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Writefags, link your work in-thread so it can be added to the archive instead of posting for long stories (e.g. https://pastebin.pl). This is to prevent them from getting lost between threads. Drawfags, feel free to post original art. People especially appreciate it when you give them meaningful feedback and criticism, so make sure to do so. It is simple, and both writefags and drawfags will love you for it.

>I'm interested in writing, but I don't know where to start!
Write. Write. Write. The mega.nz links are there for a reason. The more you read, the more comfortable you'll be creating a story of your own. For any more questions, check the 'Writing Resources' post below or simply post a question in the thread.

>What happened to /tg/'s Weekend Smut Threads?
/tg/ used host their weekend smut threads years ago, but some anons were against it, believing smut threads to be not "true" /tg/ or disliking erotic fanfiction in general. As a result, any smut thread was spammed with so many shitposts that the threads stopped all together. More specifically, threads were banned because the shitposters kept ban-evading and spammed false threads all day long. As a result, the mods gave up and set the threads tagged with '/wst/' on autosage. This is not exclusive to /tg/, however. Many other boards like /v/, /tv/, and /co/ had anons shitposting in order to purge writers.
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=== General Writing ===

Creating a Story

General grammar tutorials and key notes

How to Write from a Second Person Perspective

Tips for Writing Grimdark


Body language

Facial Expressions


Guide to Constructive Criticism


=== Erotic Writing ===

Smut 101: An Introduction

Writing Erotica

Smut Writing Tips for Aspiring Writefags

Thesaurus for Male and Female Sex Organs

Thesaurus for Sexual Action

Thesaurus for Erotic Description

How to write an Orgasm

/wfg/ Community Thesaurus
>Art Megas
>>https://mega.nz/folder/yn40jYbB#7qJ-ZAXEgFw-FixizevWBQ - Blindwildcat WH art
>>https://mega.nz/folder/H99m3IhY#SbpRVp2fghX8OABqHX5yOg - Lewdanon art
>>https://mega.nz/folder/8skznaBS#ibTA-IlvIaDtIl7asqOR9Q - Geabull art
They Do It For Free!
Male Drukhari x Female Custodes
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obligatory (non-elf, non-eldar) image but also this is the cutest dorf i've seen for a while. brb writing my own name in her book of grudges so she takes the time to look me up.
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Another Grace and Charlie comm
very nice!
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For anyone who just prefers a non-chaos version.
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LoV girls
quel dommage
Would pin her down and dick the tzeentch influence out of her.
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>wake up
>Eldar still aren't real
The light is broken yet I still work.
Nice stuff! Whos the artist. I cant really see the watermark, but i love their style.
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Khorne Version of Another of my ocs.
Really reasonable pricing too, and quick turnaround time.
hey thanks! Maybe when they open again i will snag a slot
Nice, I like the tail, I guess she's based off a MGE manticore a bit?
I like the artstyle too, is good stuff.
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How would you be feeling if you were Felix here?
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She is indeed! Some changes are going to be made. Mainly the face made more like her actual one, but also a womb tattoo and some sinewy/blood/slime on her horns.
I'm gonna need about a liter of ballistol and a fifth of whiskey
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I wasn't planning on posting a picture but the ballistol homepage is just too perfect not to
Nice trips, Khorne agrees.
Sounds great the blood/slime idea sounds neat, I don't think the face looks bad I like the way it is.
Also personally would make the boobs bigger but that is just my eternal hunger boobs talking.
I hope you get more stuff of her, would like to see her getting it on with a guy milking them dry.
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>Nice trips, Khorne agrees.
Truly she is a Blessed Deamon Princess.
>Sounds great the blood/slime idea sounds neat, I don't think the face looks bad I like the way it is.
yeah haven't got a wip of it yet, but im excited. Thinking its gonna be the essences/Soul of some deamon she beat and raped for her ascension. maybe solidify into a demonic sword in battle. Unsure on that part right now.
I don't think the face itself looked bad, i think the ears framed it weird. I do like it how she is now, although i might ask for the shark teeth back. hope your like this version of it fine as well.
>Also personally would make the boobs bigger but that is just my eternal hunger boobs talking.
she actually has or is supposed to have the largest tits of all my OCs. Being 7+ feet tall pre Ascension her boobs are massive and only Proportionally smaller than PlagueToads. Definitely down to enlarge em. might ask the artist and see. Honestly the body shot kinda hides their size as well.
>I hope you get more stuff of her, would like to see her getting it on with a guy milking them dry.
Definitely plan to. eventually gunna get a series of a guardsmen getting milked by each of them. maybe a follow up of a now Chaos Champion/Warrior/Deamon Prince version of the guardsmen giving it back.
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Aw yee, sounds good.
Nice womb tattoo, they are always a great addition to demon girls.
Thanks for considering the boob idea too, I hope it goes well.
I know it is very recent, but is there any smutfics with female custodes yet?
I do remember someone posting one here like last thread?
But I ask if there are any others?
so far, at least on AO3, mine is the only one, at least the only one using "femstodes" or "female custodes" as a tag. it's in >>8201271

i have a few ideas for a sequel/afterword/second chapter

>Aerie owns Jannissaria now, after taking her bond in exchange for resurrecting her father
>left her floating in a sensory deprivation field for ten days while she tried to figure out what to do with her and maybe kinda got a little distracted and forgot
>kyrabran finds out
"Are you fucking insane? she's going to be a gibbering lunatic now (and we won't get any of her psychological torment because she'll be too far gone to even be capable of suffering)"
(because of course dark eldar consider sensory deprivation to be the worst and cruelest torture possible, that's just how they think. Anything is better than absolute nothingness where you can't even hear your own heartbeat)
>Jannissaria released from the sensory deprivation field, collapses on the ground, screams until she vomits and then lies there prone, staring through the nearest wall.
"Okay actually that was pretty great, good job. hope she recovers, though."
>Aerie lights up a lho stic to enhance the afterglow, Kyrabran scolds her for taking up smoking then asks if she has any more
"So why am I actually here?"
"Because if I'm going to make any money pimping her out, someone has to teach her how to fuck without killing her partner. Now get to it."

"What if she stops suffering from my presence?"
"Father, I can assure you that every single woman who has ever been involved with you draws from an endless well of suffering inspired purely by the affection they harbor for you."
"Even Catalina?"
"Catalina doesn't count. She's entirely incapable of self reflection. And even if she understood it as a general concept she would be totally uninterested in taking it up as a hobby."
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Bigger like this or droopier?
also rendered version with slime added.
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Final version. Hope you all like it. Sorry for the Wip spam.
Ice Guards are underrated
khorne clearly approves. she looks fantastic.
and let';s be honest the WIP spam is welcome engagement
Agreed. She is well well blessed by her God. Also cause she is a manticore i imagine her Venom is probably some Rage inducing. Now does it also cause RAGING boners? maybe.
and thanks for the suggestions earlier (if that was you) Now im onto Tzeentch and Slaanesh.
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Reminded me of an edit I worked on, but never posted. A little bit WIP, but worth posting I guess. I got lazy removing the chest piece, so it looks a bit wonky if you look at it too much.
>womb tattoo
>glowy bits
>sweaty and dripping
>sucker tail
That Khornussy got me acting unwise
>captcha VR4D
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>That Khornussy got me acting unwise
Its how she helps her fellow Cultists fighting so hard.
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how are you still getting a statistically improbably number of 8s
What can I say. She is just Blessed by Khorne. As such she is getting the 8s she deserves.
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okay those aren't eights but still, goddamn
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lol Could you imagine if i had posted one of my nurgle girls instead. I might actually have to abandon my house lest they materialize in the real world looking for me.
can we also modify the eye to look more human?
Sorry was asleep so I couldn't reply.
But ye, I meant like that, but maybe would've gone bigger with it, but that is just me.

But it's cool, the image is done, can't change it now..
I still really like it, it's super nice. And thanks for taking my idea into consideration.

And 100% would impregnate and cumflate her.
Ye that edit looks nice, you just need to add some shading.
Sure, I originally left it like that because I did like the piercing blue eyes, fits a femstodes imo, like imagine her staring into your eyes as she jacks you off whispering lewd things to you.
But also couldn't figure out what color to use.
it's mainly that the slit eyes aren't as cute as regular human eyes
No worries! Yeah i think the big issue is she is kinda hunched over so massive titties would look potentially fucked up if they were bigger. Of course i do plan to get more art so perhaps i can increase it. Im not tied to my ocs boob size and some artists end up naturally making them larger or smaller anyways.
I am curious if you have like a reference to how large your thinkin.

Yeah same. Surprising how fast it all came together. Now on to my slaanesh or tzeentch girls.

Brave man.
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>I am curious if you have like a reference to how large your thinkin.
Something like this, but I understand if you think it is too big.
I like it. I can ask the artist. I dont mind sending him something to see what he can cook up.
Sounds nice, thank you for considering.
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Here, how's this?
Chose to go with a golden eye color, added a slight golden glow effect on her too.
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taucock 1/2
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taucock 2/2
He should be getting bullied by a taller female ethereal.
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I decided to be the change. Here's some Shadowseer art I requested in the drawthread.
Heh, nice.
Glad that my edit inspired you.
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>Also, I could actually see a scene in 40k where "women start castrating every man in (that section of) the imperium" as long as its done as commentary for a story about radical extremism from that angle.
I mean that's the satire behind my Daughters of Peace, except they just biomance you into being a sexy woman rather than cutting your balls off.
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they look proportionate to her frame
Original requester, yee those look perfect.
Would smush my face into those.
Well proportioned busts are always nice. Plus the weird feeling i had with the pose is gone. So yeah i like this one more. Really happy the artist is such a cool guy.

Same. And the rest of the men she leads into battle. Just gotta live and we got a shot!
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Full version with the bigger bust. Now i shall hopefully have newer stuff for next time.
Thank you, is very good.
You could always treat the 2 versions of her getting a slight blessing, or Slaanesh playing a prank on her.
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Cumless alt
That or the deamon princess she works for is a pseudo mother spire/goddess thing of nurgle so maybe she cursed em to be more milky.
Nurgle and milk should never be mentioned in the same sentence, I'm sorry.
The tzeentch fucked with the spell and now its normal. Fuck idk man.
>Be human Seneshal. Dressed up in five layers of official uniform denoted to your rank and titles, to conduct negotiations with some Eldar on a Jungle world.
>Picrel almost ghosts out from between the trees, moving with the powerful fluidity of an Astartes, but also an inhuman level of grace even they can't hope to match. Moves unsettlingly fast, and with so much alacrity, that your perception doesn't naturally follow her.
>You barely come up to her ribs.
>Her voice literally has a psychic resonance, much less anything physical about her.
>She can literally read your thoughts. Not only does she know what you're going to say before you give it words, but she's also aware every time you get distracted ogling her. Which she both holds against you as a failure of discipline, but also takes great pride and pleasure in your fascination with her.
No wonder people find themselves beguiled.
>Nurgle and milk should never be mentioned in the same sentence, I'm sorry.
But, cheese!
Onto more things. For the Tzeentch and Slaangirls these are the two im thinking. I am however stuck on which on should be which. I figured as you lads have bee so helpful i might as well ask here.

Is there an archive with Geabulls works?
Are you actually incapable of reading the thread or are you doing this as a bit to entertain yourself? I am genuinely curious.
For Tzeentch, are you looking at something that is blue/pink horror and chaos spawny rather than the bird theme that the greater daemons do?
Yeah. although i wouldn't be against birdiness.
personality wise i should also say Spider is more Tzeentch like where as the maid is more Slaanesh.
Although both have aspects of the other gods as well so im unsure how much i should rely on that.
as far as birniness goes, Falin from Dungeon Meshi has a lot going for her. just a thought.

But overall I would like a pink/blue horror daemongirl just for the sake of something one doesn't normally see in WH art. and based on your nurgirl I'd say you're pretty open to that look.
True. She is a good ref.
Honestly i agree. perhaps i can keep her spider features. While bugs are more nurgles thing i dont think going a bit more spiderish and one of the horrors would be bad.
Posted without adding: making her Back legs more chitin covered arms with hands at the end. the slime coiled around them forming items, staffs and the like. Rest of the body im unsure.
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Thanks. That's pretty much why I didn't bother finishing it back then, heh. Might get around to it eventually.
Based loyalist femstodes.
those breasts are perfect.
excellent, monsieur
>pure Eldar maiden being molested and led astray by blueberry whore
Many such cases, Sad!
never ask your pure eldar maiden what she did in Commorragh
This is really good thanks
Assuming you are talking about the story and not FromPronghorn's Eldar who is definitely not Alpha from Eminence in the Shadow, then thanks, I am glad you like it. If you are talking about the picture, then I agree, it is awesome.
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she cute
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I sometimes wonder if DoW3 Macha was purposely influenced by the fan art made here or if the art designers were just lazy, looked her up and just took the fanart as canon.
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I think a little bit of one, a little bit of the other, and once they realized she had a popular depiction that was also very cute, they decided to roll with it.
Modern AAA game art is usually made as lazily and quickly as possible, this is why games are frequently caught with watermarks still visible on kitbashed pieces that end up shipping as a finished product.
So yeah, probably, if its not too obviously pornographic its very likely whatever is popular gets pulled in.
This will be even more common in the future as AI pipelines will just harvest up fan works for training material, probably.
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Fuck "why do robot have boobs?", why do BATTLE robot have pregnancy fiction and why it can be impregnated by enemy?!
>Find a STC for sex bots with fictional hyper vito-womb
>Mechanicus makes battle bots out of them
>Whenever you bring up why they need massive tits, ass and a hyper fertile womb they just respond with "as the omnissiah intended"
>They even have a ritual when they are stored for long periods of time where they shove a power dildo into them to keep them sated.
Kastellans, like all Imperial robots, actually do have a significant quantity of organic components. So it's not impossible there might be something in there the Tyranids can work with.
>Some archmagos gets into his metallic head that the womb and such needs to be preserved to contain the human essence in the machine
>Tyranids, like always, adapt
What I had in mimd was that the Tyranid semen biomatter uses the metal to actually construct a sort of fleshmetal womb for itself, with an umbilical linked directly to the power supply of the Robot. And once the Tyranid "baby" is born, it suckles on the plasma tanks.
This all comes from the fact that Tyranids can eat metal, and can tyrannoform ecosystems, so I thought "well, what if the Robot had empty space and redundant systems in her metal guts tyrannoformed into a womb to gestate a bioform?"
Hence the data readout shes saying about "replicating biomatter".
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So after some research the Tzeentch deamon princess i think will follow a sorta spider, horror, flamer vibe. Multiple long chitinous arms spawning from her back. Kerrigan style tentacle hair, on her hair, maybe some uneven/misshapen horns as well. Shortstack with chitnous hands and regular arms. Mouths at the end able to release either slime or mutating flames. Slime being a sorta eldritch slime/spiders silk sorta vibe (had a suggestion that its comprised of the souls of her victoms but unsure on that) that can be fluid and self moving but becomes set once placed.
Also debating titty and/or stomach mouth. Also a third or extra set of eyes.
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Anyone know who drew this piece?
Neither of these guys would be topping
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Might be the guy who does this stuff. I have the name saved on my pc but it's off for the night.
It is. im asking mostly cause im thinking of comming them but for some reason his art gives fuck all Saucenao or yandex hits. If you dont mind can you send it here tmr/whenever you get the time?
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unpopular opinion but I like the look CA went for Katarina
Found the artist no need to reply anymore.
Who is it, for anyone else who is wondering.
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Source: that's my art, OC and commission
Is cool, I can't comm anything myself, but I hope someone else manages.
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Their prices are pretty reasonable, and they're easy to work with. I'll be glad if they get more work because of the stuff I comm from them. I got a femstodes piece from them recently and it was popular. SFW though
Your comm from him looks amazing btw. I'm kind of surpised I haven't seen it before.
Im definitely planning to. Only issue is i dont know what to get and if my girls fit. I could probably get like 1 full body a month in my budget. Just wondering if he will take my nurgle girls, and khorne.
Maybe get them in their sister hospitalier forms as well.
Oh thats good to hear. I have had some shitty luck with professionalism recently.
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Thank you! Yeah, I've posted it here once before, but I try not to repost too often.
I had seen her clean but not in "Just as planned" mode
It's not really the money that is the problem for me, mostly just paypal itself, just couldn't get it to work so I just deleted it.
Figured later that I would've needed a credit card to make it work but I had deleted at that point and can't be bothered to try again.
Just left a sour taste in my mouth, I'll just stick to art trades at best, maybe not even that and just accept the fact I just wont get commissions for myself.
Whats wrong with it for you? It does take up to a week for your paypal to actually be fully set up (on their end). And you shouldnt need a credit card. I used a debit card myself.
Just couldn't get it to connect with my account at all. Even if I linked both of them together, it just didn't for whatever reason. I even tried testing it by buying a game from steam, but it didn't work.
Asked help from friends as well but nothing they suggested worked.

Like I said, I've just given up at this point on using it.
Oh yeah if you did it right away usually that means its still in its not fully formed phase.

Unfortunate you couldnt get it to work but maybe ankther time
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pilot wip
Gorgeous. Aeronautica gals are sorely underrepresented.
has there been any work on those lewd killteam rules?
She looks delightful
I just wish they hadn't given her the exact same shoes all the other Kislev models use. Ones like that art would be better
>lilith x khan
hope this takes off
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(If you look closely, she's wearing the cone to prevent her from ritually degloving her right hand)
I’m loving this exploration film arc from JBR.
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In honor of the news from GW, posting this classic.
too bad the person writing the enslaver story stopped two or three chapters in.
Terrible, boring
Unfortunate. Thinking of commissioning one. Got a link to what was done so far? Might help what ever writer i comm to have some base to work off.
The lesson is, never get invested until it's done

Decent writefags don't typically like commissions which are basically to finish someone else's work. If you like the art, show them it and go over the ideas you have. You'll get a much better result
Oh not to finish the piece. I mean commission something else involving enslavers.

Thank you
What news?
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GW dropped this for a teaser. It might be an Enslaver.
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Endo's Matched Combat. Was a mod on LoversLab, author scrubbed all of his stuff. Some of his other mods were re-released by other users but not that one.
ok, so, does anyone else feel awkward about the parts of them the clip thru each other?
Merry Christmas, first time trying this.
Put it in your TWW3 Data folder.
Gors of most kinds (including Beastlord, Tzaangors, and Pestigors) have 3 animations, 2 combat 1 sync kill.
Ungors and Plague Hounds specifically have one combat animation each.
Minotaurs have a sync kill.
Works primarily on elf lady units (Witch Elves, Wardancers, Alarielle & Morathi)
It's an outdated mod, use at own risk.
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How long will the shitstorm over
continue? Like just alluding to it on /tg/ is enough to get you a vacation for purposeful shitstirring it's that bad.
I thought it was already over?
like everything else on /tg/ it comes down to the whims of one or two malajusted losers who are either actual jannies or wannabe jannies. so it could be tomorrow or it could be in thirty years. we just don't know.
Did any other animation previews survive the purge, or is it just this one?
Another one
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Holy fuck thats hot
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Mandrakes are not for fugs
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Sorry, I got busy. Enslavers getting models should be cool though. Could make for some fun kitbashing.
i give it another a month, few months at worst. Gw is bound to do something with the setting that gets people talking and forgetting about femstodes, then they'll fade into the background like everything else.
Elf bonding.
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Welcome back, hope you're doing well. Gotta admit, I hadn't played Vermintide 2 before reading your Kerillian story but now that I have, it's much funnier.
Not with that attitude. In Commorragh, "Cant" is a word to describe the sights on mon'keigh weapons, not a statement of possibility.
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3lewd5 this thread
Eldar legs... erotic....
Is there any pictures of female arbites floating around?
Try and stop me.
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What a whore.
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If only GW loved space elves as much as we do.
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had some intrusive thoughts about that
>convincing James that in order to be properly Grimdark the imperium needs to suffer defeats that actually matter, defeats people care about
>okay what do you suggest
We are stealing the sun of Nocturne and using it to close Khaine's Gate. Mostly by placing it directly on top of Khaine's Gate and letting heat and gravity do the rest.
guess who's getting promoted to fleet based chapter!
Cringe, I usually don't mind elves as son of Vulkan but even that would make me shank a knife-ear
salamanders aren't actually about what everyone thinks they are, that's just a projection from fans - they're still subhuman ast*rtes and they and their house humans deserve to be treated as such
Be better
That didn’t take long for art of that thing to pop up.
if you worry about being cringe you will never be based.
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>Abelard, charge and steal her shoes for me
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cute fish
Every one wants a druki gf till you get one.
I know it's not what this artist intended, but I like to imagine this is a female custodian who for whatever reason infiltrated a sisterhood and somehow became a repentia
More Navigators?
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You don't "get one" she gets you.
Also, in Commorragh, you don't lose your girlfriend you just lose your turn.
Can this happen to a Tau? Asking for a friend
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Sketch of Mao Ying
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>Macha (Irish pronunciation: [ˈmˠaxə]) was the sovereignty goddess of ancient Ireland associated with the province of Ulster, particularly the sites of Navan Fort (Eamhain Mhacha) and Armagh (Ard Macha), which are named after her. Several figures called Macha appear in Irish mythology and folklore, all believed to derive from the same goddess. She is said to be one of three sisters known as 'the three Morrígna'. Like other sovereignty goddesses, Macha is associated with the land, fertility, kingship, war and horses.

>The name is presumably derived from Proto-Celtic *makajā denoting "a plain" (genitive *makajās "of the plain"). In modern Scottish Gaelic, the etymologically related term machair refers to a fertile grassy plain that is maintained by continuous trampling and grazing of livestock.

>In the Dindsenchas Macha is called Grian Banchure, the "Sun of Womanfolk" and is referred to as the daughter of Midir of Biel Lélith.

Just some FYI for you guys.
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>god of fertility
>never gets any
Damn Relic, why the hate?
>In modern Scottish Gaelic, the etymologically related term machair refers to a fertile grassy plain that is maintained by continuous trampling and grazing of livestock.
so the pubes are canon is what I am getting
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Cute Maids of battle~!
Miao and Katarin surrounded
i need to fuck this old man
>even more big titty tau art
THIS is why this ip exists btw
Getting an "origin" story for my Khornate girl and The Art for Tzeentch girl soon. Potentially both at the same time. Hope to share it with you all.
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All custodes have a personal serf.
Oh ye forgot. The artist is 小太阳t2333.
For anyone who wonders and wants to see more work like that
You know how r34 artists be.
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Yes... YES!!!
I haven't seen much r34 from Rmulderz. It's all sfw
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Would pound both.
got a page where you post your stuff?
I'm not Berseria but she's here
Does she want something else waxed too?
is this porn?
no more than the other SFW pin-ups
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Why are people like this?
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Because us Eldar fans aren't allowed to have night things. Even eldar plotlines get shoved in with the speesss marinesss, like rescuing Isha which for some fuck reason everyone thinks a Primarch will do.
Because it is the realistic scenario, we sae eldar themselves try and rescue her, they all died horribly.

Russ is specifically brought up with Isha because one of the reasons mentioned as to why Russ disappeared into the Eye of Terror was to find the tree of life so he could get one of its fruits and heal the Emperor with it and then have Emperor walking among humanity again.

And seeing that Isha is the eldar goddess of life and also might have been the nature goddess as well.
It is not really surprising people put 2 and 2 together.
The "realistic scenario" removes the agency of an entire race to wank the space marines more, and especially comes off as egregious after the Ynnari books came to an abrupt end and even those involved the space marines ruining everything.

Let the Eldar have a major plot point resolve without the imperium. My challenge to the BL writers is have an entire eldar book that avtually advances their faction plot without involving Imperium characters beyond passing mention. We've seen single strike teams try to rescue Isha, never actually a grand effort because most of the time the Eldar are doing the same thing the Imperium are supposedly doing: being stretched too thin to properly answer any of their problems. Russ can go suck an egg, we don't need more shitty space wolves being wanked even among marines and getting away with shit that few other chapters would. Going on an expedition to save a xeno goddess should get Russ and his legion under suspicion of Heresy, even if the Inquisition can't do anything like how they couldn't do anything to Gulliman when he got help from Yvraine.
>The "realistic scenario" removes the agency of an entire race to wank the space marines more
Yes and exactly why it happens.
GW doesn't give a shit about the eldar and the fact is we have already seen once when they tried to save Isha.
All of them died and got turned into body horror crystal trees that are eternally screaming agony right outside of cage and Nurgle specifically let them get near enough before turning them just so he could fuck with Isha more.

Eldar will never save Isha, it will be Russ or some other Imperial character.
They shouldn't have made the Eldar so pathetic and unlikable that they've become loathed by the community. I don't even think it's anti-elf bias from the fandom either. Granted, that's some of it, especially from the Imperium fanboys, but in WFB and AoS, the elves are the most popular race in the setting, to the point that they have more unique subraces than anyone else in AoS.
I'm fully aware of why it happens, because GW doesn't give a shit about any faction not part of the Imperium. Look at the Votaan, who've got literally nothing since they got kicked out the door and became their own faction.
My point is that I don't give a shit about WHY GW does it, it's still egregious and shitty writing. Isha has been an Eldar plot point since over half of the Eldar lore was written. To have the Space Marines and especially primarchs just shove their way in and solve it and get everything they want is so shitty that it's indescribably levels of drivel. Like I said before, we've seen a single individual strike team get defeated and multilated by Nurgle, but never a grand effort on the part of the entire remaining eldar, the craftworlders or Exodites or even Harlequins, and how such an effort could go. Let the people who play factions that aren't the roided out muscle freaks have fun and enjoy themselves without having the Imperium fanboys cry and scream that they aren't the center of attention. We've seen that GW can write good xeno book with the Infinite and the Divine, we know it's possible.

The thing is, the crossover in terms of attutude from 40k and WFB is like, 70%. The arrogance, the I know better attitude, it's all there in both cases, there's just less abject racism from the humans towards elves in Fantasy. I think the Imperium fanboys and the general way the Black Library writes books with so much of an emphasis on the Imperium and the human perspective doesn't help, but I can get it. The problem is that unlike in AoS and WFB, one faction just completely and utterly dominates the others in terms of written content, and it's not quite the same way how you had Gotrek and Felix being massively more popular than the Blood of Anerion trilogy for WFB, there is just straight up less respect from GW and the writers for the Eldar than the Necrons or Marines.
Do people who make this stuff only about the Primarchs?
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Now this is a what a real "gene"stealer looks like.
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>but never a grand effort on the part of the entire remaining eldar, the craftworlders or Exodites or even Harlequins, and how such an effort could go.
Instantly dead as well.
We all know that.

This is the reaso why I don't anymore eldar books from GW and refuse to read any of them.
It is because I already know they will fuck up the book and make the eldar into complete retards or somehow otherwise dick them over in such a way that they didn't really win at all.
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When necrons have Szarekh, and Imperium has primarchs, i almost sure that GW will return Isha through Russ, than give to Eldar big boy like Ultanash or full reincarned Khaine. (Or not, because GW and eldarfags really hate yvraine x gorillaman meme and probably brooks will turn yvraine to lesbian team)
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Are scars sexy?
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>GW and eldarfags really hate yvraine x gorillaman meme
Only GW hates it.
90% of the eldarfags don't care it's not new that a female eldar character is getting shipped with a male imperium character.
Jesus, it's the old /tg/ past time ever since Dawn of War, or do people really just forget Macha x Gabriel? Taldeer x Vindicare, you know Love can Bloom.
Yvraine x Guilliman is just yet another variant of this female elf x male human pairing.
Isha x Russ is no different really.

Even the wall of text that gets occasionally posted onto /tg/ that complains how the fanbase turned Yvraine into Guilliman's cumdumpster is just a reddit copypasta of a supposed "woman" on reddit.

Anyway this is a porn thread, here's some fat Yvraine knockers.
>imperiumfags have low standards and love rehashes

then again you are the people that had to rebuy all your armies
Wasn't the poxculture/Shallya thing part of End Times anyway? Getting Isha back would not be a great thing for the setting regardless of how it happens, though the Eldar suddenly having an endless supply of soulstones and no longer being "le dying race" would be fun.

Anyway obviously they just need a fat W, like stealing the Nocturne Sun to close Khaine's Gate. Even the Imperium faggots would benefit because it would give them something to get properly upset about.
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Why do Eldar apply makeup the same way as humans?
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Gendering eldar can be hard.
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Oh that's because some Eldar found out that the first literate polity on Terra was worshiping Nurgle of all things so they tried to teach them how to be civilized and introduced them to Isha worship. It went about as well as you could reasonably expect it to. 33,000 years later they started naming their grotesques after someone named for Isha and don't even realize it.
>Even the wall of text that gets occasionally posted onto /tg/ that complains how the fanbase turned Yvraine into Guilliman's cumdumpster is just a reddit copypasta of a supposed "woman" on reddit.

Can I see it, please?
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If eldarfags really care about their lore or shit tier romanses with ceramite 12 y.o. transgenders, they would not play as eldar. But after Yvraine meme, primarchwankers seriously discussing why their castrate must take eldyssy, and they talking about that even IRL.
It’s much more this than the existence of another meme to the pile. Every single eldar character who’s a woman inevitable ends up shipped with an imperium guy, cool. Annoying, but I’m not gonna stop people from making memes. It’s when I get people talking about it in the actual shop when I’m trying to play or paint that it becomes really annoying, and how every single one of them seems to think it needs to happen because Yvraine’s only character now is based on her interaction with Gulliman since the writers don’t know what they want with the Ynnari. GW deliberately feeding in to it with stuff like their thanksgiving image on Twitter doesn’t help at all though.
I'm just going to request images of the GSC magus

and, is possible, if theres any art of her pregnant
>its over
I'm waiting for Benefictus. She must be thick
Anything specific?
I mean, If you're taking suggestion then: like pic related but she's spreading her legs and exposing her pussy
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Shipping Eldar with Imperial personnel has been a tradition in the 40k community since fucking Dawn of War: Winter Assault released.
Anyone who does not understand this will not be missed.
Her eating about 20 tablets of paracetamol because she has a head ache.
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a version of this comic
>why do the acolytes always pick the magus?
>next panel has a pregnant magus holding a baby purestrain genestealer
>"hey remember me?" "beat it chick!"
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Eldar shipping in DOW is inevitable because they're essentially the only female characters in the series. In the broader setting my main problem with it is that primarchs are lame. Guilliman is so lame he wraps back around to being based since being the straight man/ tax accountant who treats the Imperium as a day job he's forced to do is charming, but you really only need one of him and the rest are best left in the 31st millennium.

The only way Russ should come back is as a Leman Russ battle tank because of the effects of the warp/eye of terror on his body based on the psychic imprint of the human gestalt's understanding of "Leman Russ" on his form.
>Primarch Russ becomes a Tank-human hybrid.
I'm in to it.
There's already precedent in Corax being a bird thingie.
....any art of house escher gangers?

surely something right?
Were is possibly other variants on artists' patreon (themaestronoob)
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>Now this is a what a real "gene"stealer looks like.
>I'm just going to request images of the GSC magus
>and, is possible, if theres any art of her pregnant
Ugh, reminds me somebody debunked my idea for a "Matriarch" because Pure-strains supposedly don't have sexes...

>>Primarch Russ becomes a Tank-human hybrid.
>I'm in to it.
But are they also a Wolf-girl?

Also been kicking around the concept of my Slaaneshi cult infiltrating Imperial High Society via hyper-MILFy pleasure "servitors."
(?) Asaneth Ayu riding Cawl
*riding (?)
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>Morathi sucking her pegasus (?).
Very hot, more like this ?
No? They're elves, they all count as female, pretty easy
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Wip for my tzeentchian girl. Open to suggestions. Thinking of changing some stuff, but a decent start. Thoughts are appreciated.
no suggestions but she looks amazing. I love her.
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Thanks. Im thinking of adding more eyes, but unsure where. The eyes above and below her breasts are supposed to be spider ones. open to suggestions.
Man, you're stuff is coming along very nicely.
Can't really think of anything that needs changing. Small question is what the lines between her pussy and the tentacle(?) things are.
Thanks. Im really happy with what the artist has done with it so for.
as for the lines its basically just the implication that they were just inside her. look much more obvious coloured. I had an idea that her downside is while casting magic they pleasure her as a method to interrupt her concentration. Still a unsure on that.
As for things im thinking of changing, Back arm bulk, Spider eye locations (small crystal like things on and under her bust), Big arcane eye locations, Lowering her horns, Transition from normal and chitinous parts of her limbs.
>I had an idea that her downside is while casting magic they pleasure her as a method to interrupt her concentration.
Lord tzeentch gives and lord tzeentch takes. I can't say if I love the idea of them making her cum over and over again or edging her the whole time, only to let her cum when she actually casts the spell is better.
Ooooh. I didnt even think of them bringing her to orgasm. Edging her until full cast is hot, but so is making it a string of more powerful orgasms. either way the cascading power of her orgasms or the "strength" of the edging being dependent on the spell i feel is very tzeentchian.
Just to continue. I think im going to go with edging. Her body subtly shaking, pussy soaked beyond measure, tentacles doing anything they want, all without bringing her to true bliss until she completes her spell. Feel like it Matches tzeentch a bit more. The bliss of ones plans succeeding so to speak.
I vote for edging.
Need chaos sorcerer GF that needs to ride my dick to maintain focus on her spells.
Want daemon prince GF (daemon princess?) that is extremely obsessed with me.
Well, it's based off this story, if that's of any interest:

I am heavily leaning that way.

Same. Would fall to chaos by her hand. But what god?
>Would fall to chaos by her hand. But what god?
A very obsessed daemon prince sounds like a Slaanesh thing.
Raiding entire worlds just to find you the best clothes.
That's also very much how Dark Eldar operate.
There's also that AOS couple that consists of a Daemonette and a Champion of Chaos who loved each other so perfectly that they were raised up into a single daemon price (or something, idk the details and I can't look them up by name)
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i'd love to see a smut story based around this image.
I would write something, but I kinda suck. Though it might be worth writing just to get better.
Do it. You won't get where you want to be as a writer unless you write. (You don't have to publish it if you don't like the end result, but you should write it regardless)
>(You don't have to publish it if you don't like the end result, but you should write it regardless)
You are actually right about that. If nothing else, it will be fun.
Agree with >>8239855, write it anyway. And if you do think it's good enough to publish, whatever criticism you're worried about getting is nothing compared to how critical you'll be about your own stuff. I learned that quickly after publishing my first one, and now I'm forty chapters deep into my story.
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Blue im thinking of going with.
Any ideas for a Katarin drawing?
intersting choice. I was expecting something much lighter
Im debating it. Im thinking maybe make her body a lighter blue then the chitin a darker blue with some pink and gold highlights.
the only other thing i can think of is the fuck-off bright ultramarine blue (literally, it's lapis lazuli) pictures of Kali (hindu goddess) which seems fitting.
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Like for her body? Something like this? Then the darker blue above for maybe her nipples and arms.
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Also for reference the pink im planning on using. Then just gold
yeah, somehow on a screen it doesn't quite do justice to just how BLUE ultramarine is. it's like someone turned the brightness settings up a little too high, but just for that color (ultramarine is also used as an optical brightener for whites, when a bleach company advertises "whiter whites" they usually have some synthetic ultramarine added in for that purpose)
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I see. I do like it. Very pretty blue and i think will make a nice base to balance both a darker blue chitin and lighter blue arcane glow.
(Interesting. So your essentially dying your close when bleaching?)

Also neat horn feature.
it's not really a dye because there isn't anything to fix the pigment to the clothing, but yes. If you have any surplus or military uniforms, this is also why the washing instructions tell you not to use a detergent or bleach with optical brighteners. synthetic ultramarine is chemically identical to natural ultramarine except it's made in a big furnace in france instead of dug out of the ground in afghanistan.
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