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/aco/ - Adult Cartoons

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"Ransom for a Dead General" Edition

>For those who love big boobs and small brains
Anything goes 'cept extreme content (Gas, Vore, ABDL).
No whining about people's preferences.
Discuss, don't argue.

Previous: >>8139926
Who killed /aco/ bimbofication threads? Kandi Kane is on the case!

Can you help her look for clues?

Was it the fans? The artists? Erotica authors? Memes? Piracy? Government officials? Board culture? Culture as a whole? What did we lose? What did they gain? Can we ever go back again to /d/ again? And, like, was Kandi always this... breast-y?
There's also a Pit edits/AI/general thread up if you're more into that instead
thanks for the link
Bimbofication was sustained by smut writers. A brief renaissance of art brought in a weird contingent of people obsessed with changing what sustained the fetish. Arguing over what the fetish was became more important to people. Now people don't like contributing to the fetish as much because there's always a group that wants to moralize over things or project some other view onto it. It also turns a lot of existing contributions into performative exercises where they have to hit a list of checkboxes to be considered permissible to the group of people who screech when material veers into slightly unsafe horny territory. That isn't to say that there isn't a lot of unsafe horny material still being made, but it's almost always annoying to deal with the response to it.

This fetish's biggest cultural contribution is being partially responsible for the crackdown on fictionalized non-con transformation stories/art on patreon.
>being partially responsible for the crackdown on fictionalized non-con transformation stories/art on patreon.
>Bimbofication was sustained by smut writers
I figured, which is why I was confused seeing writers say artists were the backbone of this fetish.
Even a few years back, they specifically singled out bimbofication as one of the things they were closely monitoring.
I never heard that, that's crazy. Was this around 2017/18?
Nah the fetish had a nice resurgence in the late 00s and early 10s with artists getting into the scene. But now most of those artists have quit or become trannies. It also doesn't help that the fetish lost like all meaning since it got co-opted by a bunch of idiots who think slut = bimbo. It's basically impossible to find content anymore because you can search bimbo and get 100 hits of anything EXCEPT bimbos. Then AI became the final death knell as it did for so many other niche fetishes.
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>It also doesn't help that the fetish lost like all meaning since it got co-opted by a bunch of idiots who think slut = bimbo

Reminder: Supergirl canonically married a horse.

The silver age was a wild time. Although on closer examination it turns out they only dated. Luckily for him, she decided not to turn him into a stone statue like she usually does to her ex-boyfriends. The horse then went on to date Lois Lane for an issue.
>The horse then went on to date Lois Lane for an issue.
Oh, I'm familiar with that one. Same horse, huh? I guess he gets around.
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Has woot done anything besides edits recently?
Not anything bimbo related.
I've enjoyed his other stuff before, especially the fat brats on off-brand Maury. Just never really cared for edited stuff.
>especially the fat brats on off-brand Maury
Not sure I've seen those specifically but I do appreciate some of his fat stuff, particularly the nerd ones, they just aren't relevant to this thread. And I understand not caring for the edits, its sorta the same as AI in a way.
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I think the series is called Fattitude part 1 through 4, though I only kept 2 and 4. I'll post those on /d/'s BBW thread if you want them, along with one or two others that are adjacent to bimbo or brat.

In the mean time, to keep this thread on-topic, I'll post a few of his bimbos first.
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>I think the series is called Fattitude part 1 through 4, though I only kept 2 and 4.
>I'll post those on /d/'s BBW thread if you want them, along with one or two others that are adjacent to bimbo or brat.
I remember 2 but I never really looked at it, I see. I can't say I'm really into fat but "Uncovered Blubber Lover" and "Curious Syd" are very hot conceptually. And a hot concept or scenario is almost everything, at least in my opinion. I really wish I could bring myself to write and draw.
This one makes me feel conflicted. It's the only time I've ever found the original design hotter than the bimbofied one.
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It's so infuriating that the "bimbo" tag no longer guarantees art of a woman who's hot and dumb. At most you'll get woman's who hot and maybe kinda sorta horny. I think I'm just gonna stick with stories from now on.
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The racist cuckold thread is more active so I won’t even bother bumping anymore
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is this doxy?
Phi and his cronies have been a cancer on this whole fetish.
Does Phi have cronies?
Would be even sadder
Yes that is correct.
This is great
What do either of these have to do with bimbos or bimbofication?
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jesus christ this shit is dead
turning women who wouldn’t be caught dead in those outfits into playboy bunnies

Also, bumping this thread from getting knocked off the boards
gender politics fucked it up
all the bimbo discourse is now about transgenderism, AGP, intersectional feminism, etc.
Where? What the hell are you even referring to?
You sure it wasn’t because the Pit blacked bimbo thread took most of the posters? Because when both threads were on the board that one seemed to get most of the traffic, to the point where it died first.
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I need to get SD desu
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>Because when both threads were on the board that one seemed to get most of the traffic, to the point where it died first.
NTA but I don't think the people posting in that thread would've been posting in here regardless. Also, the last thread died early.
>turning women who wouldn’t be caught dead in those outfits into playboy bunnies
That's fair. And the bump was appreciated but doesn't guarantee this thread will get active any time soon, I really miss the /d/ threads. It feels like back then we used to have debates about the intricacies and our preferences but now we only have arguments. I think it may be in part because /d/ anons are not only used to weirder shit but expect it so they acted less entitled about what got posted. Of course, the election probably had a lot to do with it too, the early /aco/ threads weren't that bad.

Seeing as how these 4chan threads have been the only centralized place to actually talk about this fetish for some years now I wonder if we inadvertently had any influence on its decline.
>It feels like back then we used to have debates about the intricacies and our preferences but now we only have arguments.
It was always that way. /aco/ got created because people on /h/, /d/ and other weeb hentai boards got tired of seeing western art in their threads while a significant number of /d/ users got tired of futa being spammed in every thread.
The different preferences in bimbos would lead to stuff like gyarus and stuff by Rebis being posted in /d/ and western bimbos (including stuff by The Pit) being posted in /aco/. These two would lead to controversy in threads, but it was always localized to bimbo threads so it started becoming predictably repetitive.
Some anon would be like "what kind of bimbos do you like", or "what bimbo content do you want to see more of", then someone would respond with something about smart bimbos, and another anon would lose their shit and the thread derails. Every. Single. Time.
So we would rarely get new content, because any attempt at finding what stuff people liked resulted in fights.
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Eventually artists started moving on with their lives and other niches as the need to earn a living settled in. More of them moved to paywalling stuff on patreon. Comic sites started beefing up security to make content harder to pirate.
So that resulted in less new content to share in these threads
Sortimid's "debimbofication" meme led to bimbofication becoming a more mainstream thing, leading more people to talk about bimbofication outside of the raging cesspit these threads had become.
A certain bimbo hypnosis series associated with a deer arose, and a discord dedicated to it as well.
More places to conversate=4chan threads having fewer posters.
Tumblr fell and people moved to Twitter, where opinions become political identities.
Those twitter users still leaked over here, complaining about BimboPhi while still posting and fapping to their art.
More politics=more rage.
Bimbotok came into existence.
Some of us wanted to see how we could leverage it into an actual psyop to make bimbofication a reality. Some got distracted/triggered by the Marxism/anti-patriarchy stuff. At this point it was clear that 4chan was a lost hope for discussing anything bimbo-related and was only for porn.

Even now I can smell some anon typing an angry response to one of these posts.
>grenades in her backpack
That's not what I had in mind when I said blow me
>A certain bimbo hypnosis series associated with a deer arose, and a discord dedicated to it as well.
What? A deer? What the hell are you talking about? I've never heard of some shit like that. When did this even happen?
>More places to conversate=4chan threads having fewer posters.
>Tumblr fell and people moved to Twitter, where opinions become political identities.
I've been Twitter for a long while and even after Tumblr fell I've never seen much bimbo discussion on there. The bimbofication and bimbofetish subreddit are popular but that's pretty much IRL stuff exclusively.
>people on /h/, /d/ and other weeb hentai boards got tired of seeing western art in their threads
>while a significant number of /d/ users got tired of futa being spammed in every thread.
I feel like the Western art thing was never a huge problem as far as bimbo threads were concerned, it was pretty much a given. I remember there being complaints but it felt like something you'd see on average one post about every few threads. Maybe I'm misremembering. And maybe I just miss futaspam compared to the barren threads we have now. You post anything even slightly gender nonconforming or an unedited Pit drawing (or Fellatrix, or Temogam, etc...) and it guarantees at least 50 posts of rants and shitflinging.
bump i guess
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>No new posts in 10 hours
I'd say it's more that in the current year everything offends someone so only "fake positivity" bimbo content gets made. Everything else is called sexist or misogynist. I think Sortimid even admitted he changed his content because of the whole drama surrounded THAT sequence.
Thank you, I swear sometimes it feels like nobody else is old enough to remember the time before /aco/ was a thing. And yeah as an eternity old fag my take is that if being triggered by futa, gender fuckery, or literally any other fetish you can combo bimbos with is weak willed and deserving of ridicule.
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Yeah, I remember what this website was like in the early 2010s. And when /aco/ was made. I even still have some of the old /d/ stuff saved. It's been really interesting seeing how this site's changed over time. I remember when Bailey Jay was posted on /tv/ regularly, and then later Natalie Mars. Not being into futa or girls with dicks was "cringe," and the more uptight sexually straight-laced guys felt like the minority. It just feels especially weird with bimbo because even as kid I got the sense "gender fuckery" had always been a part of this fetish. The only thing I can understand being even slightly upset about is cuckold, except nobody in these threads ever actually hates cuckoldry.
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Damn, it's the best bimbofication story I've ever seen, I also think it's the first one I've ever seen.
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maybe it's a good thing, will show the fetish to more people, maybe even get some girls irl open to looking more bimbo, especially since some absolute genius dressed it up as "empowering" lol
>it's the best bimbofication story I've ever seen,
>I also think it's the first one I've ever seen.
come the fuck on anon
I know this is an imageboard but, Jesus
We really need to start talking about stories in here again
My bookmarks are a mess, but try one of these
>What? A deer? What the hell are you talking about? I've never heard of some shit like that. When did this even happen?

It's called Bambi Sleep. The name is also a hypnotic trigger for some. Doesn't actually have anything to do with Bambi, it's just the name of the bimbo personality that listeners develop.
That image is so perfect. Would be even better with dialogue, having her interact with the person who transforms her
OH. Jesus Christ, I felt like I was losing my mind. I genuinely had no idea what you were talking about. I thought there must've been some popular bimbofication furry webcomic I never heard about.
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The Pit's almost impressionist sketches of actual bimbo gals are my favorite pieces. He can really capture the visual essence of a fake titty freak in a way few others can. Vitalis is quite good at this too actually. Can always make out vague hints of Aletta Ocean or Alena Omovych in their work.
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what's a good bimbo prompt for bing
Why didn't you ask in the Bing thread?
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its dead, jim
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Maybe we should all just move on and acquire new fetishes
nothing wrong with the fetishes we have now
No. The answer is you get a gf who enjoys being objectified and treated like shes stupid. Then, you proveed to objectify her and treat her like shes stupid, until she starts to believe she is stupid. From there, its not a huge jump to bimbo imo.
im really not into bimbofication irl. i think that's weird.
I personally love the really vapid dumbfuck side of things, unrealistic proportions not so much. To a small degree its ok but thats it. Already convinced my gf into a boobjob down the line, wasnt hard since all women fear boob sagging!
I think IRL it can look super trashy with tattoos and too much fake tits/filler, but aiming for like early 2000's/late 90s tv bimbo? Very obtainable.
It's weird because plastic surgery is very off-putting.
Bimbo art is very coomable though, because usually it's explained with magic
>It's weird because plastic surgery is very off-putting.
I wouldn't go that far. I like IRL bimbos, just not IRL bimbofication. The plastic surgery look definitely appeals to me, especially if the woman is actually dumb or vapid. It's the BDSM and roleplay aspect of IRL bimbofication that's a turn off for me, most of it just feels like a different shade of DDLG and the idea of controlling a woman is just not why I'm into bimbofication. Or bimbos.

I get where you're coning from though. I remember reading a comment from either Limerick or Cristina Prince where they said they weren't too into the plastic look and didn't have it in mind when writing. When written or drawn bimbos don't necessarily need to look fake. The characters usually aren't actually getting plastic surgery so it can be a more natural looking growth. It's something I had never considered before.
Nah I can get behind that other Anon. Plastic surgery looks nasty in real life, but as a kink it can be pretty hot for a quick fap. It's something about seeing a girl degrade herself / get degraded into a cheap silicon sex object that makes it sexy. In real life where there are ramifications? Fuck no.
>In real life where there are ramifications? Fuck no
Which ramifications are you referring to? You mean how dangerous surgery can be?
for me, it's the smiling and high energy loving
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DESU, I don't think 4chan has ever really been a good place for anything other than porn. The anonymous nature of it means there are too many trolls and viewpoint sockpuppets.
>This fetish's biggest cultural contribution is being partially responsible for the crackdown on fictionalized non-con transformation stories/art on patreon.

Buncha lefty weirdos.
10 again...
is that true?
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you niggers really write essays here trying to justify your degeneracy with pseudointellectual babble instead of admitting dumb sluts are hot
Curiosity is not rejection or denial. Also
>Racism outside of /b/
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Fun things are fun!
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Racism is hot. Go back to ribbit, prude
This is actually tagged "bimbofication" on xxx
Meant to actually post the pic
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Fuck off newfag. Calling people niggers has been part of board culture for 20 years, and there's nothing racist about it. It's just a word here with no meaning.
You, on the other hand, are a disgusting, subhuman, filthy newfag retard that needs to neck yourself posthaste.

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