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I was saving up for MacBook Pro Max M3, but I heard it’s bad with Maya.
What’s a good laptop for serious 3D software in Maya, Zbrush, Substance Painter, and Blender for the long term?
Why a laptop?
I would like to box model/sculpt and texture them etc at the library since I’m still in college, I don’t wanna restrain myself to my room all day u know?
Well that’s too dang bad because desktop computers are the best in 3D modeling. Laptops require at least the newest hardware possible to run well.
Of course my desktop would be my main, but I would like a laptop where I could still make progress outside of my room
Here’s a better idea, why not use remote control instead. No need to buy expensive tablet or something. Just use phone with mouse and keyboard.
I just picked up a lenovo legion on sale the other day with a 4080. they might still be on sale, i think most laptop manufacturers are trying to clear out inventory right now for the upcoming new models.

it works beautifully for maya and blender. took some actual effort to make blender crash when I tested it out. haven't tried zbrush but I imagine it's great with that too if it can handle the other programs. only downside is it's pretty heavy. not a student, I just take it to and from work, but if you're carrying it around all day I imagine it's pretty annoying.
Anything with a decent gpu
Macs aren't going to cut it for 3d, their marketing mumbo jumbo about superior performance doesn't translate into heavy workload situations
>around 1k
Which one do you specifically have and what workflow do you use it for? I saved up for for a MacBook that costs 5k thinking if it would last for years it would be worth it
What is a laptop that would handle the most out of sculpting in Zbrush , maya, and substance painter? No budget
asus rog strix scar 18
Dont buy anything from Asus, that company is trying to scam people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtCJfx7eU54
all companies do that
Who the fuck do I believe? I want a laptop that I can learn and make 3D models in maya and also sculpt them in Zbrush and texture them at the library for when I’m not home to do those things. I need the most powerful pc for this job so it can last that’s why I have no budget
buy Lenovo Legion Pro 7, /g/ loves lenovo
and check out MSI titan as well, but its very expensive
I’ll try to get that then. What is the best amount of ram to get for it?
Also, What’s a good screen tablet to use btw? I use an iPad Pro a lot and it’s hard to use screenless
why is it hard?
Get the intel version (7i pro) for denoising and video encoding.
Just looked at the website, it only comes with one ram option which is 32gb(16x2). It's fine, vram is more important.
You'll probably want the 4090 model, it has 16gigs of vram, so it will be good for a long time.
Because i don’t have enough control because with my iPad I go into autist mode when I draw and I can’t do that because now my Wacom pro is breaking from giant scratch marks in the center
With my iPad I don’t have that problem
>I don’t wanna restrain myself to my room all day u know?
Would this be better?
>same CPU
>same GPU
not by much
Thank you for the help anon, I will see which one I will get soon since I see it has more memory even though it may or may not be useful
Also, you wouldn’t know by any chance a good screen tablet? Is the oled Wacom movink 13 good? I know oled has burn in so I am skeptical

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