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I remember forever ago seeing The Raid (2011) with hilariously bad translations.


Here's an article on it, but the link to the .SRT for it expired
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>The Raid Redemption 2011 HDRip XviD-playXD.srt


you could have downloaded all of them from the subtitles sites and checked...
You're a saint! Thank you so damn much!

What Sub sites out of curiosity? Every single OpenSubtitles.org English sub was normal translation
i have opensubtitles and subscene dump locally, it was in both


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I have a flight to mexico in a few days but i dont understand Volaris' shitty app. When it says "where are you traveling to" do i put the airport's information or the actual place im going to be staying?

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Can I filter all posts from a flag except for those that contain certain words or have a certain name?
For example, if I want to filter all posts with a Spanish flag except those with the name Franco, how do I do it?
I think you have to use custom CSS for that kind of mixed filtering.
Holy shit this worked perfectly
Thank you so much brother

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Looking for a breakcore or breakcore-adjacent album that had this trollface as well as a bunch of other things on the cover. One song I remember from it has “me pregario” or something in the name and starts with a voice that sounds like Darwin Watterson screaming “WHAT THE FUCK! I’VE HAD IT WITH ALL OF YOU! I’VE HAD IT! I’VE FUCKING HAD IT!”
OP here. Remembered that it’s pregunto, not pregario, looked it up and found it

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Does anyone knows the way to make twitter display 'more tweets' instead of 'discover more' under a tweet post like in pic related?
It's useful to look up more similar arts without needing to follow many accounts on twitter.

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I would like some funny 4chan screenshots
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This one is a personal favorite because I was in the thread.
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I only have /tv/ ones

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i can't reverse, i like manga with dumb retard girls
Looks like Arcueid from Tsukihime (the VN is chuuni Twilight with porn).
ah ok thank you, taht's not really the mood i expected from picture, looks like a bit spooky

what's the best board on 4chan?
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What's the best way, the best site, these days to rip audio directly from youtube? Please
yt-dlp and Jdownloader 2 should both be able to download the audio stream from the video
Thank you Satan

Does anyone have the scans of the official English release of the Aquarion Evol manga since it's OOP?
I found some scans, but nothing official

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So I found all these various websites and articles for raising silk moths but I can't find anywhere that sells their larvae. Am I just looking in the wrong places?
>Am I just looking in the wrong places?
Yeah, that's something you'd find in real life. Look at Google maps for some weird pet stores selling snakes and shit. They aren't where you'll find insects for sale, but if you walk in and start talking they might be able to point you in the general direction
Either they'll be available domestically, or you won't be able to obtain them. No first world country will allow some rando to import/export insects/larva without the proper permits
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Shoot. I saw that you can get silk worm eggs and was hoping getting some silk moths would be similar. They've got such short lifespans and can't really live without people I didn't think it'd be much if an issue.

Being in Indiana though, I'd say it's up in the air what I'll find. We've got super lax laws about owning exotic animals and insects here, but that's a fairly specific insect to be tracking down. If it's such a specialty I've no doubt it's gonna cost a pretty penny for a couple eggs.
Oh wow... looks like I got 14 exotic pet stores around me though so there's a chance somebody will know something. I appreciate the advice. Looks like I'll have some plans for the next couple of days.

same supplier i believe

Found some others, but they only have eggs. You probably should stick with your original plan of going through the exotic pets stores, chances are they might even sell them as food for reptiles and you can buy them on the spot. You should make sure it's legal to ship to your place if you are buying online.

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Does anyone know if there is an archive or /bant/ and /i/?
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Helpful link:

Thanks Apuchad, this exactly what I was looking for.

Games with dream worlds, dreamlike worlds or mental worlds. That's my request. Games like Klonoa, Dreams to Reality or Nights. Can be entire game or a segment or level.
22 replies and 4 images omitted. Click here to view.
Basically the entire Silent Hill franchise.
Yes, there's a section where your brother is watching anime next to you while you're unconscious, and you have to battle a loli from the anime in your dream.
Thanks everyone

Does anyone know what to do with this problem
And, anyone have a free Android app that can replace it? I have the .vce file ready to use, but I just can't find time to use my table PC :(
3 replies and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
i was able to register an account with a temp mail
- https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=tempmail&ia=web

might go against the terms and conditions tho
i don't understand why it wouldn't work with google, maybe you're mistyping it somehow?
Anon. I can't believe it. It worked!.
Thanks a lot.
Now the only issue I have is I need to crack the app, like I have on PC.
Does anyone know how to do this? Or knows a cracked version of the VCE simulator app??
Convert the APK to a .zip and open it up.
I installed it that way but the app crashes everytime a try to open it :/

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Please post anime screenshots (or pictures that look like anime screenshots) featuring a bowl of soup and/or girls trying to kiss a completely uninterested guy.
Pic unrelated

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