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Vintage Edition

Hello everyone, welcome to the next edition of the Casual Nudity and Nudism thread. As usual, post pictures and stories of people being casually naked and enjoying it, whether alone or with others, indoors or in public. Like always, don't be afraid to contribute new material, but above all else, be naked and have fun

Previous Thread: >>8042959

Archive: https://desuarchive.org/aco/search/subject/nudism/
Stories and Fanfics colletion: https://controlc.com/abf74bab (dead)
Nudist Avatar AU discussion: https://nuavatardiscussion.chatango.com/
OP Template: https://controlc.com/41d5e3a8

>Don't post art that isn't of decent quality
>Keep up the variety (No single series/artist spamming)
>No hard fetishes (Inflation, Brap, Futa)
>No generic naked pinups/ images must have a background or context.
>Keep the focus on the nudity itself/ sex ok if isn't the main focus of the image
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I know this isn't the place to make requests, but since it's precisely relevant to this thread, I thought I'd ask here anyway. There was this comic I stumbled across on some blog a while back, it was drawn I guess for nudist magazines in the 50s or 60s, it was about this girl who lived at a nudist colony. Nothing pornographic, just a funny comic series, but very well drawn. I've tried every search engine and possible way to phrase it, but I can't find it. Does this ring a bell to anyone?
More info:
The comic was in black and white
I think it was named after the central character, one of those cutesy girl names they had in the 50s, like Tilly or Bitsy or something
There was a specific cartoon I remember, where a very buxom woman (the main character is on the petite side) is telling the girl that she doesn't think dyeing her hair will get her attention from boys (the implications being that the girl is actually envious of how buxom she is)
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fuck off
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Oops wrong file
Don't worry
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for >>>/co/143537898
happens to the best of us, you're fine
Angel? I've seen those comics posted on this board before
Un grande el Quino
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I like it. Do you know who the artist is?
Creux: https://twitter.com/Lefauxcreux

There is more content like this, these characters play this sport naked
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Cochlea & Eustachia for >>>/co/143624376
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titmogged even
left > right > middle
It's all fun and games until the birds start shitting on you.
Best is being with Kim, since Monique and Shego, ever eager to humiliate her, will constantly be on your dick. Per Kim's request, of course.
rather have none of them than be forced to be with kim just to get the other two
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ordered this commission a few days back:
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I love how this artist draws pubes. Got any more (female characters only, if possible)?
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The Boiling Rock: part 2 draft is done. As always, the Google docs link is available in the chatango for you to proofread and edit at your leisure
Since it’s getting close to the end I might as well ask: What’s the plan for when the fic is done? Are there plans to jump into Korra next?
So hot. Love the bush addition.
Which prehistoric time period would you send the Prehistoric Academy cast into that isn't the Cretaceous-Maastrichtian age?
Personally, I would send them to the Eocene epoch, the Carboniferous period, and the Upper Jurassic epoch.
Eocene: Imagine them dealing with giant terror birds. Would be easier to survive in compared to the Cretaceous-Maastrichtian age.
Carboniferous: They would freak out having to deal with giant bugs like the Arthropleura. Probably easier to survive in compared to the Eocene epoch.
Upper Jurassic: The golden age of dinosaurs and the most dangerous epoch of the Mesozoic. This would put their survival skills to the hardest test.
The last one
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Book 3, Chapter 15: The Boiling Rock: Part 2, is finished and can be read on Ao3 and Deviantart

I should have stated this before, but it was me, NudityEnjoyer, who asked this question to everyone. Still need ideas for my fanfictions on AO3 but I was thinking about making the Late/Upper Jurassic idea into a fanfiction called "Late Jurassic Academy Survival" or "Prehistoric Academy: Plus Ultra!" Unlike Prehistoric Academy or Prehistoric Academy: Sausage Fest, the characters would have to find each other so you could imagine each chapter focusing on different characters in different locations, fighting for their lives during the golden age of dinosaurs.
Good choice but what other time periods I didn't list? I also recommend detailing how the cast would do in that situation.
You guys remember the Danganronpa: Eden's Island concept?
Well, while I haven't got the time to start writing it yet, I've started to put together an outline for the plot progression (though so far I've only done the prologue)
Give me your thoughts: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iBB7JobvCZ0aF18EwWo1bjH7J5ist4bWm2Ay5cMo3zY/edit?usp=sharing
Also before I move on to actually write it, there's one last question, and it relates to the light harem shenanigans that won that poll and will be utilized in it. And that is: Who?
We already have the three 'main love interests in Kyoko, Sayaka, and Mukuro, but do we leave it at just them, or add more?
Should we add Aoi and Celeste, who we know like him thanks to FTE's and school mode?
Maybe throw in Toko and Junko in?
Maybe even a bit of man love?
or any other option (if you vote that, please explain in a reply here)
just keep Makoto with the main 3 or just 1, no need to turn everything into a harem
It blows my mind how far this AU has blown up since its initial inception. I can't remember the last time a 4chan originated project gained this much traction
Snoot game?
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akimbo comics 2019-07-19-Eat_Shit_And_Die_291 for >>>/co/143699846
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Maybe but I want a few more opinions
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The blonde doesn't look convinced
Horse should have a boner. Missed opportunity.
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Holy shit, this chick needs a sandwich. Nobody's rib cage should be that prominent
Tjat's just like, your opinion man.
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what do you expect from ai garbage. the ribs are the least of that picture's problems.
What's the other problems? Also, show hand-drawn art that doesn't have problems please. Or shut up and sit down. Thank you.
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all the background faces, also it looks like interchangeable ai pic #35943242 with the same style and zero soul. you consume slop. reevaluate yourself.
background faces are fine. what's the problem? Also they're in the background and blurry and not the focus, same as what a "real artist" does. also, you're not realizing that the reason the ribs are shown so prominently is because that's how "real" artists have drawn them. duh.
> same style and zero soul
yeah, artists have "same style" and many of them actually CAN'T keep from drawing exactly the same kind of face no matter who they draw. These faces are actually different, and AI can change the style and face easily. Also they have far more expressiveness than most art.
Don't really know who you're trying to fool, but well done AI art is better than well done human art.
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you're welcome.
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Manara Maestro dell'eros
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The Gloaming
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