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Impress the orcgirl edition!
Other large muscular fantasy race women also welcum!
A thread to post hot large and powerful muscular fantasy women, especially non-human skin colors.
>Bonus for swooning/fucked silly orcgirls and similar.
>No futa shit
>No gay shit or single males, lesbians are okay
>No queen of spades cringe
>No gas nor onara
>No drama

Previous thread

Thread questions
>What is the best way to impress and dick down an orc female? What about an oni or amazonian?
Are you manly enough to dick down an orcgirl or oni female, anon?
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Imagine outfucking an orc lady!
I’d imagine doing so would automatically make you the king of the Orc tribe. And that would mean you get to pick any Orc female to mate with.
Worth every pain and sweat
I want to impress an orcgirl with a rough dicking!
Is it true that Orc women capture human men and take them back to their village for mating?
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>Is it true that Orc women capture human men and take them back to their village for mating?
No, it is not because that would be taboo by their respective clans/tribes and would result in being outcast, which would mean they'd never be able to partake in glorious battle. Fucking human men is just a phase young Orc females who just get into adulthood go through because Human men are easy. The clans/tribes don't encourage it, but because they know it's a phase they'll just turn their heads the other way when their young females go out for a day or two to the nearest Human villages and towns to find men to fuck for pleasure. Producing a halfbreed is the worst thing an Orc female could do because it would mean robbing the clan/tribe of another healthy warrior to their ranks.
What if an Orc female gets knocked up by a human man and she has a halfbreed?
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Read the post.
Brown orcs? What do you think?
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Go green or go home
I have a preference for red myself
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I like them too!

I think the idea of a bunch of orc girls and human farmboys sneaking off into the woods to a predetermined spot to explore each other's bodies and make love is really hot. But I like smut where both parties are having fun, and your scenario really works for that
Your loss
Would orcgirls easily take to human customs? What would they enjoy and what would they hate?
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Your pic shows one. I think orcgirls would like to look good naked, and like humans they'd probably find the waxed/shaved look hotter.

As for what they'd hate, depending on the setting, I think they'd hate swimsuits. As far as orcs are concerned, swimming is done in the nude.
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Not the anon above but I like the sound of these. Casual nudity is a reoccuring lore theme in these orc threads and their dislike of swimsuits is consistent with that. Because of their refusal to wear clothing at beaches and pools, humans are certainly going to see them naked so it makes sense that they'd want to look their best. Early on, perhaps the city watch tried to enforce public indecency law but quickly gave up, not just due to the herculean difficulty but because most of these men had no personal objection to the eye candy, especially since the orcs tended to be very civil and well behaved.

Regarding the shaving, perhaps this too had made their nudity more acceptable as their clean, well groomed bodies contradicted the caricature of unwashed savages that the more chauvinistic humans would have you believe. Also, perhaps shaving could be enjoyable for orc girls as she'll be able to feel more of the warm sun and open air on her pussy, and the lack of a bush would also make it easier to apply oils and creams here before she sunbathes.

Another idea that I had was that in orc culture, perhaps a female's full bush is seen as a kind of "natural clothing" because of how it covers up her pussy. A nude woman, orc or human, with a thick bush would be considered naked by humans, but among orcs she'd be seen as "topless."
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It can be fun sometimes
Would they be embarrased at exposing their shaved pussy? Its like showing the chink in their armor I guess to them
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An orcish woman who's never been clean shaven before may feel a little awkward going without her bush at first, mainly because the sensation is new to her. But, she'll quickly get over it as she's already used to being seen naked. Unlike humans, orcs aren't ashamed of their bodies and don't feel the need to cover up for the sake of covering up. Diegetically, because of their protective skin and natural hardiness, a need to wear clothing by default was never ingrained into their culture. As such, in orc society, casual nudity is common in day to day life. In the orcish cities, while it may be more common for orc girls to wear clothing, this is due to fashion rather than prudishness, and are at liberty to go nude if they want, and many do.

About bushes and shaving in orc culture, I have a few ideas. In some locations and subcultures, shaving among orc women may be more common. But even in places where the full bush is more common, it is socially acceptable for women to shave if she wants. Perhaps, in their culture a thick but well kept bush is associated with discipline and modesty while a clean shave is associated with being free-spirited and daring, but these stereotypes aren't necessarily true. One can find disciplined, stoic orcesses who shave regularly as well as swaggering sellswords with a big bush. On a related note, I'm imagining a scenario where a very tall, intimidating-looking orc woman comes to a human spa looking to get waxed but everyone is too scared to service her. Also, I imagine that orc women may shave their bush for special occasions. Like in ceremony and celebrations, the women performing the traditional dance paint their bodies and will often shave their bushes to provide more space to paint on. Also, orcs partake in what we understand to be bodybuilding competitions and for the females' contest, the competitors will shave their pussies in order to maximize the visibility of her Adonis belt and pelvic muscles.
Came here to say this
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>Early on, perhaps the city watch tried to enforce public indecency law but quickly gave up, not just due to the herculean difficulty but because most of these men had no personal objection to the eye candy, especially since the orcs tended to be very civil and well behaved.
What did they think would happen when a bunch of very friendly, very curvy, and very naked orc girls hanging out by the lake or river ask a human guy to drop his trousers and join them?
I hope they appreciate the scent of orc pussy, and a bush is perfect to hold the pheromones in for potential mates
I just want to snuggle with a tall and muscular female orc.
"When the ale starts flowing, the clothes start going" - a translated orc saying
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Kek, flick is goat
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>Think, Mark! THINK!
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I fucking love this picture!
Made in Russia.
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Do you stay /fit/ for your orc wife, anon?
Does anyone have some soft orcesses, not just muscly ones?
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No? That defeats the entire appeal of Orc girls.
I just like that they're green and primitive and probably consider women to be property so I could easily buy a bride from them
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>I just like that they're green and primitive
>and probably consider women to be property
Doubtful. I don't see Orcs not holding their females to the same standards as their males. No sense in treating the females like property when they're able bodied and thus can be capable warriors for their clan/tribe.
>so I could easily buy a bride from them
I doubt Orcs recognize the concept of monetary based trade. They value might and glory.

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