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Horse General

May Edition

>>4777567 - Previous Thread
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A Neigh in May
There's less of a chance of being related to the mare horse.
certainly not to one of these designer breeder deformities
You linked the horse cock OP...
So you'd trust a random woman over a predictable animal?
no those have other deformities
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I find miniature horses fascinating. They kinda have horse-like proportions but are incredibly small.
Ponies on the other hand have ... pony proportions.
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pls no bully the pony they have a lot to worry about as is
Reason #1938 Arabians are da best: Protecting their tribes and herds from danger (alertness)
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i love donks

>captcha: GAAY
Sounds like you’re not complaining
I'm mere months away from having the space for an experimental mule.
what happened with your hand? don't tell me your dumb ass didn't wear gloves and got rope burn from reigns.
he was clearly bit by the elusive sharp tooth arabian
Put fingers in his nose
Those twig legs worry me
Spider horse
I just wish donks wouldn't make noises that are ranking in the top 5 of absolutely most horrible animal noises
Why not
How much Dinero to acquire one of these? Asking for a friend
H-heh-hello uh is this the h-horse thread?
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you will never sleep this peacefully
his buddy is on guard shift
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A lot
if only they were a little taller
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The market hasn't came down since covid, the best thing to do is pool money with 10-20 other horse enthusiasts and time share the pony.
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Yup... just sleeping
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Cowboi69's guide to tame a feral horse the hippy slow way.
What you will need part 1
40ft round pen
Shading and a wall for the horse
A umbrella
Glove on stick
An extension cord or a lot of good books
A comfy chair
A tub for horse food and for water.
For the first part you're going to be spending half the day in the pen with the horse. You will put the chair between the food and water tubs on the opposite side of the pen from the horse's shading and wall. Do not interact with the horse in any way, pretend it doesn't exist. The horse in question will have no other horse or ungulate in it's pen. You want it to be used to your presence and not jump later on just because you sneezed. You will remain in the pen for as long as possible from sun raise to sunset. If you need to use the restroom or something else, you will need to remove the horse's access to the water and food until you return. The shading and wall will give the mustang in question relief from the pressure your presence gives him. Everything else is to make your time less of a pain while doing this choir. If you only spend a couple of hours in there like this, allow the horse access to food/water while you're away, or give it a roommate in the form of a ungulate, then it's road to becoming tame would become needlessly long. Do all the above for a month.

Never, never, never back a horse that doesn't trust you into a corner.

Never back off completely because he's threatening to kick. That teaches him that you will bend if he threatens you enough or kicks you enough. My advice, back off, yell, then throw a small rubber football at his head as hard as you can.
I've seen feral taming done this way and I have to say it's really beautiful when a horse realises it can trust you and that you're the bringer of food and scratches. It touches my heart in a really special way.
Cowboi69's guide to tame a feral horse the hippy slow way.
Part two.
At the time you'd normally refill his food, grab another horse, one that's tame and that trusts you very well. You will bring this horse every morning to the outside of the round pen and give it food in it's own tub. While it's eating it's food in front of the mustang, you will be brushing it, hugging it, and touching all over. The mustang in question will be impatiently waiting either because you're late for feeding him or he's really curious about the this new horse. The idea is that the horse will see you interacting with the tame horse and feel just a little bit better about you touching him.
Then when you finish and put the tame one away, stay outside the pen and start feeding the mustang with the food on a glove on a stick. Every day take a half a centmeter off the stick. Do all this until he can eat out of your hand.
Part three
Remove the shade covering, water/feed tubs, and wall. You will want to put food in one hand and a stick with a glove on end on the other. When he goes up to eat out of your hand, pet his neck near the head with the glove while feeding him hand fulls. Gradually go further and further away from his head every day with said glove stick.

Never, never, never back a horse that doesn't trust you into a corner.

Never back off completely because he's threatening to kick. That teaches him that you will bend if he threatens you enough or kicks you enough. My advice, back off, yell, then throw a small rubber football at his head as hard as you can.
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Cowboi69's guide to tame a feral horse the hippy slow way.
Part 4 If he still is acting skiddish.

At a normal pace follow him around the pen with the glove stick and no food trying to pet him on the butt/belly/tip of tail. When you feel confident that he wouldn't threaten to kick anymore, get rid of the stick and just follow pet him. Once you've pet him in a scary spot, reward him with food and away time. Never back him into a corner he can't escape from. You should only need to repeat this last part for 3 days at the most.

Never, never, never back a horse that doesn't trust you into a corner.

Never back off completely because he's threatening to kick. That teaches him that you will bend if he threatens you enough or kicks you enough. My advice, back off, yell, then throw a small rubber football at his head as hard as you can.
Rude, slanderous, and wholly unfounded. Delete your 4channel account and keep your terrible opinions to yourself please and thank you
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they do horse abortions btw
very pretty horsey, what kind is this?
Anybody watch the kentucky derby?
Um why? Do you think I can about stranger's dogs? Or is it that you think I'm a fence hopper? Because I'm not a fence hopper.
I caught it by accident, just happened to go to the bar at the right time. It was a great race, but I generally don’t like the way the horse racing industry operates so I don’t know much more than that.
>I'll train all my horses to kick all dogs on sight and any dog owner to death.
Total horsefag death.
I know, if there are two eggs the vet will just pop one like bubblewrap sometimes
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Shetland Pony
Cowboi69’s original home thread is /horse/. He’s been recruiting other rapists for raiding /dog/ because he couldnt fit a mini mare in his truck.
>namefagging and console wars
you are beneath the glorious horsegen master race
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What did it say
strangely sad :(
people actually watch that?
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Anyone know what kind of horse these are? I really want one
its donkey day and nobody posted donks, shame on you
I spent majority of the day with two small donkeys. They're not doing all too well with all the flies that have been out here lately.
He will train his horse to attack and kill dogs and dog people.
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What would be the horse version of the Anne Frank story?
link to this post? this legitimately might be one of my old horses
It was horses for sale near Charleville, QLD.
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Donkeys heehaw is an aquired taste.
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Damn seductresses seducing innocent men with their marely whiles.
what was he doing all the way in colorado
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Really makes you think
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Getting seduced by a horse.
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>Pic related is mustang this was used on
I'm thinking of doing a how to, on gelding donut fun. Should I?
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The mare of my night! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkNpE-rIQR0
Damn, that's one hot centaur.
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You should kill yourself.
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Blackie says I'm a good dude and to give him more carrots.
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leaving you to rot on an island wouldn't be enough punishment for sodomizing your animals.
just don’t drop them on my island…
up there, mate
That ass is considered obese/fat by horse standards, right?
Looks like a muscly draft butt desu
Apple shaped, so healthily plump. Crest is where a horse obeast is good to check.
fuck off
I want to be a recipient of a horsey hug.
No that horse is quite obese. The crest being so deep signifies that. There is a significant difference in regular draft horse plumpness, a muscular horse, and just straight-up obesity.
People who own draft and heavy breeds use that as an excuse for over-feeding and under-working their horse. A draft horse shouldn't look like that.
it will be your last…
It's always silly whenever I see people posting shit like this tailored for flimsy average horses when talking about DRAFT HORSES.
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self immolate at your earliest inconvenience
i love the ultra fat horses the romanian horse poster shows that begin a level 5, they look so goofy, especially the neck roundness
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Love me some horsies, clearly people are scared of horsepussy here.
They should touch grass instead of whining about someone posting drawn porn, like where’s the fictional foal’s family retard?
You have no love in you
Having a draft horse is no excuse for an obese horse. As I said, there is a huge difference in draft plumpness and obesity. That is obesity. Draft owners will hide behind the fact their horse is a draft horse to excuse their animal being obese.
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Picrel is a healthy draft horse. You can just about see it from this angle, but the bum has a very slight crest in it, perfectly healthy for a draft horse. >>4793590 and >>4793245 are examples of obese horses.
A horse being a draft is no excuse for allowing it to become obese.
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An anon with fat autistic pony probably thought I ignored him
fuck off tourist
People are whining over a known legit sadist abuser not the porn you fucking retard which makes me believe you are his telegram buttbuddy, nobody on /horse/ likes him, we were glad he stopped showing his presence and went to leech on /dog/
I periodically check in on this thread and I'm always so confused. Like do you guys actually want to fuck horses? You think fucking horses are sexy of all things?
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I like horses the normal amount.
Based, normies itt seething
I blame Seth Green
hey you are back
how do horses even get fat?
don't they just eat grass as they need to?
Shut up robot chicken is funny
Is there an ethical way to remove the horse nests from the eaves of my house
I've tried putting wire fencing beneath the overhang of my roof and spraying them away with a hose, but they keep coming back and local animal control and the HOA says it's illegal to shoot them or poison them
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A mare. it's not like we'd be forced to do much as an odd interspecies married couple, she'd essentially be my glorified pet that I always ride and sometimes fool around with in the stables when no would find out. I've dated enough dumb hoes (and fucked around with enough bottom guys) to not want to waste my time pretty much raising another uncaring adult
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Calories in, calories out.
Not enough running around and a bit of alfalfa every day makes for a fat horse.
I know next to nothing about horses.
Turn their eggs into Hors d'Oeuvres.
>hating on actual zoosadists
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fast horse
Are these ones obese?
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Only in the right places goddamn.
>fully suitable for pleasure
What did he mean by this
No, in fact allowing horses to graze on rich grass without working them enough is what makes them fat. It's why grazing muzzles exist to restrict grass intake.
Overweight at the very least.
I'm going to work at a horse rescue as volunteer helper. Anything I should know about these animals?
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They like it when you sneak right up behind them behind them and start frantically shaking a plastic bag
Anyone here from California or Arizona?
You are trying to trick me aren't you
They like it when you breath into their nose, and they breathe into your nose.
>and they breathe into your nose.
cute tanuki girls won’t be available
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There's too much to make one post on. Learn safety first and then work from there.
Learn to speak horse and how they communicate. Realize that (you) are a predator species which horses naturally fear; they can look to you as a protector because of this if they realize they can trust you. They want someone who can lead them to food, water, and give them direction

I just don't check the thread very often. Thank you so much anon, it's beautiful. Is there any way I can physically acquire this masterpiece?
is there like some general signs of body language I should know like ears swept back when upset or something
I am pretty sure though that the people there will teach me, but still
Horses communicate a lot through their ears. What you’re referring to is “pinned ears”, where they pull them back against their neck. This indicates a horse is annoyed or uncomfortable. It’s a warning to stop bothering them. It’s their polite way of saying “cut it out” before they take action to make you stop (usually biting). Some people (women) get butthurt that horses even pin their ears at all, which is stupid and obnoxious. What do you expect? Them to never be annoyed or upset? Humans are stupid.
Anyway, horses don’t tend to be naturally aggressive; maybe one in every three thousand horses is naturally aggressive. The ones most people deal with who are aggressive behave that way because idiots have taught them it’s how they should behave.
Think Like a Horse is a good channel for learning basic horse behavior and how to interact with them:
Learn about pressure and release. About to sleep so I’ll give you one final warning: lotta people are very opinionated about how to treat horses, so take anything you hear with a grain of salt until you yourself have learned how to handle these magnificent animals yourself - the right way. Dumb humans with bad opinions are why we get the aforementioned problem horses in the first place. A horse is a reflection of you (or it’s owner/trainer).
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Blow as hard and suddenly as you can directly into their nostrils
you're probably going to mostly just shovel shit, so i wouldn't worry about interacting with the horses much
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Have a bit more attempts at art
Sorry, anon, but currently it's impossible to send anything anywhere from my corner of the world, unfortunately.
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beyond any shadow of a doubt
I'm just saying, if a half ton mare corners you in her pen and tells you to drop the pants or get both your kneecapd shattered, what do you do?
What if I send myself to your corner?
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What does the forbidden coconut flesh taste like?
Dogs eat it then vomit it up so it must be nice.
Like your nails
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Chubby autistic mare owner? You're alive?
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Yesterday my riding instructor caught me kissing a horse on the muzzle.

She said it was fine, but I'm worried I might have revealed my power level.
it was fine because that's normal you autistic retard. you're guilty of awful thoughts because of how scared you are of people.
As long it's was a short kissu on the snoot it's fine, it's like kissing your dot or a cat on the forehead

It's a somewhat normal form of affection, just dont think much about it and dont make it weird
just a little tongue
I've seen people do and say weirder shit on tb farms, take it in stride. It's only awkward if you dwell on it and make it awkward. You must understand that all horse people are at minimum 50% more "eccentric" than the general population to put it very politely
that kinda sounds like wishful thinking man
Not him but I am in somewhere like that
Doesn’t this hurt like hell for them
Does clipping your toe nails hurt if done properly?
I’m not sure that’s analogous to the situation here but ok
Hi anon, I am alive (and so is chubby). Hope you're doing well, whoever you are.
Horse hooves are literally toe nails.
So, toe nails are literally horses hoofes!
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everyone does this, normans included. no one is safe.
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thanks, it's a horse rescue so it's very likely they won't be the too well behaved animals because of what they've been through
so anon >>4795053 is close to the truth I think
why gloves
Horses are coarse. Touching them without gloves turns your hands to calluses.
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Nearly time for the big Horse General Meat
only calluses? I thought your skin would melt
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Absolutely philistine
those donkey in- and exhale screams are literally the sound of a saw sawing your nerves apart
>american wild horse conservation
>shows unconserved donkeys
What are the other four?
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tiny horse larping as massive giant draft horse
Depends on how much horse DNA you have. A mere human would fall apart like soft bread.
Pistol shrimp - Skrittle
Bower Bird - Oroop
Maned wolf - Areeeeee
Kelpie - What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
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Anon, it's almost 4pm.
Time to inhale your horse spores.
It’s overheating tell that mexican to get off
I was cleaning a really muddy shetland pony and I was yanking extremely hard on what I thought was a clod of mud but it turned out it was her teat. I would have assumed she would have bitten my face off.
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They were known for their calvary
If you really think that you deserve to have all your nerves sawn apart. I have no sympathy for you.
*buck breaks your Saracen rivals*
i think you’re taking this a bit too seriously anon

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DIT was je afstudeeropdracht?
Id chose the bear
Anyone got any good sneezing videos?
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no sorry I only have horse spores
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Over 70% of horses will look like this by 2030 due to pollution.
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You'd think they'd be closer to mammals but horses are all fungi. The marecellium is much larger than the fruiting bodies and you rarely see it.
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we didn't listen...
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at first I thought he was doing something very weird to that horse O.O
ok now this is the best time
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oil pastels!
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>work on horse farm
>all the paddock gates are installed wrong and easily lift off their hinges
>all the stall doors easily lift off their tracks
Something fishy here desu, I think they're planning something
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One day you'll wake up to your blanket tightening and horses beating you with hay nets full of horse soap like in Full Metal Jacket
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>fucking moongs trying to rename Mare's Rock to Moolaru because "oppression"
It's a bloody disgrace.
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Mares can't even own rocks now...
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That's nonsense if they can own my heart
I found a pasto comic about a big guy that goes around hurting people that are bad to horses. Funny how things never really change.
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What a lad
That took skill and precision…
Oddly specific but ok
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They're learning...
horses absolutely LOVE to play their
>what? I'm just a horse, I'm not able to plan stuff like this nor would I be able to execute this with such precision! don't be silly!
card and keep getting away with it
Spectacular shit
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Would you be mad if wake up in a stall as a mare one day?
Lemme guess. Horse porn?
as long as I'm not abused it sounds comfier than being a human wagie. free food and shelter and all I have to do is carry some humans on calming trail rides from time to time? sounds good to me
no, if my husb I mean owner took good care of me
Do you have to ask?
furry porn is so gross looking
Can i at least be a stallion?
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The Jew fears the birthday party unicorn.
You will become a noble mare worth a lot of money. So you'll HAVE to perform all the classic duties of a top tier mare, such as various exhibitions, races, and yes - breeding duties. Get ready to bear and deliver some new life to this world.
I spent a few years as a horse. It wasn't too bad once you get over the itchiness.
Wtf is that real??
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wtf let him eat
If I was in his place, I would be pissed too.
Wow, kinda moody aren’t they
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I dont think anyone likes being disturbed when they're trying to eat desu
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>He doesn't know
>he doesn't take his daughter into the bush to meat a unicorn and destroy her brain forver
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Would you be happy if I gave you this picture of your horse? Dried, matted and framed.
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How about this one? I plan on giving these two pictures to the horses owner.
I would be very happy, it's lovely anon
I would gladly take your gift and show it to a better photographer as an example of what I don't want
hell yea dude
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>aaaaaaaaaah a flying wolf!
very nice!
this is one way to piss off a lot of people.
>not censoring the horse's face
rude. what if someone finds this picture on canternet?
Dumb horses
I hate tiktok so much, and the idiots that use it.
>wow anon look at all the hair I have
I have the same hairstyle.
but does it smell like horse?
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do you use mane & tail?
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oh yeah can't have your horse not be ultra clean
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Ablutions are a time for peaceful equine contemplation
nothing is too good for our odd-toed ungulates
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*heavy neighing*
>some extended family got married at a barn venue
>a one eyed mare in one of the pens lifted her tail when she walked past the fence I was leaning on
I knew what had to be done but I wasn't strong enough bros...
Gas all droniggers. I was hiking last summer, taking a break at the top of a hill, then suddenly BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Retardo was there with his gay RC helicopter for "adults".
Now post another one, where he's breaking fence
I kind of want one I promise not to be annoying with it :(
I have a small hand sized drone but can't really do anything special with it except air tricks I guess, no remote video either so I always have to see it to control it.
Can puritans go one second without blaming everything on some thing the bible implicitly forbids as if the adamic thing was anything but a drug addled myth
Even cavemen were like this. Its the natural and ideal state of man and the most peaceful future is one where YOU stop fighting us and just accept that some men were born to cut the tails off horses and root them in a mineral solution to propagate new ones.
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>urban dictionary
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I find it funny but weird that webms I share of colts being playful/mouthy always get renamed to insinuate lustful mare behavior when reposted later. funnycolt2.webm turns into needymare.webm or marewife.webm etc and et cetera.

In horse behavior, colts and geldings are naturally playful and mouthy with humans especially if bored or unable to play with other colts/horses. The depressing reality is that mare behavior mirrors human women much more closely than the uninitiated can imagine. It really reflects some deeper meaning in biology beyond my comprehension. Either way, this insertion of the mare as a replacement for the woman is a bizarre phenomena that also escapes my reasoning. Webm related is a colt named Caesar. Please wait a while before making a post.
Maybe women should be replaced

With robot maids that clean up after our horses and give AI powered blowjobs without complaining
the last thing the world needs is more hedonism and consumerism, you're the bad guy and a corporate cocksucker
You're overthinking /an/ things. The unwritten rules here are
Horse is acting cute
>it's a mare
Horse is acting like an ass
>it's a gelding or stallion
That seems to be the basic principle around here even if the horse show is actually the opposite
>this insertion of the mare as a replacement for the woman is a bizarre phenomena that also escapes my reasoning.
We're seeing more and more antisocial failed males these days and they all flock to the internet as an escape from reality where they pick up increasingly unhealthy interests and fetishes. Some of those who happened to watch cartoon ponies instead of talking to women have just progressed to projecting onto real horses.

>/an/ things.
>That seems to be the basic principle around here
You mean /mlp/
>Wanting to have sex with animals is the result of me being NORMAL, not all the years of porn I watched!
This is where you end up when you've been convinced that porn has no effect on your brain
shouldn't pony sales be booming? we need a neetbux for ponies government program
its the same guy again
Neckbeards recoil from that idea the moment they realize how much maintenance and effort is behind each pony.
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I prefer equine maids, they're cheaper
guys is it weird to want to [spoiler]pet[/spoiler] a horse?
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another one
I will find you
and I will pet you
that's totally normal anon, horses are for petting and especially for scratching
not weird but your hands will be a bit greasy afterwards and smell like horse
extremely improper. please apologize for even suggesting such inappropriate action
>smell like horse
I can live with this
My neighbors have horses and I give them pets. I didn't ask them if I could pet them. They just came up and let me give them scratches, and nose squeezes.
Serious question: I read in books about medieval times or the wild west or suchlike that riders "kill their horses" as a result of riding them too hard or far, whatever that means. I have no reason to doubt the veracity of this phenomenon, but what exactly is it in the animal that's giving out as a result of the strain? Is it a heart attack, aneurysm, blood clot, anoxia, lying down for even one second for a rest, what?
What the fuck does this gibberish even mean Jesus dude
one obsessed autist that's on the opposite side of the horseshoe of crazy (Anyanigger takes the other side)
/mlp/ fag here I know horses are variable like people so if I see a cute horse I don't assume it's gender I just assume is a cute horse I want to pet, because hoers cute!
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It means that you puritans need to shut up and let us propagate horsekind by cutting off their tails and rooting them in mineral solution? Duh.

How did you not know about the arcane ways of horse propagation that the church banned in the mid 1700s because people were making too many horses? Didn't you know? They raise their tails when they're ready to harvest and then regrow a new one while you plant your new horse. It's the most reliable method, right above culturing their spores. The church was so offended by the wealth of horses that they accused people who propagated them in this way of being preoccupied with phallic symbols.
Many things can kill or render useless a horse in a hard ride. They will work until gross overheat and systemic collapse, this is probably the cause of most acute "horse just up and fucking died" stories; the square cube law is a bitch and even in cold weather its possible to overheat a 500 kg animal through work fairly easily, it's on of the ways that wolves kill moose and wahpati. As they tire, they become less coordinated and more likely to put a foot wrong and injure/cripple themselves; and in a situation like a military dispatch ride, a lame horse is generally just euthanized outright even if it's not a clearly broken leg or whatever. Less likely would be stress related casualty like embolism, anuerism, or heart attack; these are possible by overheat death is more likely. And finally, for death march style rides, where pace is modest, but without breaks or in bad terrain, dehydration will kill, or if water is available but fodder is not, and you ride the horse until digestive paralysis, the horse will be difficult to nurse back to recovery and will probably die in a couple of days.
cavemen had access to porn?
how can i learn these secrets
This is what Lysenko was talking about and the west villified him for
Sax with mares
I have nothing to contribute except for kind words; I like when horses eat, the way their lips move when they chew is funny as fuck to me and i always laugh when i see them in action.
calling venus figurines porn is peak pop science belief to make coomers feel better about their modern phenomenon addiction. they weren't porn.
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Jazz for your foal
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t. unga bunga trying to pretend someone didn't discover his porn stash
>my ancestor!
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These horses steal ships and carry them far into the desert. The reason for this eludes our top ethologists. The crew is never heard from again.
Those are humpbacked desert donkeys deadass
this is a normal aspect of horsemanship where you can’t get people to stop feeding them, my acreage was against a suburb and the horses would walk the fence line soliciting food from every house
Sir or madam, this is sfw board
Thank you for the explanation
has anyone tasted mare milk yet, I want to but there's absolutely no market for it and asking a horse farmer would be too awkward
Coomer hay sends frozen mare milk direct to your door. I get a bottle a few times a year when I'm craving that neat sweet cream.
Is it really that good compared to cow milk?
That sounds annoying.

I would never feed strange horses more than a handful of grass, if that. I know some are on special diets and all that, so I would ask before feeding them treats.
Those ships look less than… operational… must be the middle eastern models…
it was the one thing he was right about
It's different. Lighter, noticeably sweeter and has better minerals. It's worth the seven credits to try it but I wouldn't be pouring it into my wheatbix every morning.
>15 euro minimum for half a liter
befriend a mongol and they can probably hook you up
That's what canadians pay for cow milk. Can always be worse.
It's sweeter and more watery than cow milk, much higher in lactose so too much can make you feel kinda ick even if you're not intolerant
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Latest horse news
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Another whey humans and horses are very similar.
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they shouldn't do that at all, that's awful
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They actually did it, those bastards!
they reverted to primitive donkeys
Don't let the barn witches hear about this one or that new foal has had it.
>>4804578 - foal

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