friend I'm holding in my arms right now who died a couple hours ago teehee :)

Guess I'm 100% incompatible with that culture but to me this feels completely off
Animals are capable of suicide. That's essentially what "death from loneliness" is, where they basically just stop eating and just let themselves die and be sick.

But this doesn't mean that dogs /need/ to be euthanized. You can be old and sick but still enjoy life. I don't think we should decide what is best just from some internet pictures.
>Does the animal want to live like that?
non human animals dont have the cognitive capacity to actively "want" things. You're anthropomorphizing them
The Japanese doesn't believe in putting down pets. Watch this episode of Japanology on Dogs, it has the same type of dog as OP, in old sickly condition. I time stamped it the part.

>non human animals dont have the cognitive capacity to actively "want" things. You're anthropomorphizing them
yes, they do DUMBFUCK

its disappointing that westoids are so soulless they consider animals machines until doctor SOIstein does a heckin MRI-erino to prove there's activity in the anterior faggot gyrus indicating they're processing words as actual words when anyone who has interacted with a dog knows its self apparent that they are self aware animals that actually have thoughts, think about words, and know they exist

its such basic shit that you can talk to rats and you faggot soulless westoids refuse to belive what is in front of your eyes because then "the heckin ethical consistency implications" mean you're a bad person because your "morals" are all based on a pseudo-secular intelligence worship cult carefully constructed to mirror anti-animal semitic murder cults and depend on animals you are used to mistreating "not being like us at all"
but they are 99% like you, sorry

also, dogs smile. this is another thing that triggers you soulless bug people. dogs smile.
>no its just panting
wrong expression
>no its submission
wrong expression again
>its nervousness they're growling its...
wrong wrong and wrong. dogs smile.

anthropomorphization is the correct conclusion 99% of the time because the majority of human behavior is shared with literally every other mammal and there is almost nothing actually setting you apart from them except being slightly more sophisticated in your use of language and memory. in most ways you are actually unusually dumb for a great ape.
because they age 7x faster
So did she end up having kids?
Being blind is quite something. I do appreciate how she can still keep up a cheerful look
>Guess I'm 100% incompatible with that culture but to me this feels completely off
In fairness, that’s hardly exclusive to the Japanese
Sorry your forced meme wasn't popular anon
>anthropomorphization is the correct conclusion 99% of the time because the majority of human behavior is shared with literally every other mammal and there is almost nothing actually setting you apart from them except being slightly more sophisticated
This is schizophrenic.
wasn’t the original photo posted to reddit in 2010?
Have dogs not also evolved more muscles in the upper portion of their face so their "eyebrows" (though they lack actual like, eyebrows, more so the flesh that is in the place of eyebrows) in order to be more expressive? Domesticated animal are often quite socially intelligent. Even if they may not understand things to our level, there's still some level of connection.
scientific facts that make you uncomfortable do sound schizophrenic if said aggressively enough but dont worrr they’re still true

WE do not even think its 100% certain humans are self aware and exhibit free will. this is such a fact most advertising you see today is based on studies that attempted to unlock the secrets of determinism and how truly low human intelligence is.
You unironically have fucking 80 year olds ditching their 4th marriage in favor of pussy, it's like they're too stupid to realize they're about to die
You're the pussy.
>oh boo hoo I'm so miserable I can't take it wah wah wah
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the damage wasnt preventing it from walking, the deer just had to cope with the pain until it healed
why are you replying to yourself?
If the deer didnt have to walk it wouldnt give a shit even then
Animal existence is: Dont care stayin alive
The ironing.
>never once treat death as anything but their greatest fear.
Death isn't their greatest fear. It's getting wounded that they fear and try to avoid. The dog with half its face gone (riddled with infection also) and walking on bones is not just a little uncomfortable. It's living in agony. It keeps going only because it doesn't know to do anything else. It doesn't have the mental capacity to know it needs to walk into a hospital and ask for help. It doesn't have any capability to help itself. Humans with their higher intelligence and understanding can look at that dog and work out whether its life will be a miserable one that will never get better or if it can be helped and make the appropriate decision.
>Use your brain.
I am. Nothing would want to live in extreme pain for every moment of their lives with no chance of things ever getting better. That's common sense. It's kinder to put an animal to sleep if its quality of life is terrible with no hope of it improving.
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>Euthanizing an animal because YOU wouldn't want to live like that is childish. Use your brain. Does the animal want to live like that? If it was that bad they would stop eating and drinking or crawl off a balcony.
You don't have to anthropomorphise animals to opt for euthanasia. I don't care if an animal is incapable of cognitively processing abstract concepts such as suicide and them not acting on it. What I care about is if an animal is incapable of supporting basically bodily functions. If either apply I am putting it down. Why?

Because you would be at that point directly intervening in prolonging their lifespan, which as a result means you are applying your own ethics to decide that you want to keep animal alive when it would instead naturally die.

People who euthanise an animal that would die without human intervention are not the one to own up for ethics, its people like you who cannot bear to face their own emotions of letting a pet die. You are the one placing your own emotions over animal. Not the other way round.
Imagine killing grandma without her consent just because she was blind and can't walk.
Animals cannot comprehend death — granted, humans can't comprehend it either ("What happens when we die?") but animals don't fear death because they don't understand that they themselves will die. They don't understand that even when mortally wounded they will die. They only understand an impulse of fear of great suffering that comes from pain. Their will to live comes from the fear of pain and nothing more. They can be in such agonizing torturous pain and yet refuse to die because they are afraid that there is a pain yet greater than that.

Animals understand that things "die", they see and deal with death quite often, but they don't have the same fear we do. Their biology commands them to fear death, but their biology does not inform them of what the experience of dying is like, so animals can only assume that it is an existence of eternal pain where nobody will ever see or hear you again. Why assume that the pain stops when you die? If the failure state is just "I stop moving and sleep forever" then why would any animal fear that? Animals like sleeping and assume they'll just wake up.

Yes, most animals can comprehend death.

I dont care about your half assed theory i care that animals do not seek death, end their own lives, or welcome comprehensible execution methods under these circumstances. You hardly know how their subjective experience of pain is really like and how well they adapt to it or how much it affects them. If they are not killing themselves (they are capable when they rarely choose) let them live, because generally they want to live.
>mercykillfags to their wheelchairbound grandma who is hard of sight, who wants nothing but the joy of being around them is in the vicinity.
ground breaking
thread is over everyone pack it up
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>starts an argument in a thread about cute dog
>encounters a point he got no answer to
>pretends like he seen it a million times and pretends to end the discussion like a fucking redditor
Unless your dog is going through something excruciating like late stage cancer, your choice to shoot them behind the shed is just you getting bored of them.
>became a household name shitcoin worth billions
that wasn’t sarcasm anon
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My bad. Thank you for understanding.
Glad we could come to common ground thanks to grandma
Lel, funny old crazy eyes slobber machine
This is something that's always struck and stood out to me when I watch sad dog rescue videos. A dog can be missing 3 limbs and just be crawling along trying to enjoy the food and weather like any other dog. Smiling and wagging.
I'm a man, but sometimes I think I can see how it would be good to learn from dogs.
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The fact that you have to reduce their, very cognizant, points down to that just so you can feel like you're right shows how insincere you are.
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And you have now just demonstrated to the class that your postion is emotionally founded. Animals don't have concepts of "wanting" like humans do, they have drives. To want something is an abstract human concept, but drives are instinctive and based on needs. A dog does not "want" to eat that chicken on your plate, it is driven by instinctive function to eat whenever it can because food is non-sustainable in the wild. It is part of the reason why dogs will kill themselves with bloat, it is a drive out of their control. Training a dog follows these principles by denying and allowing drives in return for demonstrated behavior.

You are likely defending your position so passionately and emotionally because you are trying justify your own actions with your pets current or present, a relatives maybe. Unable to come to terms with the fact that due to you or their's selfishness it prolongued a life of extended pain for a dear pet to satisfy a fear of losing them. I have met people like you before and that is typically why they hold a position like that. I feel sorry for them because while I find their choice immature and reprehensible I understand how strong a bond they form with their pets. These animals cat or dog get them though the modernity and lows in life just as my own pets did. But there is a point where you need to let go anon.

Put that deaf/blind/cripple/incontinent 19 year old chihuahua to rest and move on.
>current or present
Meant current or previously kek
you (and anyone else) doesn't know any of this for certain
Maybe not but it is an undeniable fact that animals feel pain, and therefore fear pain. Animals don't have wants but they do have fears. An animal that you know is in pain is constantly afraid, stressed and, you know, in pain. Maybe it doesn't want to die but by that same logic it doesn't want to live either.
You're that animals owner. It's your responsibility to take care of them. Anything that happens to them is entirely up to you. Keeping an animal in pain alive, for a prolonged period of time, when you know there's no chance of it getting better and it's only going to get worse, is selfish.
Of course this isn't a black or white issue and of course it's on a case-by-case basis but come on. Have some common sense.
little baby so desperate for a (You)
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Killing a human is non-compareble to killing a dog. It is not worth considering in an argument regarding animal euthanasia as that is a completely different agrument to have regarding the worth of human life vs an animal's. It is why no anon here once argued euthanasia pluralisticly or on the basis of informed consent which libertarians champion all the time as a fundamental truth to justify murdering the surplus populations that their policies create.

If you want to go down that route you can make a vegan thread and we can all sperg there.
>Animals don't have wants
this is preposterous, prove it
You are an absolute retard. Dogs and cats are perfectly capable of killing themselves if they feel, yes feel, like it. A dog will literally stop eating if it is depressed or in pain enough. Same with a cat (they will usually run away and hide in a corner and die). This is actually what happened to the last surviving rescue dog that participated in search and rescue during 9/11. He got so old that he just didn't want to do his favorite activity - eating (he was a golden retriever), even though he was otherwise fairly healthy considering his age (he could even walk on his own, could still see and smell, etc. So they euthanized him. THAT is when you euthanize a dog or cat. Not because YOU feel bad.
That is not how that works. Anon was the first to say that animals don't "want" to die, its down to them to prove that they are capable of abstract thinking such as "wanting". But you know that is not possible and so you throw it onto other anons calling that logic out.
>Cats and dogs starve themselves because they want to die. No, it can't be because they caught an illness I didn't know about. It HAS to be because they want to die!
Yeah, this. Animals stop eating for a myriad of reasons and yes, 'depression' can be one of them. But I don't think that most animals can connect the dots between not eating and death.
>he got so old he didn't want to eat anymore
So he got sick, because he's an old dog. Or got a tooth infection. Or something else that made him not want to eat. But to suggest he stopped eating because he just wanted to die? That's a pretty insane claim.
you can't prove anything related to consciousness because it isn't defined in any meaningful way
this entire discussion is retarded and based on conjecture
Exactly, therefore it's unethical to force an animal to live through pain because you think it wants to live. That's some dumbass ARA shit.
Animals are capable of abstract thought such as wanting, questioning, planning, and expecting. Sorry. They are not conditioning based robots and all of thought did not start exactly when some monkey started verbalizing it. That’s not fact, its the secular wests shoddy replacement for genesis (which originally said animals have the same souls as humans because abrahamic faiths are vedic/zoroasterian hybrid ripoffs)
Actually it would be unethical to kill them as well because you can not prove but must assume they can understand something as simple as dying. The whistler sled dogs sure did when they attacked the guy that tried to shoot them.

Instead you should give them pain killers and assume they’re like us - apparent suffering like loss of mobility doesnt actually cause them to suffer for more than a week or two and then they get used to it unless theyre worthless angsty midwits that would never breed unless forced.
>you can not prove but must assume they can understand something as simple as dying
Because I assume they don't understand is is exactly why I think that death is more ethical than forcing an animal to live in agony.
>Instead you should give them pain killers
If their pain can be alleviated by something as simple as pain killers then those situations aren't the ones I'm talking about.
If painkillers dont work the animal is already dying, it’s a mercy kill, dog in the OP is fine
>i assume they dont
You should assume they do because they demonstrate understanding of all but the most technologically advanced execution methods once they witness them in action on their own species
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Some of the people ITT would cream if they saw how livestock 'sanctuaries' treat the animals in their care. In reality it's neglectful and borderline abusive, but the animals are alive so it must be good, right? Right girls?...Right?
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>i assume they dont because murder is cheaper than palliative care
“But the kindest mercies of the wicked are cruel”
animals love every condition they are in chud. why can't realize they want to live? yeah they look like they're suffering...but you have to realize, they love it!
If the prosthetic hurts they need a refit/redesign and possibly anesthetics, opioids, or nerve ablation. Not murder. Imagine killing a person because they’re uncomfortable with a stump leg. How about we kill miserable virgins too? RIP… you!
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Actually I'm going to elaborate on why something like this (Putting a prosthetic leg on a hooved animal) fucking sucks.
Unlike carnivorans, ungulates can't live with only 3 legs. Dogs and cats can learn to balance and be happy with only 3 legs. Because of their weight, and just how they're built, heavy hooved animals (cows and horses) just can't do that. So, if a hooved animal has an injury to a leg or a foot that is so severe it won't heal in a decent enough time, the animal has to be put down.
Why is this?
Well, like I said, they cannot survive on three legs alone. This is because taking weight off one foot for a significant amount of time would make the animal shift all it's weight to it's other three feet. This will eventually cause severe, painful issues with the other three feet. And I do mean painful. Issues such as the hoof wall coming away from the lamina, which is painful enough, but will always result in near-constant infections. Basically, it can't happen.
So, what's the solution? Amputation? But they can't put all their weight on their three feet, so, what do you do?
Oh a prosthetic, of course!
Except, no.
The contact point of the prosthetic to the actual leg will eventually result in painful sores, causing the animal to shift their weight onto their three uninjured legs, eventually resulting in what i've already described.
Furthermore, prosthetics don't allow the animal to actually live in herds. The other members of the herd will bully the disabled animal, and injure it further. This is just how they are. Any roughhousing can also break or fuck up the prosthetic. So, they have to be separated. There is a reason why you never see herd animals with prosthetics interacting with herds of their own.
This is abusive to herd animals. These animals need herds to be happy, again, it's just how they are. In some places of the world it is literally illegal to keep horses and cows completely on their own, that's how fucked up it is.
>b-but they're alive! they're alive so its okay!!! YOU DONT KNOW WHATS IN THEIR HEAD!!! THEY'RE JUST LIKE PEOPLE!!!
If you unironically think that this kind of shit is okay, you have the same level of understanding about the world as a child.
Most people keep lone horses without issue. Herd animals are smart enough to have another species in their little herd. Stop appealing to nature. It’s a fallacy specifically for this reason - there is no logical difference between that BS and saying deer need to be eaten by wolves to be fulfilled just because thats how it is in the wild.

Also see >>4798916 just take care of the amputation like you would for a human instead of slapping a peg leg on and walking away. Properly fit and designed prosthetics on properly treated limbs can support a whole horse or cow without pain.

You’re not arguing in favor of murder. You’re arguing against half assed medical care.
>Most people keep lone horses without issue. Herd animals are smart enough to have another species in their little herd.
>Properly fit and designed prosthetics on properly treated limbs can support a whole horse or cow without pain.
Uninformed retard detected.
Both of those things are true. You dont need two horses. A horse can bond with any animal including a human. And prosthetics can be quite good if you actually do them right.
You do need two horses. Or at least two equines, a donkey will do fine, but a horse wont be happy if it's only herdmates are goats or cows, and anyone who says otherwise better not own a horse that they're abusing because they're too poor or too lazy to own more than one.
>And prosthetics can be quite good if you actually do them right.
See >>4798923.
>appeal to nature
>you cant because i cheap out on vet care
yep its a rightoid. stop eating meat btw.
>leftoid shamelessly shows xhis ass
I just got here and you already lost
>u r wrong cuz left
Left wing individuals are more intelligent on average and more likely to be influential world leaders
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they just like me frfr
>Animals are capable of abstract thought such as wanting, questioning, planning, and expecting.
Prove it then.
unfathomably based. people get uncomfortable with the maintanence old age and sickness bring and justify it as "dignity". Also a lot of people put down dogs that stop eating but dogs can stop eating from a lot of things that are simple fixes. you killed your dog because it had a stomach ache not because you cared about its dignity.
Leftists/liberals are overwhelmingly mentally ill and suffering from health conditions
doesn't make what he said wrong
>yeah im literally crazy but so what
and there's plenty of rightoids that are crazy. you want to start by examining all the incels that light up malls/schools because they can't breed?
most are known to be leftcels
>smart people more likely to be mentally ill
yes and livestock are always happy if they have food, sleep, and sex hence the common insults “sheeple” and “cattle” reserved for people who call landing on the moon when they’re still poor “a waste of money”
no they aren't lmao
if you lost three limbs you'd probably smile and laugh sometimes too.
being traumatized or maimed or crippled doesn't make you somehow mystically unable to ever enjoy anything.
People in death camps tell jokes and laugh at them and look forward to meals.
No one even cares about doge anymore. Go suck elons dick
4chan users would kill themselves if they lost even 2 limbs unless they actually fell for some meme religion that needed a suicide ban to stop all the adherents from punching an early ticket to the afterlife
wow im convinced
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>leftcel temper tantrum
>says the side with an omnipresent metaphorical (sometimes literal) gun to the head of anyone that goes against their narrative(s)
I have a sneaking suspicion you are the britbong that believes the Labour party is right wing. You have been perusing a lot of threads recently.
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Feel old now?
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Based and life piled, death is cringe.
yeah bro completely natural. the dog totally isn't suffering at all.
Poor thing. Because of one meme picture she's now being kept alive well past her expiration date
This but unironically
had a point until the last 2 sentences became /x/ gibberish.
if thats /x/ gibberish to you, you’re a schizoid

To everyone else its a fairly practical viewpoint
The body is temporary but the legacy is enduring
>To everyone else its a fairly practical viewpoint
no it's a cope that makes you feel better about death
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No it is part of the cycle of having descendants and preparing the next generation to be better off than where you started. The memory shit being eternal life is not literal, it is metaphor for the concept of devoting your life's cause to your progeny.
none of that has anything to do with your previous babbling about spirits
>doesnt get this basic metaphor
>thinks everyone is the same person
These things vote and breed…
>you can't follow my incoherent schizo ramblings? y-you're the dumb one!
I am not that anon. I am abridging the new age schizo babble for you.
>wow, doge is still happy with life, has a loving family and adoring fans, even at old age
>cant walk
>cant see
>lived a lifespan 10 times that of wild/feral dogs
>stuck on medication
>needs human made apparatus for any form of movement
>would have died naturally long ago without her owner intervening and artificially prolonging
>parades her out on socials as a remnant of a bygone era
What a truly autistic and entertaining thread. Thank you all for your service :)
if the animal is in pain, it is our duty to eat it
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You mean residential livestock.
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it's sad to see her waste away like this
>being traumatized or maimed or crippled doesn't make you somehow mystically unable to ever enjoy anything.
Depends. If you're in pain all the time, it sure makes it difficult to enjoy things or be happy.
neat movie
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>letting an animal suffer is okay because animals don't kill themselves
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hnhnnhhhg h I'm
I'm so fucking old
nhnhgnnhgnh h
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>The decaying face
>Wearing a fucking diaper
Post the one where the owner makes her walk like marionette.
Ironic, since they off themselves for something as silly as "honor". Just put the thing out of its misery ffs, this is animal abuse at this point.
I guarantee you that deer had searing pain in its legs with every step and would have liked nothing more to die.

>doge is still happy with life
Citation fucking needed
You've never had a family member with ALS have you anon
awwww look how happy and full of life she is!
>never once treat death as anything but their greatest fear.
I'm not sure most animals truly understand death. They surely understand harm.
>If it was that bad they would stop eating
I had two dogs, when one died the other one waited for around two weeks before realizing the other one would never come back. So layed down and refused to eat or drink anything for days until we had to take it to the vet. Vet told us the heart's animal was abnormally big and had to be euthanized.
Life is fleeting
Death is final
Don't be a dick, a life of pain is still life
>Can't bring myself to put dog down
>Don't want to clean up the mess either
Wtf just be a fish/crustacean/herp
Oh yeah she's so happy.... look, she really wants to live.
someone put her out of her misery
That is kinda ironic
I think most people can say that anon
literally looks dead here lmao
This is a prety unflattering photo. I think my day is worse from seeing it. The eyes, the faded fur, slumped-over positioning of the head. Sad to see my teenhood memes that made me laugh end up like this. But since her owners are pretty well-off, at least she's probably getting cared of to the best of their abilities.
We euthanized our dog several days after he had stopped being able to walk, had trouble relieving himself and had little energy left. He was already old and keeping him alive would've just been prolonging his suffering.
Why was she so yellow?
Are we sure it's the same dog?
Just lighting and image editing.
Didn't cheems died?
I am glad I took my 17 year old Silky Terrier/Jack Russell cross to the vet and he died peacefully in his sleep because he just had heart failure and wasn't in pain.
I don't think you can get a flattering pic at that age.
Or with cripples in general. Look at any photo with some dude in crutches or a wheelchair and you will see it.
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Aww they're friends :)
They are forming a suicide pact.
this guy is like the mother theresa of shibas
> Why was she so yellow?
Well anon, you see, in the far east…
At least she has someone to keep her company I guess
this thread is making me sad and I don't even like dogs
This, you only euthanize an animal if it is actively in pain that can't be cured (or will soon be), not because YOU think he might be a depressed faggot like yourself.
You think these dogs are happy >>4802295 ? Do you actually think they're happy animals?
>non human animals dont have the cognitive capacity to actively "want" things
Then what is this
>Do you actually think they're happy animals?
Why not?
This reminds me of this: https://youtu.be/IpDUnAD_ykc

shoutout to all pitybros. never stop sharing the sauce.
What is "happy"?

It is self evident that dogs can be happy.
Well ACKSHFUALLYTTTTHHHHHPFT you cant be proven to be conscious either, period, fucking lifeless fedora tipping pop sci pseud faggot
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I agree with all of this. Some fat bitch told us to put down our dog because of hip dysplasia, but she is still happy and running three years later, what the fuck.

Are humans evil? Are vets to be trusted? I am still genuinely fucking annoyed about it.
This thread makes me feel better about my cat passing naturally at home. I thought I was too late to euthanize but maybe it wasn't necessary.
Vets could do 100x more but they don’t.

“I’m sorry the surgery is too risky and the best thing is to put them down”

Fucking kill yourself
You are fucked.
I feel this is the case too. A lot like regular doctors
True, animals CAN kill themselves if they want to but the vast majority prefer to try and live as lpng as they can.
Death always have a cause. Heart failure kidney failure, starvation, thirst. How far you can go to keep the body alive that would have died long ago and justify it?
they don't because even if they do perform the surgery, it genuinely is risky as fuck. why put the owner and pet through that turmoil? plus, it would cost a fuckton and the owners would definitely want to sue or freak the fuck out if that 20 grand spent on a sliiiiim chance of being life saving failed.
I can't judge because I don't know how Doge's day to day is like. For me personally, I helped my girl in her final years. I kept her alive as long as I knew she kept wanting to go. But when she was done, the sign was very clear. She stopped eating, just closed her eyes, and waited. Sure, I could've probably kept her going, but I promised not to make her suffer because I was afraid.

So maybe Doge is still living happily. At least one can only hope.
>one can only hope
More like one can only cope
>why put the owner and pet through that turmoil?
Why put human families through the turmoil when grandpa needs a heart surgery? Better just let him fucking DIE.
Humans and animals aren't on the same level you fucking mouthbreather. How many times.
You are fucked.
Owner takes pictures of Kabosu practically every day, you can check how she got old (the dog, the owner barely appears in the pics)
Because of living in physical pain?
>I guarantee you that deer had searing pain in its legs with every step and would have liked nothing more to die.
How many animals can commit suicide?
I know dolphins can voluntarily stop breathing, underwater, if they feel sad.
So taking animals to the vet when they're sick is cruel and unnatural if the illness would have killed them in the wild, without human intervention?
Murder fetishists like you need to be barred from owning animals.
painkillers exist and are likely being given out because rationally an animal that is not a fedora tipping nihilist pseud will take living longer with drugs than committing suicide
>What pseuds think the doge is going through

>What the doge is going through
>Heheheh feel good treats, ok now damn why didnt i start supporting my bodyweight with a blanket on wheels earlier this is comfy *drools*
don't reply to bait anon, be better
you did the right thing, I'm sure your cat appreciated every extra moment it was with you :)
You clearly have a bone to pick with some imaginary pseuds in your head if my short and obvious answer provoked such an intense reaction from you. It's not about dignity, it's about physical suffering, which painkillers don't provide 24/7 relief from (but they do provide side effects).
>We murdered our dog several days after he had stopped being able to walk, had trouble relieving himself and had little energy left. He was already old and keeping him alive would've just been inconvenient to us.
>But i could tell that deep in his heart poor wittle doggo wanted to be killed, and would hang himself if he could, all I did was help him fulfill his suicidal fantasies! I'm such a good person.
This is what you are actually saying you fucking psychopath. In a sane world you would not be allowed to own pets.
ah yes, the sentiment that we should kill anything with chronic pain, truly a noble and merciful stance!
I mean, I occasionally see posts from people in chronical pain online and they're never about how they're thankful to be alive.
Knowing the canadians ITT would mercy kill me in particular because of my EVIL and UNBEARABLE "pain and suffering" (protip: you go numb to it if it's not nerve damage) is clearly too much for anyone to be allowed to live with makes me never want to give up my guns. When the anti-suffering squads come to purge my contaminated existence from their perfect world, I have an illegally converted AR-15 and 300 green tips stashed in STANAGS waiting for them. Also a few 20 round CZ 9mms stuffed full of civil defense for the light body armor wearing fucks.

As long as no one ever transfers this insane "i must do what is right and kill whoever is not living a perfect life" shit to humanity these weapons will collect dust
No one is killing you. You're the one who's probably advocating to remove that possibility from the people who might want that because of your own fear of death. And also coming up with schizo dystopian scenarios in your head.

Honestly, I think it's some sort of subconscious psychological distinction. Some people are more afraid of death, while others are more afraid of suffering. Everyone is afraid of both of those things, but the strength of each of these fears determines whether one would advocate for euthanasia or not.
Children fear death
Adults fear death
Stunted bourgie manchildren only fear suffering
then why don't you reach out to help them commit suicide? or even offer to shoot them in the head yourself? Do you enjoy watching them suffer or something? Not encouraging people living in constant pain to an hero is pretty self-centered behavior.
I certainly think you're stunted in some way to turn this fundamental matter of human condition into a cheap way to make yourself feel superior to someone.
It's their own choice. I won't judge them if they go for it.
>I won't judge them if they go for it.
I'm judging you for being in a position to help them end their suffering and choosing to watch them live in pain.
Yeah, I notice you guys tend to be way more judgemental and preachy than the opposite. Making it ironic how you fantasize about your ideological opponents forcing their beliefs on you when you're the one more likely to do that.
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>Because of living in physical pain?
Death is worse than physical pain by a magnitude of infinity. Nobody should be in any hurry to die, except politicians.

The real ethical dilemma is whether to devote copious time and energy to a blatantly hopeless individual, or devote it to younger animals that suffer instead. That's something that can only be answered on an individual basis.
If killing oneself was the better option, then they would've already done so
nope, tumblr
>Death is worse than physical pain by a magnitude of infinity.
I never really saw it that way. I understand the basis behind this line of thinking, but I almost never felt this way. To me, it makes perfect sense why someone would die to avoid suffering.
Not everyone has the drive to. Suicide requires a certain level of impulsiveness.
not true faggot my cats 'want' to cuddle in bed with me and eat wet food
>This dog is clearly in a lot of pain and can't do regular dog things. The dog is a dog and can't comprehend the situation it's in. It is confused. In this case keeping it alive for clicks and views is selfish and cruel
You people are so disingenuous and insincere its unreal. None of you give a fuck about disabled people. You just want to feel a little better about forcing your disabled dog to live an unnaturally long life because you couldn't bear to let them go. Comparing animals to disabled people is retarded and anthropomorphizing the animals is even more so.
these people literally have sex with their animals, what do you think
I got to watch a frog jump off a building and kill itself like 7 years ago
>Suicide requires a certain level of impulsiveness.
In other words, selfishness.
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It seems she finally passed away.

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If they cant fucking walk or see of course you retard. When your dog becomes a Doctor Octopus cosplay you know you have placed your own emotional sensibilities over the welfare of an animal. There is no ambiguity at that point whether you are artificially prolonging their life or not.

Use common sense faggot.
It's common sense enough to continue that story until after her death.
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>The Japanese doesn't believe in putting down pets.
Really? Depressing
Sticky when
i can't believe this thread somehow mercy killed it
this thread fucking killed her wtf
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why'd'ya do it OP
kabosu is dood, wat nou?
RIP old girl. She will be missed.
shell be fine
Frogs are effectively blind.
Rest peacefully, Kabosu
Massive F
Mods should sticky
OP what the FUCK
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This is not coincidence… why, /an/… WHYYY???!!!
reminder that she wanted to die because she was in pain
My cat had arthritis in her jaws and had to be syringe fed, but reacted with desperate head thrashing whenever it came time to eat. Started losing lots of weight because her food would come out with her drool.
Kinda felt like it was time to euthanise her tbqhwy
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She's in a better place now.
Out of the clutches of a heartless owner that got addicted to the social media attention.
what an emotional pic
westerners worship death as ending suffering, but not everybody thinks suffering is just bad, at least the japanese don't maxximize the pain and then eat the dog like the chinese probably would
F ;_;7
>the whining from pain as he's forced to walk
>the convulsion even when resting
jesus christ
kek I was looking for this
this thread killed her. fuck you OP.
It's finally over.

Farewell Kabosu, you are free from the shackles of this moral coil.
End of the road my friend. RIP.
the poor dog looks terrible and genuinely in pain
may she finally rest. RIP
At least she's no longer in pain.
OP decided it was time.
Soo he placed the frog there and had it kill itself for lolz? fucking faggot
I agree.
I fucking hate when we have to put down a dog but we do it before they reach that level of misery.
Clearly being held alive that long for Internet fame.

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>it's real
meme magicians, I kneel
imagine being such a seething, blackpilled permavirgin zoomer/galpha incel that you rage at doge
;_;7 goodnight sweet princess ;_;7
i saw the state of my gf's 90 y/o grandma with dementia and i would absolutely pull the trigger if it was legal. btw in the rare glimpses of lucidity she asks to just let her die
Rip. A beautiful animal who brought happiness and was loved by so many.
Every life is forced, no one asked to be part of this nightmarish shit.
You can always use the geriatric care argument for animals as well
>>calling someone childish because he doesn't conform to your idealogy
>but animals are incapable of being angsty suicidal faggots because they have no concept of dignity and purpose.
So in other words you are literally animal?
I agree with you in that case, uou are indeed wild animal devoid of humanity.
>You do not have the primal, animal desire to simply live.
Its called spark of humanity.
>Your lives are abstracted works of intellect with purpose and reason.
Life has no purpose or reason, save for personal goals, its just is.
>You have become immortal things, spirits.
>live on as a memory.
Memories are mortal, literal retard.
>Animals are below this.
So is "people" like you,. faggot.
Every second alive is worth it.
There is no reward for killing animals earlier for your emotional comfort.
A cheer to you.
I mean we do exactly that when we switch old people to hospice
There is no reward for forcing an animal to live through pain for your emotional comfort either.
Yeah man just let an amputated hooved animal live, surely it hasn't been documented and researched that its a very shitty thing to do
She could have been dead for months and nobody would be able to tell the difference. Probably only reported dead now because the body started to rot too badly
>for your emotional comfort either.
It's a fuckton lot more work and emotional drain on the owner to respect its full lifespawn. The narcissism is on your side, your projection is a cope.
You signed for it when you adopted it, that was your responsibility.
>everything that doesn't fit or goes against my dogmatic world view is schizophrenic.
You meant heretic?
And you and your fanatical kind are not human, you are something else, more or less degenerate offshoot like downies and criminals.
>How many animals can commit suicide?
Normalfags sometimes can, when they get way too sad.
>muh nihilism le bad
So what kind of nutjob dumbfuck are you, religious or idealogical?
And you sound like someone who never experienced enough suffering but really fucking should.
Set your hand ablaze then if its this case.
>you are selfish if you put yourself and your needs above some idiotic ideals
God, idealogues and religious cunts are one of worst things that happened with humanity as they are nothing but curse and source of never ending bullshit.
Taxidermy is thing, anon.
And you're putting yourself through emotional and financial strain for emotional comfort. Respectfully, no u. I don't adopt animals knowing I'm going to force them through pain because euthanisation is upsetting to me.
It's for the best.
Sticky when?
>This just in new documents and research just arrived, but for my argument instead
Your move.
>Every second alive is worth it.
Only if you are slave to self preservation instinct.
In other words you legit subhuman.
Normalfaggotry is not smart and no amount of believing very hard will change that.
No vet worth their salt would ever put prosthetics on a hooved animal due to how abusive it is. Any vet that would even attempt is already a shitty, cheap vet just in it for the money.
Hospice is still death from natural causes.
Putting down a dog is more akin to switching off a respirator and maybe giving the patient a few extra doses "for the pain".
I've done that a lot, by the way. Always with consent, mind you.
The problem is that the end of a remaining amputated limb does not have the proper tissue to bear weight the way the natural limb does. You can listen to human amputees talking about getting their prosthetic legs, they will talk about the adjustments and the pain involved in getting the limb to tolerate the pressure inside the prosthetic. Even after an amputee has gone through several re-fittings and gotten used to it they will still have days where it’s painful and they need to leave the prosthetic off and use crutches, a wheelchair, or just rest for a day or two.

Horses are roughly 5 times the weight of a human. That is A LOT of pressure on tissue not meant to be a weight bearing surface.
Horses cannot stay off their feet for prolonged periods of time. A veterinarian will tell you that if a horse remains lying down for 8 hours for any reason they are at risk for damage to their internal organs, at 24 hours they have a very slim chance of surviving. Horses cannot use crutches or a wheelchair if their prosthetic becomes sore or painful. A horse also cannot tell you where it hurts so you can adjust the padding accordingly.

When a horse injures a leg to the point that it cannot bear any weight, the stress put on the opposite leg creates the risk that the good leg will develop what is known as “Founder”. Founder is (put simply) when the bone inside the hoof separates from the outer hoof. Founder on its own can cause a horse to have to be euthanized.

Please go ahead, refute.
Don't mind if I do. The initial argument is: should an animal life be allowed to continue despite sustaining life long debilitation due to one cause of another, such as age or injury. You argue that horses are one animal that if they sustained injury to their leg it is effectively a death sentence and rightfully so due to the sheer dependence a horse or any large size animal has upon their legs. You are arguing in this case the animal should be euthanized, as the alternative is a much worse state for the creature.

Despite your points on the lack of effectiveness of prosthetics, I however believe that despite how bad modern prosthetics are having something there is better than nothing. I admit I am no expert on handling horses, but I believe that giving the horse the bare minimum with extra padding and pain killers is better than just putting the beast down. Yes, it won't be at tip top form, yeah it'd prefer its life before, but it has a better chance gaining back its life while it's alive with ever developing technologies than it is dead in the ground.
Good night sweet price
mods sticky this shit
Painkillers do nothing in the long term (since you want them to live long term) They are only a temporary solution that can also make things worse: increased tolerance = larger doses = addiction = overdose
an animal also cannot tell you whether the painkillers are even working. Besides you completely disregarded the fact that padding won't help, humans with prosthetics regularly take them off even if they have the best kind of padding. You cannot do that with horses.

Stop being retarded thinking painkillers are some kind of a panacea for terminally ill patients. Might as well cryo yourself right now if you think its better being alive than dying when no technology exists to help you
Oh please painkillers are just to help it cope and you're not going to give more than the regular dose for an animal that size because
>Damn jimmy that horse is neighing more than regular better give it the XL pills just so it can get some peace tonight
So no way of the worse extremes. In this hypothetical scenario you give the horse a gradual decreasing regime of meds so it can live with a peg leg.
Padding will help to a degree, I'm not pretending that I'm a medical expert but any physical support is better than just jamming a stick in there and renaming the poor thing lieutenant.

Speaking of prosthetics, they have made more ground over the past 50 years for horses and it's not like it's going to stop anytime soon since people still love the big animal.

The overall point is the animal can survive and live a life with even shitty prosthetics. Don't picture it like it has only its head remaining attached to life support, If it can do the bare minimum amount of exercise, it can live. The pain will eventually numb.
the pain isnt the only fucking issue you fucking troglodyte
>The overall point is the animal can survive and live a life with even shitty prosthetics.
Hooved animals can't for reasons already put forward, reasons you retards have yet to provide any actual argument against.
Putting a hooved animal into a prosthetic is abuse. End of story.
>>you are selfish if you put yourself and your needs above ideals
by definition, yes
you seem pretty triggered by the fact that suicide is a purely selfish act
They can survive a long life with a prosthetic and proper treatment. Good modern prosthetics take note of weight adjustment to prevent lameness, the main issue is that it's incredibly expensive and your horse can never be ridden again (which is great for the horse).
If you can't deal with the expenses, don't buy a horse.
>They can survive a long life with a prosthetic and proper treatment.
They can't, for reasons already stated.
>Good modern prosthetics take note of weight adjustment to prevent lameness
They don't, because that's not how it works.
>the main issue is that it's incredibly expensive
The main issue is that it doesn't work, for reasons already stated.
only if your ideals aren't pointless garbage a la chrustcuck cattle suffering for the sake of it "ideals"
Why no sticky?
>oh woe is me, my legs have been made frail, and my eyes have clouded over with years of living! That I, who was once a great noble beast, have been reduced to such a state of infirmity is truely one of life's greatest humiliations. To be seen this way, so weak, so dependant, so suffering from the pains of age, is more than I can bear. Please master, send me to God so that I may be with my ancestors, see my mother and father in eternity, and end the agony that is now called day to day life. I yearn for the sweet release of death master, please, deliver me from this world of suffering
This is what you imagine goes on in an old dog's mind and you are mentally ill.
>Comparing animals to disabled people is retarded
I often compare downies to particularly smart dogs, fuck off faggot.
>Only if you are slave to self preservation instinct.
Which nearly all animals are you moron.
>NO! I want to live! Despite my frail bones and my constant pain I, a dog, am able to comprehend the fragility and beauty of life and how much I desperately want to keep going despite my terrible pain and incontinence and inability to play or even interact with other dogs or people!!
This is what you imagine goes on in an old dog's mind and you are mentally ill.
nta but
>Its called spark of humanity.
actually I believe in something called the Dongle of Loss and it's exactly as real and defineable as whatever the fuck you just typed except that is always defines you as a faggot
>Life has no purpose or reason, save for personal goals, its just is.
That's exactly what they're saying you illiterate retard.
>everything else is a no u
Sorry anon but I'm going to have to classify you as terminally stupid.
>And you're putting yourself through emotional...strain for emotional comfort
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Why are Americlaps so obsessed with "putting animals down". If you were very old but not terminally ill or actually dying or anything would you still want to be put out of your misery like a damaged workhorse? You know, your blind dog probably still quite likes being alive and takes joy in moments with you. Just because its furs lost its lustre and its a victim of the passing of time doesn't mean you should just kill it.
>noooo it needs things to help walk and is in discomfort, it must DIE
>only if your ideals aren't pointless garbage a la chrustcuck cattle suffering for the sake of it "ideals"
i don't know what you are talking about, do you suffer from schizophrenia? Or maybe you just need an internet break?
i guess it depends on the situation, if the dog is sick but still has a lot of energy it will suffer, but if the dog is old as shit and blind and can barely walk it probably won't have the energy to feel frustrated about it, it will just sleep 20 hours a day and be happy to be petted or eat food, some animals when they are too old just stop eating and die peacefully
Nope. All that goes on in an older dog's mind is
>hungry = eat food
>bored = play (too old)
>pain = bad
>owner = happy
They do not comprehend death like you are I do, and do not want to die. Anything else is anthropomorphizing le heckin doggerino fur baby.
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name that "ideal" that's worth pointlessly humiliating yourself by living like a suffering husk
Animals don't understand the causal relationship between eating and not dying, they just do it on instinct. They are not even aware that there will one day be an end to their lifespan, they live because that is all they know how to do. Good post.
Sad to see it because of how iconic they were but it's for the best
RIP doge
They don't want to live either. Assuming they do is anthropomorphizing le heckin doggerino furbaby.
>Pain = bad
>Stressed = bad
>Confused = bad
Just in case you forgot.
I think you mouthbreathers need to learn the pretty major difference between an old dog having arthritis and cataracts but still clearly happy and still able to be a dog and live their life and....this >>4801638. The two are not even remotely comparable.
If someone told me that dog in this picture died and someone dug it out for shit and giggles I'd believe.
you dont even know me in real life lmao
theyre just seeking warmth and food to maintain their bodies, to be able to want things you need self awareness. maybe dolphins and great apes are able to
> she really wants to live.
yeah, like a dog can think like it should hide its feelings just to make its master happy, faggot as long as he is breating he is happy. faggot even if he does like his master no dog has no power to hide its feeling just for the sake of it, he is happy here and youre a fucking nigger.
Even Bobby G weeps…
Beautiful, thanks for this
I don’t think there’s ever been a pinned thread on this board
>I don’t think there’s ever been a pinned thread on this board
well they should do it now, doge has been a big part of meme community not just for 4chan but the whole internet, maybe harambe was not pinned but doge is stil larger than him, eiter way they should do it.
>keeping a pet in pain and suffering because you're a weak willed schizo
sad to see how many retards agree with this take
>They don't want to live either.
Except they do. There is no point of living to an animal; they just do it. They are hardwired to desire continued life for themselves.
>>Pain = bad
>>Stressed = bad
>>Confused = bad
pointless because all is superceeded by survival instinct, which even negative experiences help drive
look buddy, if you want to die I'm not here to change that, but you should accept that suicide takes zero account into the consideration of other people and their wants/needs, and is a 100% self-centered act, unless you compulsively rape babies or something
>thinks a dog can yearn for death
>calling others schizo
el oh el
Exactly, they're machines who don't understand when to quit doing something because it's harmful to them. A cow with it's head stuck in a grate will break it's own neck trying to escape. By your logic, it wanted to do that, so we should just let it do that, as that animals caretaker? You have the mentality of a child.
These animals are under our care and, like it or not, we know best. Animals can't always do what their hardwiring wants them to do for one reason or another, usually because it would result in harm. So when their hardwiring is forcing them to keep going even if they're in excruciating pain, confusion and stress, we should just allow that to continue because its what the animals 'hardwiring' is forcing them to do? That's retarded and you know it. Please use your common sense.
Doge meant so much, it was like a embodiment of that late 2000s-2010s internet that I loved so much and grew up with. This really saddens me.
>devious bait
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This is some proper Weekend at Bernie's type of shit.
fuck the internet, it has rotten humans to the core
thank fucking god its dead. it was a rotting corpse suffering just waiting to die. also fuck that schizo fag saying chronic pain is not that bad. as someone suffering from migraines its not easy to deal with intense day lasting pain that can come 3 times a week for me. i take 3 different types of pain meds 2 of which dont fucking work properly. that fag not even thinking about growing tolerance or the impact on your organs.. wish you the worst physical pain ever you cunt.
Kill yourself if its so bad

As a human you can meme yourself into suffering more over unimportant things like “WAAAH I CANT WALK UNASSISTED I WANT TO DIE”
Or, you can find christ and enjoy living. Even a stephen hawking tier cripple could preach the gospel and find joy in the lord.
God you western faggots are disgusting. “Animals are machines” yes and when you meet YHWH in heaven he will say “well, you’re just a machine compared to me, and i know best, so you, machine, will be going to hell”.

>animals arent meant to live like this so just murder them
>it bothers me to have to witness decay
>if their life isnt perfect just murder them i can not bear to watch a disabled dog exist even if the dog is doing fine
stephen hawking was busy fucking children than caring about your garbage
>Exactly, they're machines who don't understand when to quit doing something because it's harmful to them.
Living isn't harmful to them.
>A cow with it's head stuck in a grate will break it's own neck trying to escape. By your logic, it wanted to do that, so we should just let it do that, as that animals caretaker?
Cow doesn't want to die. Cow is stupid. Cow wants to be free. Cow accidentallies itself trying to be free. You are still helping the animal live, which is what a good caretaker does.
>These animals are under our care and, like it or not, we know best. Animals can't always do what their hardwiring wants them to do for one reason or another, usually because it would result in harm.
Killing an animal isn't caring for it you maniac. Your pet would always prefer to live with you than die. As far as animals are concerned, every moment not spent dead is a good moment.
>So when their hardwiring is forcing them to keep going even if they're in excruciating pain, confusion and stress, we should just allow that to continue because its what the animals 'hardwiring' is forcing them to do?
Yes, because the pain, confusion etc. is worth it to them because they don't know any better.

>i want to live! Even though im in pain i can still be happy getting pets and eating food!
>lol no retard you want to die
>*kills stupid but loving friend that entrusted its life to you to just to prove you know better than it*
>god damn im a good person!
This is you.
Just move to Canada and they will gladly put an end to your pain. After all, somebody who studied the human body for 12 years is much more qualified to tell you when your life isn't worth living than you are.
as much as i agree with >>4798101, the pictures where she looks like an actual strung-up corpse here >>4799580 >>4801638 are genuinely fucking miserable to look at
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>The Japanese doesn't believe in putting down pets.
There's a manga by Jiro Taniguchi touching on this. It's sort of episodic but they also had a dog that could barely move was probaly in tons of pain as he got older. It's really weird reading from a western perspective.
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I am against putting down pets unless it's the most extreme examples like your dog being hit by a car and practically living through having every bone in its body shattered. Shit like that is "put-down" worthy.

I'll never get over how my teenage-hood dog was put down, cried about it for months and I'm still mad about it. Dog was 7 years old, still with loads of energy, physically healthy, very playful, one of the most energetic dogs at the dog park, etc.
He punctured the roof of his mouth with a rib bone he was chewing and wouldn't stop bleeding. It was not like he was gushing lots of blood all at once but the next day he was still bleeding, just a steady flow of blood. We brought him to the vet and the vet didn't even look at him for more than 20 minutes before saying "Well there's not much we can do. We can stitch it up but that doesn't solve why he didn't stop bleeding" and went on about how it'd be expensive and talked my parents into putting him down, parents opted to put him down without even so much of a second thought and then played the whole "it was hard on us too, we're so sad :(" card. It's been 10 years and I still get furious thinking about it, he wasn't even showing signs of weakness and nobody except for me fucking wanted to keep him alive and see if there was a chance it would heal.
I can't believe a dog near the end of her life looked old and tired!
I put down all my best friend doggos as soon as they show a bit of grey hair
This but unironically zoomieGODS WW@
What a cesspool of a thread with all sorts of retards trying to one up each other just to stroke their own ego.
You and your loved ones will all be dust someday, and it's gonna happen sooner than you can imagine.
Sounds like there's no need to make it happen faster then like mercykill fags insist.
She's been moldy and rotting for months, I thought she'd die much sooner
Oh yeah bet i'll gather more dust than you faggot
everyone in that story but you is evil, I'm sorry that happened anon
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>thread already past bump limit
Ride on, doge...
This thread reminds me of that jap who went through a nuclear accident and they kept him alive to the point where all his body functions were done by machines and they spent hours daily changing the bandages because his skin was gone. At one point they wanted to cut the support but they changed their mind because they found a tiny bright speck of what they thought could be new intestine tissue. There's not even consensus about when he died.
kill kill kill the thread
What a cute dog
Japanese art illustrations always seem to be so nice when not following the anime trope slop. its a shame you don't see more of it exported out of Japan.
Pretty much all of Jiro Taniguchi's stuff is great. I recommend looking it up.
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Here to express my condolences and report that Dogecoin is up to 17 cents
Hell I learned about the Demon Core in some random image thread on /trash/, nightmare fuel stuff.
thanks chatgpt
I hope the owners read this thread and decided enough is enough
Found the video.
If I can reasonably afford it or manage the care, and the dog seems still derive joy from existence or interacting with their family (and will eat), I think providing end-of-life care is the better thing to do. Pain meds + assistance till its just not feasible seems more respectful to me.
Your theory explains animal behavior less effectively than theorizing that they can desire things and act on the desire, and we cant ever actually know what perception of life or their own 'consciousness' animals have

there is NO amount of outside-study of human biology or neurology that would ever give an understanding or real awareness of the qualitative reality of actually being a living, breathing human. There is no neuroscience, no chemistry, no nothing that can actually get us to an understanding of the experience of tasting a strawberry except actually just BEING a person, tasting a strawberry. Intimate knowledge of the mechanistics cant even approach the actual reality of experience-itself, and this extends to whatever reality is like for animals. We can take our best guesses, but we cannot and never will understand what it is to be a dog or perceive existence as a dog. We cannot access the qualia of dog life, and its in the qualia that life is actually happening.
A life with pain can still be a life well lived, otherwise everyone with a chronic pain condition would KYS but most don't (though the risk of suicide definitely leaps)

Disappointing how many articles are connecting her to the shitcoin first.
If the condition is severe just stop treating for it and give pain medication instead, let things take their course but minimize the suffering, basically dog palliative care

Why dont people do this? Dont spend thousands on doggy cancer treatment, spend much less on doggy pain killers
Do you think the posters in this thread are happy? Do you actually think they're happy people?
Pain isn't automatically the same thing as suffering though the two are obviously closely related. You can be in pain and happy. Not making a call on whether doge was happy, just saying that pain doesnt instantly mean no more joy.
NTA but its often the opposite - in my experience most nihilists here have only experienced meme-tier suffering, like the absolute 'suffering' of being a NEET or whatever, theyre pschologically crippled (not necessarily their fault)

Meanwhile many people who have gone through suffering like war, homelessness, family death, etc...are not at all nihilistic. of course theres many exceptions too, but I find it kind of insufferable whenever a nihilist assumes they must have just suffered more than anyone else to have their position, or that any true suffering would result in nihilism. It just isnt true at all
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>page 10
Mods are faggots
Maybe they don't want a repeat of the longcat one that got spammed with soijaks
does /an/ have an archive..?
This is probably the most replies a post on here has ever gotten
I mean, it’s a little late for that. Thread is about to archive
Fuck I got teary-eyed watching that.

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