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Mermay edition
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Gotta get some YCH and commissions for myself
What ideas do you have in mind so far?
Thinking of mermaid transformation, wearing a fake tail/suit and underwater bukkake for fun
DallE is great

Anyone have any prompts that are producing?
working on the transformation prompts
Think you should go to ai thread instead
I'm willing to allow the ones he posted because they're better than the usul AI crap and are cool enough "mermaid midd-transformation" pics that are usually hard to come by. Well, but for >>8205495. That one is shit and should havebeen killed with fire (and then nuked from orbit) instead of posted.
peachbros how are we feeling?
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Beyond description

I've been praying for mermaid Peach for years now. The first reveal of PPS! made that a very real possibility. I can't describe to you the absolute sense of joy that came over me when it finally happened.

We won Peachbros
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fuckin fell out of my seat when it leaked
i am beside myself merslut peach is real

shame the actual levels in game are terrible
i would have killed for underwater exploration but lv1 is a hallway, lv2 is an autoscroller, and lv3 is a cutscene
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Do you prefer gills on the abdomen (picrel) or neck?

I prefer the former, even though neck gills make more sense anatomy-wise, abdomen gills are more pleasing to the eye for me.
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I hope one day, the "mermaid problem" is completely discredited, and everyone can finally agree that mermaids do, in fact, have vaginas

Also, while we're at it, let's discredit mermaid "knees." They're an eyesore, and make them look like just a human wearing a costume.
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Design-wise, I love webbed fingers (along with ear-fins, those are mandatory for my mermaids)

But the webbing would get in the way of us holding hands or wearing a wedding ring :(
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If a character is stated to be a mermaid, then I want them to embrace it. The majority of their appearances should be in the mermaid state. I'm tired of regular legged humans going, "Oh yeah I'm a mermaid btw" and never driving the point home.

Commit to the design
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Peachbros I love her

I hope she is the default for water levels in future mario games
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This concludes my dump and my coombrain ramblings about mermaids (for now)

I hope we get some good art this year, I neglected to get anything from TChen as I feel it's too early to dump his stuff (great artist btw, highly suggest you check out his stuff.)

I'll finish off with a thread question

What does your ideal mermaid look like? The more details, the better.

I've already partially answered that through my ramblings but there's still more I could go into detail about.
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My ideal mermaid would have tail E3, no knee bend, blue scales, gills on abdomen, a pussy, viviparous sexual reproduction, random patches of scales scattered around her upper half, and fin ears.
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Nah. Mermaid problem is a fun trope, as long as it isn't just played for laughs or left unexplored ("oh well, guess we just can't fuck, lol!"). The right way to do it is to lean in and explore the sexuality of a chimerical being with a human brain, human hormones, and human above-the-waist erogenous zones (and possibly non-human erogenous zones as well), or to explore a human and a mermaid overcoming those obstacles.
I'm much more annoyed by mermaids with a tail that starts so low that they have an entirely human vagina. That's just so "meh." At the very least, change the anatomy so that it's forward-facing. Or make it actually delphine/cetacean, or a shark cloaca, or whatever the fuck it is that female guppies have. Something weird.
Mermaids you can penetrate are cool. Mermaids that cum eggs when you kiss their gills and suck on their nipples are cool too.
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Is this meant to be that scott pilgrim girl?
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I prefer no gills and canon "chest muscles developed enough to move water through amphibious lungs" (which doubles as explanation for superbly powerful singing voice)
>But the webbing would get in the way of us holding hands or wearing a wedding ring :(
Webbing just to the first phalanx is more than enough AND you can wear wedding ring wit that.
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Would you rather have your mermaid
>breathe in and out of water anytime
>Last for a few minutes out of water
>breathe water only
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picture this. in order to prove her loyalty, she cuts the webbing between the necessary fingers.
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Mermaids have ALWAYS been depicted as able to get the heads and torsos out of the water (mainly to entice sailors). A "can't breathe air" mermaid is as stupid as a mermaid with underwater legs
I enjoy the vulnerability and humiliating aspect of this trope. It can be incredibly erotic.
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How come there's never any mer-mans? You figure for a fetish this popular, that they'd have enough of an audience to play both sides.
Ideally, I'd like to see a transformation sequence in which a couple is transformed. Do they then explore with each other, letting their love shine through in their new forms? Do they reject each other. seeing that they are too different to love now, only to realize that now they're alone, in their new forms, and needing to adapt (and make love to) the locals?
A lot of the social dynamics can be explored here - How do you show jealousy / dominance to mer-society, when you only know human social cues.
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Most merman adult art is gay but I for one love human girl with merman pairings.
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>human girl with merman pairings.
This sounds based. I'll try to add it to the list of things to draw eventually.
I really only get into mermen if I’m rping the idea of becoming one myself. Getting a massive change like that with a girl sounds so hot, where only we’re able to understand our new bodies. Plus I always figured the tail itself would be very sensitive and sexually stimulating. i really love the idea of being tfed either permanently or through H20 esc rules and having to work around that
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nerevar pls
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There’s an sfw mer thread on /v/ if anyones interested
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I actually really got into mermaids due to Sora in KH.
I enjoyed the idea of becoming one, especially with a gf or crush very similar to this anon >>8219695.

This is one of the areas I think the fetish is actually hard to engage and open up to my gf about.
mermen, especially blonde mermen twinks are my fetish thanks to some hot merman lit I read back years ago
ai makes it easy to fetishize some scripts I write
Actual professional merman here with advice: this is actually the EASIEST fetish to open up to one's girl.
Seriously. I didn't take this sport out of a hidden desire to be a mermaid, I took the sport out of an open desire for mermaid pussy. Which I'm now getting in copious quantities - enough to justify actually having a dedicated tail with extra holes.

1) Invite her to a mermaiding class. (She will likely agree: girls dig this stuff). Swim up with her in mermaid tail.
2) Mention how sexy she looks in the tail (no girl will atempt to argue you against that) and suggest sex in costume.
3) ?????
hats off to you for running this

the problem in my area is that from the looks of the mermaiding classes, the women are total hogs
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I have came buckets to this art but i wish there was a follow up to this with sora in mer form.
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they have different bodies you lazy shit
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Who are these supposed to be
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Looks like my mom.
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Claiming rightmost
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left is better
Got any more nsfw from this artist?
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rip mermay
had a good run this year

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