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>it's an animal that moves around with no legs somehow
>yeah it just ummm.... slithers... yes we assure you that makes perfect sense
>and it looks like this inside, don't question how it works this is 100% real
do you really believe this shit?
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clearly a doctored video
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Just wait until you hear about legless lizards.
what purpose does this serve? imagine the abs
snakes are strangely alluring
>there are snake snakes that swim
>no, no legs or fins, just SLITHER
cold blooded eating tubes

it's such a basic life form

they almost seem like machines

yet so much more sophisticated than worms
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>it is not symmetrical
stupidly fragile tubes. they literally aren't built with the expectation of living longer than 5 years so after about 15 the liver will probably puff up and slowly choke it to death next time it eats.
>serpent symbolism in basically every culture ever
There's something about about these creatures that goes farther than just reverence for a predator... any anons with crazy theories about snakes?
rivers and lightnings look like snakes when drawn.
Also fear of snakes is hardcoded I. our brains
Gaboon and rhino vipers are fatass ambush predators who usually don't move around much and only eat once a month or so. Using muscles to get around places is a better alternative for them than slithering.
Most of the myths involving snakes are serpent/dragon slaying stories that nearly all stem from a single PIE root so I wouldn’t call it reverence, Aztecs are the biggest exception since they had a snake god though,
that’s actually hilarious
I would have thought muscles would have been the more physically taxing mode of transport but it just shows how little I actually know about these weirdos I guess
>Aztecs are the biggest exception
No they're not, and plenty of other religions have positive depictions of snakes
>Baltic religions consider grass snakes to be sacred animals
>Greco-romans considered serpents to be symbols of wisdom and healing
>Hinduism, which is by far THE most widespread and long-lasting PIE religion in history and the third largest worldwide, is well known for considering snakes sacred
>Egyptians considered snakes sacred
>Pythons are revered in parts of Sub-Saharan Africa.
>The Rainbow Serpent is the creator deity in many Aboriginal Australian traditions
>Chinese folk religion has snake deities
>Even Abrahamic religions aren't entirely negative about them, see the fiery flying serpents. You've also got Gnostics revering the serpent in the garden.
My point that most myths involving snakes/snake like creatures almost always involve killing them still stands so it’s still more complex than just reverence, even Hinduism has Indra vs Vriritra, but point taken
Okay but where did equating serpents with sexy evil women and femme fatale come from?
Snakes are like people with custom pc cases.
>Everything's in there and connected properly so who cares if it's a box or spread out on the wall
>All the components are included so it works
Sea snakes have flattened tails that act like fins
go outside please
Is that a tsuchinoko?!
no u.
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Their species eventually evolved into that after skipping too many leg days
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Yah sorry, thought I already reduced that one, but nah
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Images are from 'Dictionary of Symbols' by J. E. Cirlot
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They were warning us about intestinal (helminthic) parasites
I met a rubber boa constrictor the other day chilling on the ground. Had no idea what it was so I didn't touch it, but looking it up later it sounds like they're pretty docile and easily handled, even in the wild. Maybe next time I see one I'll try to pet it.
your insides arent symmetrical either
Rubber boas supposedly never bite, rosy boas are also closely related to them and are the best beginner pet snakes.
Don’t forget about snake handlers
Pretty but dangerous = women
words to live by
>so crazy that all cultures have art of a line

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