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>be me
>moved out during winter to a big empty house
>hard to cope with the loneliness of my new house
>go to the animal shelter
>approach the kitten Cage
>4 adorable white kittens with black spots
>i stick my finger trough the Cage
>3 kittens run away in the corners of the Cage except one
>bro starts purring and licks my finger
>i take him home
>his name is felix
>he is the most loveable cat that i ever saw
>he sleeps on my chest, under the blanket
>he get's sad whenever i leave for work
>he get's zoomies whenever i come home
>he is stuck to me morning to evening and purrs 24/7
>when i eat Something (soup or a sandwich for example) i give him a few bites or spoons
> some people Say that this is nasty, but idk
… you have a pet that clearly loves/is bonded to you and that you take great comfort from. How is that nasty? It sounds to me like you’re both lucky to have found each other. Plus if pic related is Felix? That’s a very cute cat.
thanks bro! yes, he îs picrel and i love him and he made my life better. i just wanted to show why i Don't find it nasty to share my bed and food with him. i basically raised him. but some people find it weird that i let him in the house, let Alone in my bed or to eat my food. maybe that's taboo only in România (where i live)
tldr yes its nasty to have a cat
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>is it nasty if i let my cat eat with me and sleep in my bed?
Yes. Sharing a bed with an animal is not hygienic and you run the risk of crushing or asphyxiating them in your sleep. Also feeding them your own food is giving into begging behaviour and most food you will be eating anyway wont be appropriate for you cat (you better be cleaning that damn spoon too). This is stuff that is applicable to just about every other animal and not just cats.

Anons like this give shit advice and only platitudes because it is clear that Felix is not just bonded to you but also suffers with seperation anxiety with the rough behaviours that you have described.
separation anxiety? it can't be my fault, right? i play with him a loot during the day. he behaved that way since day 1. how can i treat it?
Also i did my research and i Don t feed him toxic stuff
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Yes and no. Seperation anxiety is a common issue with rescue cats so you have not nessasarily given it to him. But seperation anxiety can be lessened and aggravated depending on how a cat with it has been treated. If he becomes distressed when you are gone and excited when you come back from work this is an indicator thst he struggles with you being absent and that you need to get him used to you not always being there. Of course you know you are always going to come back from work, but Felix doesn't know that. To him it could be the last time he sees you go out that door. Because you were unaware of Felix potentially having seperation anxiety it you are not entirely to blame, but there things that you can do to lessen his seperation anxiety and potentially stop it completely. There a lot of guides online that you can read though that detail different methods to help Felix overcome it, but the first thing that comes to mind is getting him used to you being absent for certain periods of time. Things like leaving the house for 5 minutes, then coming back and making a fuss of him and do that on and off for a few days until you can notice he is alright and used to you being gone. Then you can increase thst time from 5 minutes to something like 10 minutes and keep going from there. Its not a simple process but it is one of the ones you can do to combat his anxiety. Another is reducing the amount of time you share a bed with him. Hygiene aside you sharing a bed with him for potentially 6-8 hours reinforces his drive to be with you at all times. If you can some how reduce that amount of time or stop it entirely you will be able to combat his seperation anxiety from another angle.

But I highly recommend you to do your own research instead of consulting /an/ of all places. This is not exactly a board of healthy pet owners and the few passionate enough to care are likely on a watch list for REALLY liking their pets.
In addition this is a good sign that you are willing to put in the work to meet Felix's needs if you have already done some research to make sure he is healthy already.
>Sharing a bed with an animal is not hygienic
A lot of people share beds with their pets, as long as he’s not small enough that you can accidentally kill him it’s cool, but sharing food with him and letting him eat stuff is not good, remember they kick the entire bodies to keep themselves clean and what not
thanks You a loot! i will def try this + do some further research. i don't want him to be distressed.
Do you have a litterbox?
But no what you described is good for immune system
Cute kitty kitty
>sharing a bed with an animal is nasty
Stop trying to brainwash op
Ur the same mf to say
"Do NOT let ur cat outside"
Dont give into his brainwashing
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yes. i got Him a litterbox
Cats can be left out in certain conditions, but it shouldn't be the go to for lazy fucks who can't afford to commit spending time with their cats.
Fpbp. Nothing to worry about OP, you're doing just fine. Enjoy life.
>he fell for the litterbox meme
No i mean a catdoor
You can go outside with your cat
Works best with a backyard
Cats have huge terretories that stretch 7*7km for unneutered females, 5*5 for neutered females, 20*20km for unneutered males and 10*10 for neutered males
They need to go outside
However they will still often be indoors
>muh heckin furbaby must roam his 2 brain cells need it
Keep your kitbull mutt on a leash catfucker
If a cat has been climatized at a young age to be kept exclusively in indoor environments they will not like being left out and will seldom stray away further than your backyard. It is why you will always hear people say "he is an indoor cat" or "she is an outdoor cat". Wether or not having a cat climatized exclusively for indoor conditions is ethical is a different thing entirely but it is a factor for a great deal of the feline population. I also disagree with the topic of catdoors as it allows for other cats to tresspass into your home and violate your cat's own personal boundary of safety. I have seen it happen first hand plenty of times before with neighbours and it fucks up their cat when they can smell or see another cat they are rivals with stroll in and eat their food or drink their water. Cats should not be treated like dogs and having flaps is one of those things that have been carried over with zero thought put into it other than "they are both domestic pets is should work for both cases".
Ethics isnt a question. These mutants have half the cortical brain cells of a chihuahua. They dont know the difference between indoor cat and outdoor cat, they only want what they are used to.
cat shit schizo brains
Let it outside
Stop forcing it to shit in the box
Nice cop out response. Dint even bring up litter boxes. You are the reason why people think catfags are schizoid
I see zero issues other than if youre feeding Felix with the same utensils youre also eating with. Thats kinda gross. Other than that it sounds like youve got an awesome cat bestfriend. Im jealous.
Yes but indoor cats use a litterbox
Outdoor cats dont
>Cats have huge terretories that stretch 7*7km for unneutered females, 5*5 for neutered females, 20*20km for unneutered males and 10*10 for neutered males
> If a cat has been climatized at a young age to be kept exclusively in indoor environments they will not like being left out and will seldom stray away further than your backyard.
How long? I kept my kittens inside for some 8~ months and they got pretty used to the outdoors and still actively want to get out, they do always want to come back inside for long periods and normally at night as well, most of their range is around my yard too
>so mindbroken by an insult he starts using it with the words switched around
>romanians systemically keep outdoor cats so hard there's social stigma towards even letting one in the house
lel no wonder nobody has ever heard of a small animal native to romania, cats murdered them all
The netflix cat docu
It sounds like you need a girlfriend and a baby and instead are lonely and using an animal as a surrogate for the lack of human connection and love in your home
(Cats are cute but they are not a replacement)
haven't scrolled down yet but I can tell this is going to be a good and respectful thread
You should not
>Allow your pet to be on eating surfaces (tables, kitchen counters, ovens, etc)
>Feed your pet with utensils that you are actively using or will use in the near future
>Allow your pet to eat from the same plate that you are eating from
>Let your pet touch food or water of any kind that you plan on consuming
It doesn't matter if the animal is like a brother to you, it is still an animal with bacteria and germs.
>inb4 but humans are animals
Yeah and filthy ones at that.
>oh no, germs, bad, scary!
>*dies from peanut allergy*
Lmfao, cleanroom freaks
>be me
>eat and bathe in mud as a child
>never wash hands
>play in chicken coop
>sleep in bed with 3 dogs
>once played in a litterbox like a sandbox
>let dogs lick my hands and plate while eating
>fed them with the forks/spoons i was using
>grow up to be essentially immune to covid 19
>have 0 allergies
>never get sick period
>above average testosterone levels - for 1950
>never had to work out or bulk up to be able to lift and carry 100% of my own bodyweight 100 yards without breaking a sweat
I am a god. You are a degenerate freak, the equivalent of a man without muscles but your immune system is a muscle that can never grow after a certain point, just like your equally crippled, understimulated brain that will never learn a second language or develop musical or artistic skills

Protip: If you still have an appendix you probably won't for long.

Also enjoy dying from the japanese cold lmao
>crushing or asphyxiating them in your sleep
how fat are you anon? don't take advice from a fatass about anything, it doesn't apply to us
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>rolling ontop of an animal in your sleep and killing it only happens when your fat anon!!!1!!
A cat or dog could easily escape and wouldn't be crushed if you weren't fat. What seems obvious to a fatass is completely abstract to everyone else.
correct, fatty

Based and true, fellow ubermensch

Imagine givint a shit about germs lmao only a few of them are even dangerous and most of them are either really obvious diseases of wild animals like rabies and distemper (causes MS :() or carried by humans
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No one brought up dogs. You two being so desperate to sleep with an animal that your instinct for someone to tell you not to be a filthy autist is:

Only screams projection and self consciousness of your own life choices. Don't sleep with cats you retards.
>captcha: XTARD
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>Imagine givint a shit about germs lmao only a few of them are even dangerous
Tell that to people in 1938-1944. Never trust germs.
The only thing germs did wrong was get involved with england, france, and russia. If they left their pride at home and stuck to their own problems they would have been fine and we’d all be better off.
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>*dies from peanut allergy*
>Lmfao, cleanroom freaks
I don't give a single fuck about allergies.
There is a basic level of hygiene that every human on earth should uphold to be considered sentient and capable of making rational decisions. Having pets unintentionally smearing shit and piss all over your food is not a part of it.
>all that greentext babble
You are a nigger for not understanding that genetics play a huge fucking role in what you are susceptible to.
I also didn't catch a lick of covid despite living with family members that were constantly exposed to it, but I don't attribute it to sliding down a fucking rocky hill in my bike when I was 7 or constantly getting bitten by wild animals living in the hills.
You are not fucking special or above average, you are just a deluded faggot that has a skewed view of the world because you never leave your fucking room.
>never learn a second language
Makes me wonder how I'm communicating with you. Maybe I'm suffering from brain damage.
I already draw though, been drawing for a while.

Are you unaware that Soviet Russia already had plans to expand and most likely threaten German sovereignty before the start of WWII?
That and a huge fucking part of the German pride back in the day was based around taking back the land lost during WWI and reuniting Germans under the reich.
Germs occupy the same societal historical niche as the 12 tribes. I don't care what their justifications are for empire building are.
Lose weight fatty

>nooo othe heckin germ sapient rational sentient nigger nigger durrrrrrr *tips fedora*
Germs are good for you. Did you know, the single most reliable predictor of appendicitis is hot running water? Every single component of the immune system attacks itself or another organ if it's not kept under constant stress. The immune system is not the bouncer of the mammalian body. It is a psychotic mass killer that is prone to getting bored.

The men in my family never need appendectomies - except for one, who was a notorious germophobe and lived in an apartment without any padded furniture because it was too hard for him to clean and wouldn't visit others because he was afraid of getting sick.

The human body REQUIRES a constant bacterial/parasitic load to function at its peak. We are at our best if this load is very mild, ie: like you get from constant close contact with pets, and too much or none both result in worse health. In fact if you literally just go outside and dont constantly wash your hands because you touched a tree or a rock you should be fine, but pets "and their LITERAL SHIT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA LTIERAL SHIT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" (thats my (you) impression) are one of the best ways to keep our cellular mass shooters productive.

Anyways, why are europeans so mentally ill? That rambling
>There is a basic level of hygiene that every human on earth should uphold to be considered sentient and capable of making rational decisions. Having pets unintentionally smearing shit and piss all over your food is not a part of it.
was peak cringe. No wonder a historical part of american culture was seeing literally all europeans as delusional snobbish faggots.
opinion invalidated
Based germ fact:
The evolutionary endpoint of any germ that can live in/on you is harmless symbiosis or commensalism. Even AIDS is getting less and less deadly. But - treatment can halt or revert this evolutionary trend, as can replacement as in canine rabies (no pressure to be less deadly because humans provide it with fresh hosts - a less deadly variant would never outcompete the original)
>Generalising the wide term of germs
>Even AIDS is getting less and less deadly.
>treatment can halt or revert this evolutionary trend
And this is why nobody takes americans seriously.
AIDS is literally evolving into less deadly strains

Germs are good. Germs are our friends. I love germs.
I did all of that as a kid and I'm still allergic to pretty much everything and I faint when I stand up too quickly
check your inbreeding coefficient
I'm mixed race can you attribute it to that instead?
>>4795578 (OP) >>4795584 >>4795722 >>4795618
bless your heart OP your cat and you are so sweet. I know its very common in România for cats to be more solitary and stay outdoors but I've always had indoor cats that sleep in bed with me and such, i don't find it weird or gross at all. you seem like a great pet owner. tell Felix i said hi and give him a pet for me if you would :)!!
>>4795733 >>4795581
but agreed, fpbp
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Silly oversimplification. There were multiple factors effectively forcing their hand into a mult-front war
> Are you unaware that Soviet Russia already had plans to expand and most likely threaten German sovereignty before the start of WWII?
They didn’t just have plans to do that, they DID attempt to do just that by trying to steamroll Poland first just 20 years earlier, thankfully Poland was lead by a high test leader in Pilzudski and cockslapped them in a clutch victory that had Hitler go so far as to call him the ‘savior of Europe’, never mind that the USSR and the Third Reich had diametrically opposed goals
Holy based
I kneel
i have ocd
Its over for me isnt it?

the world wars were just one war interrupted. England and russia decided they couldn't allow a central european power block to exist which could rival them. They succeeded in destroying austria hungary but couldn't kill germany until the second war. It doesn't matter that in the first war russia was czarist and in the second soviet. The soviets inherited the geopolitical situation of the empire and had the same needs. everything else is just stories we tell ourselves to make it seem more romantic. Archduke ferdinand had nothing to do with the first war. The wars happened because in 1860s germany unified into a powerful empire that england and russia needed to destroy. thats all their is to it. Germany was united for less than a century before the other powers divided it again. Napoleon was the same thing.
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>and you run the risk of crushing or asphyxiating them in your sleep
only fat people think like this. my cat would routinely sleep on the pillow next to me. in fact it was her favorite napping spot. the food thing I'm 50/50 on. a piece of chicken every now and again won't hurt but people food generally isn't good for them. that said this one never liked people food aside from Taco Johns, oddly enough. this little shit LOVED sour cream and oles. although she'd never eat them, just lick the flavoring off (and run off with the container of sour cream if she thought I was done with it).

>inb4 cat on counter

we never used it for food and she knew not to go on the one directly behind me in the pic. she was surprisingly intelligent for a cat. only had to say no a few times and she'd get the message.

RIP best cat I ever had.
What is up with your cat?
>proud of playing in cat litter
sanest toxobrain
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feline leukemia or bone marrow cancer. vet couldn't tell which. she was also like 16 and a few generations inbred. she died a few days ago.
Finding cat shit in play sand planted the the cat hate seed in my brain
Sorry man. I’m sure she was a great cat

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