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Patriarchy Version
Women being taken against their will by other men or humanoids
>Bonus for destroyed cities
>no futa shit
>no gay shit but lesbians are allowed

Previous thread

Thread questions
>What could be the detonator for a Patriarchy to be implemented in real life? How would the world adjust to such a change?
>What are cool examples of Patriarchies in fiction?
>If you were a Patriarch, what type of slaves would you go for?
>If you are the ruler of a Patriarchy, what are the laws you establish regarding sons and inheritance? What are the laws you establish regarding daughters?
>If you are the ruler of a Patriarchy, do you institute monogamy or poligamy? Would you allow harems?
>What are the sexual and reproductive rights of women in your Patriarchy?
>Would male slaves exist in a Patriarchy and if so what would be their rights? Would they be castrated or feminized to represent their inferior ranks?
>How does the Patriarchy manage dissent or captured rebels male or female?

For slaves
>How would you adjust to life if you were suddenly thrown into a Patriarchy?
>Would you suck it up (heh) to your male superiors in order to get a leg up over your fellow women? How far would you go?
>What are the roles of women in a Patriarchy and how far up the ranks can they go?
>Are women degraded or a prized commodity in the Patriarchy?
>Hello frens. It’s me, rape scholar anon. I have made an updated version of the Spoils of War Reader. For your historically accurate rape experience. Version 1.3 can be downloaded here:
>Perhaps the biggest new addition are a few pages from Cole (2008) about Napoleon’s soldiers in Egypt and their sex slaves.
>Rape scholar anon here. I’m sitting on a somewhat updated version of the Reader. It includes a full PDF of Campbell (2014) and I just added that Hamas rape report anon linked above. It also now includes a long book about native american slavery on the northwest coast, pic related as a sneak peak.

Exactly four years ago, on the 3rd of February 2020, I made the first Spoils of War thread. Damn, how the time flies. It was just supposed to be a one off thread or two, but it seems others liked it well enough too. So congratulation to all of us I guess!


Thread friends
Pastebin are faggots, so here's the archive
>Histories, archive and more
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I wish I was reborn as an orc or a mindflayer if I died!
Also my bad, the bonus is for misogyny or humiliation of strong females. The previous version of this thread got deleted and I had to make it again.
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Would you prefer to be seen as a conqueror or a savior?
newest version of the Reader:

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Thanks! Will update in the next thread. As always thanks for your service, rape GOD!
Id rather be the elf
As a straight up conqueror.
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Like a CHAD!
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There's something wickedly hot yet majestic about ravishing a woman on horseback.

Something about how literally nakedly the rider is displaying her helplessness and his dominance over her in front of the world.

Sigh, you will never be a Mongol warrior, a Crusading knight, a Mamluk rider, or a Turkish siphahi enjoying the rewards of another victory, and sowing your seed across countless newly captive peoples while riding to your next battle.
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I love orcs raping and pillaging a village
I've got you, fren!
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I made this >>8167933. Taking requests, smutbase models make it easy but I have a fair amount of paywalled models too
Agreed, riding her up and down as your dick enters her against her wheel in tune with the horse galloping. Her face flustered and covered in tears as you parade her around while people point and laugh at her humiliation.
Even better if she's the daughter of a noble or a haughty general.
Fucking based. If he rides with the pregnant daughter of Hua and the head of the Emperor in his hand, no one can question his might.
Can we see more of your work?
Would make me actually care about hose racing
>You will never be a Caucasian warrior raiding villages for loot and brides
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Please do a graphic close-up of this iconic scene from "The Hills Have Eyes: The Beginning" comic.
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found a nice fanfic for other Hillfans.

>What could be the detonator for a Patriarchy to be implemented in real life? How would the world adjust to such a change?
The year was 2030 when it happened. The incels cooped up in their mancaves had enough, pent up frustration from being unable to find a girlfriend as the girls were too used to whoring by chad and raising their standards to impossible levels on their dating apps, coupled with economic hardships from the government caused them to organize a riot. At first people mocked them, after all, what could a bunch of cave dwellers do against chads and stacies? They were laughing no more when the first kidnappings started.
Thanks to their spare time, incels had developed innate knowledge of the works of every telecommunication and computer system. They used people's own smartphones and doorbell cameras to locate and kidnap girls to impregnate. Automated systems were taken over and banks collapsed as incels declared war on society. Police immediately jumped to action but found themselves hunted down by their own automated drones once the incels took over them. Thousands died as both sides fought bravely and the battle culminated when a member of Anonymous managed to take over the nuclear codes and nuked Europe off the map.
After seeing their might, the government capitulated. The demands were simple: incels would locate girls through their electronic device, and any girl who suit their fancy would be immediately taken by the government and dropshipped by drone to the designated location where she would be impregnated and made into a sex toy.
Anon actually took over as Emperor and the new glorious Patriarch Empire of America began.
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Imagine how glorious it would be if incels united to take over.
American Western novels sometimes have rape kino in them. Either White-on-red or red-on-white. Always warriors and soldiers (or cowboys) having their way with women.
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Oh thanks for sharing fellow Hillfan! I'm the anon who requested to translate the spanish fanfic involving those two from the previous thread. Still can't get over how hot that scene is as i bring up the point that it's an "Insta-loss moment" which is a factor.

My imagination just runs wild thinking about what happened during their "interrogation" and after. Would love to discuss more with a fellow anon as i'm obsessed with this and need to satiate my mind badly lol.

Someone was so fascinated by the infamous opening scene of the sequel that they wrote a novelization of it.


Well, since you want to talk more about the comic's scene, have you noticed that both Bishop and Jones are gagged when the mutants are talking on the radio?

One has a white cloth tied around her mouth while she is being brutally smashed from behind, while the other is forced to guzzle stinky mutant cock as she is double-teamed.

This signifies that the gang-rape only just began when the artist depicts it, because to have divulged the information about General Ryan, the two women would obviously have had to have their mouths freed to do so.
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>One has a white cloth tied around her mouth while she is being brutally smashed from behind, while the other is forced to guzzle stinky mutant cock as she is double-teamed.

Hehe i fondly wonder which girl is which in that.

>This signifies that the gang-rape only just began when the artist depicts it, because to have divulged the information about General Ryan, the two women would obviously have had to have their mouths freed to do so.

Hehe oh yeah! Now i actually overlooked that and this does mean they probably told beforehand all the stuff they needed already and the whole "Pumping them for info" is just an excuse for Blair's team to take their sweet time before raiding the camp.

Also did you know that Blair is a female mutant and judging from the panel it's very much implied that she partook in the gang-rape likely help teaching her mutant male team who had never touched a normal human female before show how it's done.

Oops, forgot the link to the fanfic:
> https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9581327/1/Where-It-Hurts


Judging from how Blair is visibly tugging their trousers back up, which also indicates they were the first mutant to rape either Bishop or Jones, I always interpreted them as a slightly overweight male.

Anyways, my storyboard about what occurred after Bishop & Jones were jumped and overpowered after the "Hello Ladies" moment:
> the two women begged for their lives and to not end up like the policemen.
> The mutant squad leader, Blair, cleverly agreed to let them live in exchange for information.
> Bishop & Jones sing like canaries, as they hated General Ryan for continually sexually harassing them and never wanted to be assigned to his unit anyways.
> Blair: "What's that phrase people say these days? 'Thank you for your service?' Well, now I'll thank you ladies for your SERVICE-S!"
> Stabber: *to other mutants* "I'll go first, then you'll have fun too."
> Bishop: "Huh?. . . Wait, but we told you everyth -- AH! NO! NOOO!
> The mutants grab the two servicewomen and pin them to the ground, also tearing apart what remains of their uniforms with their bare hands. The women only have their screams to defiantly resist their to-be rapists.
> Blair: "Gag them you dumb fucks! Before their men hear their screaming!"
> The mutants rip off both women's white bras and panties, forcibly wrap it around the writhing woman's mouth now open mid-scream, and tie the ripped loose ends together as an improvised gag.
> To add insult to injury, the women are forced to taste and smell their own piss that they had released in terror minutes before.
> One of the women bites and tears down with all her jaw strength, ripping the gag made from her own underwear. She howls into the night again.
> Blair: "Fuck! One of you shut up this bitch with your cock! Put your thumb in her eyes if she bites it! DON'T KILL HER! WE NEED THESE BITCHES ALIVE!"

Webm related.
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>Judging from how Blair is visibly tugging their trousers back up, which also indicates they were the first mutant to rape either Bishop or Jones, I always interpreted them as a slightly overweight male.

Well, we only know Blair from a few panels overall in the comic as we aren't given much info on her/him. Only going off on the mutant's large sagging breast. It's fair to assume otherwise and i always thought it fit that Blair was male as with the scene or narrative.

>Anyways, my storyboard about what occurred after Bishop & Jones were jumped and overpowered after the "Hello Ladies" moment:
> the two women begged for their lives and to not end up like the policemen.
> The mutant squad leader, Blair, cleverly agreed to let them live in exchange for information.
> Bishop & Jones sing like canaries, as they hated General Ryan for continually sexually harassing them and never wanted to be assigned to his unit anyways.

I absolutely love how these two were directly responsible for the deaths of their fellow soldiers including General Ryan or at least it being the domino effect for the mutants to gain an upper hand.

> Bishop: "Huh?. . . Wait, but we told you everyth -- AH! NO! NOOO!

To me i imagine instead they use the shredded and torn pieces of their camo uniform as the means to tie them up. Both women naked except for their combat boots and gloves doing some real dirty work. Prior to that i imagine as they were disarmed and forced to kneel down Blair likely taunting them with their own duty rifles as they are stripped and gagged unable to fight back. The two female soldiers are very vocal while giving service to their mutant citizens but course one of the impatient mutants would use his cock to silence her. I like to think Blair raped Lt Bishop first as to demoralize and show his dominance over her subordinate as she has not much to offer anymore aside from her body. In this context it's her bent over the rocks overlooking the direction of the camp
No one asked
Incels of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your virginity.
I have this fantasy of a setting in which the world governments discover magical girls and decide to conscript them as part of their shadow armies. They use the magical girl's special abilities to assassinate political rivals and in general act as enforcers in a new dark magical dystopia.
Of course dissident magical girls exist, and their very souls have to be violated before they can be fully brainwashed into government stooges by their comrades.
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To the anons from the previous thread who asked for my discord for going more in-depth with my desires and what I'd love to do to Miranda, it's .sorem_
I would like to buy Tharja and her daughter Noire and if have enough moneyMorgan .Me and the Mrs number one pet Nowi would like to have her best friend from the Army in our love nest and her daughter to hang out with her little girl Nah to have her best friends from the Army would be good for her and she says our daughter would love them.
Dont refer to her by first name please. Shes Red.
Stories should remain here.
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Porn art of real life voice actress and model Cristina Valenzuela, or Cristina Vee, kidnapped by a horny stalker and set up to be raped. Only reason she's not actually being raped is because the artist doesn't like drawing sex or cum.
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Bound in latex with a shock collar, should Red still tell stories for the one who owns her?
has barbarians kidnaping women always been seen as hot
Sure, maybe stories about how she was raped, or recounting the sexual abuse she's gone through with her owner.
I was talking more mythological. Like a caged bird singing.
Kinda quiet tonight.
Most of it is vanilla
Rape fags, I have witnessed thou previous thread being treaded upon by a moral faggotry over le porn bad. But since is slow for now. >>8173587

I want to know? Ignoring the moral faggotry, how do you guys gatekeep or moderate yourselves from bad faith gooners and coomers but also against legitimately bad and awful extreme sex shit? Which make some wonder how do you rape fags both here and in /h/ manage to stay out of /d/ or not be forced into /d/ in all of these years? I really don't like having to quote this moral fag here; >>8161938

But I begrudgingly do have to acknowledge his point. Some of those images he listed can be pretty disgusting and not sexy at all and little too on the nose and just be too much. I will admit I'm more into vanilla and wholesome lovey dovey romance erotica and wished there was more of it these, which is why Im not really into what you guys fap to.

But I am through good faith just wanna talk and ask you guys. How do you moderate and gatekeep yourselves from truly disgusting and unhinged freaks and Jackoffs who take the gooning way too far? Or from malicious bad faith actors who who make compromising rape scenes of certain people IRL as revenge porn? No moral faggotry here, surely you guys do gatekeep and moderate against truly disgusting freak shits and bad faith/malicious jackassess right? Especially if it veers into Cheese Pizza territory, right?

Again, isn't this kinda illegal or questionably legal? Should I safely assume pic related is purely posted and passed around only here in 4chan porn threads and not anywhere else? I do not know if the IRL person that is pic related might appreciate that and again. Ain't that shit illegal or grounds for lawsuit for libel and defamation?
Its art, specifically drawn art. Wouldn't it technically fall under the first amendment for freedom of expression?

For myself, this is all fiction. Its just another kink, or another fantasy. Its no worst than those brappers or furries or whatever. Noncon\Dubcon, that's just fiction.
>>8173175, while I may not like it, I believe is fine. if there's pizza involved, though, I'm out. I don't deal with that.
If it were up to me there would be no blood or anything like that, stick it to the fantasy and story of it. But its not up to me, so I keep my things to stories and thats all.
Here's some rape stuff I found while searching for the perfect reference image
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>I like to think Blair raped Lt Bishop first as to demoralize and show his dominance over her subordinate as she has not much to offer anymore aside from her body. In this context it's her bent over the rocks overlooking the direction of the camp
Based on her profile, it does look like Lt. Bishop is the one getting railed from behind with a gag in her mouth.
to answer that anon's request from last thread the artist is boli-blog aka au
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That's what i always assumed as Bishop matches the one with the gag the most. That and she has a ponytail and Jones seemingly doesn't. Going off on artist intent it's logical to assume the one with the longer hairstyle would bear the result of having her hair pulled by the mutant while bent over.

Nice of you to go as far as to isolate and gather the few instances where we can see their faces. Some real passion and detective work i'd say. Helps further discern their identity and who's getting it from the mutants lol. Also this is just me but from what i'm seeing and it could be just the art style but to me Jones looks asian. Since comparing her to Bishop who has more pronounced western facial features i'm forming a headcanon that she is from what little we know about her.

Reading the entire panel again this made me think of General Ryan personally assigned Jones to his command to get some asian pussy. The female soldier conveniently catching his eye while likely going through the pages of personal he can allocate in the operation against the hostile hill mutants. Based from her dialogue Jones has been recently transferred to his unit and with her turning down her general's obvious abuse of power, he punishes her by having do clean up duty.

>Pic related is what a better outcome for the two and beats the alternative though these girls depicted are marines and yet one of them yells an army expression lol.
Besides "Hills Have Eyes", another horror movie franchise centered on rape and force pregnancies is "Humanoids of the Deep".

Here's a great fanfic sequel to the first film.

So about "The Hills have Eyes." I think now vaguely recall my parents watching that film through DVD (pirated I believe) and now I do recall I think my mom exclaiming to stop that movie and play another one that's better and no doubt mainstream and even my agreeing with her. Frustrated that the totally legit DVD salesman he got the movie from assured him it's a "great horror movie."

My parents hated it and they ain't even the moral crusader Christians who were the dominant culture back in the day, my folks didn't like rape porn slop it seems. I remember even glancing at the DVD cover andy dad exclaiming I shouldn't watch that even when I'm older. Asides from the fact I miraculously remember that, was Hills have Eyes a Hollywood movie or was produced in a Hollywood studio?

I take it if it really were a Hollywood studio it must have been in the "better days" when film directors and studios we're still willing to do truly edgy and not safe for work films that had to be in DVD releases. I mean it had to be a movie and story back in the early 2000s right? Not mid 2000s and 2010s, but truly early 2000s when movies and directors had balls or just didn't care about the mature nsfw edgelord material. Hills Have Eyes wouldn't be made nor would it fly in this day and age with woke leftists and rightoid conservatives in le culture war. Plus investors and studios would pretty much reject it if it were purposed or suggested today wouldn't it?
"The Hills of Eyes" was created by Wes Craven who is famously known as the maker of the "Nightmare on Elm Street" franchise along with the "Scream" films and other works in horror. This movie being one of his earlier works and its safe to say it's a Hollywood film. The original film came out in 1977 and a remake of it was made in 2006 which is likely the one you encountered. It being successful just as the other remakes at the time like the "Dawn of the Dead" one for example. There is a sequel but it wasn't as good as the first two. And yes especially with the films entire theme and plot centering with rape and forced pregnancy you can't make that in this day and age.
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because we're talking about rape scenes in movies
i'm wet
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Yeah that is the thing isn't it? And to the Hills have Eyes fan who really is fond of it and have made a fanfic pitch for a part 3. It's prolly best "rape and forced pregnancy" stories like Hills have Eyes best stay as a niche forgotten old relic that is only remembered by it's fans dedicated non-mainstream film buffs like (You) guys and everyone else in this thread. I mean think about it! Other than left wing wokeoids and right wing conservatards (and limpdick zero conviction Centrists) bashing it if it came out today. It wouldn't just only not be released today, there probably wouldn't be any director willing to direct or actors willing to play roles in such trashy totally-not-porn movie. You wouldn't get any funding or studios lending you a hand or any help in production. Even if you go do it independent without help from Hollywood producers or people from Georgia Film, you still might struggle finding investors willing to lend you some money as an investment the moment they read the script or a synopsis of the Hills have Eyes revival you're attempting. Any investor these days would bail and leave you hanging the moment they read your synopsis and the type of story Hills have Eyes is. I mean, think of the advertisers too!

And another factor why it might be best a story or anything like the Hills have Eyes is best not see the light of day again and remain niche? It just might not be well received, not just by sensitive triggered leftists, moralfag roightoids. But by basically everyone else; aka, Normies. And not because Normies are censorious wokeoids or moralfags, but simply because they just simply wouldn't like the rape and forced pregnancy story or premise because its gross and yucky.
And I mean it when I see Hills have Eyes would just be seen as "schlocky fetish movie pretending to be a horror movie" if it came out today. Because look around you, look at the internet!!! There's already so much porn, r34 and hentai that practically has the plot and premise of Hills have Eyes. How many Japanese hentai and doujins out there practically have the same exact storyline? There probably josei and For-Women femporn that online that has the same story and premise of Hills have Eyes, but instead of ugly mutant rapists. It's all handsome beautiful ikemen and bishie anime husbandos "raping" and forcing pregnancy unto women they enamor and make them into wives too. And yeah, Hills have Eyes would likely not be well received and be hared if released today simply because of "Ewww! Yucky 3DPD trash! At least I have better looking and attractive 2D hentai!"

But an even worse factor and reason!? Bastardization via memes, meme culture and internet culture as a whole. Imagine the copious amounts of memes that'd be made of Hills have Eyes if released today. Some might be good and funny and worth a chuckle, some might be cringe and generally unfunny. In this day and age, meme culture can sometimes make or break a movie as evident by Morbious! Imagine the AI voice edits of dialogue throughout Hills have Eyes where the characters speak and despair with Gen Z and Gen Alpha Skibidi Toilet Fanum Tax Rizz Ohio speak?

And even worse!? Video essays and video breakdowns and "critiques" in YouTube and YouTubers. Moistkritical/penguinz0 and Someordinarygamers doing commentary over the online SJW twitter drama surrounding Hills have Eyes and Charlie's Moist Meter rating for it. Braindead takes about Hills have Eyes from Streamers, Hassan Piker and Vaush insisting it'd be better with more "goblin lolis and horse cock." Did I forget the hour(s) long video essays about Hills have Eyes being this or that made by White dudes who may or may not be leftists?
This anon is really fired up and i admire his passion lol. It's best to just let this franchise remain obscure and be mainly forgotten. I don't see a potential sequel or another remake happening soon and that's for the better. Personally i think a short animated seried would work but again the chances are very slim.
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...she had difficulty pooping...
...he's helping her...
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. . . .You came to 4chan after watching the Netflix documentary didn't you?
>That foot on head and those gritted teeth.

Thank you anon, I hope she has an easier time pooping.
Yes :)
And never forget that girth is far more important than length.
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For me, I commission and/or indulge this kind of content to vicariously live through it, based on the real desires I have, such as what I'd love to do to Cristina Vee.

I mean... based on these archives of previous rape threads on this board, especially whenever lewd real life bondage artist named Magnolia-Baillon was brought up, I like to think that most coomers on these threads lack a moral compass and would love to more directly indulge their kink or hear about something horrible happening to whoever it is that gives them a boner if this is what they had to say about the thought of a nonfictional woman getting raped.

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>surely you guys do gatekeep and moderate against truly disgusting freak shits and bad faith/malicious jackassess right?
Nah, we don't.
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deep french kissing is hot and the hills have eyes 2 is based for that
French kissing in porn in general is underrated.
>"Rapefags, what is wrong with you guys!?"

>"Haha! What's wrong normies and vanilla fags? Can't handle a bit of FICTIONAL and FANTASY rape!? It's fictional and not real bruh!!! What's wrong with you vanilla keks, can't handle some culture and hentai!? Go back to your vanilla tags! Don't tell me you're those triggered liberals, aren't you!? Get triggered faggots! It's just fictional porn not real! We'd never actually wanna do harm and sexually assault women in real life!"

Also the same rape fags be like:
>pic related of >>8175860


Also this:

But rest assured normal fag anon. Rape fags act all high mighty just because their fetish and genre of porn so happens to have hardcore and unhinged elements and features. But they instantly become spineless cuckolds the moment blood (guro), scat, ryona and other actual brutal violent shit gets involved. You know, actual horrifying shit that happens with actual real life rapes and sexual violence? Look at all the rape porn out there and you'll notice the rape always has loads of cumshots and is always just bukakae. Typical everyday shit you seeing any dime-a-dozen porn and doujins. But the moment you introduce realistic and nasty shit that happens with rape like actual beatings, blood dripping and oozing from the vaginas, swollen black eyes and bruises on the women. Suddenly rape fags develop a moral compass and now start having standards and limits, because oh no! That shit sexy and appealing and kills your boners too doesn't it? To which then that'd just be guro and all the nasty shit you see in /d/. And that is why rape and rape fags aren't relegated to /d/. All because of technicality and certain features not being present. And not solely because some people of have standards.
Oh, and the hills have eyes is based because it's forced pregnancy and rape shit made by the same guy who made Nightmare on Elm Street? You guys would also piss and shit yourselves and yell "yamete, stop it!" the moment truly degen shit like A Serbian Film starts playing and is being shown. But you don't wanna talk about it or mention it because otherwise that's /d/ shit and you all wanna stay cozy and being in /h/ and or /aco/ and not be labeled as /d/.

Rape fags truly are not as """"cultured""" as theyake themselves out to be.
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not any of them but there's some boyfriend to death stuff i want to post but can't because they're too gory for this board
>enters her against her wheel
Interesting choice of words. "Millstone" is also an old expression for the asshole in my country.
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Scholar Anon, have you heard of the incident of the Dutch ship "Batavia" in Australia?

>Be 'The Batavia', new flagship of the Dutch East India Company
>Maiden voyage from the Netherlands to the city of Batavia, carrying gold, soldiers and settlers to help set up the company
>Cornelisz, a company official, was planning to take the ship and the gold for himself to establish his own little kingdom
>The plan: Have one of the female settles raped and have the captain come down on the perps so hard it starts a mutiny
>Settler is raped, fails to identify attackers, no punishment from the captain, there goes that plan
>Next plan: Divert the ship slightly off course away from the rest of the fleet to buy more time so we can come up with an actual plan B
>Ship crashes onto islands off the western coast of Australia thanks to the diverted route
>Most make it off alive. Captain takes a small crew with which he'll try to row the lifeboat to Batavia for help
>Puts Cornelisz, the mutiny-plotting company official, in charge of the survivors on the island
>Cornelisz sends the soldiers off to another island to 'find a fresh source of water and to signal back once they've found it' (AKA: Fuck off to that barren rock over there and die)
>With the soldiers gone, Cornelisz and his mutineers go about setting up that kingdom they'd planned. Men are murdered, children enslaved and women put into harems.
>Meanwhile, over at the island, the soldiers found fresh water. Wondering why they're getting no response for all the smoke signals they're sending out
>Survivors from the other island start trickling in, telling them that their island has gone full lord of the flies
>War between the islands break out. Cornelisz wants that fresh water aswel as to deal with the band of armed witnesses sitting smugly on top of it.
>Cornelisz leads a party by himself to negotiate the soldiers' surrender, gets captured instead
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>War continues between the soldiers and the rest of Cornelisz' mutineers for a couple weeks
>As the mutineers prepare another attack, sails appear in the distance
>It's the fucking captain come back with a rescue party
>Mutineers and soldiers race for the ship
>Soldiers get there first, spill the beans on the other group's bullshit.
>All mutineers trialed on the spot. Most are sentenced to hanging, two are marooned on the Australian mainland. Becoming Australia's very first permanent European settlers.
>Scholar Anon, have you heard of the incident of the Dutch ship "Batavia" in Australia?
Now I have! What a fascinating rabbit hole to go down into.

I found a translation of the ship captain’s report online. It is naturally a bit self-serving: https://museum.wa.gov.au/maritime-archaeology-db/sites/default/files/no._136_pelsaertjournal.pdf

I have skimmed a bit through the report. I was mostly interested in the fate of poor 27yo Lucretia Jansz. The woman who was first assaulted on the ship. I’m not sure if she was actually raped here already, but she was hung up in bondage and her whole body smeared with shit. On the island she became one of the personal slaves of the mutineer leader Jeronimus.

Her wikipedia article (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucretia_Jans) claims that other survivors had accused her of having been in cahoots with the mutineers, and that she might or might not have been questiond unter torture about it lol. But that part is only sourced with an itself unsourced summary from a historians’ symposium.
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Supposedly Russell Crowe was involved in plans to make a movie of the "Batavia" saga, but since nothing came from them, most likely the plan was scrapped due to how central rape would be to the plot.

Unless if they wanted to conveniently censor all the women out.
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Lucretia not only was widely documented to be the most attractive of the women on board the "Batavia", but she was also one of the wealthiest passengers. While they took turns "dirtying" her body from the inside, the sailors likely smeared their excrement all over her to also symbolically "dirty" her otherwise high-born and flawless body itself.

Imagine being a 17th century horny sex-starved sailor who normally could only sate their young virile lusts with other male sailors or plain (at best) disease-ridden prostitutes. The literal Rape of Lucretia was a once in a lifetime chance to demonstrate their manhood on what would be termed a haughty Stacy today.

Here is an excerpt from "Batavia's Graveyard" by Mike Dash. Feel free to add it to the Reader.
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what's with the talk about irl rape in history? i don't like irl stuff
id rather have a cartoon man rape a cartoon woman
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Because real history can make some of the hottest self-insert fantasies.

Here's another enticing "instant loss" sequence from "The Grand Duke" comic by Romain Hugault.
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The German protagonist is a moral fag but that's probably why the artist and writer were able to get away with depicting a war rape.
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Are any Anons able to edit some drying cum oozing out of the fallen Soviet heroines?

While the artist avoided depicting the pilots being "pumped for info" as in "The Hills Have Eyes", a great detail are the women's torn and discarded jumpsuits in the background of the war.
Love it, thanks anon!
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This, right here, is why I fucking love this board. I don't come here to be a good boy and pretend that I don't have desires or wishes to commit sexual assault IRL. I come here to indulge in my kinks in a way where I can drop the pretense and admit to wanting to rape her outside of a fantasy context.


Speaking of Magnolia, I don't think my desire to rape her has quelled. Not just the character, but the real life artist herself, who is a domme. But since I lack the means to pay her a surprise visit at night for some VERY one-sided lovemaking that ends with me ejaculating inside her (and me blackmailing her into keeping quiet for future "surprise dates" with her biggest fan) and her throat getting hurt from all the screaming she tries to do through her gag, the most I can do is commission art of the character that's the closest approximation of what she must look like. Fuck, do I wish I could experience the tightness her domme pussy has to offer.

Maybe I could write fanfics detailing what I'd love to do to Magnolia herself, how I'd stalk her, and how I'd finally get my hands on her.

Fuck I'm getting so horny thinking about a creepy fan breaking into her house and raping her
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Whoa! Thanks for sharing this anon. Another hot "Instant loss" scene from a non porn comic. A really good one I'd say too since the build up prior to the reveal makes it hotter. The story and context of it adds spice to their eventual fate or outcome with the historical aspect also playing a part. Basically a long but plot driven "Instant loss" moment. I also find it somewhat amusing is that while rape was common in the war I didn't expect it was the Russians who are in the receiving end of it this time lol.

I assume this is the last we saw of these two? I wonder what happens to them later in the story? Also I'll add this to my notable and hot examples of "Instant loss" in a non porn western comic along with "The Hills of Eyes" one too. Coincidentally both featured two female soldiers as well hehe!

>While the artist avoided depicting the pilots being "pumped for info" as in "The Hills Have Eyes", a great detail are the women's torn and discarded jumpsuits in the background of the war.

I found that detail to be really hot as well and adding those little things are what makes these things kinkier for me. Shame we didn't have something similar with two characters in "The Hills of Eyes" comic. As I love to imagine seeing their discarded helmets and torn uniforms or better a couple of mutants brandishing their M16/M4 rifles to pair with their live loot or more fitting called war booty.

This further cements my coomer mind/notion that all female soldiers are made for instant loss. In the same vein of "Made for BBC/BWC" posting that's how and what my mind thinks like now. And i have you anons and these glorious threads to thank for that haha.
need aryan nazis raping jew women
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Another scene from the same comic by Romain Hugault.

Again, please excuse the moral faggot protagonist whose presence is required to make the scene presentable in the final product.
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Sure, I suppose Red can tell her owner stories about mythology if he's interested in the topic. Personally, I'm not; I'm just interested in her body
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So you've never ridden a horse nor had sex, got it.
Also, you fags really need to get out more. You could ACTUALLY conquer women if you stopped jerking off to drawings and left your gooncaves. Women like strong guys, this isn't some impossible fantasy you have.
Now that's a bombshell blonde! Look at those Soviet bombs peeking through those bay doors. Those arsenals will knock and rock the men hard if you know what I mean.
You guys obviously and clearly do not care about the history or historical substance of the subject matter. You guys only care about the rape and trivialize it just for cheap and easy masturbating. Seek professional therapy or at the very least drop the insultingly pretentious historical scholar schtick and stick to posting porn already.

But do consider seeking therapy in mind, you obvious porn addict males are not going to find a girlfriend or significant other with your current mentality.
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>I found that detail to be really hot as well and adding those little things are what makes these things kinkier for me. Shame we didn't have something similar with two characters in "The Hills of Eyes" comic. As I love to imagine seeing their discarded helmets and torn uniforms or better a couple of mutants brandishing their M16/M4 rifles to pair with their live loot or more fitting called war booty.
Just fucking around trying to add some detail to this scene, I added a couple helmets I cut and pasted from elsewhere in the comic.
Any comics of a guy succumbing to his lust for a woman and forces himself on her and rapes her?
Absolutely based anon! Stellar work! That edit already improved upon the original money shot so to speak hehe! Since any additional details even minor would make it easier for the reader eyes upon quick glance that these were the soldiers shown previously and instantly recognizing them. This especially benefits anyone without context to the scene if one assumes they ignore Blair's dialogue carefully as nothing visually concrete shows their identities being soldiers as they'd be just mistakenly thought of women they abducted which detracts a lot to the hotness of the entire thing. Again i don't blame the artist for working with what they got and dancing around with a clear censorship but i would imagine and in a humorous and fashionably dark change the one mutant who's cock is down that spitroasted female soldier's throat is also wearing her helmet instead.
Unfortunately some people in here, regardless of how much they claim to be mentally well and can "separate fiction from reality", are truly just sexist misogynists and truly hate women.

The one anon who claims to be married himself at the previous thread probably hates his wife and regularly fights her too. No actual married person would even go to a porn board, not even to vanilla threads.
Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you people? I'm really tempted in supporting the corporations and credit card companies to effectively shadow ban every single not-safe-for-work artist.
>you can't make that in this day and age
>think of muh children and feminists!!!

Nah! I'd say why not go all in, wish and pray yourselves good luck and try making a Hills-have-Eyes type story because it'd legitimately be seen as revolutionary in this age of woke politically correct leftist slop! Imagine how many people would be initially shocked but end up loving it because it is the first truly shocking and edgy (bitch-hating) movie to ever come out after many years. This is made by the same guy who created Nightmare on Elm Street and Scream, milk that name for all its worth marketing-wise. People and /d/egens would LOVE it as a cultural middle-finger to wokeists. Go ahead and make it a culture war thing, people in the right and center would at the very least play and shout out Hills have Eyes or any story or premise like that to own the libs as they get triggered.

It wouldn't sell and not be profitable because its offensive, sexist and not left wing??? Again, sooooooooooooo many /d/egens will pay for it. The /d/egens will make it profitable and can even be a culture war weapon to trigger the libs. How about some optimism guys?
>regardless of how much they claim to be mentally well
I have never claimed such a thing.
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Thanks for your armchair psychology but lets keep things on topic. This is the rape porn thread, go discuss your shitty psychoanalysis attempts at the proper board.
On to the story, imagine the government picking up the first magical girl. After discovering her saving people through videofeed, a squad comes to her home at night and puts a bag in her head. She screams for help and tries to transform but they drug her and kidnap her to a secure government facility.
They spend weeks interrogating her and months breaking her spirit to understand the nature of her magic, her society and reverse engineer it. Government manages to replicate the transformation powers but in order to use them, they have to kidnap girls to turn into mahou shoujo against their will. The process would be invasive as fuck as they have to force the girl to accept the transformation, then further break her spirit to make her compliant instead of going rogue.
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I wish I could make a game or story about this. I think I'll give it a shot.
>regardless of how much they claim to be mentally well and can "separate fiction from reality"
As the fuckhead who calls OSP's Red by her real name and digs up her info for a surprise date, or the guy who commissions porn of real life voice actresses based on his real life desires to rape her, or masturbates to a real life bondage artist getting stalked and raped by creepy and obsessive fans, I will not stand for this slander of how I claim to "separate fiction from reality" or that I claim I'm no misogynist.

It's thanks to Fate that I know about a real event involving a queen Zenobia who got paraded around naked in chains after finally being defeated by her new rightful owner. Even cartoon rape stuff is SO much hotter when it's based on or supplemented by IRL stuff. I love how this historical figure was reduced to fap material for degenerates on such a large scale. This is her legacy now.

Makes me wish Aurelius got added to FGO just so there'd be a massive increase of Zenobia art involving her getting raped.
What a CHAD! Respect to you
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>i would imagine and in a humorous and fashionably dark change the one mutant who's cock is down that spitroasted female soldier's throat is also wearing her helmet instead.
Here you go. Added a few other details as well.
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Ha! Thanks.
I wish more historical figures with sexual slavery as a backstory (or their ultimate fate) got put into FGO so that their legacies get well and truly cemented as fap material for degenerates.
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In the meantime you can enjoy other works like Warcraft where its CANON that Alexstrasza got captured and forced to be bred over and over against her will by the orcs. Forced to produce dragonspawn for them and having her eggs broken if she refused to comply to them which as the Mother of Life, was pure agony.
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What is better? When the girl hates her rape the whole time, or when the girl starts to enjoy it?
I do prefer when she remains defiant and keeps getting humiliated until she's too afraid or broken to resist.
Hates it, body enjoys it, hates that her body enjoys it
What are some nonfurry western porn with misogynistic men raping women?
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Oh my god! It's perfect anon!! Fantastic fucking work right there!! This makes it even better than the original! I'm saving all of these and gathering them in a folder.

I love how you even added one of the girl's rifles there being held by a mutant which I mentioned and what should have been in the first place. Since like that one mutant especially in that pose really fits the scene and adds a slight narrative that while Lt Bishop is bound and gag while pinned against the rocks, he stands guard and making sure his fellow mutants have their turn "interrogating" her as she might slip away or try to run for it. Can't have that while there is a line of eager and excited mutants awaiting their turn to "Thank her for her service" and you even went as far to add dog tags which is an amazing detail!

Heck this plays to my idea/headcanon that she's more feisty and a fighter than they expected so they had to rough her up thus making them strip her clothes off completely as shown in the that shot. Taking their time breaking her in as the rifle is a safety measure to keep Lt Bishop docile and cooperative as is. Meanwhile Jones is either more compliant or already broke as I assume that if she thinks if she played nice and submissive they will let her go. I'm not sure if it's just the colors or art style but it appears to me she still has her shirt on as I can faintly make out a sleeve next to her right shoulder(not the ropes but above them). Which does lead me to think or imagine that being a possible scenario.

Also I find it really amusing that when searching or looking up the comic on google images, Lt Bishop is brought up and is the first suggestion. Just wanted to bring that to anyone's attention as I found it hilarious lol. Clearly the only reason why this comic is famous due to that scene in particular.
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Hot!! Would never know that since I'm not into the franchise nor interested in the story. Having zero knowledge in the lore that's interesting and pretty based of Blizzard to write that in. So this means those hentai and r34 pics/vids of her getting gangbanged and etc are all canon? Hehe that's nice!
> it appears to me she still has her shirt on as I can faintly make out a sleeve next to her right shoulder(not the ropes but above them).
I think both of them have had their uniform tops pulled down around their arms to bind them, rather than using ropes. One of the things that appeals to me so much about this scene is the totally unnecessary level of pornographic detail the artist put into what is basically a punchline to the "pumping them for info" line.
She doesn't look particularly raped.
Cute and content, yes. But not raped.
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>I think both of them have had their uniform tops pulled down around their arms to bind them

Oh yeah! Good eye as I see that might be the case actually upon rechecking it again and looking closely. Since the female soldier with her tits squished against the rocks(Lt Bishop likely) has a similar patch of green fabric around her arms/elbows slightly raised and bulged. Appearing to be the same color and shirt the one female soldier being spitroasted below. This makes more sense now that I think about it as they could hardly contain themselves to begin raping as they'd use what they have by any means assuming they didn't brought any rope or miscellaneous items. Though I can see clearly some wiring or what appears to be rope around her arms but that doesn't mean she and her subordinate has their army shirts still slid down to bind their limbs. I always thought Blair and his group used the same stuff to tie and prop up those dead cops on the crosses on them.

>One of the things that appeals to me so much about this scene is the totally unnecessary level of pornographic detail the artist put into what is basically a punchline to the "pumping them for info" line.

Exactly and such a great line too lol. Totally based of the artist and writer on that part
Hmm? Then why the chains? Safe to assume she's mind broken at that point in the pic.
Could be part of the game. Or she's valuable and the orcs (or whatever they are) don't want their prized pet getting stolen.
Fair point, though still the chains holding her wrist together has me thinking otherwise if not then she would have willingly agreed to become their property and have an elaborate rape roleplay that she instigated.
>she would have willingly agreed to become their property and have an elaborate rape roleplay that she instigated.

That's actually a pretty cool scenario.
I like it.
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Do you think they've got their uniform pants pulled down around their ankles and their boots still on? It's impossible to tell from the drawing, but that makes the most sense to me. Especially if the mutants intend to march them into the mines after the army camp is wiped out, to use them as breeding cows. I have to wonder if any scenes were left out of the graphic novel showing what happened to them. There were a lot of mutant kids in the last scene of the comic, and somebody had to give birth to them...
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>Do you think they've got their uniform pants pulled down around their ankles and their boots still on? It's impossible to tell from the drawing, but that makes the most sense to me.

Judging from the spitroasted female soldier it appears at least in her case that she doesn't have her uniform pants or remnants of it still clinging on. Sadly the shadow and rocks obscures any tell tale signs of boots from both women but for me It's very likely that they still have them on along with their gloves. Since unless one of the mutants have a foot fetish and demands a footjob then I don't see why they'd bother to remove them. Now while I see a possible scenario where they instead go as far to strip and remove all pieces of clothing from them thus making them completely nude and signifying them as their property and robbing them of their identity as individuals and any vestige of their rank or allegiance to the military is in itself really hot as I'm horny just by imagining that lol, I'm inclined to think other wise as basing off my recollection with how "Chameleon" one of the mutants in the second film captured and treated "Missy" one of the national guard soldiers, she had most of her clothes or least some of her gear even as Papa Hades rapes her. Then again who knows how long Lt Bishop and Jones were gangbanged and what they looked like after let alone the state of their clothing or lack off.

>I have to wonder if any scenes were left out of the graphic novel showing what happened to them. There were a lot of mutant kids in the last scene of the comic, and somebody had to give birth to them...

Oh man that's really hot! Gonna be honest as that never crossed my mind as it's safe to bet they had a hand in that hehe! That could answer and show a subtle way of what become off them though it's also possible they had took other women to amass that amount of mutant offspring yet that still doesn't invalid that possibility.

>Pic related from the wiki regarding them.
For me It's so much hotter if she hates it all the way and retains her sanity. As i find mind break overused and boring nowadays as I get hard seeing a girl stare daggers at me and acting defiant especially if she's gagged hearing those muffled screams and moans or better yet my own cock plugging up that mouth as I fondly look into her eyes as she deepthroats my cock.
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Anything produced by Fansadox, Dofantasy, or BDSMartwork (various name of the same publisher).
Oh hey! Wasn't expecting another reply on my reminiscence and thoughts on the Hills have Eyes and it's dedicated fans in this thread. But honestly...

>People and /d/egens would LOVE it as a cultural middle-finger to wokeists. Go ahead and make it a culture war thing, people in the right and center would at the very least play and shout out Hills have Eyes or any story or premise like that to own the libs as they get triggered.

I'm gonna have to tell ya to stop and just leave it as it is. And I'm being as "allied" and friendly here. Offensive and hardcore raunchy nsfw media like the Hills have Eyes are better off staying as obscure niche media that is only remembered or known by fans, film buffs and niche horror nerds. And whether you like it or not, the Hills have Eyes would absolutely NEVER be shown or released in this current day and age. And not only because of woke SJWs, but many normal people who aren't even left-leaning and politically correct would simply not like it because it's story premise of women being kept and breeding sex slaves wouldn't be liked and will likely be hated by everyone else. Including other "men of culture" and allies who're otherwise fellow porn enjoyers and coomers. I'm sorry Hills-have-Eyes fans but some of the scenes judging by the screencaps ya posted just looks gross and disgusting, which is an undeniable disadvantage the hills have eyes has. It's icky yucky 3DPD, whereas the most raunchiest and most batshit hentai and doujins have the benefit of being 2D anime manga art style and looking less disgusting and vile than most Western Porn slop.

And yes I still stand by the statement of the Hills have Eyes being viewed and disrespected and dismissed as a "shitty fetish movie pretending to be a horror film", if it miraculously came out today. Plus, there probably plenty of porn, hentai and porn games in general that may have the same exact story as Hills have Eyes done potentially better.

The /h/ and /d/ porn shit you'd regularly find in the internet may as well render the Hills have Eyes worthless and further irrelevant, even as /d/-levels of porn fap material.

Oh and another HUGE MAJOR thing why the Hills have Eyes would never see the light of day in movie screenings is literally the MeToo movement. Still remember that and the fact that Hollywood itself is already filled with unscrupulous and vile evil rapists and sex pests? Hills have Eyes fans, you really think your rape sex slavery and forced pregnancy fetish movie wouldn't be vilified and seen as disrespected and misanthropic evil film if it were to come out and debut in an era of MeToo or Hollywood being filled with Slaanesh-tier sex cults and rapists who take advantage of vulnerable female and child actors? Do you potentially want your favorite rape and sex slavery fetish film be associated with the IRL evils of Hollywood?

And lastly, Hills have Eyes would've also been further ruined by modern day internet and meme culture. Be it a Morbious meme treatment or YouTube content creators making hours long video essays about how it.might be the most culturally evil and vile thing to be ever made. And of course memesters and shitposters further ruining and bastardizing it.

The Hills have Eyes should best stay and remain niche and obscure for your sakes and everyone else's sanity. And I mean it in the most understanding, nuanced and non moralfag way possible.
It also sucks
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Yes they are, at least before Blizzard was sold off to Activision and they started going full woke. That's why Riot Games has overtaken them.
I like it when the woman is an intellectual, highly educated, who considers herself above such base desires and believes that she has total control of her body. When she gets raped, she is horrified to to find herself becoming wetter than she ever has before. When she orgasms, she squirts for the first time in her life and his disgusted with the noises and moans coming from her body. She never gives in or stops struggling, but her body gives her pleasure she's never felt beofre and she has orgasm after orgasm. In the weeks after it happens, she has unwanted wet dreams where she remembers the rape.
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Studio-Pirrate, Sabudenego, Elleciel.eud, and AdooHay are practically the Four Horsemen of Artistic Rape today.
They also changed something in classic. In classic, theres a half mad Mage who has a woman mind controlled as his slave. Originally, it was hinted at he did some lewd things to her like this - blizzard changed it, making references to that mean soemthing entirely different now.
That's why they say "go woke get broke"
Pre-Activision Blizz didnt shy away from topics. Death, murder, soul destruction, rape, torture - they censored Garrosh, the coolest Warchief ever, from calling Sylvanas a Bitch.
They also built the Night Elves too well. Look at Tyrande. Absolute fuckmeat.
NTA but I'm that guy who's obsessed about the comic specifically and only due to that scene with Lt Bishop and Jones getting "Pumped for Info"

While I find the remake decent and better than the original it's pretty much movie schlock and the rape aspect is only played for edge so I'm just in it for the female soldiers getting the "Spoils of War" treatment as I can't get enough of it.
Agreed, it was a better time. How I miss it
Tyrande is a huge slut and very hot, although its still Alexstrasza to me. Raping her plump body and caressing those soft curves would be ecstasy
Keeping Tyrande as my sexslave and forcing her to birth my heirs would be heaven for me.
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Bet the slut would even enjoy it as you have your way with her and impregnate her whore womb. I wish I got reborn as an orc or a mindflayer to rape women adventurers
Makes me want to be on the team that mindbreaks and brainwashes would-be magical girls into becoming obedient cock-hungry sluts who do as they're told for a dose of vitamin D from Master back home.

https://archive dot ph/jg1F5

Something like this.
is this an actual erotic comic that I can read somewhere or is it just a one-of?
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Not a comic. It's the cover of a sleaze novel. You can download it and other from the same series here.

Agreed, can you imagine kidnapping cute magical girls and drugging them? Having them strapped on a cold metal table at your full mercy and given full autonomy by the government to do as you please to her until she's broken and compliant? And know that you get to do it over and over to any mahou shoujo you encounter?
that aussie-looking mutant who suckled that woman was hot if only it lasted longer
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"War Horrors" was another popular pulp sleaze novel series by Star Distributors in the 1970s. Some complete texts can also be downloaded here:

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Ikr? Though that makes me wonder what do they feed the mutant babies with? I mean they seem to feed them meat but to me it would have been also hot if they kept or made the captive females also breast feed their offspring.

Also worth mentioning I love that scene with a particular mutant with his long tongue as he slides it down the throat of that soldier girl in the sequel. Shame she manages to bite it off though.
what are some rape stories without the pedo or beast bs
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they'd feed their offspring with human breast milk for sure, it just makes sense
>I love that scene with a particular mutant with his long tongue as he slides it down the throat of that soldier girl in the sequel. Shame she manages to bite it off though
That was my favorite part of the whole thing, why do you have to tease me like this director man?
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Dykes getting dicked is so based!
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Holy shit the kristen archives are still a thing?

That shit is older than most of 4chan.
Sauce plz
Raping elves must feel awesome!
I love old sites
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Female humiliation is the best
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In Soviet Commoragh, elves rape you.
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Fucking based

My all-time favorite Rapist POV artpiece. It's exquisite how the artist uses red to highlight the warmth of the defeated warrior's vulva and breasts amidst the cold monochrome of her plight.
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Agreed its a very good picture. Love it when artists enhance what is important on a picture
>How would you adjust to life if you were suddenly thrown into a Patriarchy?
If I'm thrown as a male, pretty good as I'd get to live my normal life and provided I didn't make any enemies out of the dystopian government, I would have no magical girl enforcers thrown my way to murder me.
If I'm a female, I think it would depend on whether I got magical girl powers or not. If I did, the basic norm is to appear as unmagical as possible to avoid their attention and run as far away as I can. If forced into their patriarchy, I will have to reach the upper echelons to carve my own network.
>Would you suck it up (heh) to your male superiors in order to get a leg up over your fellow women? How far would you go?
Degrade and sell them off, I need to survive after all.
>What are the roles of women in a Patriarchy and how far up the ranks can they go?
Women are cattle just like every citizen in the magical girl world. But they are actually more valuable since they can become magical girls and thus subject of control. They are watched more closely than men are, up to biometrics of their menstrual cycles and any signature that may indicate mahou shoujo potential.
>Are women degraded or a prized commodity in the Patriarchy?
They are seen as a prized commodity because they can be made to produce more magical girls.
Hey fellas, I think I'm kinda... Done. I don't really feel anything from whacking it these ays, no matter how titilating the porn is. Its just boring. I'm bored. I think I'm bow out for a while.
Whoa there! What caused you to have morals and principles all of sudden!? What, did you get caught jerking off at anime girls being raped by your parents and they're now telling you to stop it and revoking internet privileges?
I love the idea of humiliating a Queen by having her raped in front of her subjects!
Spoils of War is the most based fetish!
To hell with 'Red'. She's always gonna be Miranda Garfinkle to me, and Miranda Garfinkle is exactly who my quivering dick is craving. What else could adequately convey my sheer unhealthy obsession with her and convey a desire, or even a willingness, to pay her a surprise visit that leads to some deliciously one-sided lovemaking that ends with her crying tears over a failure to fend off the second stalker she's ever attracted?

How could I say no to a fine piece of ass like her?
What is the best hole to rape first? Anus or Pussy?
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Pussy, the shame of already having your ass ripped apart will take away from the pain of getting impregnanted. cause no matter how tight the pussy the ass will be tighter
This anon rapes!
love knights
this one is REALLY GOOD
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I want to mouth rape a girl!
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Humiliating a high ranking female is the hottest shit!
i do not want to get mouth raped by a shapeshifter demon male
That's kinda the point of rape
I miss this artist's gay stuff.
Fionna Campbell from Adventure Time.
Worth a bit of a rape?
I'm glad they stopped
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What do you like about it, anon?
nta, but I'm not so much into humiliating that female as bringing her slut-nature as a breeding sow that craves sex to the fore. It's like the guy in GW who knocked up Dwayna, the leader of the Six Gods; despite being a mortal male, he established his dominance over the mightiest god simply because she was a female, and it is the inherent nature of women to submit to a cock.
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What's there not to like!
exactly, because you cannot rape the willing
Spoils of War has always been the hottest thing.
Especially if you get to humiliate them
raped by the mind-controlled hero, my favorite situation
can we post ao3 fanfiction
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Such a weird mix of women. schoolgirls, brides, nurses, frieza, all accounts makes no sense
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>this isn't some impossible fantasy you have.
What exercises can I do to become above average height and physically tower over women. Women aren't going to feel conquered by a short dude.
More humiliating for her tho.
>conquered by a short dude
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lel there is a 4 minute timer before I can just reply to myself >>8240329 again
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kek sometimes I'm surprised myself what I have saved
fuck the captcha though, I just want to spam some short dudes
good ai
I guess that's enough for now
more leprechauns
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fresh out of the OC drawthread
I think I actually feel worse about my height now.
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lol. which country?
thanks anon
respect our troops
it's a beautiful thing.
great stuff right here


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